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Jul 15, 2017

The Uncomfortable Truth - Max Igan

Does hearing truth make you feel uncomfortable? Here is an important message from Max Igan of The Crowhouse from his Surviving the Matrix series, episode 299:

Jul 13, 2017

2017 Saturn Returns to the 'Black Tuesday' 1929 Horoscope

In various posts here and there a horoscope of the 'Black Tuesday' Crash of 1929 may be found--mine is set for Sun to Midheaven/MC, the Goal Point of any chart. However, when I recalculated the chart with fresher Solar Fire Gold v9 software, results were slightly changed and Sun to MC occurred (NYC) at 11:51:55 am with karmic Saturn @26Sag48 in the 12th house of Karma, Politics, and Back Room Deals. Knowing that transit Saturn still stomps through Sagittarius, I checked to see when the old man would return to his natal degree in the 'Black Tuesday' horoscope. Of course, black is one of Saturn's best colors. Slimming, y'know.

So here are the three dates of the current trail of transit Saturn as Mr. Accountability revisits his 1929 'Black Tuesday' position (26Sag48) with two conjunctions already past and one yet to come in the resolution phase:

1. March 2, 2017: with Saturn rising and a veiling Sun-Neptune conjunction @11Pisces+;

2. May 11, 2017: Saturn Rx in Return 2nd house of the National Treasury;

3. November 22, 2017: banker Jupiter @9Scorpio rises with asteroid Hopi (ambush; prejudice) and there is a YOD pattern (turning point; crossroads; special task; crisis; illness; karmic opportunity) with a wobbly Moon-Neptune sextile at its base, pointing toward MC (12Leo+) for a few flickering moments.

Together, shady, confused, psychic Moon-Neptune = instability, weakness, exploitation, and/or a sense of dread (Ebertin).

Related: Are We on An Eclipse Path to another Great Depression?.

On an Eclipse Path to another Great Depression?

Eclipses Time Historical Events and Track Cycles in Society

by Jude Cowell

In Astrology eclipses may be used to track historical eras or periods and events by plotting 'trails' and patterns that share similar themes as seen by the saying (Russian, I believe) that History doesn't repeat but it may rhyme. As you know, every Solar Eclipse Saros Series reveals or suggests its own themes (1 North, 1 South, 2 North, etc., all the way to 19 North and 19 South, then over again with 1 North as on August 21, 2017). Thereby it is possible to discover clues concerning the prevailing cosmic climate of and in society during any given time period in question. Here, we look ahead on society's path into the financial realms in particular.

See 'We're flowing toward the path' similar to time before Great Depression, analyst says. It's Mark Yusko, CEO of Morgan Creek Capital, and he mentions President Hoover and the years 1928/29. Note that in Astrology 'flowing' = Neptune, gaseous planet of corruption, fraud, and falsehood. Transit Pluto in Capricorn now opposes 1929 Pluto in Cancer.

Repeating approximately every 18.6 years (based on the cycle of the Moon's Nodes), a particular series with its themes and related historical events may be tracked via repetitions to see what if anything 'rhymes' and therefore similar events can be at least somewhat expected if not predicted (generally eclipses tend to bring along the unpredictable or shocking event in a disruptive Uranian fashion acting as 'wild cards of the Universe', or 'cosmic blinks' from Above).

If falling upon a sensitive degree, an eclipse is emphasized and can really muscle in--even more so when the degree is that of a significant fixed star. On August 21, 2017, the impatient 29th degree of royal Leo is activated by eclipse and its energies are strong enough to combine with the next degree, 00Virgo, where royal Regulus now holds court and sway (Virgo by progression--but 29Leo is enough to corral Regulus into the proceedings which must involve Mr. Trump personally--natal Ascendant @29Leo--along with his Mars Rising @26Leo. Sensitive!

Perhaps I should also mention here that 29Leo is also the position of Thomas Jefferson's natal Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, control, the Establishment, and Astrology).

