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Showing posts with label electoral college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electoral college. Show all posts

Jul 20, 2021

Republican McCarthy Announces his Select Committee Picks

Tuesday July 20, 2021: Yesterday House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's picks for the Select Committee hearing detailed as Republicans Jim Banks (IN), Jim "You f-- did this" Jordan (OH), former local sheriff Troy Nehls (TX), Kelly Armstrong (ND), and Rodney Davis (IL). Of these, only Reps Armstrong and Davis voted to certify the Electoral College votes on January 6th as was their duty. (Which doesn't necessarily mean that they weren't all onboard or complicit with the former guy's 1/6 coup attempt.)

As previously noted here on Stars Over Washington, the first hearing of the Select Committee (one of those 'Jim Jordan clown shows'? Banks hopes to deflect as much blame as possible onto the Democrats!) is scheduled for Tuesday July 27th 9:30 am edt. Here's a bi-wheel of the 9:30 am edt hearing for those readers with cosmic concerns. The July 27th chart is snugged around a horoscope of the 1/6 'Trump Mob Attack'.

And with the hearing's Pisces Moon conjunct 1/6's Neptune (a planetary combo I've noticed turning up in various charts relating to the Republican Party in recent years), the hearing may spotlight the difficulty in 'separating fiction from reality' which is a common theme today, as you know, that's often exploited by bad faith politicians and their enablers. 'Delusions about the level of popular support for policies' is another potential of Moon-Neptune and although I personally would ascribe this tendency to the fascist-leaning Republicans and their learless feader, a Moon-Neptune influence is more general than specific and lends an unconscious quality of illusion and delusion to the proceedings, so perhaps some information will rise up from The Collective Unconscious. Yet the duo also can indicate "leadership which heeds the opinions and emotional climate of its constituents" (M. Munkasey) so it will be interesting to see if its dreamy influence shows up on July 27th to vanquish or at least muddy every spotlight on fact and truth that may be cast upon regressive Republican radicals and secessionsists.

Here's one of many Related Posts: January 6, 2021 US Congress: Strong Emotions.

Dec 1, 2020

December 14, 2020: a Solar Eclipse then a VOC Moon

Photograph of The White House: aka, The Prize Trump Can't Give Up!

As you know, on Inauguration Day 2021 the Moon will go void-of-course but even before that, we have another significant day with a VOC Moon: December 14, 2020, the day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse and, unless their schedule changes, the day the Electoral College members will cast their votes for president. Now admittedly, I'm one of the ones who suspect that Trump has a trick up his sleeve as a last-ditch effort to shift the November 2020 Election outcome to his favor. Because if he possibly can, he'll drag things out even longer than he already has - on into January 2021 like the craven, compromised saboteur he is, with no care for our nation and no concern for the American people.

And of course the possibility of yet another Trump Government Shut Down looms before us as well for funds to run the government will 'run out' on December 11th - with a Sun-Mars trine at 1:01 am, and a Moon-Uranus opposition at 8:43 am est.

Meanwhile, if you view the bi-wheel of horoscopes linked above, you'll see December 14's 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 'eclipsing' Trump's Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, planet of authority. A significant cosmic event? I truly hope so.

As for the December 14th VOC Moon (if needed, follow the first link above for a few notes concerning potentials of a VOC Moon), the moment the eclipse ends (11:17 am est), the Moon goes VOC until Luna enters Saturn-ruled Capricorn at 10:35 pm est. (This lunar condition could mean that no one can interfere with the electoral proceedings, much as Trump and his operatives want to - or that results could turn out in a way no one expects.)

So! Moon or no Moon, I intend to send out encouraging vibes to the electors to get their voting business over with before 11:17 am - and to not turn faithless on the American people who are clearly wa-a-a-y over con man Donald Trump: wastrel extraordinaire, serial bankrupt, fraudster with mob ties, and fulltime liar and cheat.

Oct 12, 2020

DC Horoscope: Trump Lunar Return November 2020

DC Horoscope: November 16, 2020 9:00:59 pm est Trump Lunar Return 21Sag12 in Return 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking; Moon rules the chart and applies once--sextile Venus (see lower left); Venus @24Lib28 (in Return 4th house) leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets and is apex of a T-Square pattern: Pluto-ASC = Venus: wielding influence over others bwo an attractive personality (Ebertin).

