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Jan 6, 2008

McGovern weighs in on Bush administration

"People who think of government as the institution to entrust with enough power to right all the world's wrongs seem to never consider that they must thereby give it enough power to do wrong to all the world's rights. In fact, they seem NEVER to consider what the founders always thought was obvious: that the 'good guys' will NOT always be in charge!" --Bert Rand

Read this newsletter online at

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq: 1,163,944

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 3,910:

The War in Iraq Costs: $483,439,870,165

See the cost in your community:

Why I Believe Bush Must Go

Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse

By George McGovern

As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president.

Read McGovern's article at Information Clearing House#

Glad Mr. McGovern is weighing in at last, but I doubt the neocons and plutocrats are listening. But I am, are you?

George McGovern, born July 19, 1922, 3:00 am CST, Avon, SD) has recently completed his Uranus Return which happens to those who reach the 84-year milestone. It's a time of possible spiritual awakening if the spiritual has been ignored before--a renewal if already part of the life--and, it seems, of truth-telling. And it's when childhood issues (and perhaps memories) no longer hold sway as they once did. In effect: a letting go.

At 13Pis14 Rx, Mr. McGovern's triple Uranus Return dates are: April 17, 2006; Aug 23, 2006 (Rx); and Feb 7, 2007...Uranus is in 10th house natally.

The ongoing Mars Rx we are experiencing is upon his natal ASC as I type: 27Gem22. And since there are indications in his natal chart of pulmonary concerns, having tr Mars crossing and recrossing his natal ASC (physical body) may be difficult for him.

His Sun/MC midpoint (The Goal = 13Tau35) is conj US Inaugural ASC (noon, DC, Jan 20)...his goal in life was to be inaugurated president.

Yet Sun/Mars = (restrictive) Saturn: defeat in a contest; difficulties or obstacles in the profession.

Well, yes. And Saturn there may indicate his own party blocking his goals--the dastardly Ds! Of course, planetary archetypes must exist inwardly before they express outwardly, so perhaps McGovern had reservations any sane person who thinks of taking the job should. Run FROM the White House would be the better advice.

Here are a few details on McGovern's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus personality blend:

practical idealism; shrewd perceptions; belief in the worth of every individual; capacity for listening to others' needs; dependable; tenacious; artistic; fussy.

Images for Integration:

A family photo album...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape...A flourishing family business. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Sun in Cancer, sign of the family. Tonight I tip my hat toward Mr. McGovern who knows even more political secrets than he's now--finally--letting on, and I hope he enlightens America by spilling Washington's beans.

CIA and Pentagon: Pluto into Pakistan?

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government Jan 6, 2008:

Read the Breaking News at LegitGov

CIA to get broad powers to act inside Pakistan: Report Jan 6, 2008

The administration of President [sic] George W Bush is considering granting the Pentagon and CIA new authority to conduct covert operations in the tribal areas of Pakistan, The New York Times reported on its website late Saturday. Citing unnamed senior administration officials, the newspaper said the plan calls for giving Central Intelligence Agency agents broader powers to strike selected targets inside the country, in some cases using intelligence provided by Pakistani sources.#

Isn't this what Sen. Obama said he would do if/when president in the ABC-Facebook debates of last evening?

These forums were a little closer to being actual debates than we've seen in years which was...refreshing. Some actual testiness showed through, and the pile-ups on Romney by the Rs, and on Clinton by John Edwards and Barack Obama were predictable fodder for the Sunday morning pundits. Once again, Tim Russert and his tv colleagues managed to avoid any real discussion of issues in any meaningful way.

Change is as change does, says Hillary (I paraphrase liberally--accent on does.)

But she can't hide from the fact that she's been part of the establishment for several years now, female though she is. A woman president would be a major change--but not if it's imperialism and corporatism as usual. If selected, she won't be able to hide behind her own skirts (if she has any) for long if that's what's in store for America with a Hillary presidency.

