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Showing posts with label AstrologyDoesPolitics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AstrologyDoesPolitics. Show all posts

Apr 27, 2018

DC Horoscope: Scorpio Full Moon Apr 29, 2018

Image: Horoscope of the April 29, 2018 Full Moon @9Sco38 which perfects at 8:58:06 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars @22Cap59 which pre-figures the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2019 (22Cap46). Expansive Jupiter @19Sco29 Rx, which turns Direct @13Sco20 on July 10, 2018, rises with two malevolent stars: Serpentis, aka, Unukalhai (tragedy; misfortune) and North Scale (hasty words cause problems--Mr. Trump!--; tragedy; violence (A. Louis). If you believe the Oval Office tenure of Donald Trump is bringing America tragedy and misfortune, then we're on the same page. If not, we'll see, as Mr. Trump likes to say, for there is more 'swamp-drainage' he and his minions intend to do as the hollowing out of the federal government continues. It's pretty much skeletal now.

Be that as it may or may not be, the April 2018 Full Moon in Scorpio is a snake-y sort of affair embedded with Scorpio issues of surveillance, betrayal, seeking control, lack of self-control, brooding, and with potentials for death and/or regeneration. Scorpio's Mars as chart-ruler makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets (emphasing his degree, sign, and house position) and neither does Pluto which conjoins Mars in the 2nd house of the National Treasury; the pair denotes potentials for brutal force; weaponry; violence; and people disabled in war (Ebertin)--the Veterans administration and its funding perhaps? However, Mars does apply to a sextile aspect with the Ascendant (22Sco18) (the fighting spirit) and thus, if we allow an angle, forms the base of a YOD-like pattern of crisis and/or a crossroad pointing toward to the Full Moon's corporate 8th cusp (in DC) where sits America's natal Mars and Trump's natal Sun, all @22Gemini. Mars-ASC = n Sun: a love of fighting and quarreling; focused will power. As you know, the willful Mr. 'Mars Rising' Trump often shows a natural tendency toward aggression, conflict, and stubborn will.

Now as you see, this Full Moon is the engine leading a Locomotive pattern of ruthless determination toward success and forms a T-Square with the 9th house North Node denoting where new alliances and partnerships may be sought (foreign lands such as North Korea?). However, adaptation is necessary for best results and this picture is supported by the fact that the transit North Node in Leo will soon meet with America's natal North Node (a Nodal Return, every 18.6 years) which also indicates the forming of new alliances, bonds, and a potential for the breaking of weakened relationships (SN).

Basically, in Politics and US society, we should expect further secrets, scandals, and facts to be revealed by the bright spotlight of the April 29, 2018 Full Moon with Scorpionic overtones--with similar uncovering, change of direction, and fulfillment energies as a disruptive 'wild card' Lunar Eclipse would have. This Full Moon degree of Scorpio perfects near Mr. Putin's natal Venus (11Scorpio) and in Mr. Trump's natal chart, the 9Sco38/9Tau38 axis falls within his 3/9 polarity of communications, foreign lands, and significant legal matters. Apparently the Cohen and Mueller problems for Mr. Trump and his alleged relationships to Putin, Russia, money laundering, and sexual affairs (Scorpio) alunder the Collective microscope seemingly figure into the timing and planetary indicators of the April 2018 Full Moon.

And curiously, the Full Moon's Midheaven (MC) @3Vir30 futuristically points toward the degree of the symbolic Progressed (SP) New Moon of Donald Trump (horoscope shown) which perfects on September 16, 2019..."A White Child Playing with Black Children" which in his case, may be only a shout-out to White Supremacists and Klan sentiments he favors and the SP New Moon's new cycle of activity for Trump who now operates in the dark of a Balsamic Moon phase and was nominated and inaugurated under its secretive influence of endings and partings.

Now let's close with two Carelli Degrees for '9Scorpio' (he doesn't round up as with Sabian Symbols) and also for '10Scorpio' along with the Sabian Symbols for both degrees (note that Carelli's Degrees do not always provide a word picture, only an explanation):

Paraphrasing Carelli: '9Scorpio': "A Child in a Tub"...a degree of childishness. An irregular development of mind and character in childhood, an inordinately developed ego, exaggerated reactions (form) a superiority complex; restless, hypercritical, irreverent and ingenuous. Does Carelli mean 'disingenuous' or perhaps 'ingenious'?

