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Oct 7, 2006

Bush, the comma

Ian Welsh at his Agonist Blog writes excellently on Bush's recent use of "just a comma" to describe his Iraq War and how it's part of a code to the religious right for "Never put a period where God has put a comma."

Or, for the unreligious among us, it ain't over till it's over.

Funny thing is, the original phrase came from George Burns' wife, commedienne Gracie Allen, and was adopted by the United Church of Christ in January, 2002. The UCC qualifies as a religious LEFT organization with their "God isn't finished yet" phrase co-opted by Bush speech writers. Funny/odd, isn't it?

The UCC is devoted to fighting for social justice and OPPOSES the Iraq War, so although part of Bush's "dog whistle politics" as Ian Welsh has called Bush's shout-outs to his religious right supporters, it has been something of a task this week for Bush counselor, Dan Bartlett, to defend the phrase as "a historical analysis--that these brief periods seem long and protracted now, but when you look back at them in history, they won't seem that way. He's not discounting the loss of life or the sacrifice people are making."

Seems your son's, daughter's, or spouse's deaths are just part of a very very long game for world domination. Get some global perspective, saith George, it's all good.

Noble effort, I suppose, for Mr. Bartlett, but it's a ridiculous explanation--the idea that George Bush gives a flying crap about what others have sacrificed might have been better shown by not rushing our troops into an ill-begotten war in the first place.

And, btw, neither Bush, Bartlett, nor I will be around to appreciate all the death and destruction visited upon the world by the Bush regime as a comma, a period, or a footnote. In fact, the people most closely affected by Bush's "comma" are already maimed or dead--or on their way out on a sandstorm patrol as Bush enjoys his weekend.

AND: as I've posted here and elsewhere--as have others since the neocon regime began--al-Qaeda wants Bush's "stay the course" directive to continue for their benefit as evidenced by a recently translated letter to their minions in Iraq.

Al-Q must've celebrated wildly when these jingoists couped the White House predicting what the arrogant response would be to their provocations. They set the trap to use up America's resources, and Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the 1% Gang stepped right in--with others making the sacrifices and paying the costs--while George and his energy baron friends reap the millions.

Or should I say billions?

George, the comma, is but a blink of God's eye just as we all must be. But is he the apple?

10.7.06 3:21 pm

Sunday 10.8: Hope you'll check out Mr.A.Cat's limerick "Cannibal Cats on the Hill" at Lim's Limericks because this kitten has served our nation well enough to know what he's meowin' about and then some!


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