John McCain seems to be preferred by the GOP...Mr. One Hundred Years in Iraq. Well, astrologically he has natal Pluto opposite US n Pluto, and natal Moon conjunct US Pluto. This speaks to his Vietnam experiences and now--to his attachment to US power which includes Pluto's nuclear connection.

This places McCain's ambitious Capricorn Moon at MC in the Inauguration 2009 chart along with US natal Pluto--and his natal NN (path; connections with the public)conjuncts Inaugural Pluto in the 8th house...Scorpio's natural house.

So on Inauguration Day it's tr Pluto 1Cap57 conj McCain's n NN 1Cap28 which links to the attacks of 9/11/01. His powerful connections (Pluto/NN) are also with those whose power-behind-the-throne has been in effect since America was born...US n Pluto is unaspected and works on his own as it suits. Our CIA and other intell agencies were formed in the early days and continue to work outside the realm of the American people's knowledge.

The nature of the beast? Sure. And this beast is a large part of present troubles created by perfidy, betrayal, unreliability, and meddling (to transform--Pluto the catalyst.) Overthrowing elected govenments, installing and propping up dictators, drug-running, assassinations (you know the list)--our unaspected Pluto has perpetrated it all.

And America's Pluto Return in 2021-22 may be the culmination of our nation's long march toward a fall from grace.

As mentioned in a previous post, switching prez Inaugurations from early March to Jan 20 (for one of FDR's installations) has put US natal Pluto at MC
(the Goal, Aspirations, and Objectives Point of the chart) ever since.

The date switch also had the obfuscating effect of removing US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint from MC (8Pis+)--not that anyone was aware of Chiron at that time. But plutocratic oppression and class warfare certainly existed, didn't it?

Now Pluto is going into Pakistan bwo the CIA and Pentagon. History, and the planetary cycles that mirror them, repeat.

Jan 5, 2008

New Moon over New Hampshire 1.8.08

With many of my excellent colleagues writing informative articles on the New Moon in Capricorn on primary day in New Hampshire Jan 8, I will forego adding to the chorus for the most part, yet I shall mention here a few factors, not the least of which is:

Saturn/Pluto = MC: desire to rise from difficult circumstances by applying tenacity and endurance; severity; one-sidedness; self-sacrifice; the martyr; major separation as a last resort; an adept; the magician (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The appearance of Saturn-Pluto may relate as well to the duo's much-publicized opposition during 9/11.

So if you feel inclined, click the chart to enlarge and you'll see some color-coded placements around the outside of the New Moon chart.

Highlighted in Blue are a few pertinent US natal positions (Sibly), in Red you will see Inauguration 2009's Sun and Mercury Rx 00AQ+ conjunct the New Moon's Mercury 00AQ28, 1st house. So Jan 20, 2009 will be actually a Mercury (oration; communication; thinking; young people) Return to this Jan 8 New Moon chart.

In Green and Yellow lurk positions from the New World Order natal chart of Oct 24, 1993...NWO's n Sun at Jan 8's MC; NWO's Uranus-Neptune conjunction (which marks the birth of this devil's spawn) conjunct this New Moon..."18Cap."

The NWO post has Sabian Symbol details for "18Cap" from Dr.Marc Edmund Jones' version of the Symbols.

Meanwhile, details for "18Cap" from Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac seem to apply (although there is no actual word picture for this degree--yet "17Cap" has one: "A dog-headed man"...Sirius?); this description is for the Jan 8 New Moon, and relates to the NWO--they are connected in some way, plus, a New Moon is always the beginning of a new cycle of activity and relates esp to male-female principles and to relationships. Capricorn is the sign of politics, law, and business, as you know.

I shall quote the Carelli entry in whole while recommending his book to you (if one can be found!) for its often historical references with savory European flavor..."18Cap":

"This is hardly a good influence, and little as unfavorable stars concur, it may prove altogether evil. Its redeeming features may be its utter refinement (provided it does not become warped into ostentation or even worse) and that minor gift of the mind--promptness.

