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Showing posts with label Disaster Capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disaster Capitalism. Show all posts

Mar 14, 2024

Haiti: Chaos and Crisis 2024

Transit Saturn 2024 Hits Haiti's Pluto-Moon Opposition

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the commmon good

Currently in Haiti, we find the stressful Saturn-Pluto duo affecting the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis as its leader resigns, cowers in Puerto Rico, and fears of widespread violence overtake the victimized population.

For details, see msn's Violence, Politics, and Hunger in Haiti. As you know, the chaos has simmered since the catastrophic 7.0 earthquake of January 12, 2010 which devastated Haiti and its people, and placed the island's national debt under global scrutiny. See Naomi Klein warns on Haiti disaster capitalism, a vintage post that also contains notes on the founding 1804 Horoscope of Haiti.

A Difficult Astrological Picture of Harsh Events

Now a Moon-Pluto opposition tends to attract violence and crime unless it can be used positively as a deep well of creativity. Yet there are now both positive and negative transits to Haiti's 1804 planets. Consider the following bi-wheel which is based on the February 1, 2024 transit of karmic Saturn, planet of restriction and limitation (ex: starvation, deprivation, fear) hitting Haiti's 1804 Pluto opposing its Virgo Moon, a picture of mental and emotional suffering. The bi-wheel provides an astro-snapshot of that and other planetary contacts ongoing and upcoming; my study notes are messily penned on for the curious reader.

Horoscopes: Haiti January 1, 1804 Gonaives 12:00 pm LMT (inner; Campion #146) and Transit Saturn Conjunct Haiti's Pluto-Moon Opposition February 1, 2024 Gonaives, Haiti:

Naturally, we tend to associate societal "chaos" with disruptive planet Uranus, now in earthy Taurus; shown in the bi-wheel is transit Uranus in Haiti's 2nd house of Money and Possessions aligning to oppose Haiti's 8th house Neptune @25Sco05--the House of Debt and Credit. So currently, Haiti suffers Uranian trouble on the financial Taurus-Scorpio axis of control and manipulation. This stressful transit will be exact three times with the first opposition coming on June 17, 2024, the second on November 20, 2024, and the third in 2025. Uranus opposing Neptune: fraud, illusion, and even masked marauders.

Now I realize that posting this bi-wheel today does absolutely nothing for the good people of Haiti, and so I offer my heartfelt prayers for their safety and for the strength to make it through yet another devastating crisis as larger forces battle one another for governmental, political, and financial control of their country. For like the good people of Ukraine and Gaza, the Haitian people deserve much better than they're getting.

Jan 19, 2010

Naomi Klein warns on Haiti disaster capitalism

Update Jan 19: just published is the horoscope of Haiti's Declaration of Independence, Jan 1, 1804, with a few details. Powerful, manipulative Pluto is now conjunct Haiti's natal Mars/Chiron conjunction and tr Mars Rx is conjunct n SN!

Original post begins here:

Democracy Now has the Jan 13, 2010 interview text and video of author Naomi Klein concerning the Jan 12 earthquake disaster in Haiti and the threat of shock doctrine capitalism to this impoverished and on-its-knees nation.

In a comment on this blog yesterday I mentioned my lack of trust that the US government (and others) are being honest relief-bringers to the people of Haiti. Well, I wasn't searching for the above info but it turned up during a cyber-ramble for Haiti's date of independence.

Slave Uprising Leads to Independence

Haiti's revolutionaries declared independence from France on January 1, 1804, hour unknown, at Gonaives. Our slave owners President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson erred on the side of supporting France and Napoleon in the uprising.

'Erred' is only my modern word, but their historic mistake.

For as we see demonstrated before our eyes each day, rich plutocrats do like to stick together and they'll support or install any dictator who dances to their capitalist tune in order to make everything a one-sided win-win - but only for them.

Feb 16, 2009

Naomi Klein's 'The Shock Doctrine' now a documentary

Naomi Klein's book 'The Shock Doctrine" concerning 'Disaster Capitalism' is being brought to the screen by film makers Michael Winterbottom and Matt Whitecross.

Klein's 2007 book, which details an alternate economic history of the last 30 years, will be updated by this documentary to reflect 2008's economic crisis/meltdown and is now being shown at the Berlin Film Festival in not-quite-completed form.

Naomi Klein believes that the recent banking bailouts amount to "a massive transfer of wealth from public to private hands" which is a demonstrable fact, we know. And we also know where the banks' massive debts have gone - onto the public ledger.

And Voila! Hitler's power-grabbing tactics come round once again!

Yet the documentary doesn't aspire to be a conspiracy theory ode, but a chance for the film's viewers to look at the consequences of the ideas of neo-liberalism's economic guru, Milton Friedman, and make up their minds if they agree with him - or not.

My suspicion is that the long-jobless of the US and the rest of the globe may be inspired to burn Old Miltie in effigy.

What do you think?


Here a SO'W post from July 2008 which relates 2008's economic crisis and banking bailouts with Uranus-Chiron, the 'radical political reformers' duo, and another from Nov 2008 marking the oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint at MC, the Aspirational Point of any horoscope chart, to Inauguration 2009.

