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Jun 21, 2020

DC Horoscope June 24, 2020: Testimony Please?

June 21, 2020: From his Wikipedia bio we find that former attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) Geoffrey Berman was born on September 12, 1959 in Trenton, New Jersey. Currently top of the news, Mr. Berman has now stepped down from his SDNY position after a brief stand-off between him and Trump's 'AG' Bill Barr who, acting under orders of Trump (my assessment), was originally fired-by-press-release in a 'Friday Night Massacre' event (June 19, 2020).

As you know, Mr. Berman's ouster is an obvious attempt to stop ongoing SDNY investigations into Trump and various of his dealings (exs: Campaign 2016, irregular banking - exs: Deutsche Bank loans and Turkish bank Halkbank indicted in 2019 on money laundering charges) - Russian and other money laundering offenses (perhaps China? a Middle Eastern nation or two), etc, etc.). Plus, the Barr-Trump power play is an attempt to cover up the activities of Rudy Guiliani, and to stop the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile/sex trafficking investigation/s. And since Trump and Barr are allegedly linked to the latter, of course they're ansty to hide any damning evidence of their perversions (if any) that could be shown by ongoing SDNY investigations.

However, perhaps Mr. Berman will speak out on various topics of great interest to the American public even if anti-Trump investigations are stymied by his and Barr's strong-armed power moves against him (so I'm adding Mr. Berman's natal planets to the June 24, 2020 horoscope along with its significant 2020 contacts to Barr's natal planets, as you see, below.

Note that this is a speculative horoscope set for June 24, 2020 10:00 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC when the House may hold a hearing and Rep. Nadler may call certain whistleblowers or others to testify. Therefore, I've titled the chart based on its potential to become a "Whistle Blower Day" and am interested in readers' on-topic comments concerning this horoscope and its contacts to Berman's and/or Barr's natal planets, if you please:

Outer: Geoffrey Berman blue; Bill Barr green; a few USA planets are penned around the center chart but are not color coded. Trump's first natal planet to rise is his pesky Mars @26Leo. Berman's is Venus Rx @1Vir53 although his natal Uranus @18Leo42 has already risen into the 12th house of Politics, Karma and Large Institutions (such as the US Congress). Mr. Berman's already-occurred separation from SDNY is indicated by Uranus and Venus Rx.

Barr's first natal planet to rise at 10:00 am edt is 'legal eagle' Saturn @12Vir38 but his natal Pluto and Moon (his Luna probably in Leo) have just risen into the 12th house. The Moon-Pluto duo tends toward secrets being revealed and/or scandals along with deep emotions - probably rage, plus, personal insults and offended vanity or conceit (Ebertin).

Actually, Bill Barr is most likely the primary reason for the hearing (if it occurs) for you see the pile-up at Midheaven (MC: The Why? Point) of his Sun-conjunct-Nemesis, Mercury Rx, Midas, and his political Uranus-NN midpoint suggesting potentials for criticism, impetuous goals, and his fanatic promotion of anarchistic ideas and ideals. With his Uranus-NN at Midheaven his zealous views are brought into a public forum and hints that Barr has received assurances from someone 'higher up' that his ideas and ideals will be well received and that his and Trump's teamwork will pay big dividends in the long run if not the short.

June 19, 2020 Horoscope of a Significant Toppling

Bi-Wheel: center Pike Statue Toppled with Albert Pike's natal (noon) horoscope around the outside. Sorry for my messy scribbles!

Notable is that the same midpoint picture turns up in both the 2020 toppling horoscope and 'grand poobah' Pike's 1809 natal chart: Neptune-NN = Uranus with 2020 Uranus opposing his natal Uranus in Scorpio (kind of a midlife crisis for him if he only knew). For us, chaos, disruption, and separation are activated potentials of this transit, plus, 2020 Uranus in Taurus opposes Inauguration 2017's Moon (9Scorpio) suggesting current events not only of civil unrest, protests, topplings of Confederate statues, and general upheaval as it shouts-out The Confederacy with its separative/secessionist sympathies, plus, the 'great' poobah himself, Donald Trump.

Related: The Statue That Binds White Supremacy, World War II, Trump, and the US Congress (posted October 10, 2017 when Senator Bob Corker was still in Congress). I only wish that toppling said statue was all it takes to rid America of the criminal saboteurs and Utopian zealots now infesting it.