The other features, good as they may appear, are all negative. The native will dare public opinion, but without deriving from this eighteenth degree of Capricorn a sufficiently good reason to do so; viz., that independence of thought and character which confers upon a man worthy of the name the right and the duty to rebel against society's idolized fallacies and organized wrongdoing.

Here is no trace of courage, but an aggrieving and cowardly effrontery. There is no independence, rather a peevish tendency to be at cross purposes with one's interlocutors, sheepishly sponsoring the diametrically opposed point of view even if blatantly wrong. A blustering and chicken-hearted liar, erratic and stubborn, he will waste time and money on arbitrage, gambling and racing, shirking work with all possible means.

He may become a croupier or a bookmaker if favorable aspects occur. Should the stars endow the native with political opportunism as well (which does not exclude contrariness in other fields at all), he may prove a perfect agent provacateur or, even better, a regular Vicar of Bray, a champion of that political double-dealing which the Italians practice with such gusto."

Wonder who's taking bets on this race? Ha. Well, American politicians are excellent at double-dealing, too--and invisible-helmeted Pluto is well known as the most secretive agent provacateur of them all!

campaign 2008: is hanky panky on the way?

It's only a matter of time (perhaps mere minutes) before hanky panky is revealed in the 2008 Lim the Spycat's take on scandal kitty 2008 and get thee ready!

And scroll just below to read some interesting readers' observations on campaign machinations and trickeries...see government's cousins and fools.

The trouble with an out-of-bounds Mars

The Earth's orbit as viewed from the Sun is called the ecliptic and when a planet goes beyond 23 degrees 28 minutes in either north or south declination, that planet is said to be outside the boundaries of the ecliptic, or out-of-bounds (oobs.)

In astrological terms, the energies of a planet when oobs tend to act in an exaggerated fashion and its effects may be extraordinarily distorted.

With Mars' archetype as the god of war, an oobs Mars engages in violent events, extreme aggression, and incendiary acts. Then we see such things manifest as world leaders assassinated, arson perpetrated, bombs planted and triggered, and vicious disagreements wherever we turn--and our news sources are filled with them.

And fighting Mars understandably represents military forces--the soldier and the mercenary.

In a natal chart, Mars represents determination and drive, energy,'s desire nature. Natally an oobs Mars indicates unusual drive toward self-expression and self-preservation. Other chart factors such as sign, house placement, and aspect influence an oobs Mars either positively or negatively.

The more negative expression may be a violent or sociopathic temperament, while a positive use of Mars' energies could be someone who becomes a famed explorer, an astronaut, or an Olympic athlete--physical exploits beyond the ordinary.

When I look at "political" or national charts, I consider all the planets as archetypal actors in a play. Mars (a male between 25 to 35 years old, give or take a year; the activist; the instigator or the one who disagrees, etc) has his role to play, while Jupiter (the judge, lawyer, guru, professor, preacher, priest, thespian, rich man, Republican, etc) has his well-rehearsed part in the theatrical performance as well.

Sun in a national chart is the leader, as we know, Mercury is the messenger, scribe, young person, trader, orator, and so on.

An oobs planet in these charts may be considered as not acting in concert with the rest of the chart's energies (performers in the production.)

So when the world finds violent events and actions in the news day after day, we may be fairly certain (even without consulting an astrology chart) that testy, incendiary Mars, the activist, is out-of-bounds and raging beyond control against society once again...and that we are sure to receive something of a break from the pain and horror when crude Mars finally rejoins the panoply of the reasonable universe.

The Power of The Vote

This in from Intrepid Liberal Journal:

Supporting a presidential candidate for me is deeply personal. It’s not simply deciding which candidate I will pull the lever for in the privacy of a voting booth. Rather I approach the decision as an activist and ask myself: after weighing all the virtues and flaws of the declared candidates on whose behalf am I willing to devote my free time?

In my darker moments I’ll ask myself, “Do any of these lying corporatist whores deserve my support? Why bother with any of them?” The ship has long sailed on my days of being a "true believer."