Various complexities are at play now within the parameters of the upcoming 1 North Series--set to repeat on August 21, 2017 as, The Great American Eclipse which will cast a Total and dark shadow across our country from Oregon to South Carolina. August 21st is 1 North's first repetition since its famous August 11, 1999 manifestation @18Leo with the rigid Fixed Grand Cross as described in The Book of Revelation--the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs Taurus (the oxen point), Leo (the lion point), Scorpio (the eagle point), and Aquarius (the angel point). Take it as you wish on a spiritual, cosmic, or inspirational plane but that is what happened. Seer-astrologer-doctor Nostradamus knew it centuries ago and so should you (though I quite imagine you already do).

Plus, the 1 North series has a nickname, The Mother of All Eclipses because 1N begins the 18.6-year cycle (the snake eating its own tail) all over again, an example of the uroboros archetype...

The 1 North August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse also helped usher in the New Millennium so this part of the process should be included in any study of The Great American Eclipse, its themes, and its aftermath along with the difficult natural events that may or may not be triggered around eclipse time. Active volcanoes are already in the news as you may have heard.

So in 2017, the idea that we may be on a path toward another Great Depression is in the air and is being 'run up the flagpole' as it were, yet astrologically the timing of such rhyming can be checked. Of course, there is the 'Black Tuesday' Solar Eclipse, the last eclipse to manifest prior to October 29, 1929, the date cited as a watershed moment for the dire financial events of the period. Are these energies heating up again and being readied for a boil-over?

Starting with 1 North, here is a list of the Solar Eclipses of 1927 through 1929 with their upcoming repetitions included for comparison's sake and our timing purposes which may reveal just where we are along the path; basic themes are listed along with their upcoming dates of manifestation; there are three eclipses in 2018 and three in 2019:

1 North: June 29, 1927 @7Cancer (unexpected events re: friends or groups which put pressure on relationships; issues loom large but avoid hasty decisions because info is distorted and/or false); next: August 21, 2017 @29Leo;

1 South: December 24, 1927 @1Capricorn (flooded with ideas or options which can lead to positive outcomes); next: February 15, 2018 @27AQ conjunct We The People's natal Moon;

2 Old North: May 19, 1928 @28Taurus (a difficult series concerning unfortunate news about relationships; separations, endings; schisms; this is the PE of Donald Trump, Prince William, and John Wilkes Booth); next: July 13, 2018 @21Cancer;

2 New North: June 17, 1928 @26Gemini (initial eclipse in this series) 'The Tower' Tarot card #16): old systems and structures collapse, long-term influences include rebuilding and transformation once the dust settles; reshaping has far-reaching effects; next: August 11, 2018 @19Leo (resonates with the August 11, 1999 1 North Eclipse by degree...'info distorted and/or false' as with the bogus Bush-Cheney Iraq War pretexts--and aided by mainstream media outlets ('fake news', aka, propaganda of the warmongering persuasion);

2 South: November 12, 1928 @20Scorpio (joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from such memberships); next: January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn;

3 North: May 9, 1929 @18Taurus (news that transforms a situation and/or involves young people; over-excessive energies, obsessions, worry; large plans or activities are wanted but don't get carried away); as noted, this is 'Black Tuesday's and 9/11's PE, and tragically, the Pentagon 'got carried away' and our treasures have been stolen in order to fund their masters' jingoistic misadventurism); next: July 2, 2019 @11Cancer;

3 South: November 1, 1929 @9Scorpio (traumatic transformations; deep emotions; sudden endings of associations or relationships; next: December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn opposing US natal Venus in Cancer (and Jupiter) which may or may not hold significance; a conjunction would be stronger.

So that's the Solar Eclipse list 1927 through 1929, and when we consider the actual Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series that describes the background elements of the infamous Wall Street Crash of 1929 (aka, 'Black Tuesday') and take that Series as a signpost on the path, we then look to the 3 North Saros Series with its last manifestation occurring on Summer Solstice (June 21), 2001 @00Cancer (a World Point of global proportions) which is what makes 3N the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series (PE) of the catastrophic WTC Attacks on September 11, 2001.

