Jul 7, 2011

Moon-Saturn meeting Washington DC July 7, 2011

On June 10th I wrote a brief description of what I see as prime astro-factors occurring on August 2, 2011, the debt ceiling deadline when all feathers hit the financial fan if America's credit line isn't raised and our nation defaults. The signature of Jupiter-Neptune is upon it thus indicating that the pair's 'speculation-inflation-grand-schemes' flavor is in the brew.

Then on July 21, 2011, America has a Mars Return indicating a new (2-year) cycle of activity. Perhaps we'll have our higher credit limit in place by or around then (not wishing to leave our homework till the last minute!)

If not, there's another signpost, the US Saturn Return (#3 of 3 which began in 2010) on August 28, 2011, when accountability and responsibility are on the front burner. Saturnian lessons abound but will our government learn them or continue to play politics as they conduct the first-ever default in US history? With Saturn having a 28 to 30 year orbit, it makes sense to say the economic melee actually began with the Reagan administration about 28 to 30 years ago - the 1980s with US Saturn Return occurring on October 22, 1981.

There was a YOD formed that day (crisis; special task; crossroads; turning point) with a sextile between Jupiter and Neptune, the planetary pair of speculation and waste, pointing to wounding, wounded Chiron Rx '22Tau', one degree from the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction degree of May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Magnificent Gems". The process has been long, but these Utopians (Uranus in Aries) see the end in sight. Where did all the world's money go? Ask Pluto in Capricorn as he corners the resource market and gathers up national economies the world over.

For the American people, it's very late in the day to play politics since all three parties (including the Tea Party) will be held at fault if the US de-faults since
they're the bunch in charge as the deals go down and the country teeters on the brink. (Neither you nor I were on the scene, so we know we didn't do it.) If it becomes necessary that Saturnian blame be cast, we have quite a gaggle of shills, operatives, and vermin who deserve to share that blame.

But what about today's meeting at the White House with what may be President Obama's Final Offer (which does included 'entitlement' cuts, as I suspected it would.) Without a lot of blogging time available to me this morning, a quick peek at today's planets is all I can muster. The first thing I'll be looking for is a fresh conjunction (meeting), so I'm going now in real time to conjure a chart for today, White House, noon....(sound of this post being saved as a draft...)

Okay, besides the Venus-Pluto opposition (with US natal Venus involved as things don't go well with finances, valuations, or relationships with Pluto opposing our Venus, and moneybags Jupiter is next), there's the Moon in Libra approaching Saturn(Dems) which remains on its Direct Station degree of June 12.

As a pair, Moon/Saturn possibilities are: direction, ambition, and strategy, and in Politics and Business shows: the people exercising authority; institutions formed to oversee and coordinate business, agriculture, and commerce. A lack of output or production from manufacturing or agricultural sectors of the economy, and an inability to grasp the intentions of the people and their needs are also indicated. (Munkasey.)

Actually, planet Saturn is experiencing lovely storms upon its surface just now, as shown by photos from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. (I'm having trouble with New Scientist's blog link not going Live so here's the article address w photos if you wish to copy/paste: http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2011/07/saturn-storm-rages-on.html .)

And in Saturnian solidarity, Saturn's doppelganger, Earth, is having not-so-lovely political storms upon it which seem to be centered for the most part in Washington DC and everywhere else the Republicans hold the reins.


  1. Wondering what you are thinking about:

    The Tension Builds
    July 5, 2011

    "... the most dangerous configuration will be the Mars transit of August 7 through August 11, square to Uranus and opposite Pluto. This transit will immediately follow a Mercury station opposite transiting Neptune (August 1 though August 8), as well as come during the final Saturn square to the US Sun (August 1 through August 12) and will be followed by the final crossing of Saturn to US Saturn (August 17 to August 28). This suggests that some kind of stuck negotiations, intransigence, and delusional thinking (Mercury/Neptune) during the first week of August may well precipitate a potentially destructive or very volatile crisis between August 7 and August 11 (Mars/Uranus/Pluto) that deeply upsets the US for at least a few weeks (Saturn to US Sun/US Saturn)."

  2. Yes! Theodore White and I have been discussing this time frame! Its difficult planetary energies suggest frustrations and hardship though without anything other than the US Saturn (#3 of 3 since 2010) of Aug 28, 2011, we know the accountability factor within the US gov will be hard to face and ID yet it must be with this karmic planet of loss, restriction, and delay - esp if Saturn's tenets and demands have been dissed or avoided in the past (as they have been.)

    Here's Nancy's excellent article's link gone Live for those who may prefer to click and read.

    Thnx, libramoon! jc


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