Carelli: '10Scorpio': malice ranging from witty joke to coarse treacherousness; a lightening-like presence of mind and intuition; in stupid natives, cunning. In lower beings, a scheming brain, a soul that can exploit to the utmost the sympathy it awakens in others. The greatest faculty of dissembling and surprise, a marked political talent. In contemptible beings, double-dealing. In all cases the character will be close, silent, sphinx-like, and fond of secrecy.

Additional info on Mr. Trump may be found in a previous post Carelli's Degrees: the Natal Mercury of Donald Trump. Warning: it's very descriptive!

Quoting Dane Rudhyar: "'9Scorpio': "A Dentist at Work" (or an investigator? jc); Keynote: Overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings...INVENTIVENESS." (Noted is age 7 when everyone's permanent teeth appear, including Trump's.) He adds that, "...society and civilization, which may indirectly cause tooth decay, then have to invent means to skillfully repair the damage."

'10Scorpio': "A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades" (Russian comrades? jc); "Keynote: The overtones of human relationships based on a community of work or experiences. COMRADESHIP. is emphasized." (He adds that this is a picture of, "a bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity." Well, allegedly so for Putin and Trump, plus, Cohen, Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump Trump. For as my favorite skunk Pepe Le Pew would say, it's so-o-o romantic!

Jan 7, 2018

An Updated Horoscope of the US Presidency

Jan 8, 2018 Update: thanks to Kate Plumb it has come to my attention that the updated horoscope set for 1:00 pm, below, does not reflect an accurate time that George Washington took the Oath of Office so here I post yet another updated horoscope set for the hour the Mount Vernon website Timeline gives for our first presidential Oath--2:00 pm LMT, which gives a natal Horoscope of the US Presidency. Hopefully this will be the final updated chart!

As we would expect, an hour's change results in a few differences between the horoscopes. Exs: the Hour belongs to Jupiter now instead of crusty old Saturn. South Node of the Moon (the tail of the dragon) no longer swipes the MC from the 10th house side for it has crossed the MC into the 9th house. Mercury and Venus are posited now in the 8th house rather than the 9th and the MC is now in Gemini instead of later Taurus and so is ruled by Mercury, chart-ruler of the Ascendant (now 13Vir27, not 1Vir37). This removes the interception of Gemini and Sagittarius across the 4/10 axis. The 3/9 cusps are in Taurus-Scorpio rather than Aries-Libra.

I leave the 1:00 pm chart, below, for comparison's sake, and simply add the updated 2:00 pm chart to the post. Naturally, the festivities in NYC began earlier that morning for it was basically an all-day event which makes the 1:00 pm chart viable. (Follow the link, above to check out the full Timeline). Most of the 1:00 pm chart's details remain the same such as chart-ruler Mercury applying only once, a conjunction with Venus, powerful Pluto in Aquarius leading a Locomotive shape, and the 7 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the event (and the Presidency) is in the 3rd house of Communications rather than the roots-oriented 4th. You may spot other changes as well.

Now here's the 2:00 pm LMT Oath of Office horoscope of the US Presidency which is titled, Inauguration 1789 to distinguish it in my files from the 1:00 pm chart:

Original post begins here:

April 30, 1789 1:00 pm LMT NYC:

A number of years ago I had found '12:45 pm LMT' as the timing of the first inauguration of George Washington (April 30, 1789 Wall Street, NYC) and 'went with it' for setting up a horoscope of the US Presidency. This was the time George Washington and his escorts arrived for the ceremony and the source I had used is no longer with me for it was stored on a pc that crashed years ago.

So today I'm finally getting around to publishing an updated version set for 1:00 pm LMT which is closer to the time the Father of Our Country took the very first Oath of Office on a Masonic Lodge Bible and (nervously) began delivering his Inaugural Address.