And as you remember, mega amounts of gold, money, stocks and what-have-you disappeared from the scene in September 2001 similar to thefts and losses in October 1929. Perhaps you agree that finances were a primary target of the purposefully directed chaos (ex: 9/11/01 Moon, the public, @28Gemini a degree of "BANKRUPTCY" in the Sabian Symbols, and pouf! trillions of dollars were wafted out of the US economy, people's bank accounts and pensions). Weird stock trades were made in a suspiciously timed way as well and fortunes were created or bolstered for 9/11/01 was a planned 'shock doctrine' event, no doubt (as Naomi Klein might say) with the 9/11/01 Moon void-of-course which suggests that no one could interfere once the plan began to unfold.

So! Is society now flowing down 'the path to another Great Depression'? Do you feel that History now repeats too closely for comfort? Well, there are always extenuating and/or mitigating circumstances and positive environmental influences at work that are not yet seen!

'12Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message"...Q: is the Baby's message, your loans are coming due? Mr. Trump probably knows the answer and is privy to the money laundering secrets of the wealthy class of crooks currently minding financial and political hen houses across the globe.

Well, I don't know about you, but for years now it seems that when rounded up to 12Cancer, the foreign woman stretches so close to US natal Sun (13/14 degr = POTUS), and then there's the US banking-corporatist Jupiter (5/6 degr: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" as politicians do), a certain financial picture appears particularly since the ever-colonizing US government did The Stupid Thing that the Founders warned against by repeatedly borrowing masses of money from foreign banking houses and countries, ones that America 'might' one day fight a war with or against (as Washington is prone to waging). There's a collapse-in-waiting, right there. A set up!

So what do you think? Should such politicians now infesting US Politics be counted as incompetent, amateurish, self-serving numbskulls? Or as traitors?

Either way, trans-global bankers and their agents have long ago enlisted astrological Pluto, The Dragon of ancient days, with the 24/7 task of guarding all their mountains and mountains of gold and treasure.

Now here's something of a different take concerning '12Cancer', " A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message."


Please note that eclipse themes listed are paraphrases of Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Jul 12, 2017

Do you have a favorite photo of Donald J. Trump?

Well, here's mine. This is my favorite photograph of Donald J. Trump so far. It's so him, so.. wrestling promoter, so totally hucksta and gangsta, so.. Mars rising and conniving...yet so very Masonic...

Gangsta collaborata!

Jul 10, 2017

Astro-Notes: Trump Jr's Meeting w/ a Kremlin Lawyer

Update Jan 4, 2018: having just watched an MSNBC video and with the spurring of Michael Wollfe's new book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, the June 9, 2016 meeting between Trump Jr, a Kremlin-linked lawyer and others has been identified as beginning at 4:00 pm edt. Finally I can set up a horoscope with what is reported to be an accurate time of the meeting. If anything interesting comes of this I will soon write a new post for Stars Over Washington. In the mean time, the post below with transit Mercury (meetings, discussions, offspring, etc) conjunct Trump Sr's natal Taurus Midheaven (of course Trump Sr knew about the meeting!) will stay in this spot.

Original post begins here:

Beware Lady Kremlin Lawyers

by Jude Cowell

On July 9, 2017 The New Yorker published The Truth Behind Donald Trump Jr's Meeting with a Russian Lawyer. Meanwhile, I'm still searching for an accurate birth time for Jr., a fellow some call the 'Fredo' of the Trump family.

Trump Jr's recently disclosed meeting with a Kremlin lawyer who allegedly had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton to share in order to 'help' the Trump campaign took place in New York at Trump Tower and was also attended by the Trump campaign's Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and senior adviser to Mr. Trump in the White House.

Astrology as Lens: Outer Planets = June 9, 2016

A chart factor of note when looking for significators of a meeting on a certain date is planets conjoining (meeting) and when we peek back at June 9, 2016 ('noon'; exact hour unknown at this point) we find two indicators of encounters--in mid-Virgo, Jupiter conjunct North Node (a joining point of encounter), and a close Sun-Venus conjunction @19Gemini14/59 with Venus possibly the lady lawyer involved. Both Jupiter and Sun can represent a leader like Mr. Trump with astrological Jupiter adding money, corporate, and political facets to the picture, and of course, both planets can signify father and authority.