Trump natals are penned around the outside of the horoscope and highlighted in pink.

Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Moon rounded up to "22Sag" = "A Chinese Laundry" (Jones).

Note that Lunar (aka, Moon) Returns describe ordinary conditions, the emotional temperature, and the tempo of daily life for aproximately one month until the transiting Moon again returns to her natal degree. Trump's next Lunar Return (21Sag12) will perfect in mid-December 2020 slinkily near the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Return @23Sag08 in the turbulent 4 South Saros Series (strong emotions over money and relationships) which will affect Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition conjunct his Nodal axis. Additionally, as you know, December 14th is the day the Electoral College is scheduled cast their votes.

Sep 30, 2019

2020 Electoral College votes on December 14, 2020

Election Day: November 3, 2020 but the Real Deal Is Sealed on December 14th

As it now stands, the 2020 Electors will vote for a new president and vice president or will re-elect the incumbents on December 14, 2020. And as synchronicity would have it, a Total Solar Eclipse perfects @23Sag08 on that very day at 11:16:26 am est so the horoscope below is set for that date, hour, and the Capitol Building Washington DC in lieu of an accurate time and location for the Electoral College vote; please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbled notes:

As you see from the title on the above image, this chart shows the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 which falls within the 4 South Saros Series; however, it is not the PE of Election 2020 (that would be the 4 North in June 2020). Themes of 4 South are on the difficult side: 'strong emotional feelings concerning money and/or relationships; sense of fatedness in relationships or of being caught up in events beyond personal control; a sudden desire to end relationships; emotions may be blocked or checked causing a great deal of frustration; there may be anger or lust, and for best results, rash action should be avoided until issues settle down' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). The last 4 South eclipse occurred in 2002 @11Sag54; the initial eclipse in this series manifested on March 19, 1624 @29Pisces; therefore, for more depth of information the Sagittarian energies of the December 2020 eclipse can be viewed or filtered through a Pisces (Jupiter/Neptune) lens--double Jupiter which suggests the possibility of staged or feigned performances (Munkasey). Personally I tend to call such performances 'politics'.

Now voting planet Mercury @20Sag05 conjuncts South Node (see edit, below) and accompanies the eclipse in 10th house of Goals, Career, and Public Standing, and the Moon-Sun-Mercury trio ropes in Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, as noted. And as you know, a Moon-SN conjunction suggests a person with bad timing who has trouble doing things in the right way, and who tends to alienate others. It reveals a karmic condition due to the past mishandling of wealth, position, and popularity. Trump's opposing Sun-North-Node conjunction helps to uplift the depressive qualities of his 'estranged from mama' Moon-SN but who really knows how often his nibs sobs when he's all alone.

Actually, the planets form a BOWL shape with the 9th house Venus in Scorpio leading the tilt and denoting 'advocacy of a cause' or the 'furtherance of a mission' (Jones). If Venus leading the other planets could signify a lady candidate in Big Business Scorpio, perhaps Senator Elizabeth Warren is suggested.

As for the Electoral College, I can't say how they'll be persuaded to vote but I can say that there's an awful lot of Trump planets linked to this horoscope, some of which are penned around the chart. There's no space to pen on his speculative, overblown Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (5--18 Libra) but it snugs around the 8th cu$p of Corporatism and Debt. Plus, you see the 1st house Neptune @18Pis13 rising yet intercepted which is apex of two midpoint pictures penned on the chart and highlighted in green. Now interceptions are somewhat controversial and some astrologers don't use them at all (using a different house system sometimes removes them all together). But I think of them as indicating karmic conditions and/or something hidden which must be dealt with and in this case, it relates to victim-savior issues (Virgo-Pisces axis) with karmic Neptune strong in its own sign of Pisces and apex planet of multiple T-squares which place much pressure on the nebulous planet of fraud, deception, dissolution, disappointment, loss, glamour, and/or spirituality. Neptune also represents propaganda, the masses and mass media as well and a 1st house Neptune supports the eclipse theme of 'caught up in events beyond personal control' as noted, above. Of course, water, gas, oil, or other liquids or toxins may be involved with large events (exs: storms or floods).