Note that in the '12:45 pm' chart, 29Leo arose which received the cosmic blink of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 and which conjoined precisely the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump. Please enlarge to read chart notes for little text concerning the Inauguration Horoscope of 1789 (the Natal Chart of the US Presidency) will be added here today. Yet we should note that President Washington's first natal planet to rise in this chart is Jupiter Rx @8Lib37 followed by his natal Pluto Rx @17Lib41, the natal degree of Donald Trump's 2nd house Jupiter Stationary Direct. (Jupiter-Pluto = plutocrats and large-scale projects.)

Additionally, for those who find value in Secondary Progressions for 'updating' a horoscope concerning its natal promise, the US Presidency is currently laboring within a Balsamic Lunar Phase (the 'dark of the moon' = endings, partings, separations) which, based on the horoscope you see here, began on October 7, 2015 with SP Moon @6Sco41. The US Presidency will experience the symbolic 'new beginnings' of an SP New Moon @25Sag16 on April 11, 2019 which was perhaps cosmically foreshadowed by the December 18, 2017 New Moon @26Sag31, a time of seeding, that was fulfilled by the New Year's Day Full Moon of January 1, 2018 @11Can37--falling as it did between US natal Jupiter (5:56) and Sun (13:19).

And although the natal horoscope of 1789, as you see, shows a Locomotive shape of the 'high-powered executive' demanding success (POTUS!) with out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Pluto as the engine (see chart notes on the 6th house Pluto in Aquarius), the SP New Moon horoscope of April 2019 shows Uranus Rx @9Leo06--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Pluto 10:02--in SP 5th house of Speculation and Gambling--the maverick who now quirkily leads our national Locomotive to and fro for his own and his family's personal gain. And of course, Donald Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his oriental planet which guides his odd behavior via chaos and eccentricity as he disrupts America's traditional leadership roles domestically and across the globe.

Thus the rebellious blend of Uranus with Pluto suggests reforms and a subsequent 'new order' so apparently it is time for one to supplant the 'new world order' which began in 1776 with the rise of America as the New Atlantis. And as you see, the midpoint of the old order vs new order pair of Saturn and Uranus sits atop the Goal Point (MC) of the US Presidency's natal horoscope and forms a midpoint picture that Noel Tyl gives as: break away from the old, and/or, loss of self to the grip of controls - in 1776. Yet nowadays, Mr. Trump continues in his attempts to unravel the US Presidency, the US Constitution, our traditional checks and balances, the typical roles of the three branches of government, the US Justice System, our rights and freedoms, the National Treasury, our foreign alliances, and more. Yes, with Trump, US reliability is tossed out the White House window! And like abusers everywhere, his tactic is an attempt to separate our nation from all who could aid us against his overbearing authority! For the proposed border wall, a money pit, would shut us in more than shut others out.

But as I've noted in a previous post, perhaps we'll know more of what's in store for Mr. Trump and his chaotic leadership style around the time (or up to two weeks prior) that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer in the 2 Old North Series with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'endings and partings' (Brady). For with a majority of Americans and others heartily unimpressed by Trump's 'styling' of the US Presidency, perhaps his 2 Old North PE be the trumpet call of a sad good-bye.

On the cuss'ed topic of Mr. Trump's 2 Old North PE, let's close with this from a previous post:

'{Manifesting} on July 13, 2018 {is} a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series which is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series of quixotic Donald J. Trump, swamp-drainer extraordinaire (not!) His 2 Old North PE occurred on June May 30, 1946 @8Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus which suggest potentials for revolution, resistance, protests, unrest of the people due to his actions and rhetoric, upsets in the nation, a break for freedom, and/or violence.' Will the break for freedom be his own escape from the White House? A gal can dream, can't she?

Related Posts include: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington and Coming Soon! In February 2018 is what I'm calling the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse hitting by degree the US natal Moon.

Dec 31, 2017

Stars Over Washington's Top Ten Posts of 2017

Well, this is a sort of post never published here before! In order of popularity, below is a most-viewed year-end list of SO'W's Top Ten Posts of 2017 for your consideration.