That Trump Jr, possibly represented here by Mercury @25Taurus or the opposing Mars @25Scorpio Rx (their opposition conjunct Trump Sr's MC-IC axis!!) said his Dad did not attend the June 9, 2016 meeting seems doubtful since both Jupiter and the Sun were 'meeting' with someone that day which happens to be the first day Mr. Trump began tweeting about Mrs. Clinton's 33,000 'missing' emails (that he publicly asked Russia to locate via hacking). Besides, Mr. Trump is known to be a micro-manager which makes it doubtful that he didn't at least know about the meeting in Trump Tower and may have ordered it.

In the bi-wheel chart, below, you see circled in red the strongest contacts between Trump Sr and his namesake son including Jr's Saturn Rx @00Vir10 which conjoins his dad's natal Ascendant with Trump's rising Mars @26Leo nearby. And of course, there's royal Regulus @00Virgo sparkling among their Mars-Saturn-ASC trio and cautioning them to avoid taking revenge against others lest they lose what they've gained so far.

Significantly, the issues we see now in the news may be merely a warm up for the effects of the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse @29Leo (conjunct their Mars-Saturn-ASC trio and Regulus), aka, The Great American Eclipse. Will Mr. Trump the Elder be implicated more fully in Jr's Kremlin lawyer meeting? Well, Donald Trump's natal 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio in Gemini (17-23Gem) was activated on June 9, 2016 by the 'visiting' Sun-Venus conjunction, another suggestion of encounters. Perhaps the reported email chain of their discussions about the seemingly shady meeting will reveal some actual facts!

Now is it curious that the July 9th Full Moon @17Cap09 conjunct spying saboteur Pluto on Sunday, the day Donald Jr spoke up about his meeting, is an astrological echo of the RNC 2016 Full Moon which illuminated--met with--America's natal Pluto?


Astro-Note: concerning Donald Trump Jr's natal planets (Dec 31, 1977 NYC; Sun Cap-Moon Virgo all day), we see that his Mercury-Neptune conjunction (16-21 Sag, Mercury stationary direct) echoes his father's problematic Mercury-Neptune square and Jr's Mercury in particular conjoins his father's Moon-SN conjunction while opposing dad's Sun-NN-Uranus trio of shocks, publicity, radical politics, and personal unpredictability. With Mercury-Neptune challenges, truth is not this family's forte (they think it's okay because 'everyone lies').

However, transit Saturn, karmic planet of realism, truth, accountability, and loss, is in process of hitting their charts in the area of 21/22 Sagittarius, a transit which also activates fixed star Ras Alhague which creates a complex set of energies, cosmic and earthly, that will not be easily resolved.

Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Society

Today Stars Over Washington presents the latest post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes with a generational overview of Neptune through the signs and how people and society as a whole are influenced by this most insinuating of planets:

Generational Astrology and The Signs of Neptune

by Kevin Estes

In Generational Astrology, the sign that Neptune is in represents the image and culture of the age group. This also means that the sign Neptune is in is the image and culture of the time period, as everyone born is "trapped" with the astrological weather of the time they were born for the rest of their lives. With the outer planets, generations are basically "torchbearers" for the time period they grew up in which is why people tend to be nostalgic for their childhood years, as Pluto and Neptune stay in the same sign for years after a person is born unless they're at the tail end of a generation. Because of this, Neptune's influence is very significant, despite its not being as personal as the Sun, Moon, ascendant, or inner planets.

Neptune in Leo (1914-1929)

This was the Roaring Twenties, as the culture of these years was based on celebrities, movies, jazz music, and extroversion in general after the invention of the telephone and automobile. As a result, the children born during this era have a warmth and thirst for the "good life" that the generation after them didn't (also with Pluto in Cancer).

Neptune in Virgo (1928-1943)

This was the Great Depression and WWII. The culture in this era basically WAS the Depression, as people just wanted a job and a roof over their heads which many didn't have then. The children born during this era are more serious than the Neptune in Leo-Pluto Cancers, as Neptune in Virgo was a more serious era in general.

Neptune in Libra (1942-1957)

The postwar era. These years were known for classical music (Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby), postwar prosperity, conforming to social norms (one of the shadow sides of Libra is vanity and wanting to fit in, which is why many Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers come off as vain as they have Neptune and Pluto in Libra respectively), and overall peace after the Depression and WWII. As a result, the children born during this era are known as the "flower children" and made up the majority of the Vietnam War protesters, as their desire for peace along with their Pluto Leo pride led to the Hippie movement.

