Jul 21, 2010

Is Obama a threat to Social Security benefits?

Can't resist posting this link so I'll know where to find it myself - it's an interview between Amy Goodman and Dean Baker concerning what's going on with current threats to Social Security by the Obama administration.

And no, I've never considered SS an 'entitlement' program especially since those of us who are self-employed have paid 100% of these taxes through the years and stupidly trusted the US gov to keep their dirty paws off it. Lockbox, schmockbox.

If SS benefits are cut and the retirement age is raised to 70 (who wants a 70-year old worker?! who???) then it will be yet another case of robbery perpetrated upon the under fire American people by their own government, or by tamping down on the government's years of wastefulness by the strong-arming from foreign entities and global fraudsters.

Now who can miss it?

Financial Collapse 2008 was engineered to make the rich richer while starving state, local, and national budgets so that an end to FDR's New Deal programs of what the rich among us call 'entitlements' (not always the correct term to describe what they want to steal) will be accepted by the general population as being 'necessary'.

Riling us up now, aren't they?


  1. Who wants a 70-year-old worker? LOL I plan to be a 70-year-old worker! :D

    Self employed, of course. I've spent most of my working years self employed, filing tax returns and paying my share.

    One thing I foresee from a non-astrologer's perspective is that the benefits are going to have to diminish. The plan, I'm sure, will be for the states to pick up the slack. But the states don't have anymore room to take up any more.

    Look at California. I live in a county that's on the brink of bankruptcy, Jefferson County Alabama. If we go under we'll be the largest county to do so in the history of the U. S.

    The Federal government can't just keep printing money that has no more full faith to back up. The states already can't keep their heads above water.

    This is a nightmare from which we might not ever awaken I'm afraid.

  2. Parin, i hear ya!

    Two long-range indicators astrologically which i have groused about here and on Jude's Threshold is that America is in the waning light of her Secondary Progressed Moon phase (Sun Pis10/Moon 4Vir10) as of Dec 2008, if you use the Sibly chart. Other US charts have the Sec Full Moon on various dates in 2009.

    Things lighten up about 2 or 3 years past Sec New Moon which won't be until 2024, a long time for the US to be in the shadows. But natural cycles are something even the US can't exist outside of and goodness knows our gov is still trying, or making a show of it, at least.

    The other portent of a long slog is US Mars turned Rx by progression - again Mars' Rx Station occurred on different dates depending on the chart you use, but basically since 2006.

    One of these factors alone would be difficult to navigate - and THAT would be the case even w/ honest politicians who weren't always playing Gotcha Politics, gaming the system, and rolling around in bed with industry titans.

    Yes, i wrote the bit about 'Who wants a 70-year old worker?' knowing it didn't fit everyone (being self-employed, too) but it's probable that most 70-yr-olds aren't physically up to working up to snuff - not long hours anyway.

    'Spryness' only gets you so far working some jobs and is not enough steam or oomph for many others. Plus, raising the retirement age to 70 will mean many recipients will never see their benefits since it will provide more years in which they may die. Cynical Capitol Hillers!

    Plus, working longer replaces younger workers who need jobs, too (which is happening now, they say, in the 'big recession'.)

    One thing i didn't mention in my post, though i'm sure many others have, is that the unemployed aren't paying the taxes they would be paying if employed (including SS), a fact that 'entitlement' haters must adore.

    For to paraphrase FDR: Nothing in politics is an accident. If it happens, you can be sure it was meant to.

    Well, thanks for your thoughts, they are much appreciated! Jude

  3. Parin, i hear ya!

    Two long-range indicators astrologically which i have groused about here and on Jude's Threshold is that America is in the waning light of her Secondary Progressed Moon phase (Sun Pis10/Moon 4Vir10) as of Dec 2008, if you use the Sibly chart. Other US charts have the Sec Full Moon on various dates in 2009.

    Things lighten up about 2 or 3 years past Sec New Moon which won't be until 2024, a long time for the US to be in the shadows. But natural cycles are something even the US can't exist outside of and goodness knows our gov is still trying, or making a show of it, at least.

    The other portent of a long slog is US Mars turned Rx by progression - again Mars' Rx Station occurred on different dates depending on the chart you use, but basically since 2006.

    One of these factors alone would be difficult to navigate - and THAT would be the case even w/ honest politicians who weren't always playing Gotcha Politics, gaming the system, and rolling around in bed with industry titans.