Politically speaking even a very large Blue Wave may be represented by an active Neptune which could hopefully make it more difficult for the Electoral College to vote against the popular candidate as they did in 2016. Of course, much depends on how well Republican cheating tactics work this time around and many things can happen between now (September 30, 2019) and December 14, 2020, even impeachment but I'm not counting my chickens on that score, partially because too many rats would have to scurry into the spotlight if the Trump yacht sank.

Now another negative factor in the horoscope is that social and religious fanaticism is suggested by a midpoint picture conjunct the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma: Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter, ruler of the eclipse bwo Sagittarius. And when a solar eclipse is in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius it's important for best results that energies be focused, not scattered, a search for truth is engaged upon, and motivations are aboveboard. Karmic progress cannot be made if misplaced idealism and/or erroneous beliefs are the guides under the influence of a Sagittarian eclipse (Lineman). These are often the very sorts of things that 'wild card' eclipses tend to uncover whenever society sorely needs a change of direction.

Then as you see, ascending in the chart is Trump's natal Descendant @29AQ (Partnerships) and he's in the midst of a Nodal Return when new alliances tend to form and fortunate contacts may be made. At Midheaven ('MC'; @12Sag22) is what many astrologers use for America's natal Ascendant, and with North Node in 4th house (US natal 7th house), we may expect an emphasis on the Homeland, Domestic Scene, Family Members as Partners, and/or Roots. Real Estate and/or the Mining Industry may also be in focus and opposite, there's potential for someone prominent (10th house) to lose (SN) their social position or career (MC).

And yes, there are several other cosmic links to Trump's natal planets but I have no wish to spotlight all of them because it's making me feel fussy just looking at the chart. Yet mention must be made that the 4 South eclipse perfects quite near Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction so that secrets from his past may be illuminated as eclipses will do (tiresomely, I know, since there have been so many revelations already) via leaks, reporting, investigations, lawsuits, or, as it turns out, whistleblowing.

And of course this is a South Node eclipse so energies tend to drain from conditions and events possibly suggesting the exhaustion we all feel after years of resisting Trump-style destruction and his Geminian duplicity and constant tweeting.

Oct 20, 2019 edit: I neglected to add that Mercury conjunct South Node suggests persons or people who are mentally alone and cannot gain support for their ideas or plans, one who speaks out at the wrong time or in the wrong place, is not listened to, has ideas ahead or behind the times, may have ideas or plans stolen or plagiarized, and/or is able to escape the "pitfalls of popular opinion" (Sakaoian and Acker); positively Mercury-SN may denote an independent person with original ideas.

Yet there's one thing we know for certain for those with ears to hear: that truth will always have its own ring!

Looking ahead here are the Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures. Glancing back to 2016, the Electors voted on December 19th for con artist Donald Trump. Didn't they know he's a gangster? And here's a nostalgic post concerning the cosmic conditions on that December day in 2016 when we were all much younger and sooo naive.

Dec 20, 2016

DC Horoscopes: Dec 2016 New Moon w/ Jan 2017 Full Moon

Image: Dual Horoscopes December 29, 2016 New Moon @7Cap59 and January 12, 2017 Full Moon @22Can27:

The December 2016 New Moon in Capricorn conjoins a difficult fixed star, Facies, one of the 'victim stars' with potentials for: violence, war, death, blindness, detachment, frigidity, leadership ability, perfectionism, earthquakes.

The first lunation of 2017 in January, a Full Moon in Cancer, falls between the Dark-and-Light Twin Stars Castor and Pollux. Both stars suggest creativity, in writing particularly but Castor's potentials also include such things as: sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, mental illness, and murder, while Pollux's potentials are: murder, disgrace, rape, cruelty, success with Astrology or the occult, and danger from large animals, poisons, or...women.