An Also-Related Post: Horoscope of The Confederacy: "a Dark Vein of Intolerance".

Jun 18, 2020

A Total Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020: Fate Steps In

December 14, 2020 Brings a 'Cosmic Blink' from Above: Fate, Destiny, Karma

by Jude Cowell

June 18, 2020: Many events, changed conditions, and tweets have occurred since last I posted the Horoscope of the 4 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 so here's another consideration of the chart with a few hindsight conditions in mind, plus, a nod to the element of fate, aka, destiny:

As you see, the natal placements of Donald Trump are not littering the chart even though his Sun-NN/Moon-SN polarity is involved with the transiting Nodal axis, Mercury (20Sag05), and the Solar Eclipse, primarily because like most people I am truly weary of the blighter. He does figure in, of course, and may be the primary recipient of the 'fate' suggested by the 4 South eclipse themes (see below), plus other cosmic indications in the chart. However, 'wherever Trump goes so goes America' at least for now so mention should be made of the fact that his natal Descendant rises in this chart (Ascendant @29AQ01, a critical-crisis 29th degree). Also rising are two of the eclipse's midpoints: Pluto-Chiron (plutocrats; exploitation; primal violence; racism and other oppressive -isms), and, inventive Mercury-Uranus with little Mercury snugged between the eclipse and the Saturnian South Node (ideas behind or ahead of their time? same old tweeted insults? leaked plans?). Well obviously, technology and communications are suggested by Mercury-Uranus along with a potential for rebellion or riots due to goals not being fully explained or being rejected, plus, accidents via travel are possible, and Trump's past tweets may be spotlighted as they've been before. Yes, tweets (Mercury) from the past (SN) can come back to haunt even the most erstwhile tweeter!

Meanwhile, radical Uranus @7Tau07 lurches through the 2nd house of Earning Ability and the National Treasury and is unaspected (spurt-like energy or intuition from Uranus) and likely seeking 'unusual methods of financing' when in Taurus. This placement also suggests that 'premature action results in failure' (Ebertin) and can result in costly upsets or disruptions of one kind or another such as sudden natural events (exs: tectonic plates shifting--Saturn at a critical 29th degree--storms, hurricanes, and/or tech disruptions). Expect the unexpected.

And yet it's gas-lighting Neptune in her own sign of Pisces that rises in 1st house and denotes potentials for undermining conditions, saboteurs and subversives, events too massive to handle (possibly involving water or other liquids and/or toxins, drugs, oceans) plus, illness, infection, weakness, instability, confusion, fear and paranoia rising. So apparently our current difficulties continue to flow through society while a disinterested fellow with a power-grasping agenda 'mans' the helm of the White House and tweets our country away to the highest bidder.

Then, in 9th house of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, Higher Education, and Legal Affairs is Venus @28Sco44 - a money planet in the business and investment sign of Scorpio. Venus leads the tilt of a BOWL which falls over the 10th cusp of Career and Public Reputation. She's on a mission and is advocating for a cause (BOWL) but is less effective due to her limited experience of the world as shown by the signs outside the BOWL - the realms of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra. To me this indicates missing elements of versatility, nurturance, natural leadership, discrimination, and balance. Unfortunately as 2020 ends, the trio of planets in governmental Capricorn and eroding Neptune in Pisces are outweighing Cancer's natural tendency to nurture and dissolving Virgo's natural function of discrimination - or trying to.

Meanwhile, other karmic or fated conditions are shown by factors such as the interception of the Virgo-Pisces axis across the 1/7 house polarity (including watery Neptune opposing dedicated Vesta). Yes, it's obviously time that America's Virgo-Pisces 'victim-savior' issues be dealt with and these include police brutality, Black Lives Matter, work place ethics (US Neptune in Virgo, sign of work and health), medical matters (exs: Covid-19, hospitals, supplies, testing, death rates), and the current loss of employment, lives, and lifestyles of millions of Americans, under empty vessel Trump.

