, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Dec 20, 2006

Platitude deja-vu from Bush 12.21.06

This from

Walk for Change: January 3rd and 4th in Washington DC

Walk the halls of Congress with Gold Star Families for Peace, led by Cindy Sheehan. Let's tell the members of the 110th congress what is expected of them from Day 1: an immediate exit strategy from Iraq.

We will insist that all funding for the war stop immediately and money in the pipeline be spent to rebuild Iraq. We will insist that hearings begin immediately into Bushco's crimes against humanity and the lies he told to the American people. We will demand IMPEACHMENT.

Learn more, sign up, find a ride, find a room:

Sounds like it's stop the money you'll stop the war. Stop the hemorrhaging of America!

And with asteroid Niobe, the grieving mother, now traveling in tandem with Mars, planet of war, you see Cindy Sheehan invading the halls of Congress--halls she owns as well as the rest of us Americans in spite of the besmirching they've received through the years.

Today in the Old Executive Office Building:

Bush spoke this morning (he just finished with a flourish at 10:51 am est) from the Indian Treaty Room of the Old Executive Office Building because of White House Christmas decorations (the show's the thing! Such sensitivity.)

Uttering the same platitudes and not overruling overriding his commanders if they told him more troops to Iraq was a bad idea (so he'll send them, thanks--from whence I know not), he said that what his commanders say is important to me. A little flip-flopping going on, George? Actually, it's all theater, dahling...he and his energy baron pals are doing exceptionally well,'s your musket, America.

(And they're about to corner the switch grass market from the sound of it. Sombody needs to take a switch to 'em. And switch out Bush'n'Cheney while we're at it.)

As deceptive Neptune was rising (10:29/10:30 am) at the A man unmasked degree, Bush was non-answering about Cheney's being called to testify in the Scooter Libby trial. Bush said, no, I read it in the newspaper today--that's an interesting piece of news and that's all I'm going to say about an ongoing investigation.

Read it in the newspaper today? Puh and fie, what a lie.

Are he and his comrade Cheney so out of touch with each other? Perhaps. Is he so casually unconcerned by a White House staffer being on trial? This was not one of his shining thespian moments. m'peops. I doubt anything will come of the trial unless Cheney is forced to incriminate himself--and let's not hold our breaths over that possibility. But we'll see. His testimony may be by tape anyway...another of Neptune's realms.

Iraq Quagmire, oh yes, it is:

So the Joints Chief of Staff say no, George says, go. And what happened to the American people spoke malarky? George now says the November elections were a mandate to find a new direction, not to leave Iraq.

He's playing his usual purposely obtuse self. Latest polls give 17% as the number of Americans who think more troops to Iraq is the answer.

So what's wrong with the SEVENTEEN PERCENT? Have they signed up yet? Here're your muskets, y'all.

Gates at the Gates:

Robert Gates is on the ground in Baghdad during Bush's press conference (propaganda session) as he non-answered questions, with slogans for the Way Forward, and catapulting a message to the Iranian people about their leader:

you can do better than a leader who isolates your country to the detriment of its people.

Well, duh. Takes on to know one, doesn't it?

And to the American people, Bush says, GO SHOPPING! So get your shopping caps on and your credit cards renewed, America and shop-til-you-drop while ignoring George as he keeps us in's all good.


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