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Feb 8, 2010

Strong Sunspot activity Feb 8, 2010

Space Weather News for Feb 8, 2010

BIG SUNSPOT: The sudden emergence of big sunspot 1045 over the weekend has caused a sharp uptick in solar activity. The active region has produced three M-class and almost a dozen C-class solar flares since it appeared on Saturday. The strongest blast, an M6-class eruption on Feb 7, may have hurled a coronal mass ejection toward Earth.

High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras in the nights ahead as a result of this activity. Also, ham radio operators are picking up strong solar radio bursts using shortwave receivers.

Sample sounds and images may be found at

SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when the next geomagnetic storm erupts? Sign up for SpaceWeather PHONE.

Feb 7, 2010

Federal Government takes Snow Day Monday Feb 8, 2010

The Federal Government will be closed on Monday due to this weekend's snowstorm.

Wonder if the American people will feel a day's worth of reprieve from the breedy gastards' efforts as Mother Nature tamps them down and prevents them exercising their elite privileges for about 24 hours.


Feb 6, 2010

David Icke video: 'deliberate economic collapse' + Uranus to Aries Point

This is a video of David Icke speaking on the deliberate economic collapse (what I have called an 'engineered' one here and elsewhere so it's clarifying to hear Mr. Icke explaining the goals of the new world order agenda as he discusses the few people who manipulate global strings; they even had Pluto tossed out of our solar system's pantheon of planets - with Science's willing assistance) yet pesky astrologers insist on using Pluto's archetypes for saboteurs, assassins, the obscenely wealthy class, and the kind of secret hand the power elite like to use. Then, if we look closely enough, we see them wearing Pluto's glove of guilt.)

Anyway, Mr. Icke speaks of how narrowing our focus has been part of their machinations as education is dumbed down, more drugs are prescribed every year, and the general population is kept in ignorance of anything that might ruffle feathers and cause we-the-people (and the rest of the world) to plant our scornful eyes upon the villains of the piece...them.

Watch the video, if you please, and do pass it on.

For only by awakening the sleeping giant that is the American populace can a different direction be consciously taken by this nation. And it will take consciousness which is normally not one of the talents of the 'unwashed' masses especially since our ability for critical thinking has been so grievously under attack and weakened for decades by every means at their command: entertainment, drugs, corporate media, subliminal ads and symbols, charade 'debates' and faux 'elections' with 'Rs vs Ds' propaganda to keep us divided, etc, etc. It's a wonder that a majority of the American people can still stand upright at all especially since...

Our immune systems have been under attack for a long time. Ex: the 26 vaccines given to a child by the age of TWO (a massive, prolonged attack in itself with still-forming bodily systems forced to fight invaders, and before they're done, another set of invaders arrives suddenly - a booster shot - this won't hurt a bit! See video.

Then there are prescription drugs, illegal drugs ("War on Drugs" my patootie), food and drink additives - the rotten list is endless and Orwellian to the core.

But Don't Expect Help from the Vatican

Some of the kindest people I've known all through my life have been of the Catholic persuasion, people who did their faith rather than only professing it. But I am staunchly Protestant, if I must choose, so it is always with a feeling of dread that I ever mention the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, the Vatican. You know the ones - those whose predecessors 'dropped' a very inconvenient one of the Ten Commandments (no worship of graven images) and, needing a substitute for the hole thus created in God's Top Ten List, split the Commandment against 'coveting' into two. Nifty, if you can purport to do it. And if people follow you on it,'re in business.

Therefore, when it comes to the subject matter of this post, I'd be remiss not to mention (one more time) the enlightening message from John Paul II on New Year's Day 2004 when he openly called for a new world order (or a 'new economic order' since they're both fat off the same hog; loss of money - or fear of its loss - manipulates the masses into zombiehood along with drugs to keep us hazy. Wake up! A new film version of 'Alice in Wonderland' is coming to entice you into the 'fun' of it even more! She's hard to resist, that Alice.)