Heavyweight Planets Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn and US natal Pluto

Naturally a major component in the eclipse chart is the 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, Politics, and Behind-the-Scenes activities and meetings because heavyweights Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, now Direct in Capricorn, are grouped there across the house cusp which also happens to be conjoined by US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33). As you know, US Pluto always drags along our nation's Mercury-Pluto opposition of surveillance and thought control (propaganda). In fact, the Mercury-Uranus duo includes the interesting potential of 'using propaganda during emergencies'. Ya think? Well, chart-ruler Saturn makes no applying aspects yet Venus does sextile conservative Saturn (a good business sense with a talent for setting priorities) while expansive Jupiter applies to their game-changing Great Conjunction (0A47) @00AQ29 perfecting at Winter Solstice 2020, a cosmic harbinger indicating major changes in society on several levels which we've discussed before (as has every other astrologer!).

Then sneakily, in the 12th house of Secret Deals is karmic Saturn sporting the Sabian Symbol for his rounded-up degree of '30 Capricorn' = OPPORTUNITY: "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" with the word picture's negative expression: "rampant selfishness and rank exploitation" (Jones). Does this sound anything like a group of corporate executives, financiers, political operatives, and bad faith enablers you know? And maybe a selfish Ayn-Rander or two?

So when we look at the transiting midpoint picture with US natal Pluto as apex planet, what possibilities do we see? Tr Jupiter-Saturn = n Pluto: 'a total reversal of plans; intense business activity; extreme changes or reforms; and, wealthy, stealthy puppet master Pluto 'in control of the situation'. Actually, this midpoint picture is penned in the center of the chart and its potentials may very well relate to the objectives of that secret conference. Alternately, it may describe other players, too.

The Times They Really Are a-Changin'

Yes, change is rather the point of a 'cosmic blink'/'wild card' eclipse that affects conditions and events on Earth much as quirky, shocking Uranus tends to do: with disruption, unexpected events, intervention by a higher power, and possibly a total change of direction as a result. Are we listening to the Voice of a higher power? Well, some of us are! Are you?

Such is the Total Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 which contains themes of 'very strong emotional feelings concerning relationships and/or money; a sense of fatedness as individuals are caught up in relationship events beyond personal control; a sudden desire to end relationships or associations; anger; lust; blocked emotions that lead to much frustration. Best advice is to avoid hasty action until issues settle down' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Silent Neptune Undermines and Erodes

In addition, there are squares to the Eclipse/Nodal axis from Neptune - intercepted, as noted - with Neptunian potentials as mentioned, above and below. Foggy conditions, cloudiness, or insecurity may cause eclipse imperatives to seem difficult to understand or manage for the masses, even for the media (Neptune), yet to make karmic progress, clarity and truth must be constantly attempted to the extent that we can, our years of extreme disappointment with Washington politicians notwithstanding. Because feeling Neptunian disappointment in our elected officials is no longer enough to effect the positive changes we need and democracy requires participation.

For Neptunian circumstances squaring the eclipse include delusional leaders, subversives, saboteurs, radical reactionaries, and folks who are out of step with current societal standards and traditions - and all are eager to continue interfering with America's karmic progress for they prefer either the status quo or better yet (they think), the regressive policies of olden days. Why, even Trump's natal fantasy-prone, deceitful Mercury-Neptune square is echoed by this eclipse chart (but from Sagittarius to Pisces instead of Cancer to Libra). This 'square' condition of off-kilter Mercury and Neptune is another way that Trump shows up in the chart along with his natal Sun-Moon-Nodes configuration, and his speculating, transactional Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio in Libra conjunct the 8th cu$p of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Corporatism, among other realms. And as you know, the Nodes of the Moon suggest the fated paths all Earthlings must tread, even scofflaw freeloader Donald Trump.

A Related Post: December 2020 Solar Eclipse a Wild Card for Trump which shows the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope with its 8th house Saturn @23Sag30 - to be eclipsed by the December 14, 2020 Eclipse, plus, it activates Trump's Total Lunar Eclipse (@23Sag)! To me this eclipse pile-up sounds like a whole bunch of fated conditions and events coming due and it may take a huge amount of cheating and bribes to shoehorn his bulk into the Oval Office again. Or am I only wishfully dreaming?

