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Mar 5, 2009

Truth to be probed on Capitol Hill!

In an ironic and hilarious turn of events, political thespians on Capitol Hill are discussing the setting up of a truth commission to probe law-breakers in the Bush-Cheney long as Bush and Cheney are kept safe.

"Truth" commissions, like the Warren Commission set up to obfuscate the assassination of Pres. John F. Kennedy, tend to find only truths they can hide. And Sen. Arlen Spector, of Warren Commission fame, is on the "truth" case again and making sure that Bush won't be harmed by Sen. Patrick Leahy's grandstanding on behalf of truth, the concept.

Wonder what will result from a 'truth probe' in Washington DC? Lots of talking done on our dime, no doubt, with no guarantees that anything of note will actually occur other than the uncovering of legal inconveniences and the smoothing of the populace's ruffled feathers.

Bulldozing the District swamp and starting from scratch might do the trick if you can get the grandfathered-in, wealth-addicted politicians shoveled on down the road to an ordinary life.

Then they might learn to truly appreciate what their sell-out of our nation has meant to and for...


Tango daddy said...

Truth Commission No
Special Prosecutor Yes
Both great I just want to see the truth told. You are so right Arlen is an appeaser time for term limits!

Anonymous said...

I imagine we are being lied to because the lawmakers fear the revelations of just how wealthy they have made themselves on our tax dollars.
On Raw Story, I think, I came across a story that Eliot Spitzer has bought new offices close to the White House. I guess no one wants to get close to someone whose big sin is some kinky sex dreams. No we trust those who can no longer get it up so they will just steal all our money.

Jude Cowell said...

Tango daddy, Arlen's fingerprints are everywhere!

Clymela, you are so on-the-money...they have much to hide, don't they?

i said back when Bush was doing his 'Destroy SS tour' that they were all antsy to hide how they'd plundered SS's coffers for YEARS.

Elliot Spitzer, neighbor of the White House? lol- i did not know that!

Thanks, jude