Unsurprisingly, the topic of The Great American Eclipse takes first honors as it does in most year-end polls on news sites and elsewhere:

1. Horoscope: August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Across America

2. Solar Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return

3. May 15, 2018 Uranus Enters Taurus; 2023 Pluto into Aquarius

4. Horoscope: Roy Moore Feb 11, 1947

5. Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season

6. DC Horoscope: February 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses ("with murky cosmic conditions")

7. 2017 Neptune Hits American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces

8. DC Horoscope: The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction January 2020

9. DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017 (Aries Ingress)

10. Horoscope: Donald Trump with VP Mike Pence's natal planets.

Somehow, with all the 2017 SO'W posts concerning Donald Trump, my post on the natal chart of Alabama's losing contender for US Senate, Roy Moore, ranks higher than all but one post (#2) involving Mr. Trump who belatedly championed Judge Roy Moore in Alabama's December 12th race and got his preening political feathers singed to a crisp for his meager robo-call effort and speech delivered from Florida.

Now I don't know about your neighborhood, but around these parts this merits a hearty end-of-year bwa-ha-ha and a bubbly toast to a Happy New Year for Everyone!

You may also wish to check out The Top Trending News Stories for 2017 according to Google.

Dec 10, 2017

The Midpoint Pictures of Winter Solstice 2017

It's December 10, 2017 and Winter Solstice 2017 Approaches!

First, if you wish a gander here's my original post on the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2017 with the chart, as usual, set for our nation's capital.

Second, an astro-note about midpoint pictures: midpoints are the 'average' point in the Zodiac between two planets and/or points that combine the energies of both/all and then synthesizes them into a new, more powerful energy. These points of combined energy can then be activated by transiting planets, progressed planets or points, and so forth. If they are not activated or have no apex planet or point, they may remain dormant for the duration; or, only one potential of the picture may express--or, all of the potentials may express simultaneously or alternately for any given midpoint picture with the third planet or point being the transiting or progressed body. Often when I add midpoint pictures to a post, to cover such cases I'll include that, "any, all, or none may apply." Note that potentials may express positively and negatively at the same time.

The same cautions apply to the following midpoint pictures gleaned from the Winter Solstice 2017 Horoscope set for Washington DC, some of which are paraphrased, some quoted (see sources, below). The list begins with Sun and Moon as apex planets:

Sun-Moon = Pluto: biased attitudes or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development or to separation from others; potential new perspectives in relationships; separation in order to start anew; souls torn by inner conflict; a critical time of development; focusing attention on personal goals; making startling new plans for life enhancement; drastic measures for self-protection; secrecy about the care or concern shown to family.

Mercury-Pluto = Sun (00Cap00): enhanced authority or prestige among people who control important information or news; use of force to locate or obtain information; championing an idea that prevails; the need for recognition; communication skill; a persuasive speaker.

Mercury-Pluto = Saturn: exposure to heavy or bitter attacks; a quarrelsome nature; irritability; skepticism; disappointment when releasing info which should be kept secret; added efficiency to the ruthless pursuit of the sources of data or rumors; unrelenting demands; insistence on point of view; driven by fear of failure; needing control.

Saturn-Neptune = Moon: activities which serve no real purpose and seem to come and go; hesitation about replacing that which no longer functions as intended; a low character; pessimism; depression; illness, chronic or otherwise; emotional drain; feeling inhibited.

Saturn-ASC = Moon: depression due to the environment; difficulty being accepted; ill humor and disagreeable moods; separation from females.

Sun-ASC = Moon: fruitful activity with others.

Moon-Jupiter = Venus: increasing value or monetary resources; harmony; pleasant relations.

Moon-Saturn = Pluto: repressed needs; the threat of loss; feeling isolated; rising in life by force and going one's way alone; the need for self-reliance; separation; delays and barriers to progress cause frustration; eliminating support for family or others; a strong desire to control or channel emotions.

Mars-Pluto = Mercury: desire to realize plans fanatically; using foul or abusive language to bring attention to yourself; techniques which transfer energy from others places; discussions or descriptions of powerful weapons of great destruction; battle noises; excessive nervous irritation.

Sun-Mercury = MC: ego awareness; successful communications; standing by one's convictions and speaking up; clarifying ideas and plans for accomplishing goals; clear communications that increase public status; business people and/or intellectual workers.

