, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Oct 26, 2006

Fristy advice to GOP hopefuls

Bill Frist says the media hasn't covered the passing of the energy bill last year by Congress which has resulted in "taxcuts and lower gas prices."

Dear Bill, most voters weren't in a high enough bracket to receive your taxcuts other than the measly one Bush used just after he slipped into the White House backdoor the first time. Whom do you think you're talking to?

Frist to GOP hopefuls: Don't Stess Iraq is quite ridiculous...quite a stretch. To the voters who got the taxcuts it isn't news and probably comes under the preaching-to-the-choir category, and is there anyone who doesn't know that there's more in play with lower oil/gas prices than what a rubberstamp Congress enacts?

This latest (president-in-his-own-mind) Frist crowing may fool a few voters, but I hope most people have been paying closer attention to Washington and our do-
little Congress than to be swayed by such a weak argument!

Judging by the polls of our disapproval of Congress, Frist's effort at midterm elections damage control falls far short of the reality of the real world outside the beltway.


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