Ultimately, in spite of my disenchantment, I believe in the power of the vote. Even with the sordid history of stolen elections and broken promises, I remain convinced the best way to change the system is through participation in the political process. And the best vehicle for progressive reform is by leveraging the Democratic Party – flawed as it is. Which means I have to finally stop creasing my butt, get off the fence, and choose a candidate.

Read Sitting on the Fence is Creasing My Activist Butt in the Intrepid Liberal Journal.

Jan 4, 2008

government's cousins and fools

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out...without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.

--H.L. Mencken 1880-1956 American journalist, satarist, social critic

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

--Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 British philosopher, historian

Above quotes compliments of Information Clearing House

More cousinship revelations of the mind bending kind:

WaPo is revealing Mike Huckabee as a 9th cousin of George Bush bwo Connecticut grandfathers. So did Bush win Iowa? (see post just below--seems the void-of-course Moon took Hillary to the 'nowhere' of 3rd place!)

And we heard months ago that Barack Obama and Dick Cheney are distantly related. Did Cheney, on some weird level, win Iowa?

Can this, on a mysterious and hidden astrological level, be why last evening's caucus chart had Bush and the Rs all over it? Shall I wig out now or wait for later?

Hold on, Aint Bea, there's more:

Huckabee is also reported to be a 10th cousin once removed of Mitt Romney. Now that's even weirder...a Baptist and a Mormon go into an diner in Iowa, they both order Kool-Aid straight America buyin'?

Jan 3, 2008

Iowa's void-of-course Moon and George Bush

UPDATE 8:57 pm EST: ABC News projecting Huckabee for the Rs, and "preliminary" results for Ds: Obama, Clinton, and Edwards, in that order. Seems kind of early to me, but we'll see if their projections hold out.

Original post here:

You know it's after 8:30 pm, Iowans must be in the throes by now, and the void-of-course Moon at 7:00 pm CST (when the throes began) has me stumped.

I mean, we know that chart-ruler Sun (*13Cap02) is *opposite US natal Sun (and Bush's natal Sun, of course) and it's clear that with 8Leo49 rising at 7:00 pm CST the natal Mercuries of the Republican Party, George Bush (and Gonzo--remember our ill-starred AG?) are rising as well--and not so far from Bush's n ASC "8Leo" ("A bolshevik propagandist") and all that, but how well can things go with a void-of-course Moon which leads to nowhere?

'Sup, Iowa? Can this be a negative for the only woman (Moon) in the bunch?

Will the final results from tonight be a long time comin'? And who's watching Karl Rove and Dick Cheney skulking in the shadows?

Now the 'caucus' Sun does apply to an opportunistic sextile with techno-savvy Uranus in 8th house...and Uranus, the reformer, certainly reminds me of the Bushies. But why is Dubya smeared all over this chart? What is the power cyclist up to?

If we consider Bush's natal conjunction in 1st house of Mercury and Pluto (10Leo35) blended with tonight's 7:00 pm Ascendant, a midpoint picture emerges...

Pluto/ASC = Mercury: exercising influence; lording it over others; intellectual domination.

He does so love being a consequential leader and with a 12th house Sun in Cancer, he's something of a meddling busybody from behind-the-scenes...comes by it naturally...yet he's a master at scuttling out of the way when the buck begins to stop...have you noticed Mr. Crabby doing just that?

Looks to me like a very busy, competitive night for old street-fightin' George and his minions.

*Sun transiting opposite Sun is when one's direction for the year should be reassessed and adjustments made if things aren't on track. If you're not sure of that date for your own chart, count exactly 6 months from your date of birth, give or take a day.

**Sun conjunct asteroid, Siva, the destroyer or creator.

Is Daniel Webster in Iowa tonight?

"...There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow...

Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing."

Daniel Webster, June 1, 1837

Thanks for above quote to: Information Clearing House

Hopefully Daniel may rest easy tonight for Iowans are not of that ilk as they make our First Decisions this evening. Yet "dupes of designing men" has become the definition of politics, that system of organized hatreds.

