, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Apr 3, 2006

Power Back in Capitol Building

"Shortly after noon" today, there was supposedly an "automatic shut off"--a tripping! of the power in the Capitol Building which has since been restored.

The story is that there was a "momentary drop in voltage due to customer operations up the line"...yeah? Sounds squirrelly to me.

The Building was kept evacuated until the cause of the outage could be determined--or a spin could be figured out.

At noon, the rising degree was 13Can27-->the n US Sun's degree, and also the n Sun of George Bush. Also rising was the midpoint between the Moon and Saturn...

Moon/Sat is the 'ambition; strategy' combo...Moon/Sat = Asc:

Acting alone and never in accord with others; one-sidedness. Moon/Sat = Sun: sobering times; feelings of enforced controls; possible separations in relationships.

The Sabian Symbol for "14Can": "A very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast"...SANCTION>

pos: a highly effective enlistment of deeper and hidden elements of life for some momentary end;

neg: lack of purpose and utter chaos in understanding.

Pointing to the Mc--the WHY/Aspiration Point at noon is this T-square:

Mars/Plu = Mc: facing overwhelming force without power(!!); major job maneuver (?).

Wonder what was going on when the lights went out? Congress wasn't in session, and NPR is reporting that hadn't happened in "at least 28 years." (28 years would point a finger at Saturn, now Rx at 4Leo23...hanging out around Bush's n Asc.)

The Building was DARK, people...a weird sight.

Well, if a 'signal' was being sent, it's an interesting chart for more analysis, yet I must motor into the city now.

Will check back on the story and its excuses later and see if there's anything more worth mentioning from the chart!

4.3.06 1:49 pm edt


7 comments: said...

The news media released dis-information regarding the incident saying that another customer "up the line" caused the voltage to drop and an emergency system shut the power off; everyone in the building was then evacuated.

The following short radio program gives the details of this:

>> hear it here <<

Here is a link about the Capitol Power Plant:

capitol power plant wiki

Jude Cowell said...

Hey Thanks! I really appreciate it! Tried to email you but it was returned...the chart for Apr 28, 1904 (Conressional Act creating Power Plant) is very interesting when compared to the "outage" chart.

Thanks again!

jc said...

What sorts of things did you notice when comparing the two charts. Do you think that there could be something going on here, some sort of a staged event to gain access to key parts of the building un-detected?

Jude Cowell said...

There are several links between the charts--like '06 Sun conjunct 1904 Jupiter at "13 Aries": "an unsuccessful bomb explosion"; & many things in the "Outage" chart itself.

That's why I haven't posted on it--there's a plethora--ex: hacking was my 1st thought (Mercury conjunct Uranus in Pisces (the Web, in 9th house of foreign enemies), but also a meeting behind the scenes (conjunct in 12th house) between the Moon (probably a female, but could relate to the Mid-East's crescent Moon), & Mars in duplicitous Gemini. This Moon/Mars "hook-up" is upon Bush's natal Uranus/NN conjunction--a signature for one who's into "unusual political groups of a reforming nature."
Sheesh! There IS so much--perhaps I Should post on it!

Just read more posts on your mystrangemind site about Chomsky, etc--good job...wondering if you've read The August Review at all? It's excellent.

jc said...

haven't read that yet. do you have a link?

Jude Cowell said...'s on my Links List.

And the Center for American Progress has had several good articles recently--wondering if you've seen them? Their news feed is on my blog somewhere--my browser has it at bottom of 1st page.

bongo said...

In this post I'm taking a look at among other things synchronistic power failures in Washington DC.