Neptune in Scorpio (1955-1970)

The Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll era. These years were when the Neptune in Libras became teenagers and young adults, and became rebellious in a way that the previous generations weren't. The Hippie movement, Vietnam protests, Summer of Love, and Woodstock all took place during Neptune in Scorpio, as well as the JFK and MLK assassinations (Scorpio rules violence and secrets). This era was dominated by classic rock, and the main acts during this era, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and The Doors to name a few, were a big part of the Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll culture. Motown, girl groups, rockabilly, and Doo Wop were also big during this time, but more in tune with Pluto in Virgo.

As a result of the cynicism of this era, the children born in this era are very cynical in nature (like the Pluto Scorpios in the mid 80s to mid 90s), and are the first "tattoo generation" (the other Scorpio generations, Uranus in Scorpio from 1974-1981 and Pluto in Scorpio from 1983-1995, are also heavily tattooed).

Neptune in Sagittarius (1970-1984)

After the cynical 60s, the Neptune in Sagittarius 70s and early 80s group was way more vibrant. This was the era of disco, arena rock, and new wave music, all of which had more vibrant and unique sounds than that of the 60s. Bands that were active in the 60s, like the Rolling Stones and The Who, changed their sound to a more 70s-style sound, and the lyrics to the songs had more to do with love and relationships (Libra, as the artists that were big during Neptune in Sagittarius had Neptune in Libra and Pluto was also in Libra at the same time as Neptune in Sagittarius) than sex and drugs (Scorpio). Also prevalent during this era was the rise of religious fundamentalism, as a response to Roe vs. Wade and the previous Hippie culture. As a result, the children born during this era tend to be very jovial and vibrant, and the conservatives born during this era tend to be extreme religious fundamentalists.

Neptune in Capricorn (1984-1998)

The materialism culture. As a member of this generation, I was subject to the idea that the goal (Capricorn) in life was to be what you want to be in order to get a lot of money in order to buy material possessions. In the early-mid 90s, some of the most well known commercials were the Sally Struthers ICS commercials, which were Neptune in Capricorn at its most in your face (they're on YouTube if you haven't experienced them). The music associated with Neptune in Capricorn tended to be slower than the previous era, as soft rock and easy listening music became dominant (Madonna, Michael Jackson, Prince, George Michael, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan, etc.), as well as heavy metal, rap, grunge, and hair bands, which were more in tune with Pluto in Scorpio.

Also playing a big part of Neptune in Capricorn was the family TV boom, as numerous sitcoms (Fresh Prince, Roseanne, Family Matters, Full House, Cosby Show, Married With Children, Home Improvement, Seinfeld, Saved By The Bell, Cheers, Different World, Friends, Boy Meets World, Step By Step, Wonder Years, etc.) and cartoons (Doug, Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Aaahh! Real Monsters, Hey Arnold, The Angry Beavers, etc.) were all big during this era. As a result, the children born during this era, like myself, have a very serious and determined nature.

Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012)

The technology culture. When Neptune in Aquarius hit, the internet and cell phones became mainstream, social media became a tool used by everyone (Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all have Neptune in Aquarius with Pluto in Sagittarius), and reality TV became a mainstay on TV, giving normal people the chance to become stars. Neptune in Aquarius was known for being the era of Nu Metal (like metal, but with DJs and turntables being used), indie rock, emo, and techno pop, while Boy Bands and bubblegum pop were also prevalent but more in tune with Pluto in Sagittarius. As a result, the children born during this era are very eccentric in nature.

Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026)

This transit is still ongoing, but some common themes of this era are a rise in alternative spirituality and the PC culture. Pisces rules compassion as well as sensitivity, so it's no coincidence that the PC culture only came into existence during the Neptune in Pisces era. With Pluto in Capricorn happening at the same time, exposing the corruption in government and big business and making knowledge of the Illuminati more mainstream, Neptune in Pisces is making alternative spirituality more mainstream, as an alternative to the organized religions controlled by the Illuminati (Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism, etc. are all man-made religions and are pitted against each other in order to divide and conquer...a (New World) Order out of chaos (division creates chaos).