As for Washington DC, on January 6, 2017 the new 115th Congress convenes and puts their official stamp on the December 19, 2016 Electoral College vote for Mr. Trump. You remember December 19th - when the Electoral College failed in its prime mandate to protect the US presidency and the American people from a dangerous demagogue president like loutish Donald the Demagogue? Still, my hopes are for Trump's 'plans' to work for the benefit of all Americans - even though the billionaire class he favors already has a huuuuge running start.

Related: Star Lists.

Dec 8, 2016

Meet the Republican Elector Who Is Refusing to Vote for Trump - interview

When the Electoral College meets December 19, 2016 to decide whether (the unqualified) Mr. Trump is a demagogue and thus unfit to be US president, there is the possibility that 'faithless electors' may intervene and refuse to vote Trump which is precisely why Alexander Hamilton championed the Electoral College method--to deny demagogues the presidency in times when a gullible public is swayed.

Here Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, interviews Christopher Suprun of Texas who penned an op-ed in The New York Times on Monday describing his reasons for turning into a 'Hamilton Elector':

For a few astrological influences on December 19th which will affect the natal planets of Donald Trump, check out the day's Cosmic Conditions, a post for which I have had some Republican push back. Yes, 37 electors changing their votes and refusing Mr. Trump is a long shot but that's all it would take!

Related links:

Why the Electoral College?

Brief astrology notes on John Kasich, mentioned in the Suprun interview as a potential write-in candidate on December 19th.

Dec 2, 2016

Dec 19, 2016: Cosmic Conditions for the Electoral College Decision on a Trump Presidency

As per reader's request (thanks for the inspiration, Rebecca!), the following post concerns the official Electoral College meeting on December 19, 2016, to decide if Donald Trump can indeed take possession of the reins of power in 2017. The planetary indications described below denote certain cosmic influences yet as usual, the motivations of those involved are known only unto themselves and may interfere with the outcome. If this occurs, you'll know that yours truly will fault Pluto in Capricorn so near to tofu planet Mercury taking the shape and mindset of the persuasive, intimidating planet of meddling Plutocrats!

The Electoral College Meets December 19th: For or Against Mr. Trump?

by Jude Cowell

A basic reason that America's Electoral College was founded was in order to prevent dangerous demagogues from grabbing the presidency. So will Donald Trump be cast aside on December 19 (2016) when the electors officially meet to decide who will enter the Oval Office on January 20, 2017? Based on the Astrology of that day I would say that, yes, it is possible that the presidency could be decided in favor of Hillary Clinton (unless a higher authority prefers Trump) although Clinton's higher popular vote count probably carries no weight in their decision.

The Hill lays out the political considerations. But what do the December 19, 2016 planets reveal through my common-good lens?

After studying the day of December 19th in the morning, noon, and later, I find two main planets in transit that relate descriptively to such political considerations: voting/negotiating Mercury station retrograde @15Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) conjunct powerful, wealthy, plutocratic Pluto, and Cap-ruler Saturn @20Sagittarius. Transit Saturn is in process of conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction while opposing his natal Sun-North Node pair which has potential for difficulties of a karmic nature. But putting such a Saturnian 28-to-29-year transit aside, let's consider two things: that voting Mercury is spotlighted via stationing, and by the fact that it will then retrograde which relates to reviewing and reconsidering--and a possible change of mind. On a Mercurial level, this a cosmic picture of the sobering events occurring December 19, 2016! Yet if little Mercury--under the influence of manipulative Pluto--isn't enough to jettison Trump (or to keep him), there's the weighty condition of Saturn.

On December 19th, transit Saturn is the Thales planet for the ongoing conflict-producing Jupiter-Uranus opposition since the conservative law abiding Saturn sextiles Jupiter and trines Uranus. Possibly, this indicates Saturnian people (in authority) coming to the aid of Donald Trump, especially since his natal Sun-Moon opposition is involved. And note that for most of us, Saturn 'hitting' a natal Full Moon can result in difficult circumstances unless we have previously honored Saturn's commands to be accountable, responsible, and mature. Now for me, that does not describe Mr. Trump who seems emotionally immature as many folks have noted. And he's much more of a Jupiterian personality who takes credit where it isn't due, is materialistic, and thinks that cheating is winning even though it's actually stealing. Well, as he never tires of saying, he does love "winning". By trickery? No problem!

