May 14, 2015

A Southerner Ponders American Progress and Mercury-Neptune

On April 12, 2011, the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, I published a few astrological details and my thoughts on America's Civil War horoscope and included links to a few articles and sources which may interest you. Information on the reasons for the waging of the horrific war (1861--1865) are mentioned in the post for those who agree that "war is a racket" (said General Smedley Butler) and who know, or wish to know, something about the 19th-century fight against the establishment of an American central bank which we now call the "Federal Reserve Bank" or System.

In hindsight, reasons for and results of the "Civil" War (or, War Between the States) may be considered quite differently in 2015 than they were at the time for those who were emotionally, ideologically, socially, physically, and economically involved in the proceedings of the era. The thrill, excitement, 'glamour', rapturous imaginings, and Mercurial-Neptunian irrationality of the idealistic fellows who eagerly enlisted in a major effort meant to protect the Southern way of life and its regressive, cruel economic model--primarily Southerners, I'm thinking of here being one myself and typing at you from the 13th Colony of Georgia--well, it was all a tragic exercise in self-deception and a case of being masterfully manipulated, duped, exploited, harmed, and used as rich men's pawns. A clue is found in the Civil War natal horoscope via the planetary midpoint which was precisely rising when the First Shot Was Fired at Fort Sumter Charleston, SC, on April 12, 1861 at 4:30 am LMT (according to historic record).

It was the Mercury-Neptune pair conjoining a Pisces Ascendant at that particular location and moment in time. And naturally, the Virgo-Pisces polarity is the victim-savior axis of martyrdom with Pisces one of the signs of war. Perhaps the implied confusion and potential for deception of the Two Fishes swimming up to the heights or down to the depths relate in part to military generals who are born under the sign of Pisces--Jupiter the General with Jupiter the traditional ruler of Pisces, Neptune the higher octave planet.

Mercury-Neptune = Ascendant: mistaken perceptions...

Now Mercury-Neptune combines energies of the planet of thinking, planning, communication, travel, tricksterism, commerce, and trade (the South's ability to trade its wares such as cotton with other countries was also at stake) with gaseous Neptune, planet of high inspiration (from a Divine Source--or Mystical Realms), delirium, fraud, deceit, falsehood, slander, scandal...well, you know the list of negatives for the archetypal king of oceans. Unconscious motivations, gut reactions, deluded ideals, confusion, hypnosis, the masses, and the media also come under the province of nebulous Neptune. To me, 'laying oneself open to the influence of others' (Ebertin) denotes the almost hypnotic persuasion practiced during the lead up to a war that caused brother to fight brother to the death and cousins to meet on battlefields too bloody to describe. Suggestible are those who believe what they want to believe for we must first deceive ourselves before others can fool us.

Astrological Mercury also rules youths as were many of the combatants with Neptune bringing the infections and diseases that account for most of the soldiers' deaths. This includes some of my kith and kin with "died from disease" being a somewhat typical description of a soldier's demise (2 out of 3), on both the maternal if not the paternal side of my family. Yet no, yours truly is not a secessionist! My preference is for our nation to progress, not regress into the past, to unify with a spirit of democracy, not split or be forced to join a totalitarian clump of misery and serfdom that threatens to regress populations across the globe into a system of slavery under military boot.

So, dear reader, you may as well know that this is why recent thoughts of the Civil War inspired this post tonight: the genealogy research I'm doing now along with what has become America's tragic condition of Perpetual War at the purposeful direction of international financiers, depraved pocket-lining politicians, and other satanic psychopaths who enable and engineer the ruination of the country my (and perhaps your) ancestors gave their lives for, confused as they may have been under the influence of war propaganda.

For no matter which side our Revolutionary and Civil War soldiers fought on, I have the definite feeling that they never saw their extreme sacrifices and those of their family members ending up trashed and all but forgotten underneath the high-flying and immoral Pentagon's 'Death Star' war plans for world conquest; nor did they envision subsequent US presidents selling out the American people as they have done like robots parroting their overlords' commands.

#CivilWar #InternationalFinanciers #GlobalGovernance #Astrology

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