Mercury-Saturn = MC: wrapped up in one's own ideas; an urge to philosophize; winning through planning; mind over matter.

Saturn-MC = Venus: dryness in relationships; improvement in the job situation; renunciation; sadness or grief; reserve.

Midpoint Directory sources: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; Solar Arcs, N. Tyl.

A related post: Dec 19, 2017: Saturn Enters Capricorn which is totally a cosmic 'winter picture' if there ever was one. But some of us better get out the heating pad for arthritic knees may be aching!

Oct 16, 2017

Oct 16 2017: Stars Over Washington is 12 years old!

October 16, 2017: Stars Over Washington turns 12 today as its page view count nears two million. As you know, 12 is the age of accountability on the religious plane though this truism may not apply to a Political Astrology blog suffused with its Flower Power author's common good and peacenik sensibilities.

Of course for astrologers, 12 years brings to mind planet Jupiter so naturally I set up SO'W's Jupiter Return horoscope and found that it perfected on September 30, 2017. However, SO'W has never been about money and yours truly, a D.A.R. candidate, has never been on anyone's payroll, political or otherwise, for I'm an equal-opportunity critic of government! Writing this blog of dissent for the sake of America is the very least I can do for my ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died for this country.

As always, readers are welcome to disagree with my political views but I'm typing them anyway--usually by using the excellent lens of Astrology to peek at the dark creatures who meddle with our lives as if they have the right!

So never mind Jupiter--today let's consider a few factors in the Solar Return 2017 chart of SO'W instead.

Natal and Solar Return (SR) chart-rulers are the same with Leo rising: the Sun in Libra. Both charts show Sun applying to conjoin jolly Jupiter, one of the societal planets (along with Saturn) that can also represent politicians as well as financiers, donors, corporatists, and gurus of various stripes. As chart-ruler of the SR 2017 chart, the Sun applies to three aspects which denote how things will proceed for the upcoming year (until Oct 16, 2018):

1. Sun sextile Saturn (0A13): a time when those in authority--even government!!--can or do offer advice or aid toward success or at least the opportunity (sextile) to achieve it. Yes, SO'W has been contacted by certain politicians over the years but it's confidential and involves no obvious aid that I can tell!

2. Sun opposite Uranus (3A37): unusual or unexpected actions may be taken and/or SO'W may go off in a new direction. There's really no way to tell with quirky Uranus, planet associated with radical politics and Utopians, and with Astrology and Technology.

3. Sun conjunct Jupiter (8A11): courage and optimism increase along with an expansion of knowledge--which is odd since I can hardly keep up with my book, article, and newsletter reading as it is! Plus, if this were transit Jupiter to natal Sun, indications would suggest that a project begun 12 years ago will end or will be raised to a higher level. Well, I did seriously consider ending SO'W last week but instead renewed its domain for another year--if only because 12 is an even number and 11 isn't!

The last chart factor I want to mention today is the Sun-Chiron pair which denotes one's Quest in life. In the natal horoscope of SO'W, Sun squares Chiron denoting that my Quest in setting up and writing SO'W concerned issues of socio-cultural authority (how true--the Bush-Cheney regime was on my last nerve by October 2005).

Now in the SR 2017 chart, Sun inconjuncts Chiron suggesting that for the next year, SO'W's Quest concerns health, education, and welfare (Nolle), three of the areas now under attack by the GOP, corporate Democrats, and their totem moron, Donald Trump, the insulter-in-chief.

Now if these crippling attacks that harm 99% of the American people don't stretch my nerves to a breaking point and inspire my continued dissent, I'm not certain what ever could.

My warmest thanks to all SO'W readers through the years for their kind Comments and encouraging Shares! America Forever, Jude

Jun 8, 2017

As Russia Investigation Wears On Will Republicans Start to Shy Away from Trump?

June 8, 2017: the following political commentary concerning today's testimony by former (fired) FBI Director James Comey is an excerpt from the Thom Hartmann program:


And here's some Astrology of Mr. Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday June 8th showing a tri-wheel of Donald Trump's natal horoscope (birth time known), a noon natal chart for James Comey in the center, and his testimony's 10:00 am edt horoscope set for June 8, 2017 Capitol Building Washington DC showing transits to both men's natal charts.