Perhaps so, but it seems to me that this particular eclipse 'begs to differ' with such subversives and radical reactionaries concerning the fate of America because in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, a solar eclipse calls for integrity, honesty, ethical actions and moral standards to be upheld, not disrespected or neglected. Negative expressions such as misguided beliefs, erroneous philosophies, deceit, and fraud will amount to nothing of value under the influence of the December 2020 Eclipse, if karmic progress is to be made by the Collective as we face 2021, and it is extremely important that We The People not scatter our energies. Because as many people have called for lately, Unity is needed - for as everyone knows, there be strength in numbers!

A related opinion: Solidarity Will Turn the Impossible Into the Inevitable.

Jun 16, 2020

Democracy For Who? Do The Poor Have A Say? - Thom Hartmann (plus Ceres!)

Here's a June 16, 2020 clip from Thom Hartmann concerning a timely societal topic which contains within it many thorny and related issues:


In Mundane Astrology I tend to use asteroid Ceres as a marker for democracy, aka, Democracy. However, these days, America's fabled streak of Plutocracy has grown wider than ever and we find that on July 4, 1776 our Ceres Rx @8Pisces41 conjoined the 1776 natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint with the midpoint's plutocracy, exploitation, primal violence, and racism implications now coming to fruition across the land. And where is Ceres in transit as I type? At 11Pis38 which suggests that in 2020, America is actually in the midst of a three-fer Ceres Return due to the asteroid's retrogradation.

Exact dates of America's current Ceres Return/s are: May 28 (passed obviously); August 14; and December 20, 2020, the last a significant date for other reasons. Hopefully by December, solutions may be found, presented, or even implemented to address at least some of our nation's thorny issues within the realms of Ceres.

This may be possible since a Ceres Return spotlights our national Ceres concerns (in compassionate Pisces!) such as nurturing, home and family, parenting, food supplies (food chains), agricultural concerns and practices, protective instincts, and democracy with a cosmic laser beam to be dealt with in 2020 and, hopefully, to result in improvements for the population of our country which, whether Republicans and other selfish Ayn-Randers like it or not, includes the poor, elderly, ill, and weak among us. Even our Voting Rights are involved since office holders determine how We The People are treated or mistreated, how funds are allocated for the care of our people in need - and to 'promote the general welfare'. And yet as we see since 1776, the nation was set up from the start with the plutocrats in charge.

To close, here's one of my drawings of a protective mother and child:

Image: 'Ceres and Persephone'; pencil on paper by Jude Cowell.

Jun 14, 2020

America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses

Riots Across America and a Summer of Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

In June 2019 we took a look at the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 (shown below) with its themes of 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' and 'sudden endings of relationships or associations'. Few would disagree that changes since then have been traumatic and separative, and recently we're hearing more and more public figures speak of "transformation." Perhaps you've heard them say this, too.

DC Horoscope: 3 South Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

Naturally, astrologers tend to think of astrological Pluto when it comes to concepts such as transformation by which nothing stays the same. These days we're having a more generous helping of intensity via a boost from the planet of shocks and sudden events: erratic, radical Uranus, now in money sign Taurus and stirring up chaotic conditions as he lurches along.

So considering the current protests, riots, unrest, disruption, violence, and general turmoil in society my suspicion is that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto in mid-Pisces, opposing the mid-degrees of Virgo where Uranus and Pluto conjoined three times in the mid-1960s, is responsible for some major 'stirring up' of such restless and revolutionary energies of civil unrest and revolt. You, dear reader, may disagree about their midpoint, but there it is.

Now with Pluto plodding through Capricorn, we see startling transformation within the Saturnian realms of government, law, business, and investment. Three conjunctions with Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, all through 2020 ups the significance and depth of Plutonian changes as Plutocracy (Jupiter-Pluto) makes a stand against massive pushback from We The People.

Then, warming up Summer 2020 are two Lunar Eclipses. One has already occurred on June 5th @15Sag34, in first house of late afternoon US Horoscopes (July 4, 1776) that show Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising. But soon comes a second Lunar Eclipse, a sort of 'birthday eclipse' for America for it perfects on July 5th @13Cap37 - an 'eclipse' of America's natal Sun (13Can19). This involves two fixed stars of note: Sirius, the scorcher, and Canopus, the star of old age.

