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Apr 8, 2010

China's natal chart and why Geithner is there: April 2010

Here you see the *national horoscope of China from Nick Campion's World Horoscopes software as cited by Celeste Teal in her book Eclipses: Oct 1, 1949 3:15 pm CCT Beijing; Hour of Mars (**conjunct Pluto) - ruler and co-ruler of MC; ASC 5AQ57, Moon rising (chart-ruler Saturn and co-ruler Uranus are mentioned below); MC 27Sco09 conjunct asteroid Cupido (corporatism; fascism; The Family; underworld crime syndicate) with Scorpio ruled by Mars, co-ruled by Pluto.

Mike Whitney has written this explaining the real reason behind Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's current trip to China, a nation with a credit bubble about to burst!

Around the chart and highlighted in red are the planetary positions for early this morning (April 8, 2010), a Lunar Return for the country which emphasizes a midpoint picture from the natal chart, and along with Sun conjunct natal North Node, describes Geithner's visit. Plus, US natal Neptune 22Vir25 - and President Obama's n Mars - sit upon China's 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, etc...

Venus/NN = Moon: seeking a cordial and complete understanding with others.

Natally there is a telling midpoint picture with n Sun ('Hero's Journey')...

Pluto/MC = Sun: a desire for power and authority; seeking leadership and notoriety for power; tremendous pride in accomplishments; a rise from obscurity.

But perhaps above all, I must mention China's lonely, unaspected Saturn in Virgo (7th house) representing an isolated, ivory-towered government yet with three midpoints keeping Saturn company and allowing the energies of Saturn to operate through these influences...

Sun/Pluto = Saturn: waiting patiently for results of achievements; exercising restraint when showing destructive tendencies or potential for fanatical ventures; ruthless overcoming of obstacles; restrictions; separation by a Higher Power; imprisonment.

Venus/Uranus = Saturn: estrangements and separations; perpetuating new forms of finance, art, or music.

Mercury/Mars = Saturn: avoiding discussions about might or force; long-term, loud negotiations; an old argument is debated.

And last, but not least, the April 6, 2010 Pluto Station Rx opposes China's natal Uranus 4Can59 in 5th house (with 6Can04 on 6th cusp, so Uranus affects both houses.) Pluto opposes US natal Jupiter as well, a pessimistic influence which does not favor US finances or politics.

When tr Pluto opposes n Uranus, circumstances involve tremendous conflicts with those with power and resources which are pitted against established financial and political institutions.

In April of 1948, China's PE occurred @ 7Tau41 in this chart's 3rd house with 00Tau15 on the cusp, the so-called 'Hitler's trigger degree' (Hitler's natal Sun), a degree of violence.

China's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series is 5 North: prophetic dreams and hunches; flashes of ideas from the unconscious which may be acted upon (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology), and since the last manifestation of 5N occurred on May 31, 2003 @ 9Gem19, I suppose that China could have 'seen' or envisioned their current credit bubble coming!

But perhaps that's the point - global financial collapse to pave the way, not just for the New World Order, but for peoples of the world to plead for its quick and thorough implementation.


*The People's Republic of China was formed on November 7, 1931; a later change in government manifested a 'new birth' on Oct 1, 1949. You'll notice that the chart of 1949 has a Midheaven conjunct the natal MC of President Obama; the chart for US Inauguration 2009 shows Jupiter 3AQ32 conjunct China's natal Moon in the US presidency's 10th house; China's natal Uranus conjoins the 3rd cusp in the US Inauguration 2009's chart.

**Mars conjunct Pluto: a police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture for enforcing policy; exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, chaos, mayhem, rape. (Munkasey.)

Midpoint pictures gleaned from Ebertin and Munkasey.

Apr 7, 2010

April is Confederate History Month, I do declare!

It's 7 days into April and I just found out what the month signifies in this region of the country.

Yes, southern states tend to declare April as Confederate History Month and the one I type in, Georgia, took up this particular Confederate gauntlet in 2009.

The goal of this controversial declaration is to put a spotlight on history and now the state of Virginia (where a gaggle of my ancestors hailed from before they migrated to Georgia, some of them pre-Revolutionary War due in part to tobacco growing ruining Virginia's soil - the rest may have been pioneering wanderlust or perhaps simple contrariness) is in the spotlight for choosing to remember our warring infinitum, it would seem.