So? So the Vatican is behind the current one-world-government movement all the way and all the while...but it's a 'NWO' agenda which is not (as David Icke asserts as well) an inevitable outcome. It's a huge challenge to meet, but meeting and countering it is not impossible.

Here are some prominent Sabian Symbols (aka, word pictures - no astrologese facility required to read them in English) from the natal chart of the NWO where you'll discover a link to the modern-day birth chart of this devil's spawn (NWO = Uranus conj Neptune 1993), or you may wish to speed directly to the shriveled creature's natal chart because it's imperative that we ID our demons and face them squarely.

As I listen to David Icke speak in the video, I am reminded that rebellious Awakener Uranus about to reach *Aries Point (00Ari), a World Point of manifestation, which may, in tandem with the other planetary actors in the Cardinal T-Square (Uranus-Saturn-Pluto) in effect from Spring 2010 into 2014.

And if you use the Sibly version of the US natal chart, you know that Uranus conj AP also conjuncts US natal IC, the Foundation of the chart. We might use this Sag rising chart for America's money issues since it's Jupiter-ruled, and Uranus to IC (4th house of Domestic Scene, Homeland, Housing Market, etc) always brings surprises and upheavals. Circumstances tend to be unstable and unpredictable when Uranus enters 4th house, so I won't try.

Well, maybe just a little, though the news isn't good...

The Cardinal T-Square's Saturn is in US (Sibly) 10th house, a possible indicator of loss of worldly power, prestige, reputation, and career status - loss if Saturn's responsibilities have not been handled with care - they have not; if they had been, it could be a time of consolidation - but if it is, it's the wealthy consolidating against the rest of us. You feel it, don't you?

Pluto in early Capricorn is traversing the US (Sibly) 1st house from whence The Dragon (Pluto) lumbers in the midst of his long opposition to America's natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun line-up in Cancer (3 - 14 Can.)

Yet can it be so symbolically simple that 'The Dragon' represents China in this mystery play? Hmm. Other regions of the globe have had dragons as their symbols for centuries. The Crusaders' St. George myth can tell you all about his victory, the tale of which was brought back to the West by Crusaders who had ravaged the East. And the negative behavior pattern continues.

Well, these are pretty much the things I'm pondering today as more rain falls in Georgia and millions of my fellow Americans huddle underneath a very large snowy blanket of brrr-r-r. Hope you all have the warmth and sustenance you need to safely wait out the thaw.


*Uranus to Aries Point is historically a strong marker for scientific breakthroughs.

Feb 5, 2010

A miffed Pluto changing color

On NPR I heard that a miffed (my word) Pluto has added red to his wardrobe.

Red! How perfect for the god of Hades, he of the invisible helmet, the glove of guilt.

And thanks to master astrologer Donna Cunningham, I now have the above link to pass on to you, Pluto's photo included.

How cool is the Hubble Telescope?

Feb 4, 2010

A new use for Twitter

Did you hear the one about the company CEO who resigned with only a tweet?

This could be the start of something but hopefully no pink slip tweets are on the app drawing board.

Feb 3, 2010

Matt Frei's portrait of Barack Obama and the asteroid BAM

Matt Frei paints a masterly picture of President Barack Obama which you don't want to miss.

Mr. Frei's article leaves out the possibility of secret society memberships and other inconvenient associations and considerations but it does touch on the snake pit that is Chicago politics.

Now I wonder what it takes for a newcomer to break in there?

So how about some totally inconclusive yet mildly interesting Astrology?

Wonder where the personal name asteroids that 'sound like' the name of our current POTUS sojourn upon this very day? The Heliocentric North Node of BAM conjuncts President Obama's natal Mars in Virgo (22Vir35), yet today BAM (2031) traverses 00Tau27 which some have observed to be a degree of violence, aka Hitler's 'trigger degree' 00 - 1 Tau (Adolf's natal Sun position.)