As with Pluto, all Neptune eras are connected. Extroverted Neptune in Leo came before depressing Neptune in Virgo, which came before peaceful Neptune in Libra, which came before cynical Neptune in Scorpio, which came before jovial Neptune in Sagittarius, which came before serious Neptune in Capricorn, which came before eccentric Neptune in Aquarius, etc., and when these Neptune generations become young adults, Pluto enters the sign their Neptune was in at birth, destroying the illusions they were conditioned with during their childhood (Neptune also rules illusions).

Also notable is that the masculine Neptune eras are more upbeat than the feminine Neptune eras, which goes hand in hand with the masculine Neptune generations having a more outward image and expression than their feminine Neptune counterparts, which I've noticed in person. In 2026, Neptune will go into Aries for good, which will likely result in a more upbeat era once again.

Dates of Neptune in the Signs

Thanks, Kevin! Readers may also wish to check out your previous SO'W post Pluto Generations: the Evolution of Society and your blog Left Wing Astrology where the above post was originally published.

The New Millennium Eclipse repeats January 6, 2019

July 10, 2017: A Stars Over Washington Reprint and the New Millennium Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

Over the G20 weekend, I began to wonder who would want Donald Trump acting as leader of the 'free' world anyway? This pondering leaves me feeling out of sorts today concerning the political realm so the following is a mere reprint with a few minor edits of something I posted here years ago. A grumpy note from yours truly is added to the end if you can manage to read that far!

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the New Millennium is the 2 South Saros Series which manifested on December 25, 2000 @4Cap15. The 2 South Series involves themes of becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2 South next manifests on Jan 6, 2019 @15Capricorn25 and as you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, business, and other Saturnian realms.

In her book Your Prenatal Eclipse Rose Lineman describes a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn as advising a serious approach that stresses conservative, conscientious expression. In order to achieve karmic progress, we must overcome self-indulgence and master the self-discipline of the sign and its ruler, Saturn.

Ms. Lineman also states that an Eclipse in Capricorn should be regarded as an opportunity to gain substantial karmic advances but the price is hard work and dedication at the expense of personal pleasure and worldly prestige. People born under a Prenatal Eclipse in Capricorn tend to join business and professional organizations and show interest in political affairs.

Now you may find of interest the Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces blend of the New Millennium especially since this chart is 'good for' a hundred years!

Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces is an Earth-Water blend of two Yin elements and is one of the most nourishing and supportive combinations of all, mixing a capacity for sympathy toward others with practical considerations.

This blend possesses an innate wisdom to know what's important and what is not; practical and emotional needs are well-balanced in this blend. Both material and emotional security needs are wanted and are possible to achieve as long as one doesn't become a stick-in-the-mud and swamped by duty.

Yet a limited viewpoint is a caution and may interfere with goals, so we must watch for that.

This is a tough-tender humanitarian combo of energies--a scientist and poet, a practical dreamer. Personal courage results from self-reflection and moral precepts and there's a gift for quietly bringing order out of chaos, something we can all cheer for--with the exception of those who create chaos in order to commit and enforce morally repugnant social engineering against society for their own degraded purposes.

On the shadow side, there is a tendency to fear the unknown and carry the burdens of others even to the breaking point; negative thinking may often cause a loss of confidence.

This blend's Images for Integration: "A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...'Bilbo' in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Bathers in a Landscape by Paul Cezanne...Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.) #

July 10, 2017: Well, those are the sorts of energies and expressions we longed for prior to the beginning of the New Millennium and until September 11, 2001. Needless to say, in 2017 many of us now have starker views of those who interrupt humankind's progress, and divert and squelch our longings for peace and positivity. So, as I used to post here earlier in the life of Stars Over Washington--the people who fancy themselves 'world leaders', in a word, suck. We all could have had a decent, safer world in this New Millennium but instead civilization is saddled with jokers, knaves, fools, and crooks running around ruining things for everybody while striving to protect their cushy little nests.

As if the dark lord they serve will care one little iota for them in the end!