But the most scorching heat of Summer 2020 may arise (between the two Lunar Eclipses) from the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series (chart shown). By degree this eclipse echoes the transformative 3 North Solar Eclipse of Summer Solstice 2001 @00Cancer, one of the four critical Cardinal Points of Manifestation upon which eclipses (those 'wild cards of the Universe') tend to spur some measure of global events. Yet since 00Cancer is known as 'the gate of life' degree, can we expect improved conditions running in the background of society under the influence of the Cancer Solar Eclipse as opposed to the difficult 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse, both falling across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis? By theme, it's doubtful since 4 North themes include potentials for 'restraint, restriction, misjudgments, and illusions'.

That is, unless 4 North's 'restrictions, restraint, and misjudgments' should refer to, disrupt, and/or somehow transform the bad actors and rotten apples now disrupting the American barrel as they act under the illusion that our country should belong to authoritarian despots and criminals instead of to We The People!

For more on eclipse themes you may wish to see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. In fact, I highly recommend it. jc

Jun 12, 2020

June 25, 2020 Venus Direct: Trying to Save What's Left

DC Horoscope: June 25, 2020 Venus Rx Station Turns Direct @5Gem20:11 first moment at 2:48:01 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Venus, Rising in 1st House and Chart-Ruler with No Applying Aspects:

With this chart's Angles conjunct those of modern US Inauguration Horoscopes the significance of the June 2020 Venus Direct Horoscope is multiplied particularly in relation to the US, to Washington DC, the White House, and to The National Treasury for there are multiple financial indicators such as 9th house Pluto leading a Locomotive (a high-powered executive ruthlessly determined on success). Of course, wealthy manipulator Pluto conjoins Jupiter, the banker/politician/pastor/guru/The General/CEO planet, and, having crossed US Inauguration 2017's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal), transit Saturn Rx, planet of law and order, conjoins US Inaugural Sun @00AQ26/49. The first such conjunction occurred on April 3rd, the second of three exact conjunctions perfected on June 18, 2020, and the final Saturn-to-Sun (POTUS) conjunction arrives December 24, 2020 suggesting that 2020 is a period when responsibilities and consequences of past actions and decisions must be faced; it is a time of isolation for Donald Trump, political and professional, as well as physical. Yes, restriction, restraint, constraint, accountability, and maturity are demanded by lesson-bringer Saturn but with Trump's massive ego (Sun) and self-serving mindset, what are the chances he'll step up?

Besides, we know that Trump will not take Adam Schiff's recent advice and stay snugged within the White House bunker until the 2020 Election, thus causing no more harm! But perhaps ongoing lawsuits involving Trump's finances will cycle up and the miracle of holding criminals accountable for their crimes will be addressed and adjudicated by the legal system and/or lawmakers, both realms of legal-eagle Saturn.

Jupiter-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn 2020

So as you see, the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 are in progress: exact on April 5, June 30, and November 12 in the degree range of 22-25 Capricorn, a highly sensitized and activated Zodiacal zone of late which emphasizes governmental, power/authority, legal, and investment issues in particular. Note the strongly influential midpoint picture penned on--Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter with potentials for "trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; and/or trying to save what's left" (Tyl). At 2017 Inaugural MC and this chart's MC (where US natal Pluto is enthroned since January 20, 1937), scandals, loss, and mourning are visible for the whole world to see during this time frame of America's fated, karmic struggle as We The People endure the loss of our nation's global status and reputation. And as you know, America and the world are in an old order vs new order phase which officially begins at Winter Solstice 2020 with the Great Conjunction of societal planets *Jupiter and Saturn. Washington DC Politics are front and center for us because the conjunction perfects upon US Presidential Sun, as noted. (For a few potential expressions, see their midpoint picture, below.) Perhaps you've thought or heard some politician or pundit remark about a 'new day' or a 'new world' - actually, there's 'a new vision fighting to be understood' (old Saturn + new Uranus = visionary Neptune) as the digital world is taking over society more than ever before.

Qs: Does the heavyweight trio at MC depict a destructive blend of the ruling class adopting additional austerity measures to oppress We The People while gifting themselves and their corporate pals and enablers with even more funds and tax breaks they don't need? As I've fussed on SO'W for years, bankrupting the United States is a primary goal of foreign and domestic zealots working toward anarchy and America's collapse (as did the Soviet Union in 1991: revenge). So does Pluto in Capricorn ('the dictator' placement--Ebertin) represent more than figurehead mobster Trump but also sorehead Putin in league with China? That's for you to decide, dear reader. I know what I think. But what do you think? As always, your on-topic comments are much appreciated (and are moderated for spam!)

