Jun 8, 2009

Next Venus Occultation: June 5, 2012

Did you know that SpaceWeather News has a 15-pp gallery of photos of 2004's Venus Occultation (aka Transit)?

Astrologically we say that a Venus Occultation indicates a time when people or entities that you'd never suspect join forces or create a new and unusal association. And perhaps we could say, a secret one.

This may have been an outcome of the G-8 Summit during the last Venus Transit of June, 2004 when world leaders (or those who play them on TV) met on the beaches of Sea Island, GA, with Sun/Venus at '18Gemini'..."Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd."

Kind of a 'rare event above, rare below' occurrence, but high-level secret meeting attendees seldom tell tales under threat of who-knows-what fate, Venus Occultation notwithstanding.

And as you know, Venus is implicated in the dust-up which many of us worrywarts are half expecting for the end of the Mayan Calendar year in December 2012. Perhaps it's a coincidence that a Venus Occultation occurs in the year 2012, or more properly, perhaps it's a synchronicity. At the least, it may indicate an active Venus of some kind which no one can describe the effects of until it happens.

So if you want to set up a horoscope for the Venus Occultation of 2012, the Sun/Venus conjunction will be precise in Washington DC on June 5, 2012 at 9:08:53 pm edt, according to my Solar Fire software. You'll find a Rx Venus conj Sun at 15Gem45...'16Gem': "A Woman Agitator Makes an Impassioned Plea to a Crowd." (SolarFire.)

Ascendant 25Sag06; Mc 16Lib19; Moon 7Cap46 approaching Pluto 8Cap50 Rx in 1st house.

Now it may become seemly to post additional details on 2012's Venus Occultation chart as 2009 trundles along, but for now, there are other events, charts, and details to blog about: it looks like next up is America's two-hundred-thirty-third birthday in early July, then the difficult 11 South Solar Eclipse which occurs on the evening of July 21, 2009 in Washington, DC (10:34:32 pm edt.)

With America's Solar Return, I'll be deciding which to use: the Sibly/5:10 pm chart, or Ben Franklin's 2:21 pm horoscope on which to base the US Solar Return, and plenty of time will be needed to study both.

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