Asteroid Barry (1703) has a Heliocentric NN of approximately 21Can50, where the transiting Dragon's Tail (SN of the Moon) now flops and smacks asteroid Hopi (keywords: ambush; prejudice) in the kisser with a not-so-velvet glove. Today Barry parties away at the ripe old zodiacal degree of 6Ari44 which seems to have little resonance with the President's natal chart, imo. (See his Progressions, if you wish. I'm only here taking a break from artwork for a few moments; not all personal name asteroids link to a particular planet in a chart - we use the ones that do link to a planet or point by zodiacal degree or name.)

Amusingly, there's also Bartok (4132) with its NN (about 22Vir40) lying curiously closer to Mr. Obama'a natal Mars than the previously mentioned NN of BAM. Today Bartok composes himself at 26Gem58 which only opposes Galactic Center 26Sag59 as near as I can tell. Yet having two personal name asteroids whose names loosely relate to yours makes a point that is somehow intrinsic to his identity: Bartok/Barack = BAM/Obama = Mars 22Vir25 which includes his natal Mars' rulerships, aspects, and house position.

This may show that bi-yearly Mars Returns are informative indicators of the President's success with or blockages encountered against his drive and determination (Mars) toward achieving his aims in life though Mars is not his natal chart-ruler (Saturn and co-ruler Uranus with Aquarius rising.) Of course, Mars Returns yeild great info for everyone, but identity, the desire nature, and the veiling of them (US natal Neptune 22Vir25 diffuses his motivations with the masses) are the issue here in the chart of what most people agree is a 'special achiever.'

If an astrologer had the sort of time it would take, she could set up a lifetime of Mr. Obama's Mars Returns (preferably set for his location on the date of each Return) and marvel at the unfolding patterns of activity as he works toward his goals.

Of course, you can do this for your own Mars Returns with similar effect and a resulting wealth of info. Except that you'll be privy to precise dates and locations assuming that your memory serves you accurately.

Well as you see, there's a bit of a pile-up of celestial bodies, mythologies intact, in the 22 - 24 degr range of Tropical Virgo in Mr. Obama's natal chart (Aug 4, 1961.) Besides the ones already mentioned, there is Lion whose name pretty much explains its roaring quality and whose legends include famous lions such as the Nemean, the lion with a thorn in its paw, the Cowardly Lion, the hungry ones in the Lion's Den with Daniel, and any other lionesque legend you wish to name. Royal associations may be implied as well, along with Leo the Lion's 'natural leader' label attached.

Speaking of royal bloodlines, here's a grand idea: President Obama could participate in DNA testing - like Oprah did - to see if he has European ancestry. Mmm-hmm. We're all much more mixed than we like to let on, even to ourselves, and of course, he must have European ancestry on at least one side of his family, and perhaps on both sides - ya never know, for we are each the unique flowering of our generations. Plus, if DNA testing has taken place, share the results with the rest of us becaue inquiring minds want the scoop.

Now for something completely desert

In a dusty desert somewhere in Iran is a beautiful yet mysteriously deserted citadel of red clay by the name of Bam. Why not have yourself a virtual visit?

Feb 2, 2010

Robert Welch: the internal destruction of America (video)

Robert Welch is an interesting character who in his day accused certain US presidents of being Communist agents or in league with them. Welch died in 1985. Wonder what he'd say about our more recent crop? Undermining and destroying America does seem to be on someone's to-do list, doesn't it?

And I have to say it's disturbing to read the above-linked Wiki article and find that Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, was saying similar things about the US government and the conspiratorial take-over that coup'd it by internal operatives of the Illuminati persuasion, as I and many others read and write about today.

Makes the US natal Sibly chart more...interesting...when you see our nation's 10th house Saturn in Libra and 9th house Neptune in Virgo in a loose snuggle around the Sibly Midheaven degree 00Lib53, knowing that secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) is but one of the meanings of the Saturn/Neptune combo, with 'Communism' being one of the others.