So please, let us remember our ancestors who fought so bravely, but let's not fight the war all over again!

Turner Simmons
died April 1862
Goldsboro, NC

and other family members who here shall not be named.


Apr 6, 2010

Does the US need a 3rd political party?

Some people think our political butterfly would benefit from an additional third wing. Yes, it's been tried before but with little, if any, success. Is it time to add to the melee of political pollination? After all, this blog continually asserts that America has only One Party - and it's Them vs Us, Power Elite vs the Little Gal and Guy - the Class Warfare of Pluto/Chiron with dire consequences and disenfranchisement for all but the 'well connected'.

It's resource-hoarding Population Control writ large!

With the dissolution of America now underway so 'big time' that even your Aunt Granny Fanny can't deny it, creation of a third party seems ill-timed to me and more than a little late - unless we-the-people throw out the R and D bums and start over with a Common Good Party! (Where do I sign?)

Of course, (so suspicious an astrologer am I) it's possible that the drive to promote a third political party is merely one of the steps to further undermine our political system and thus collapse the US government in preparation for the chaos that one-world-government types insist upon for ushering in a 'New World Order'!


From Marc Edmund Jones:

'24 Libra' = "A Third Wing on the Left Side of a Butterfly"...


pos: an idealistic originality and a high facility in quick analysis;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: an interest in the worthless or an obsession with the improbable and ridiculous.

Dane Rudhyar gives the Keynote for '24Lib' as: "The ability to develop, for inner strengthening, new modes of response to basic life situations."

That last sounds good yet some might say we already have the improbable and ridiculous, no more, thanks. Or that creating a third political party is an improbable and ridiculous idea especially on 'the left'.

So how about 'the right'?

'25 Aquarius' = "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed"...


pos: a genius for turning deficiency into a real asset;

neg/unconc/shadow side: unhappy and rebellious conceit.

Rudhyar's Keynote for '25AQ' (near the degree where the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune, met three times in 2009 @26AQ+ conjunct US natal Moon, and precisely on Dec 21, 2009 @ 24AQ18):

"The capacity to develop the rational and fully conscious aspect of the mind ahead of normal evolution."

Apr 5, 2010

Pluto Rx Station @ 5Cap25 April 6, 2010

Update April 7, 2010: Funk Astrology has an informative article on the Pluto Rx Station which contains links to various astrologers' views on the subject (including this post, but skip it because you're already here.)

Original SO'W post starts now:

The first minute that Pluto enters retrograde condition is on the evening of April 6, 2010 @ 10:34 pm edt, 5 Cap25. Of course, Mr. Underworld, the saboteur with the invisible helmet, is actually stationing on that degree/minute already, with its rather mysterious Sabian Symbol...

'6Cap' = "A Dark Archway and Ten Logs at the Bottom"...THOROUGHNESS...

positive expression: high competence in the interpretation of life's purposes or unusual persistence in employing its ramifying potentials effectively;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: fear of experience and bondage to mystery.

That's from Marc Edmund Jones yet perhaps Dane Rudhyar's analysis fits Washington politics and the new-economic-order type of plutonian puppetmaster even better...

'6Cap' = "Ten Logs Lie under an Archway Leading to Darker Woods"...

'Keynote: the need to complete any undertaking before seeking entrance to whatever is to be found beyond'. Rudyar goes on...

"Number 10 is a symbol of completion; it symbolizes even more the revelation of a new series of activities just ahead. Yet unless the concluded series is brought to some degree of fulfillment, nothing truly significant is likely to be accomplished by a restless reaching out toward the as-yet unknown. Number 10 is a symbol of germination, but the seed (Number 9) must have matured well. No natural process can be accelerated safely beyond certain limits."

(That last has me looking askance at You, Large Hadron Collider. jc)

(This symbol) "establishes a foundation for what will follow. Here man reaches a THRESHOLD on which he may have to pause in order to safeguard his further advance."

Well, Pluto now pauses in what astrologers call a 'station' which occurs when a planet changes to Direct or Rx motion. And the symbol for the degree Pluto will next return to in his backward motion ('5Cap') speaks of warpaths and the 'spirit of conquest'.