Pluto Draws Near @JudeCowellArt pencil on paper 2017+

Jul 9, 2017

Mass Hypnosis and Trigger Words - Truthstream Media reports

Check out Truthstream Media's 13-minute report concerning mass manipulation using tactics such as trigger words (aka, 'dog whistles' or 'code words') and mass hypnosis which is revealed in part by political 'echo chamber' campaigns as pundits and politicians tout the exact same wording in every broadcast on every channel ad nauseum. For me this tactic is a heads-up that fibs and/or half-truths are being told repeatedly in order to force people to accept them without question. It can also be a clue that we should look in the opposite direction at what 'fib promoters' wish to hide by distraction and misdirection!

Also see a few examples of Sneaky Subliminal Messages.

And from NPR in 2005, public relations pioneer Edward Bernays Freud's Nephew and the Origins of Public Relations (public persuasion and manipulation).


America's Mercury-Pluto, plus, Our Pilgrim Fathers

And if we look to America's natal planets concerning such sneaky topics we instantly find our national Mercury (the mental plane; thought processes; communication; commerce and sales) @25Cancer ("A Man Wrapped in an invisible Mantle of Power") opposed by powerful puppet master Pluto in the governmental, legal, and business sign of *Capricorn with Pluto the planet of Psychology, manipulation, surveillance, control, transformation, and obsession. Pluto's out-of-bounds condition on July 4, 1776 only suggests a more hidden and sinister flavor lurking within our society and hints at secret societies, invisible control, and subversion of government into the picture.

With our retrograde Mercury in Moon-ruled Cancer, the sign of self-protection (security), nurturing, family, and business, the influence of the changeable Moon (emotions) upon our thinking (Mercury) denotes a tendency to harbor unconscious desires which can cause us to consider some facts but ignore others (rationalizing for reasons we don't consciously understand), bias and prejudice that interfere with decision making, an unconscious acceptance of lies and falsehoods--and advertising which sometimes deserves the label 'false'.

A must-watch video: Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill (plus, 1935 Eclipses).

A related don't-miss: Self, Society, Secrets, Freud, Bernays, Reich.

Last but not least: Donald Trump Is Using the 'Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels (video) and of course you know of Trump's Mercury-Neptune square with its distorted perceptions, indiscretion, and warped truths--an undermining aspect that master astrologer Alan Oken has labeled, The Sneaky Mind.


*US Pluto Rx @27Cap33 with the rounded-up Sabian Symbol: "A Large Aviary" but yours truly prefers the degree itself because its word picture seems more applicable to America's obsession (Pluto) with expansion and conquest to the point of collapse, and to the Illuminati symbol, the pyramid of power placed on our paper money by Freemason President Franklin Roosevelt: "27Cap": "Pilgrims Climbing the Steep Steps Leading to a Mountain Shrine...UPREACHING" (Rudyar; the 'mountain' symbol = the pyramid--and this degree appears at Midheaven, the Goal Point, in every US Inauguration horoscope along with US natal Pluto since FDR's 1937 swearing in).

And of course, this reminds us of America's intrepid Pilgrim Fathers who settled colonial America. On a personal note, it was with great surprise during recent genealogical research that yours truly, a southerner, discovered that there are a few New England Pilgrim ancestors hiding in my family woodpile whose descendants eventually headed South!

So naturally I looked up the horoscope given in The Book of World Horoscopes (N. Campion) for the Pilgrim Fathers (chart #362): December 21, 1620 6:00 am LMT Plymouth Massachusetts with Winter Solstice Sun @00Cap09 and Moon @2Sag11. There are two conjunctions in force and combining their strengths: Mars-Neptune in mid-Libra and Jupiter-Pluto both @11Taurus+ Rx. My guess is that the Mars-Neptune pair shows their deep motivation and the energy to cross the sea and actions inspired by spiritual beliefs while Jupiter-Pluto suggests religious fervor but also an enormous determination toward success, the financing of the adventure, a desire to exploit resources and expand their wealth and possessions (plutocrats), and an obsession to control everyone around them...lest someone be caught having fun while avoiding work.