The last Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune was 3 times in 1989 in the range of 10 - 12 Capricorn. When transiting Pluto comes in range of those degrees we will have:

1989 Saturn/Neptune = tr Pluto: difficult growth; strong depression; feeling downtrodden; punishment for those who allowed decay and decadence to persist; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people.
(Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Hmm. Pluto must be in range of 1989's Saturn/Neptune already (a 5-degree orb is the usual, I think. The god of Hades draws near.)

However, during America's Communist-denying Truman-to-Eisenhower days there occurred a Great Conjunction of the Communism pair, also 3 times:

1. Nov 21, 1952 @ 22Lib47;
2. May 1, 1953 @ 22Lib39;
3. July 22, 1953 @ 21Lib12

Once transit Saturn moves on to late degrees of Libra, a trine will form between Saturn and Neptune just before Neptune enters Pisces in early Feb 2012. This will be a trine from within the 1989 Saturn/Neptune cycle (10 - 13 Cap which opposes US natal Sun), yet actually, tr Saturn will return to its 1952/53 degrees (as listed above) beginning in Oct 2011.

We may expect more such 1950s themes to resurface as the "red menace' (according to Welch its handmaidens have worked under the surface and behind the scenes for decades), continued Iranian-American issues - the US government propped up the Shah in Tehran under Saturn/Neptune's rays. Also in 1952, Eisenhower became president (by a reputed 'landslide'), the US bombed North Korea and exploded the first hydrogen bomb in the Pacific.

Some events of 1953: Egypt became a dictatorship, Stalin died, and in the US the Rosenbergs were executed for spying; huge floods hit England and the Netherlands, Hillary and Norgay scaled the heights of Mt. Everest a mere 3 days before the *coronation of Elizabeth II; in the US the first open heart surgery was performed, and a woman was impregnated with frozen sperm.

Born in 1953: Tony Blair, Benazir Bhutto, and Jean-Bertrand Aristide (former Haitian president.) My candidate for the 'frozen sperm' affair would be Mr. Blair.

In 1954: what was reputedly the first meeting of the Bilderberg Group was held May 29 - 31, 1954; racial segregation in US schools was ruled unconstitutional; the French government surrenders in Vietnam and falls as a result; the US Senate censures Joseph McCarthy (congressional mummery); the US drops a hydrogen bomb on Hiroshima (with Truman's finger on The Button); the first nuclear submarine is launched to do its dirty work.

Born in 1954: Oprah Winfrey, Reba McIntyre, Elvis Costello, and John Travolta.

Well, thanks for taking a nostalgic stroll down Saturn/Neptune Lane with me. They say 'you can't go home again' but that's moot because somehow, I think America never left the neighborhood and has been living there for many years under an assumed alias: "Democracy."


Many thanks to for supplying the video of Robert Welch.

*the current Solar Eclipse Series (Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01) indicates a ceremony of some kind, perhaps a royal wedding or coronation - and Queen Elizabeth is getting rather long in the tooth. Of course, Nobel Prize ceremonies for US Presidents fulfill the eclipse imperative, too. jc


"There is almost no kind of outrage -- torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians -- which does not change its moral color when it is committed by 'our' side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." George Orwell

Feb 1, 2010

Ron Paul on US 'spendng freeze', Pluto's Discovery, and Obama to the GOP Retreat

Listen to Rep. Ron Paul's remarks on the White House's proposed 'spending freeze' which misses the mark by miles in my estimation, too. But you know Washington: political expediencies tend to lead to bad decisions with 'unintended consequences' that harm we-the-people and which people like me tend to consider intended all along.

Being the Cop of the World (and plutonic spies of the world) is a very expensive undertaking but it does give a big boost to the undertakers of the world while the gun and weapons industries gorge themselves at the public trough - and sell weapons to our enemies to keep the fightin' alive, if not the (expendable) combatants.

And if I had to astrologically date the beginning of the madness for America (and thus for the world), it would probably be the splitting of the atom and the abomination of desolation that my native country brought the world.