    Yes, i wrote the bit about 'Who wants a 70-year old worker?' knowing it didn't fit everyone (being self-employed, too) but it's probable that most 70-yr-olds aren't physically up to working up to snuff - not long hours anyway.

    'Spryness' only gets you so far working some jobs and is not enough steam or oomph for many others. Plus, raising the retirement age to 70 will mean many recipients will never see their benefits since it will provide more years in which they may die. Cynical Capitol Hillers!

    Plus, working longer replaces younger workers who need jobs, too (which is happening now, they say, in the 'big recession'.)

    One thing i didn't mention in my post, though i'm sure many others have, is that the unemployed aren't paying the taxes they would be paying if employed (including SS), a fact that 'entitlement' haters must adore.

    For to paraphrase FDR: Nothing in politics is an accident. If it happens, you can be sure it was meant to.

    Well, thanks for your thoughts, they are much appreciated! Jude

  4. Parin, i hear ya!

    Two long-range indicators astrologically which i have groused about here and on Jude's Threshold is that America is in the waning light of her Secondary Progressed Moon phase (Sun Pis10/Moon 4Vir10) as of Dec 2008, if you use the Sibly chart. Other US charts have the Sec Full Moon on various dates in 2009.

    Things lighten up about 2 or 3 years past Sec New Moon which won't be until 2024, a long time for the US to be in the shadows. But natural cycles are something even the US can't exist outside of and goodness knows our gov is still trying, or making a show of it, at least.

    The other portent of a long slog is US Mars turned Rx by progression - again Mars' Rx Station occurred on different dates depending on the chart you use, but basically since 2006.

    One of these factors alone would be difficult to navigate - and THAT would be the case even w/ honest politicians who weren't always playing Gotcha Politics, gaming the system, and rolling around in bed with industry titans.

    Yes, i wrote the bit about 'Who wants a 70-year old worker?' knowing it didn't fit everyone (being self-employed, too) but it's probable that most 70-yr-olds aren't physically up to working up to snuff - not long hours anyway.

    'Spryness' only gets you so far working some jobs and is not enough steam or oomph for many others. Plus, raising the retirement age to 70 will mean many recipients will never see their benefits since it will provide more years in which they may die. Cynical Capitol Hillers!

    Plus, working longer replaces younger workers who need jobs, too (which is happening now, they say, in the 'big recession'.)

    One thing i didn't mention in my post, though i'm sure many others have, is that the unemployed aren't paying the taxes they would be paying if employed (including SS), a fact that 'entitlement' haters must adore.

    For to paraphrase FDR: Nothing in politics is an accident. If it happens, you can be sure it was meant to.

    Well, thanks for your thoughts, they are much appreciated! Jude

  5. Goodness, Blogger! For some reason you posted my reply twice while giving me a 'Connection Error" message simultaneously. jc

  6. I daresay 401k "retirement plans" are another aspect of this. What's to stop the plan administrators, 20 years from now, from saying, "Sorry, the rules changed. You're no longer entitled to the money you paid into this plan. But we got off scot-free with the management fees all these years! Ha ha, suckers!"

  7. 2024...isn't that about the time Pluto transits out of Capricorn too? I don't know! Any chance things will improve once Pluto is in Aquarius?

    You can believe it, if the SS retirement age is raised to 70, then the average man will draw benefits for, what, 5 years? Average woman 6 years? I believe 75 and 76 are the current lifespan expectancies for men and women respectively.

    Raising the retirement age will assuredly put a dent in the benefits outflow. How's that for cold? :(

    Actuarial tables were a deeply disturbing fact of economics when I first came across them.

    More than anything, it hurts when I hear of people saving up for retirement and putting off doing things until then when they'll have more time. Some of us might not see the end of the year.

    I say live while you're alive and don't put off living until later.

    I'm Taurus Asc so my first impulse is to encourage people to live a more simple, less expensive lifestyle. But it's no consolation to learn how little you can live on when you lose your house and car. Even IRS wants you to live in your house and keep your car so you can drive to work!

    I'm going to study the charts you've drawn up. I've glanced at them but I want to really dig into them. Purely astrologically speaking, I'm discovering just how much is involved in erecting an astrological chart. My respect for people who can do it by hand increases daily.


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