May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014 Mercury to Gemini conjunct May 2012 Eclipse

Mercury in the Month of May: Thinking of Politics, Praying for Young Girls

by Jude Cowell

Today as speedy Mercury reaches 00Gem00 and conjoins and highlights Fixed Star Alcyone (something to cry about; the Weeping Sisters of the Pleiades) we may be tempted to direct our minds (Mercury) toward the difficult themes of and events concurrent with the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 which manifested, of course, at a Zodiacal degree sensitized by the position of Alcyone. You'll remember that 2012 was quite an active year in Washington DC but not so much for getting things done as for implementing plans to get little if anything done other than to undermine Democrats.

Click the above link for a view of the May 2012 Solar Eclipse horoscope set for the White House (or, White Lodge!) and my typically grumpy-as-usual analysis of US politics and our unfortunate infestation of politicians who are in breach of the public trust.

Mercury's entry into Gemini today is prominent also due to Mercury's rulership of the sign of Good News (and bad), Gemini, for he/she is the servant and messenger of the gods. And naturally we send prayers out to the abducted young girls of Nigeria for their safe return, a circumstance that is definitely 'something to cry about' with Mercury the planet of young people and of transport.

Now for a more uplifting approach to this Mercurial topic, I heartily recommend you check out Depali Desai's article Celestial Twinkle: Mercury enters Gemini May 7th, 2014.

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