Sun @4Cancer-Moon @24Leo

Now with Sun and Moon in mutual reception, some amount of friendliness is shown here between leadership (Sun) and the public (Moon), but not necessarily toward or from Trump. Note that Luna in dramatic Leo is about to conjoin Trump's natal Mars, then his Ascendant, and may trigger the Moon-Mars opposition that exists between cantankerous Trump (Mars rising) and the American people (Moon) so the friendliness could refer to his nibs but also to leaders other than his nibs. Another potentials is that friendliness is not felt by or toward everyone. Actually, when it comes to Trump, anger at being assaulted from or by the Oval Office (ruled by Venus!) is more like it for a majority of us. For his assaults are ongoing and are part of a larger plan. Plus, penned in the center of the chart is a midpoint picture of US natal Venus-Jupiter = transit Sun @4Cancer: "foreign raids on the treasury" (M. Munkasey).

As for June 25th's cosmic weather, a peek at its steamy, volatile Fire-Water Sun Cancer-Moon Leo blend of conscious-unconscious energies reveals tendencies toward clannishness, pride, and deep feelings. Zealotry and even jealousy may also be part of the cosmic picture (with Venus turning vicious and venal if scorned). The Sun is posited in a money house (2nd) with the fluctuating Moon in the 5th house of Speculation and Gambling - dramatic Leo's natural house - so we may be looking at another financial indicator with this blend's business shrewdness, plus, a devotion to family or clan. Showy Leo wants to risk and play while business-oriented Cancer tends to be more cautious, hiding in its emotional shell like a crab (like a bunker boy?). Moodiness, rejection of all criticism, and a need to 'rule the roost' are possible results of this combination. Yet another chart factor is that the Moon is unaspected (Ptolemaically speaking) which suggests an alienated, isolated, and/or estranged populace. Personally, I resemble that remark. Don't we all these days?

Matters of Health and Funding

Now as you see, other indications can be located within the horoscope which relate to health issues (inconjuncts, sesquisquares, and a semisquare) and infections (Mars-Neptune in watery Pisces, the duo fresh from their June 13th conjunction @20Pis59). Plus, we find disruption of family life, separations, isolation, and turmoil in society (see Uranus in Taurus opposing Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio penned on). Yet with Venus rising and acting as chart-ruler (in greedy Taurus but in duplicitous Gemini - and also ruling 6th house) added to the prominent Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn trio at MC, the US is, as we know, experiencing a period of financial turmoil with Venus connected to currency, expenditures, luxury (or its lack), extravagance, smaller amounts of money, (diplomacy, relationships). As you see, her sign of Libra (balance!) is intercepted (karmic dealings which echoes the karmic trio at MC) in the 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, Civil, Military, and Police Service. And as you know, the current Venus retrograde ('Rx') period (since May 13th @21Gem50) has spotlighted all these matters along with actions and non-actions of the US Congress which allegedly continues to control America's "purse strings".

However, we know that transit Venus won't reach and surpass her own shadow (where she turned Rx) until the last week of July so we'll see how financial and other societal conditions begin to alter once Lady Venus is again 'in the light' astrologically and heads toward her prominent role in the November 2020 Election/s. Meanwhile, funding and/or defunding of police departments turns up here as well, although for me, the word "re-allocation" of funds seems a more rational choice rather than allowing a lawless society to result as zealous Utopians and saboteurs would prefer. In addition, America's extravagant military funding is again being mentioned recently thanks to the ongoing protests against the death-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Military and police funding and budgets are issues that bring Congress into this Venusian picture as America continues to borrow from China to keep our illusion of solvency going. Or should we include on our list of creditors one or more of the Middle Eastern regimes? America indebted to foreign actors: just what the Founding Fathers feared!

And of course, Trump's tangled finances and 'hidden' alliances have only made our nation's circumstances less transparent and unsustainable - and, sad to say, replete with paranoia and dread. He seems to be an extremely blackmail-able guy who'll do anything for money and power, no matter what it costs the American people.

Donald Trump is, in fact, too expensive to keep.

