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Nov 26, 2008

Capitol Hill vs The People

You may be interested in Romantic Poet's article Democrats planned the financial collapse which covers everything from George Soros and the Cloward-Piven strategy to Rahm Emanuel's 2006 book, The Plan with Nancy Pelosi's Samoan connections basted like a crispy turkey in between.

Her post will make you think!

Yet as both readers of this blog know, I give no hall passes to Dems or Republicans because they're waging us vs them class warfare, the playing field is definitely tilted, and they will *all do what it takes to keep control, power, and obscene amounts of wealth in their own claws.

Why, it's all simply Capitol Hill Theater, Dahlink!


*In the interest of fairness, my usual 1 or 2% exception rule always applies in case a couple of honest Capitol Hillers are not in on the one-world-government agenda and would prefer America to remain America. (I'm being generous, I know, but there it is. You see? Cynicism and generosity can exist side by side. And you thought they couldn't!)


Anonymous said...

I am a fan of your two blogs but I must tell you that I think the article cited is way off the tracks. I agree that the Democratic Party has forsworn its own historic constituency (not for the first time - they were wrong on the Vietnam War, too) but I don't see the Clower-Piven strategy as the modus operandi. They simply sold their souls to the highest bidders - all known laissez-faire capitalists. My memory stretches back to the Andreas run Archer-Daniels-Midland Corporation when they funded both parties in the early 80s. It is the DLC types who took over the Party. Clower-Piven would look like a strong leftist kind of gambit. The DLC is now to the right of Eisenhower. I would also cite the MSM's trumpeting Reagan's 1980 victory as a "landslide" when over 50% of the eligible American electorate did not vote. No, I don't think the end of American progress as we have known it stems from some leftist conspiracy. It's from the right. Laissez-faire capitalism is all over the place and it started to coalesce in the '90s when the Clinton Administration signed the telecommunications bill, and also the end of the fairness doctrine whose death warrant was signed by Reagan in the early 80s. These people are not for doing away with capitalism, per se, nor are they in any way, shape or form for a revolution by the poor. They are interested only in fattening their own wallets and keeping themselves in power.

Jude Cowell said...

Anon, you are close to my thoughts on the issues but I do like to present articles of a different hue sometimes.

As you know, both Rs and Ds are culpable around here and their duplicity's bad effects upon the common good make knowledge of which party was the 'worser' at any given time quite moot for me - it's the old 'have vs have-nots' stratification.

One difference now is that more people are recognizing that THEY are being systematically moved into the 'have-not' cattle-gory no matter how hard or devotedly they've worked or for how long.

Plus, what the labels 'Democrat' and 'Republican' stand for has morphed through the years and will do so again until/unless they drop the protective masks which are employed in part to keep the populace divided and thus conquered...and as you say, the wealth and power in the most grasping of claws.

Or maybe that's just me. ;p

Anyway...Thanks! jude

DD said...

"Cattle-gory" - that's great. You really have a way with words. And I agree, keeping us divided keeps others in the driver's seat.

Associated Press had a photo up yesterday morning, of Black Friday fame, but took it down by noon. It was of two women in a tug-of-war over a 32" LCD HDTV. Literally trying to tear it away from the other. It was so sad a statement - if one wanted to take it that way. It could have been a set-up photo - trying to make that point about us as greedy humans, that being the reason it was taken down. Or the corporation that owned the to-be-unnamed store wanted it taken down - not having given the photographer the right to photograph in their stores.

Am I hard-wired to see the foe instead of the friend? Are we, the people, just fat, dumb and unhappy?
What will it take to jolt us from our stupor and get us to take a look at the guy next door, in the next cubicle or the next state or country and just see a guy, just like us?

I rant, and prove my own point, but I enjoy your portrait of politicians and their roll in our lives.