At the White House, April 6, 2010, 10:34 pm edt, the rising degree 23Sco21 is ruled by warrior and instigator Mars, and co-ruled, if you will, by Mr. Underworld himself. So when we look for applying aspects of either planet in the Rx Station chart, we find only one: Mars inconjunct Pluto (1A07) with Mars 4Leo18 in 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, Higher Education, Higher Mind, Long-Distance Travel, and Jurisprudence, and Pluto 5Cap25 Rx in 2nd house of Money, Resources, Earning Ability, and Values.

By itself, Mars-in-9th-house signifies conflicts in spiritual matters and/or severe educational disruptions; here Mars is having trouble 'adjusting' to Pluto in 2nd house of Money - Pluto's Rx Station represents a 'pause'.

For America, this may relate to the Obama administration's overhauling of student loan programs, the continuation of campus riots and protests, and could very well emphasize wars (Mars) in Foreign Lands (9th house) - where, imho, the wealth of the American people is being funneled toward bankruptcy. (We are bankrupt, actually.)

The aspect Mars inconjunct Pluto, (150 degr, aka a quincunx) has a workhorse mentality with a compulsion to take on more responsibilities than it should - depleted energy is the result. This is an aspect of self-persecution! It's the 'so much to do, so little time' aspect. A bad-tempered arrogance is evident (but when is it not in Washington?) and efficient management of time is difficult under the rays of a crisis-promoting Mars/Pluto inconjunct. (paraphrasing Rob Pelletier.)

Well, hopefully by the end of this week my scanner will be repaired for I've not been able to scan and publish new charts (or new drawings!) for over a week now due to mischievous scanner gremlins.

Looking ahead, there are many more things to blog about including the proposed dates of Nov 8 - 11, 2010 as a period when a possible false flag op may occur on American shores and which some assert will put the attacks of 9/11 'in the shade'. (Thanks again for the heads-up, Mr. Smith!)

So if you, lone reader, have studied the horoscopes for this time period and have an interest in Mundane Astrology, please share, if you will. A big factor then will be Pluto Rx @ 3Cap+ conjunct the transiting North Node, the Head of the Dragon.

Therefore, the Dragon's Tail (SN) will be pointing to America's natal Venus in Cancer, our nation's chart-ruler if you use the Sibly version with '13Sag' rising (or the slightly earlier Rudhyar version.) This emphasizes the ongoing transit of Pluto opposing US natal Venus as our financial problems persist through the disastrous transformations of sabotaging forces. In fact, the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse may bring again the specter of total global financial collapse before the Eclipse's 6-month influence has faded.

Yes, the July 11 Solar Eclipse is in the same Series as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse (12 South), as we've discussed previously, so it's a 'biggie' for America: similar issues from the time of our nation's founding will resurface in order to be rehashed - and hopefully will be better dealt with on various levels. Plus, the Eclipse's crisis-ridden degree 19Can24 conjoins the UK's natal Moon.

The Pluto/NN Combination:

Besides 'powerful connections', Pluto/NN = sewage or waste disposal (including nuclear); agreements or treaties about reciprocal rights for data obtained through clandestine methods; violent criminals who enter the country secretly at any given opportunity; people who do not have the nation's or business community's best interests at heart; security or treaty breakdowns due to the actions of others.

Plus, November 2010's transiting conjunction of Pluto to NN is actually a Nodal Half Return to the chart of 9/11/01 - not comforting at all, is it?

That said, I leave you with the Fire-Earth blend of Sun Aries/Moon Capricorn energies in effect at the Rx Station of Pluto on the evening of April 6, 2010. If this happens to be your natal blend, here ya go, with my compliments...

This is the aggressive combo of a good organizer who is domineering, tough-minded, unstoppable, enthusiastic and forceful. It describes a pragmatic intellect...the boss and the winner with a too-blunt, businesslike manner, and an overpowering need to be recognized as 'tops'.

This blend's 'Images for Integration' are quite telling considering our topic of a Saturn-ruled Pluto now strengthened by Station Rx...and if you've ever read this blog before, you'll notice the 2nd Image in particular:

'A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual human rights...Columbus discovers America, and a new world order is born.'