So with Saturn sextile Jupiter, opportunity to expand or improve one's professional status is offered though not promised. But the offer is made more interesting because Mr. Trump is in process of his 12-year Jupiter Return which makes the December 19th Jupiter in Libra more personal to him (though transit Jupiter is not on Trump's natal Jupiter degree on that particular day). As for Hillary, her natal Jupiter is @00Sag, the sign through which Saturn has been stomping and this may give her a measure of influence in this cosmic picture although it's more of a Saturn-conjunct-Jupiter vibe of 'giving back some of what was given' since transit Saturn already conjoined her natal Jupiter back in September 2015.

Then with transit Saturn trine Uranus, planet of radical, reactionary politics (such as Republicans tend to practice), we may expect financial and business improvements for those involved--particularly for groups and organizations, thanks to general monetary conditions (and financial titans manipulating US Politics from behind the curtain).

As for the Electoral College itself, another cosmic condition of Saturn applies on December 19th--Saturn is the oriental planet for it rises last before the Sun. Saturn oriental is often present when Politics are involved and shows that things function best in situations where goals are highly defined, perseverance and maturity are warranted, and administrative talent is necessary. Plus, Saturn in Sagittarius describes those who are serious about their moral and ethical standards though self-righteousness may result.

However, the oriental condition of Saturn does tend toward a strong sense of social order and a preference for authoritarianism which relates to political conservatives, or could, if their consciences are voted, be an indicator that a demagogue such as Donald Trump is unfit and unqualified to be president of the United States because if the electors are honest, they know that he does not meet with the Electoral College mandate laid down by our Founding Fathers.

Other Planetary Influences of Note

Additional transits to Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter are worth considering such as his Jupiter Return/s on December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017 with natal Jupiter strongly stationed @17Lib27 in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values (and in a trio with Chiron and Neptune--he's a speculator - and one of Jupiter's roles is the politician). The above described Jupiter-Uranus opposition means that transit Uranus opposes Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter, a time when optimism may be ill-warranted, unstable conditions can prevail, separations may occur, and the results of advancement of professional and economic opportunities are unpredictable. A cautious profile is advised under this erratic Uranian influence, but as we know, Trump has difficulty maintaining such a cautious stance for very long. Yet the Uranus opposition will let up around the time of his second Jupiter-conjunct-Jupiter in April 2017 and will be out-of-orb by August 4, 2017.

Perhaps even more descriptive is transit Pluto square his natal Jupiter with Jupiter-Pluto as the pair of the wheeler-dealer and special achiever, and a Plutocrat indicator as well. This denotes a time when others with more power and influence can choose to squelch or block those with inflated self-importance and unrealistic expectations--those such as the bombastic Mr. Trump. Plus, his father Fred's past Jupiterian business activities could be one reason that Trump's ego and power needs are not politically improved upon at this time though seemingly they have been as of the November election. In other words, the tiresomely ongoing Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square is and has been closely affecting the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump--and his Jupiter wants what all Jupiters want: to grow, improve, better, and expand.

So once again, it will be the true motivations of more powerful Plutocrats (in or acting through the Electoral College) who determine the outcome of the 70-year-old Mr. Trump's final bid for political ascendancy and control. Or, maybe the simple fact that transit Mercury, planet of votes, negotiations, and deals, turns retrograde on Dec 19th and describes an elector, or multiple electors, changing their minds concerning a Trumpian presidency as astrologer Larry Schwimmer recently reminded me!

A related post: DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2017.

Apr 21, 2016

Where US Politics Came From: Crash Course US History #9 - video

Do you wonder why Campaign 2016 is such a hot mess? Are you dreading or perhaps hankering for July to arrive when both political parties will convene at their national conventions in order to nominate their 2016 Republican and Democratic presidential candidates? Need inspiration?

Well, to get in the mood there's a whole bunch of American History stuffed into the following Crash Course video with actors and topics such as Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, political parties, the electoral college, tariffs, women's equality, and more!

And why not check out Crash Course on Facebook.