Naturally, this implicates plutonic Pluto's discovery in 1930 which was to usher in the Atom Age as it ushered in Hitler and Freemason President Roosevelt. The chart I have for Pluto's discovery (though there are possibly two discoverers, Tombaugh and Lowell, and various charts to use, one supposes) is for Feb 18, 1930 4:00 pm Flagstaff, AZ, with Pluto 17Can46 Rx in 12th house, ASC 3Leo34 conjunct Vesta 3:53 Rx; Pluto applies to a trine with the Moon 13Sco15 (4A31) and a sesquisquare (135 degr) with Venus 2Pis33 conj Sun 29AQ35; (0A13.) Mars 9AQ28 in now being transited in opposition by Mars' lengthy Leo Rx period; Mercury 3AQ37; Uranus 9Ari05, Neptune 2Vir17 Rx.

Here's a good resource on the Discovery of Pluto which includes info on Uranus and Neptune, too. And here is the post I wrote on the Lowell Observatory's recent celebration of Pluto's Discovery.

And Pluto Discovery's Jupiter? Jupiter is conjunct Ceres (security issues) @ 6Gem56 where trickster asteroid Pan ('panic'; connected to Washington's Goat of Mendes, and to alchemy) now traverses. As you know, Jupiter increases whatever he touches.

The Atom Split chart that I use: Dec 2, 1942 4:22 pm CWT Chicago, IL with Pluto Rx 7Leo08. The Sabian Symbol for '8AQ': "A Bolshevik Propagandist" which interest me because when President Obama began speaking to the Republicans at their Retreat in Baltimore on Jan 29, 2010, and said that his plans were not some 'Bolshevik plot' (to paraphrase POTUS), the IC, the Base or Foundation of the Matter - his remarks - was @ 7Leo19...'8AQ": "A Bolshevik Propagandist." This degree is, as you remember, the ASC degree of George W. Bush, our former Bolshevik-in-Chief. And the coup d'etat of America continues unabated.

Jan 29's ASC 29Tau15 brings up the Republican Party's natal North Node 00Gem34, along with their n Venus 5Gem43 (conj R Party's PE 5Gem12), and n Desc and Saturn 10Gem22.

Check this blog's sidebar for a link to the full text of President's chat with the Retreated Republicans on Jan 29 and a video, too. (See 'Obama to GOP Retreat' in the 'On America' links list after Google News.) The full text is time stamped '12:10 pm' which gives an ASC @ 29Tau15 with tr Pan 5Gem14 rising.

"30 Tau" = "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn"....interestingly, the degree of the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron on March 21, 1884 during the Robber Baron Era, aka the Generation of Materialism. Plus, E. Alan Meece gives the 'Horoscope of Modern Humanity' for our era as timed during the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto @ '8Gem' the position of America's natal Uranus, by the Solar Sclipse of April 26, 1892 @ 7Tau05...

1892 Neptune/Pluto Conj = US n Uranus: peculiar discoveries; mystical, adventurous, or supernatural experiences; hypersensitivity; disruption to gain recognition; adventurous ego thrusts; making waves to get to shore; courageous; aberrant behavior.

And so Pluto/Chiron's class warfare, disenfranchisements, primal violence, fascism, corporatism, racism, and other oppressive -isms continue unabated (and never underfunded, even if it must be done secretly or off the books) and oppressions have actually been ramped up in the New Millennium as they will continue to be "going forward."


Deficit projected by the White House: $1.6 trillion for this year.

Republican Party: July 6, 1854 (NS) 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI ('5:00 pm' is the time of their platform adoption - thanks, John!); Democratic Party: May 13, 1792 (NS) 12:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA; historical records.

An incidental note on the Democratic Party: its natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint is now being transited by Uranus '25Pis' so we have:

Natal Saturn/Pluto = tr Uranus 2010:brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses; acts of violence; making sudden decisions under the most difficult of circumstances.

And the most recent Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron: Dec 30, 1999 conjunct US natal ASC (Sibly chart) @ '12Sag'..."A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows" good a description of World Cop America as any other, I suppose, so one more time I must say, we've been coup'd. #