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May 4, 2013

Remembering the Kent State Massacre of May 4 1970

Since we're now in the contentious throes of the Cardinal Square between generational planets Uranus the rebel and Pluto the wealth manipulator (uprisings, protests, and strikes until 2015--ancient v new), here is an excerpt from my 2010 post concerning the Kent State Massacre of May 4, 1970 with today the tragic event's 43rd anniversary--I remember watching in on TV and despising Richard Nixon:

"Linking 1970 with 2010 is a major factor: the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto midpoint 00Lib06 sitting atop the US natal chart ('Sibly' version: 5:10 pm LMT) which gives us a telling picture worth considering on May 4, 2010, the Kent State Massacre's 40th anniversary, because Uranus and Pluto are in process of squaring off now."

If you're curious, here's the post which shows the May 4, 1970 horoscope with details.

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