You'll find links to several articles in both posts, but the second link contains Ralph Nader's 'Uncle Tom' label for Pres. Barack Obama and what Fox News did with it.

Sep 18, 2008

Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984

Update November 19, 2019: Its link is now dead so I've removed a link that had led to an article by Sam Marcy, explaining the root cause of the Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984.

Reaganites thought that the 'capitalist recovery' would save them if they could hang on until after the election in spite of Middle East adventurism, war in Central America, and other nefarious US dealings in the world.

Democrats were emphasizing the federal deficit and high interest rates - meanwhile 11 million Americans were unemployed with as many more partially unemployed. Sound familiar yet?

Sam Marcy's article was from April 26, 1984 and details David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission as it was warmly greeted by its previous opponent, Ronald Reagan, when they met in Washington DC just before the article was written.

If it were available you cold read how Mr. Marcy refers to the Trilateralists as "this supernationalist body of imperialist politicians, bankers, and industrialists." He goes on, "Never was interest in the state of the economy as high as it is now. Never before were all the lines between Wall Street and Washington so intimately tied together."

Well, they became more intimate, as we know.

And with the upcoming transit of restrictive Saturn to America's natal Neptune in 9th house of Philosophy (the 'grim reality' transit) it popped out on the page when I read Marcy's statement that, "Beneath the aura of optimism, there suddenly comes like a flood of light, the grim reality of the state of the capitalist system. This happened just last week when one of the most powerful investment and banking combines in this country - the 134-year-old Lehman Brothers, Kuhn-Loeb - was forced to sell out to an even larger financial octopus, the mammoth Shearson-American Express."

This sent a "quake through the entire structure of finance capital," says Marcy.

Now it's 24 years later - two Jupiter cycle$ - and the recovery of the 90s now reveals capitalism's instability in the New Millennium as we contemplate Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism which tells the tale even more starkly and from a later perspective, of course.

Now here's the Who Rules the World list which you may have seen before - this version is from Robert Hieronimus' book,
Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, and I shall post it in reverse order with the base first.

These are said to be represented by the 13-step pyramid with the all-seeing eye at apex on the back of a dollar bill:

13. Secret Societies (such as: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons)

12. Communism, Socialism, and all isms (the most visible aspect of the apparatus)

11. Income and Estate Taxes

10. Tax-free Foundations

9. SEATO, NATO and other front alliances

8. Common Market, Atlantic Union

7. United Nations

6. Federal Reserve System and other central banks

5. UN banking complex

4. Council on Foreign Relations

3. Business Advisory Council

2. Bilderbergers

1. Political Zionism

Apex: International Monetary Fund

The Fed flooded the world with money this morning beginning at 3:00 am Eastern Time (when markets open overseas) but last I heard, no one was much impressed.

Update 3.14.10: 2009 was the year of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the inflationary duo of grand schemes and bubbles, with their last hook-up in December 2009 conjunct US natal Moon = little sense of reality; tendency to dream. We've been had, folks.

Excess liquidity is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in so now we're swimming in deeper waters as Republican candidate John McCain hopes the newly proposed "trust" will get him through the November election - similar to the Republican optimism of 1984.

Oct 8, 2007

Milton Friedman's 'free market' legacy

Today I received a link from astrologer Alex D'Atria to Stephen Lendman's article concerning economist Milton Friedman, entitled "Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked which gives an overview of the coups and destruction of nations going on in the world--including 9/11.

You may remember that Nobel Prize winner Friedman died Nov 16, 2006 and was glowingly eulogized in the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere saying that "few people in human history have contributed more to the achievement of human freedom."

That's how globalists propagandize the disasterous and destructive social engineering occurring in the US, Iraq, Haiti, and all over the world.

Gee, thanks, fellas--if this is good, I don't wanna see your idea of bad.


Milton Friedman born in Brooklyn, NY; July 31, 1912: Sun Leo, Moon in late Aquarius or Pisces. His Pre-natal Eclipse Series: 4 North which manifested last on June 10, 2002, Brady's Predictive Astrology gives 4N as:

A difficult Series with restrictions, restraints, inhibitions, and illusions as the hallmarks; events occur which seem to block the individual who is prone to misjudgement of strengths or of the situation; best advice is to wait until passing of Eclipse period before taking action. (April 17, 1912, 27 Aries.)

Sep 23, 2007

The Nation: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism

The Nation has an article from May 5, 2005 which is pertinent in 2007 as the globalists agenda continues to plows down everything and everyone in their path to world domination--and ownership.

From privatization of natural resources (which should benefit local populations, but not with these greedy crime bosses) to the hubris of social and economic engineering, the "rebuilding" after catastrophes and "post-conflicts" (which have yet to happen) aren't what they've been sold to be. As usual, The Nation has excellent articles on the subject. Even I finally got around to subscribing!

And the World Bank has its claws smack dab in the middle of the pie, natch.

Wonder if John Poindexter has made any sure (pre-) bets on these scams?

Think I'll mosey over to The August Review and see if Patrick has anything to say about it.