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Jan 21, 2017

Welcome to Trump Land - Max Igan

Has the current transit of transforming Pluto in the governmental sign of Capricorn inspired the installation of Donald Trump into the Oval Office? I ask because Pluto in Capricorn is The Dictator according to Reinhold Ebertin but before you answer you may want to listen to what activist Max Igan has to say:


A Little POTUS Astrology for 'The Morning After'

But first, a Blog Note: The SO'W Trump Presidency Poll closed at midnight January 20, 2017. Final Top Answer to the question 'A Trump Presidency will be'...One Big Scam. And yesterday Mr. Trump signed his first law: to shoehorn General James Mattis into the Trump Cabinet as Defense Secretary. Because 'if the president does it it's legal'. Presto change-o!

Interesting how yesterday's POTUS Sun degree (00AQ+) has moved on to 1AQ+ this morning and is apex of the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint, a temporary influence of course, but descriptive of Mr. Trump's condition after "dancing the night away" at three inaugural balls. For as you know, the Saturn-Neptune pair denotes several potentials (with my remarks in parentheses): suffering, renunciation (already?!?), asceticism, cautiousness, a dual character (perfect for a Gemini), a peculiar character (with his natal *Uranus in Gemini quirkily leading all his natal planets), a strong preoccupation with oneself (narcissism on display), materialism vs idealism, poor-sick-depressed persons (soon to be more screwed by the GOP), methodical execution of plans, great painstaking efforts, neuroses, tormenting emotional inhibitions...well, Saturn-Neptune = Sun: physical reaction or illness as a consequence of emotional upsets, lack of vitality (he's 70 after all), a sensitive physique, and/or propensity to illness or disease. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.)

Since he doesn't imbibe, he says, can the new POTUS be suffering from the aching tootsies?

And so the red curtain is now raised on a new staging of Washington's Political Theater with circus-barker-in-chief Donald Trump performing in the center ring to the amazement of all and led by Mr. Trump's natal *Uranus @18Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd." How applicable is this Trumpian word picture we may discover all too soon.

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