*December 21, 2020: transit Jupiter-Saturn = (Presidential/POTUS) Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

For more cosmic blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jun 9, 2020

Has America's Policing 'Style' Run Its Course?

Astrological Mars in the US: Masculine Planet of Police and Military Forces

by Jude Cowell

June 9, 2020: Readers of Stars Over Washington may recall mentions of America's natal Mars (22Gemini) turned retrograde (Rx) by progression since 2006, the exact date dependent upon which founding horoscope one uses for America. Since yours truly tends toward our July 4, 1776 charts (whatever hour) this gives US Mars Rx @18Libra (conjunct Trump's natal 2nd house Jupiter stationary with US natal Mars conjunct his 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio in Gemini; plus, his Mars rising @26Leo opposes US natal Moon--these are some of the cosmic conditions that caused me to warn against him in 2015/2016). And as you know, his Mars-infused aggression and oppression of We The People has only gotten worse, as predicted.

Simultaneously, the inward turning of testosterone--driven energies and motivations upon the populace (symbolically via SP Mars Rx) is seen through current police brutality against our citizens, and has been seen in our returning war veterans with broken bodies, hearts, and minds. America's Mars is weakened: Gemini Mars is ready for action while actions of a Libran Mars depend upon feelings and emotions often with a focus on what's fair and equal). How long will our Mars be Rx by progression? Approximately until year 2086 (2006 + 80).

And yet there is good news for American society!

For a re-invention of US police forces resonates positively with our SP Mars Rx. But let this particular Southerner say this: the disbanding and/or de-funding of US police departments in whole or in part would create just the anarchy the Utopian saboteurs and zealots have always wanted and are now working toward. So let's not hand it to them! Better to makes changes that directly address issues and solve them rather than scattering energies, missing the mark, and worsening negative conditions. A better change is to jettison the brutal officers who have been excused and sheltered by fellow officers and higher-ups for too long. They can usually be recognized by their slave patrol attitudes and cruel actions.

For more info, here is a June 8, 2020 segment from Thom Hartman asking, Should We Re-Invent or Disband America's Police?

And for even more info I recommend an overview of modern-day American police practices by certain officers with a 'rounding up runways slaves' mentality via a Bloomberg News op-ed by law Professor Stephen L. Carter, published October 29, 2015 asserting that, The debate on racism and law enforcement follows a clear line back to the antebellum South. Surely everyone in the whole wide world is aware of this! But Professor Carter's op-ed clearly lays out the history of the line, slave patrols and all. And naturally, some fault may be laid at the doorstep of the first slave trade of Angolans kidnapped and transported to Jamestown Colony in 1619 but that lies beyond the scope of this post.

Jun 6, 2020

June 13, 2020: SCOTUS Saturn under scrutiny

by Jude Cowell

June 6, 2020: Since June 2020 is a significant month for Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions within the coronavirus contagion time frame let's took a look at the founding Horoscope for SCOTUS (February 1, 1790 9:00 am LMT NYC is the chart I use) and an unpleasant discovery: that the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction lands directly upon the natal Saturn of the highest Court in the nation. Checking other significant US charts against Mars-Neptune @20Pis56, I found no other horoscope that resonated as closely with the conjunction except for the SCOTUS horoscope (1 minute orb). This doesn't meanthat there aren't any, it means that of the ones in my files I found none and this includes the Federal City Horoscope of April 21, 1791!

Naturally, everyone knows that realistic Saturn in Mundane Astrology is associated with law, attorneys, judges, courts, legal systems, lawmakers, government, business, and such along with the status quo and The Establishment. Time, tradition, standards, regulations, structures, limits, restriction, authority, authenticity, accountability, consolidation, seniors, managers, isolation, concentration, hard work, failure, and loss also come under karmic Saturn's rather wide umbrella. Yet in watery Pisces, solid Saturn can have a difficult time since his placement there reveals a karmic planet in a karmic sign so obviously the correct channeling of Saturnine energies can make or break an institution or an individual. For as you know, Saturn demands much but will (eventually!) reward those who follow his precepts in a responsible way. And with America's natal Saturn (1776) in Libra where Saturn is exalted (expresses best), we've come to expect that SCOTUS will carry out its traditional duties in the most admirable way possible - not always a realistic expectation, but it is always to be hoped, even in these trying times.