In answer to Thom's question: personally I doubt Republicans will willingly shy away from Trump or much else as long as they can force austerity programs upon the American people while finagling more large tax breaks for the wealthy class and playing World Cop (the military arm of corporate oligarchy) across the globe as if that could ever end well.


Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.

Nov 20, 2008

Congress' closed door meeting 3.13.08

Mysterious and rare closed door session of the US Congress; March 13, 2008; Capitol Building, Washington, DC; chart set for 7:30 pm est, time that a sweep for wires and electronic devices of the members began for the evening meeting.

This is the closed door session which you've heard about when C-Span went dark so that a presentation could be given to Congress ostensibly concerning the surveillance bill, but which has also been leaked to have concerned the US economic meltdown set to occur "by September 2008," prepared, secret safe locations for members of Congress and their families when members' heads are demanded by an uprising of the betrayed populace, martial law in the streets, and other such New World Order issues.

As you see marked in red there is a Mystic Rectangle (practical mysticism ) formed with the planets Mars 3Can19, Saturn 3Vir42 Rx (karmic with the same degrees - esp since Saturn is a karmic planet), Pluto 1Cap03 (conj asteroid, Morya), Mercury 28AQ44 (conj US n Moon, the populace), and Venus 1Pis19.

North Node 27AQ28 is also conj US n Moon which negatively has an estrangement from the community flavor (Ebertin.)

A Case of Presto Change-o?

The Mystic Rectangle pattern overhead hints that some incantations and/or rituals may have been involved in this meeting. My guess is that The Brethren were in attendance, with Illumination all around. There was perhaps a prayer uttered, but what entity were they praying to?

Now you notice that Pluto and Venus, who as a pair may represent bankruptcy, are in karmic degrees as well (both 1 degree - of Cap/Pis) and are sextile one another.

Any sextile becomes a YOD pattern (Finger of God...karmic, fated; special task; crisis) when another planet inconjuncts the sextiled planets, so if we imagine the apex point of a YOD with the Venus/Pluto sextile as its base, we get 1Leo+ - and instantly I think of Barack Obama's natal Mercury. Was this secret meeting also to inform whom the secret hand had chosen to be America's next president? Was President-elect Obama in attendance?

Pluto is conj 9/11's Mars, the meeting's Mars is conj 9/11's North Node (NN = meetings, encounters, associations); 9/11's Moon 28Gem05 is also at a bankruptcy degree; 28 and 29 Taurus are considered so as well, and you'll see this marked outside the 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, the Occult, etc...because it is the meeting's Cupido degree.

Cupido has many associations, among them: The Family (personal but also crime syndicates, secret societies) and corporations.

Meanwhile, warring activist Mars 3Can19 is conjunct US natal Venu$.

Mars to Venus is a time when alliances, partnerships, joint ventures, and legal matters are on the menu; willingness to cooperate and participate is enhanced, and interactions are enthusiastic.

Occurring during a Saturn Hour (control; authority) we see that America's natal Saturn 14Lib48, and Neptune 22Vir25 are snugged around the Ascendant with its implications of secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) on the rise - and/or up for discussion since this was a meeting.

And Saturn-Neptune = ASC has a feeling of being confined; and a sense of being out of the group. That's what happened that evening to Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich (and others, I assume) who refused to take part because he said that you give up your conscience if you participate in these rare secret sessions, as he had done early in his career.

I'd say the majority who did succumb to this gaggle checked more than their Blackberries at the door - they checked any conscience they had left. Without the transparency of open sessions in Congress, democracy is left out in the cold. And this is what our "representatives" did while being threatened with their own safety issues because of our predicted reactions to the economic meltdown.

So far, we've been too meek to do anything, but I agree with those who say, don't give them what they want: armed rebellion. They're ready for that, plus, detention centers ('REX84') are prepared for 'insurgents' and are now sprinkled across America. So we must be crazy like foxes instead!

