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Sep 15, 2006

Bush Tames the Lion in the Rose Garden

11:15 am edt White House Bush Press Conference:

Wish I had time to do justice to the chart for this Bush performance, but my car is in the shop and I must hitch a ride in a few minutes. However--

Jupiter 15Sco43 rising as Bush begins his statement with a low, barely controlled voice which rises in aggravation within minutes. Hour-ruler is Jupiter which is the apex planet of the ongoing Saturn/Neptune opposition, with Asc = Saturn/Neptune: feeling confined; feeling out of the group.

Saturn/Neptune = Jupiter: very upset with the ways of the world (that's ok--the world is very upset with Bush's ways, too.)

Mercury (communications) conjunct Mars (aggitated, forceful commmunications) 4Libra+; Moon (the public) is out of bounds--he's trying to tame the lions with this show of strength and displeasure...and his unitary executive privilege wings are in danger of some small clipping.

One more thing for now before I mosey: today's Sun Virgo/Moon Cancer blend is shared natally by Upton Sinclair who asked:

Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

Apparently not. (12:30 am: Clarification...apparently they won't make the great sacrifice--apparently it IS a dream.)

9.15.06 11:50 am

Update 9.16.06 12:12 am: Here are the midpoint pictures for the two t-square formations...

Sun/NN = Pluto: being persuasive; ordering and controlling others; public prominence; exerting influence over the masses: use of compulsion with others.

Saturn/Neptune = ASC (add to the above-listed Sat/Nep = Jupiter): feeling confined; sense of being out of the group.

The above-mentioned Mercury/Mars conjunction puts both planets conjunct two midpoints...

Jup/Mc = Mercury: large-scale ventures; Jup/Mc = Mars: clarity of purpose.


Asc/Mc (ID awareness) = Mercury: thinking about one's place in the world; a frank discussion; Asc/Mc = Mars: individual talents put into action; successful teamwork (with reporters' set-up questions perhaps? He always has a few softballs lobbed for catapultin' purposes); a positive attitude (really? He seemed, as George Stephanopoulos observed immediately afterward, "pugnacious".)

When Bush closed up the bottle of snake oil--11:57 am--the pugnacious Mercury/Mars conjunction were the only planets to change house (still a Jupiter hour)...and the feisty pair joined Sun and Venus in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing for old George.

The Sabian Symbol for their degree (MEJ) of "5 Libra": "A man teaching the true inner knowledge"> AFFINITY...

pos: a genius for understanding and calling out the underlying realizations by which human character comes to know itself at its best;

neg/shadow side: fatuous pride in the self's acumen and subtle or underhanded attempts to dominate everyone.

I'll leave you, Lone Reader, to ascertain which version of the above possibilities His Pugnaciousness showed us--and the world--today. 'Twas not so "subtle" imho.

12:38 am

1:26 am...From the SO'W's Gotta-Get-Some-Sleep Dept: Ramping up its political clout in Washington--guess who?

Roll Call: Google 'eager' to work with Republicans


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