So with the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction coming its way, the 1790 Horoscope of SCOTUS is pictured below with the Mars-Neptune Conjunction Horoscope snugged around it in bi-wheel form. The Mars-Neptune-to-Saturn transit is highlighted in green and red while the Moon (red) simultaneously conjoins SCOTUS' natal Venus, as you can see:

Yes, too many scribbles are squished upon the chart/s (mea culpa!) but hopefully you can enlarge the image to read them if you wish. Upper right contains a few of the potentials of the midpoint picture Mars-Neptune = Saturn but I'll also type them here for you: unfortunate consequences due to a weak will; being taken advantage of; perseverance; instability - and there's a bit more that couldn't be squished in such as: misdirected energy; feelings of inferiority; lasting weakness or illness; blocking of anger toward people who avoid reality (by intimidation, threats, blackmail?); frustrations encountered when punishing those who deceive others; pessimism over arguments received from clerics; reticence; a sense of futility. And to 'perseverance' add, in spite of fear.

(Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey).

Confusion, deceit, and/or some type of paralyzed activity may also be notable around the time of the blending of these energies particularly since America's problematic Mars-Neptune square may be involved with the Court's cases, people, and/or decisions. That's US natal Neptune @22Vir23 conjunct Descendant and US natal Mars in 3rd house near the Sun-Chiron conjunction which suggests a focus on dealing with moral and ethical principles and receiving acclaim for it.

Meanwhile, transit Mars to natal Saturn suggests careful planning, organization, and perhaps some type of delay, while transit Neptune to natal Saturn suggests potentials for either idealistic or misguided authority figures, eroding traditions or systems, and/or a new approach to handling authority.

In addition, the astrological archetype for Justice, asteroid Astraea, is found on June 18th conjunct the SCOTUS Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in late Leo - and therefore conjunct the natal Mars of Donald Trump (Mars = action, energy, motivation). For SCOTUS' natal Astraea look to mid-Capricorn and the 1790 chart's 11th cusp.

Neglected notes not penned on the June 18, 2020 chart include: Hour: Sun; Sun-Moon: 3rd quarter +273:35 = crisis in consciousness: and hidden manipulator Pluto Rx in Capricorn leads a BOWL shape of the planets, and he's bossily tilted toward success no matter the cost.

Now the Mars-Neptune Conjunction perfects on a Saturday (Saturn's day!) but note that on the SCOTUS calendar Opinion Issuance Days in June (Mondays) include June 15th, a mere two days after the Conjunction so we'll see what transpires and which cases and topics the Justices address. And if they appear to be acting independently of outside influences.

Jun 5, 2020

June 18, 2020: Inauguration 2017's Mars Return

Mars Return 2020 Signals a New Cycle of Activity for the US Presidency

by Jude Cowell

June 5, 2020: In the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope (January 20, 2017 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC) activist planet Mars @24Pis21 in 11th house of Groups, Alliances, Hopes and Wishes, appears in a line-up in Pisces with Chiron (21:48), Venus (17:44), and Neptune (10:16). All four are in direct motion and in the 11th house.

So in consideration of recent turbulent events which involve Mars (peaceful - Pisces - activism - Mars - and the strong-armed quelling of it - Mars - one way by using Neptunian tear gas) the following Mars Return Horoscope may be of interest to the curious reader. Please enlarge the image if you wish to to read my study notes penned on the chart for there's ony a little text typed into this post (yours truly is in need of a weekend break!) but there are quite a few tidbits you may wish to consider. Not penned on the chart: rubber bullets, another apt description of a Pisces Mars along with some police officers (Mars) taking a knee while others oppress American citizens who exercise their right to free speech (US Mars Rx by progression):

Image: June 18, 2020 7:22:38 pm edt Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Mercury at Station and conjunct Sirius (the scorcher) and US natal Sun (1776). Note that Saturn Rx @00AQ48 continues its conjunction to US Inaugural Sun (@00AS49, lower left). Also see Sabian Symbols for Mars and Neptune, lower right.

Actually June 18, 2020 is a significant day for more cosmic reasons than one so you may wish to see or review June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope, plus, there's June and July 2020: A Cosmic Sandwich of Eclipses - starting today at 3:13 pm edt! - and Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse at Summer Solstice.

Above image: Mars (NASA/Hubble)