Moon 18Gem12 (the people) in 9th house is out-of-bounds (as is instigator Mars performing unusual feats) so I suspect the OOBS Moon refers to the secrecy of the meeting which left out the American people from knowledge of what "their Congress" was up to.

'18Gem' is the rare Venus Transit degree of June, 2004 which occurred during the G8 Summit on Sea Island, GA. This is the "Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd" degree, and in Astrology, a Venus Transit is a time when unusual associations are formed between those we would not expect.

There are two interesting midpoint pictures in this chart...

Sun/ASC = Pluto: the power play through personal persuasion (object of the meeting?); fated events (they want us to think that all this NWO stuff is fated.)

Moon/Pluto = Sun 23Pis49: special far-reaching plans; tight team effort in relationship; easily excitable people.

A Pisces Sun may indicate veiled leadership.

Outside the above chart in green you see America's natal planets from her 'Sibly' chart (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.)

Asteroid Minerva (keywords: the desire to be accomplished ) is at the conjunction degree of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair that hooked up on Dec 30, 1999. Corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, racism...all the isms love Pluto-Chiron and vice versa.

The secret meeting's Minerva may point to The Owl of Minerva, the journal of the Hegel Society. And you see marked the USA's natal ASC from the Sibly chart 12Sag13. Yes, we hear the eagle loudly crowing now.

In a forward-looking mode, the midpoint of Saturn-Neptune @28Sco18 conjoins the US Inaugural Moon of Jan 20, 2009.

This links the meeting's issues with the upcoming Presidential Inauguration and with we-the-people...will March 2008 surreptiously meet January 2009 in the Oval Office?

Perhaps secret manuscripts and scrolls are hidden but waiting to be read by the initiate come January! My research indicates that US presidents are 'sworn in' on the sly (usually before) being publicly sworn in for all to see.

The meeting's 8th cusp is an important point in the chart especially if you believe that this rare session had something to do with September 2008's financial charade of a 'Bailout Bill' so I've marked 1892's 2 North Solar Eclipse, the Eclipse Series of the Robber Barons, whose key phrase is: ending of a union (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The Sun-Moon midpoint on the evening of March 13, 2008 (6Tau00) is conj this Eclipse degree and the chart's 8th cusp. This area of the zodiac also coincides with Dick Cheney's natal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, the societal planets.

So considering how things are going in the US (and the world) it's easy to see which union is being dissolved by these Robber Baron descendants, their backers, minions, and enablers. They're saving themselves at America's and our big surprise, si?

Plus, although I neglected to make note of it on the chart, guru and moneybags Jupiter is at the NWO degree of '18Cap' from 1993 (Uranus conj Neptune)...key phrase for the Sabian Symbol: POLITICAL POWER.

You can see transiting Nemesis (the unbeatable foe; karmic retribution) 27Cap46 conj US natal Pluto 27:33 in 4th house, the Foundation of the chart and the secret meeting. Pluto must have taken off his invisible helmet so he could rally the congressional troops onto the NWO train - or they would be left behind with the unwashed masses.

The upshot of all the innuendos, rumors, articles, books, blog posts, and intuitions about this secret meeting which the members in attendance were prohibited from divulging details about (House Rule 17 = 'sworn to secrecy') is that the new economic order is being put in place as I type and the North American Union will be the conduit for their consolidation of power and control.

('NAU' is America blended into Canada and Mexico, in case you haven't been keeping up! Snoop around Patrick Wood's The August Review for details.)

One World One Heart?

To this, Putin propagandistically says, nyet! At the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy on Feb 10, 2007, Putin remarked in a speech:

What is a uni-polar world? No matter how we beautify this term, it means one single center of power, one single center of force, and one single master.

Funny Vladi! Guess you've applied for the master's post. But I was unaware that 'the term' had been beautified in the least...from where I sit, it hasn't nor can it be.

Well, there is much more chart info to discuss here but I must do so later on...stay tuned, if you will, as the quindecile between Saturn and Uranus (now opposite, then in a compulsive-obsessive aspect of 165 degrees) continues its 'disruption of governing systems' to the detriment of America's sovereignty and the bankrupting of the populace's peace of mind and purse.