Under the rays of Pluto's Station Rx perhaps we all are feeling poised or 'paused' at the Edge of Petrified Forest and wondering what lies beyond...


Books used, but not harmed, in the writing of this post: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; Planets in Aspect, Rob Pelletier; An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, and Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, by Michael Munkasey.

Apr 3, 2010

View Sunset Planets Mercury and Venus: Apr 3 and 4, 2010

SUNSET PLANETS: This is for everyone. Venus and Mercury are having a close encounter on April 3rd and 4th. Look west at sunset to see the two bright planets beaming through the twilight only 3 degrees apart.

Sky maps, pictures and more information may be found at


And to all my readers who take to heart His Rising: Happy Easter 2010!


Apr 2, 2010

A Shadow Government free from the law itself

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

Senator Daniel K. Inouye, during the Iran Contra Hearings and former chair of US Senate MKULTRA-era hearings in 1977

(Above quote courtesy of - click on the tab, upper right for Shadow Government.)

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to keep using America's 'Sibly' version natal chart with its Saturn in 10th house, Neptune in 9th...Saturn/Neptune, among other things, is 'secret' or 'shadow' (Neptune) government (Saturn.) Michael Munkasey gives the political implications of Saturn/Neptune as:

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs that have no real purpose; policies that restrict spies; misuse of law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: Leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices (most of the US Congress and White House? jc); a leader capitulates; reliable equipment failures.

Now I know Mr. Munkasey doesn't prefer to be quoted yet I did it anyway! That America has a Saturn/Neptune flavor to our Midheaven (Goals; Aspirations; Public Standing), the most visible point in any chart, is no surprise to the larger world.

It's the citizenry of America going blithely on their ways while ignoring these important issues that alarms me.

Then this morning I received a forwarded email from a friend concerning the immigration legislation that Washington is cobbling together under the auspices of Senators Graham and Schumer - and their stealth move to insert a provision making private-info-embedded chips in National ID Cards a must for every citizen of the US and without which no one - no one - will be able to get a job or buy even the most basic items.

Does this sound like Revelation's mark of the beast without which 'no one will be able to buy or sell'? Does to me.

Apr 1, 2010

Determining when we-the-people lost America

Astrologically I have tried for some time to date the primary sea-change in America, when our democracy - or 'republic', if you prefer - turned into a Frankenstein-esque creature unrecognizable to most Americans.

But it isn't that easy because a time-dependent discipline such as Astrology magnifies and illumines best when a precise date is known. Knowing an hour and minute of an event focuses its study even better and it is in this spirit that I have previously titled a post on the assassination of JFK as "The Day America Died" - this was a televised, time-stamped murder!

But even that heinous, disillusioning event was only one marker on the usurping path to total oligarchic one-world-government control and there have been other events with obvious coup d'etat signatures.

Well, Len Hart presents here interesting political insights into our loss of America along with informative quotes and video from E. L. Doctorow who dates important 'sea-changes' to the 1970s, particularly 1974 and the SUN-PAC decision of 1975, which is said to be similar in its impact to the recent SCOTUS decision that 'corporations are people' too - a brazen sell-out of American democracy if there ever was one.

In addition, you may wish to listen to a YouTube audio of President John F. Kennedy concerning his opposition to "secret societies," a sentiment which may have contributed to his cruel assassination in 1963 - as perpetrated and televised from Masonic Dealey Plaza, Dallas. And just like the attacks of 9/11/01, TV networks and stations played the tape over and over and over...

(A Dealey Plaza Note: I personally find the making of a nude music video in that particular place to be a crass exploitation, if not an honoring, of an illegal act which grabbed the helm and changed the course of America. And where America goes, so goes the world. Even for desperate-for-attention singers, talented as they may be.)

Mother Jones vs Sarah Palin?

So here I sit awaiting the arrival of out-of-town company, no time to blog though I'd like to, and I run across a fabulous article comparing Sarah Palin with a radical figure from US history.

She's Another US Radical: Mother Jones with two versions of natal charts shown in this informative article.

Is it possible that Sarah Palin, who's taken to the Tea Party movement as if it were her idea, is on some level a modern day embodiment of the famous Mother Jones?