And on a lighter note, here is a little political cat rhymery in honor of the occasion, with prediction thrown in...compliments of Lim the Cat!

'Iowa' as meowed by Lim the Cat

Jan 2, 2008

Michael Moore on the top Dem candidates

Well, I'm pretty sure the message on Edwards, Obama, and Clinton from Michael Moore is not what has Mike Huckabee on his knees before the Iowa caucus, but how we can be sure?

What's Hucka Boom been asking his Maker anyway? Please let me troll the halls of earthly power while ruling the world, oh Lord?

What is wrong with this (Christian) picture? Didn't our forebears supposedly leave Europe to avoid such things as the double whammy of church + state?

Today I'm looking at the chart for sunrise in Des Moines Thursday: with Pluto still at 29Sag+ and conjunct Nemesis (the unbeatable opponent--also at 29 degr) near Jupiter 3Cap36 and all three in behind-the-scenes 12th house (sunrise 7:46:35 am CST) it seems certain that big doins' are afoot--or ahoof, as I like to think of those darned plutocrats.

Jupiter = the Rs, as you know; Saturn = the Ds.

Saturn 8Vir22 Rx is in 8th house as is the Moon's South Node, a Saturnian point which may indicate a Dem from the past--which could be Hillary-of-the-90s, or John Edwards from his previous prez bid. And their being in 8th house of high finance points to Clinton or to Edwards as well--her for suckling so greedily from the corporate t*t, he for vowing to fight against corporatism with FDR's inherited big stick.

Sunrise in Des Moines, Jan 3, 2008 brings "13Cap" rising, "A fire worshiper" which has an interesting keyword: MAGIC...

pos: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

At MC (Aspirations; Goals) is 7Sco58--with Sigma, keywords: good judgment; moral sanity leading to moderation; self-control; temperance; restraint.

In 10th house of Career is the Moon 17Sco53 (the people; the public) indicating publicity but also fluctuations, and I think that Sigma's keywords and concepts more likely describe the people themselves than this gaggle of say-anything politicians. Unless it's...John Edwards' and his exalt-the-people populist stance.

Yet all that Scorpionic energy at top of the chart connects closely with Hillary Clinton's natal chart...and Moon = a woman. Hmm.

Perhaps John Edwards is sincere about loosening the corporate noose about our government's and our own necks. And if he gets to the White House and tries, he'll have little time for anything else--and may find himself in mortal danger as well.

Both Lincoln and Kennedy were taken out and both had spoken as president about reforming the world banking system, y'know. Now it's 2008 and the world banking system is teeteringly unstable, if you believe their PR. But we know that massive amounts of money are in process of being shifted in a final coup, it is to be feared.

Those Campaign Politics, she said:

Of course, if you've ever read my ravings much you know that I see the whole political rigamarole as theater, dahling--part of the selection process but the actual selection isn't up to the voters in this our one-party system. Campaigns are designed to sustain the illusion of democracy and keep the masses busy and at bay.

Plus, most Americans might agree that campaign rhetoric most often turns out to be hogwashery once the power is attained and the puppeteers make things crytal clear to the new "boss" in the Oval Office--yet, in a semi-fit of dwindling hope, I must agree with the conclusions of Michael Moore in his letter linked above.

So if you haven't read it, I hope you will take a moment to do so.

And now the ruthless, loyal-to-the-cause Sun Cap-Moon Sco Images for Integration for Jan 3, 2008:

A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Sounds like victory for Jupiter-the-General-or-Preacher...the one who's used TV ads most effectively! I watched in amazement last Sunday as Huckabee denied that his tv ad was meant to suggest the Christian CROSS behind him as the camera panned to bring the "bookshelf" more into focus...who does he think he's zoomin'?

"Onward Christian soldiers" indeed. One warmonger was put into the White House in 2000 and evangelicals rejoiced. My heartfelt prayer is that we forego making the same mistake again. Let's make a different one this time.