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Jan 27, 2008

articles on Bush adm's disastrous policies

You may be up to the gills with such news but is busy tonight providing us with informative articles and essays worth noting:

An Unstable Marriage

By Jonathan Steele

Defeat in Iraq? The paradox of Baghdad is that a fundamentally anti-western government is umbilically linked to US occupation.

Read Jonathan Steele's article here.


Iraq: The Forever Treaty

By Seattle PI Editorial

With the clock ticking on our "commitments" in Iraq - the international mandate expires in less than a year - the Bush administration is left in an interesting position. It could create a plan for a troop withdrawal; instead, the plan being negotiated with the Iraqi government focuses on reasons to stay there.

Read the rest here.


Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey

Exonerating Neocon Criminals

By Joshua Frank

According to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds there is a vast black market for nukes, and certain U.S. officials have been supplying sensitive nuclear technology information to Turkish and Israeli interests through its conduits.

You gotta read this one.


The Profile of a Third World Country

How Bush Destroyed the Dollar

By Paul Craig Roberts

It is difficult to know where Bush has accomplished the most destruction, the Iraqi economy or the US economy.

Roberts' article helps us figure it out--and they're parasitically linked, aren't they?

Well, I still say all the catastrophic machinations perpetrated from Washington in the last several years have been not blunders so much as ill-managed but purposeful chaos which is trotting along quite nicely, thanks, forked tail and all. Here's its commander-in-thief (shout-out to Thom York who called it early on):

UPDATE Monday 1.28: today I've been surfing the web more than usual after completing the above post on tonight's SOTU address which has quite wumped me out and I re-found a site I had forgotten to put on the SO'W Links List and so had not visited for months: Real Clear Politics where you probably find news links every day. I like the organisation of them and the variety presented.

Then there's David K. Fuller's article 20 Reasons not to vote for Juan McAmnesty which has illuminating info and links concerning John McCain--in case you're on the verge of voting for him please read this first. Thanks, David!

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