, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sep 26, 2006

Paper Trail, America?

Our elections are an elaborate and costly charade--sign the petition! Pathetic that we must demand honesty from our 'government', isn't it? And yet they want to transport our (alleged) democracy all over the world while simultaneously diverting it at home.

Let America Vote and demand a paper ballot if necessary--use the Hansel and Gretel method because we can't trust these clowns.

9.26.06 11:04 am


1:17 pm: How's your blood pressure today? Feeling sluggish? Visit where they're keeping an eye on Halliburton's politician-buying, lobbying, and influence-peddling.

Here's a link to my new blog Judes Cowell's Art and Then Some where I didn't realize a new blog would be found by Technorati so quickly--thought I was "hiding"!

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