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Jun 6, 2012

Wisconsin Senate Democrats flip the balance!

This entry is actually an Update to last night's post on Gov. Scott Walker avoiding recall in Wisconsin yesterday. Yes, Walker somehow managed (infusion of big money from out-of-state; robo-calls sent out in Wisconsin yesterday saying that if you signed the recall petition, you don't have to vote!) to stay in office.

However, Wisconsin Democrats have flipped the balance in the state senate and and may now be able to stop the right-wing agenda of Walker and his corporate backers, the Koch Brothers.

Barring bribes, blackmail, and/or threats to their families, we'll see if Wisconsin's senate Dems have what it takes to resist the neocons' plan for America as they continue test driving it in Wisconsin. Sad to say but this is one example of a contagion brought to the collective by Neptune transiting Pisces.

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