July 10, 2017 Update: note that the year 2009 timed the congressionally mandated switch from analog to digital which was thus cosmically imprinted by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune. Since then, subliminal symbols and images can be more easily slipped in on us. This, from a Jude's Threshold post:

Due to retrogradation, all of 2009 will be flavored with this visionary, fortune-hunting combo of planetary energies which may also signify spiritual things, rumors and scandals, and tricky legalisms--quite a catalyst if the pair aspects a person’s or a nation’s planets. The dates of exact conjunction are:

1. May 27 @26AQ29;

2. July 18 @26AQ02;

3. Dec 21 @23AQ18, all of which positions conjoin US natal Moon (the public) depending on which US natal chart you prefer – all for July 4, 1776 have the Moon in the 24-to-28-degree range of Aquarius.

And so the US Moon formed a midpoint picture with Jupiter-Neptune, and, vice versa:

Jupiter/Neptune = Moon: an emotional swoon; going with the wind; dreaminess; little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; instability; wastefulness; becoming involved in speculation (Ebertin).

Jul 6, 2017

Ethics Scandal now but here's CNN First Hour: June 1, 1980

July 6, 2017: now embroiled in an ethics-challenging blackmail scandal, Cable News Network (CNN) began its on-air life with a reasonable amount of credibility on June 1, 1980 5:00 pm edt NYC. Here's a video of its first hour which opens with a broadcast tone you may wish to mute but the jabber soon begins:

Video Link in case of removal from SO'W.

As you know, 'twas the quirky Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra personality, Ted Turner, who founded both CNN and TBS. Here's Turner's accurately timed (RR: AA) natal chart if you'd care for a peek.

And don't miss Astrolibertarian's post on the CNN Blackmail Scandal where you'll find a bi-wheel of the network's natal horoscope with transits.


Astro-Notes on CNN's natal horoscope: the network's beginning included an initial fight against oppression (Pluto-NN = Saturn) yet with a tendency to replace real emotions with 'commmon sense' as they sidestep the emotional realm (Sun Gem-Moon Cap - the Harveys). Obviously we get Mercury-ruled Gemini communications with the network's determined ambition for success (Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon, which is now being visited by transit Pluto, the destructive manipulator of power, control, psychology, and propaganda).

Here are CNN's June 1, 1980 natal planets with a few notes added:

8th house Sun @11Gem29 (transit Saturn opposed CNN's Sun of public image in late 2015 and again in Autumn 2016 = damaged image/ego)

3rd house Moon @17Cap26

8th house Mercury @1Can34 conjunct 8th house Venus @1Can17

10th house Mars @10Vir27 conjunct one of the victim stars, Zosma

10th house Jupiter @2Vir10

11th house Saturn @20Vir17 conjunct Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream as it was at the time)

1st house Uranus Rx @22Sco47 and rising

2nd house Neptune Rx @21Sag34 conj blue star Ras Alhague and Trump's natal Moon and SN--all 3 now being hit by transit Saturn again which simultaneously opposes Trump's natal Sun-NN

12th house Pluto Rx @19Lib09 soon to be transited by Jupiter which will increase CNN's power and control, and benefit its resources

Natal ASC 2Sco45 (Mars = chart-ruler with Pluto as sub-ruler); MC 9Leo03 ruled by the Sun.

And of course we have the skeptical Mr. Trump's undermining of CNN and other US media as 'fake news' (because they criticize him--though they are agents of propaganda as we know) while speaking in Poland today which emboldens authoritarian leaders across the globe. In a flurry of blatant warmongering in Warsaw, Trump said that the West is "at risk". Yes, in many ways we are. So why did we become the preemptive war aggressors? Hmm...maybe Washington DC and the Pentagon should stop their unconstitutional behavior and avoid the blow back against innocent people.

Update 7.8.17: turns out the White House and its political operatives think they're being tres slick by sending out 'fake news' tips to news outlets that are actually traps--stories that can be debunked later thus discrediting the reporting of said outlet. This includes the supplier of the 'tip' insisting that they be called an 'anonymous source' and may be the process used to discredit CBS's Dan Rather years ago concerning George Bush's fraudulent military training debacle. Dubya was off partying, y'know.