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Nov 28, 2007

Winter Solstice Dec 22, 2007

December 22, 2007, 1:07 am est, White House:

Sun and Jupiter fuse together at World Point 00Cap00, in 3rd house of Communications, Pluto nearby--and just after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on Dec 11.

Click to enlarge the image and you'll see the 2006 Solstice chart as well (in green) with my chicken scratch notes squooshed in. It's Jupiter Hours for 2006 and for 2007 which are suitable for expansive, possibly over-inflated Jupiterian things.

Dec 22, 2007:

Chart-ruler Venus 19Sco46 is in 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Values but at what some call the "accursed degree of the accursed sign"...19Sco, a degree which is the neighborhood of two Fixed Stars of mixed-at-best influence:

Serpentis 19Sco: tragedy and misfortune (if your home is foreclosed on, this one's for you.)

North Scale 19Sco22: honor; wealth; distinction; intelligence; good organizer; tragedy; violence; hasty words cause problems; success in sports, religion, war, law, or writing.

Venus also rules the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Insurance, Debt, etc., and is involved by her square with nebulous, undermining Neptune in a FIST of GOD, similar to a strong T-square but with more punch.

And did you know there's lightening on Venus?

Mars 3Can38 Rx is the focal point of this FIST, in 9th house of legalities, foreign travel (and enemies), higher education, philosophy, religion, and such.

This Rx out-of-bounds Mars is conjunct US natal Venus 3Can06--a Venus which is out-of-bounds in the US natal chart as well (July 4, 1776, 'Sibly' chart 5:10 pm lmt, Philadlephia, PA.) Mars to Venus can bring new alliances, joint ventures, and invigorated interactions.

A midpoint picture is formed:

Venus/Neptune = Mars: easy self-delusion; misdirected energy. (Those we've seen lots of in recent years.)

2007 and USA natal chart:

Rising in the Winter Solstice 2007 chart is US natal Saturn and US 10th house which also brings up the US n Sun/Saturn square. Timing can be off with this configuration, and planning must be realistic to succeed. America has had a spotty record on that score, hasn't she?

In fact, the Bush-Cheney regime's lack of realism may be said to be a major part of our current troubles. I would go back to 1999 and the fake presidential campaign of George W. Bush but that's just me.

North Node (the path) is at a critical 29th degree in the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking, a degree associated with destroying ancient lands and monuments (Lynda Hill) and with projecting negative things upon foreigners instead of owning up to your own shadow.

Every Winter Solstice takes the Sun just beyond "30Sag": " The pope blessing the faithful" (the ASC degree in the Jefferson chart for the America, 6:30 pm--MC = "23Lib", conj Spica and Arcurtus) but we'll look again at the Sabian Symbol for "1Cap" using Lynda Hills' 360 Degrees of Wisdom:

"An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe"...assuming authority and the need for it; accepting the consequences for what that "Claim" could lead to; charismatic leadership; consolidating power.

Caution: power tripping and struggles; overinflated views of one's self (in Washington? !); the continued need to quieten power battles; being challenged by those left and right; demanding attention and that others follow orders; taking over; selfishness and ego-drive; too many chiefs.

As Lao-Tzu said, To lead the people, walk behind them.

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