May 24, 2015

June 1, 2015: George Washington's Progressed Full Moon!

Are Our American Hopes and Dreams Still 'Enshrined' in George Washington?

by Jude Cowell

May 25, 2015: Lately I've been messing around with Historical Horoscopes as I tend to do whenever the chance arises and couldn't fail to notice that first (official) President George Washington has a Secondary Progressed (SP) Full Moon upcoming--on June 1, 2015 @10Gem03! Opposite of course is his SP Sun @10Sag03 which conjoins SP Uranus (10Sag27), inventive planet of revolution, revolt, disruption, and genius. Sun conjunct Uranus denotes an original, unique, outstanding personality of genius and innovation--and a rebel or maverick, of course.

Would you like to see his current SP Full Moon horoscope? Here it is, set for Colonial Beach, Virginia, his place of birth. Relocating the SP chart only makes one degree of difference to the ASC-Desc axis and gives him a 12Cap56 ASC-->Sabian Symbol "13Cap" = "A Fire Worshiper" which may also be used for karmic information as the prior degree of the Full Moon Ascendant, his nibs himself:

Enlarge the image to read a few notes penned on (messily, as usual) and read on, if you wish. I consider Washington's current progressions to be the evolution of his society's opinion of him as president and as all that he has been to our nation or has been made to seem. I refer to Mason Locke Weems, aka, Parson Weems, who may be most responsible for George Washington's near-mythical status in American culture and the 'cult of personality' with which we garnish him and all subsequent presidents (as long as they don't become too tarnished by their own sorriness!) Read The Fable of George Washington and the Cherry Tree from Weems' The Life of Washington, written shortly after Washington's death in December 1799.

So how has Washington evolved from his birth in 1732 to June 1, 2015, and what is a Secondary Progressed Full Moon anyway?

The SP Full Moon is a culmination phase of fulfillment which issues from a natal horoscope and provides details on how an individual's birth potential has changed through the years to whatever date is specified. Although George is long passed away, his natal planets of February 22, 1732 continue to be contacted by transits and progressions; even planetary returns to natal degree can be significant.

Certainly the more prominent the figure and imposing the natal horoscope, the more significant may be changes to the related charts and a character's continued influence. Here, we see a significant, prominent man of his era who remains so in 2015 as the first archetype of The Leader of the United States of America and there are several reasons for his high status which I have discussed in previous posts and will not go into now. And if you seek Freemason references, check the Sabian Symbol of SP Pluto for '20 Libra' which hints at more occult information. Also, scroll to the sidebar Search field and type in his name for more articles on such topics.

Obviously, as America's Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, we continue to honor his vast contribution--the hardships he faced and the sacrifices made. And note that the Sabian Symbol for '1 Sag"..."A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" rests on his SP 11th cusp @00Sag30 in this SP Full Moon chart denoting a time of harvest and reward and by this I refer to those who now wear Washington's mantle of power--and those hiding behind it.

Now chart-ruler Saturn (ASC 13Cap28: George is still 'the boss' of our collective psyche!)--makes a few aspects to other SP planets in the chart as you see and is the Thales Planet of the Sun-Moon opposition, the Full Moon via a sextile to the Moon and a trine to the Sun (listed on the chart, lower left.) Curiously, Saturn (Rx--no longer with us?) is positioned at 10Ari10 so we have a 'saving grace' provided by Thales Saturn at '11Aries'..."The President of the Country." This may refer to President Obama and/or to several other possibilities but for the sake of brevity I'll leave them for you to consider, if you may (contact: judecowell at gmail dot com to discuss.)

Notably, it is the 5/11 axis of Self Will and Creative Pursuits in focus here including Washington's SP Nodal axis of Future Direction. And there is SP Mercury @17Sag16, planet of Thoughts, Communications, and Plans, joining the Groups and Associations duo of Sun-Uranus. Also in focus is the 3/9 axis of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands, and the Lower-Higher Mind with a power trio that relates to wealth in 9th house: Jupiter @00Sco37, Venus @25Lib30, and Pluto @19Lib47. This planetary trio may signify foreign donors and the powers controlling the US government from abroad (always the case--Washington was a central bank 'fan' with Hamilton) and one suspicion is The City of London, the UK's financial sector.

Opposite in 3rd house is 'Presidential' Saturn, authoritative planet of lawmakers, managers and father figures. SP Cupido, astrological signature of The Family, The Syndicate, and Corporatism, sits directly upon the IC, the Ending Point of all horoscopes which identifies The Drain. And obviously on a financial level, it would be worthwhile to ferret out the precise date and the transits thereof when SP Jupiter (which 'began' at a natal position of 8Lib37 Rx in natal 6th house) entered the Money and Big Business sign of Scorpio but that's beyond the scope of this post (though SP planets changing signs is significant.)

How interesting that a man gone since 1799 has SP Mars in 1st house! Now evolved into Aquarius--an independent, reformist sign for activist Mars, the warrior--natal Mars began in brooding, sexy, occult-loving Scorpio (23:13) in George's 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies. And at birth in 1732, a powerful midpoint conjoined his natal Mars--Pluto-NN, the 'tiger by the tail' pair. A midpoint picture thus formed indicating potentials for violence, brutality, making others amenable to one's wishes, and/or the misfortune to be placed in someone else's hand and power (Ebertin). Nowadays, SP Mars is not apex of any midpoint that I can find but there are others in the SP Full Moon chart to consider which may affect our society's current circumstances:

Uranus-NN (political reformers; shared upsets) = Sun: becoming upset; inclination to violence even at the slightest cause (!)

Sun-Mars (activities; vigor; soldiers; surgeons; intellectual fighters) = ASC: cooperative teamwork; total devotion to a cause.

Mars-Uranus (fighters for freedom; effort; interventions) = ASC: acts of violence (tragically we have plenty of those--jc); upsetting events; accidents; arrests (ditto to all.)

Mars-NN (collaboration; disputes) = ASC: energetic cooperation; family ties; good fellowship.

Mars-Pluto (superhuman power; force; brutality; objectives obtained by ruthlessness; people disabled by war) = Mercury: a desire to realize fanatical plans; presence of mind; excessive nervous irritation.

In America, the continued popularity of Founder George Washington as a national figure and important historical personage may be seen in part by Venus-MC (love; affection; attachment; vanity; conceit) = Jupiter.

The last SP factor I intend to discuss with you on the occasion of this major turning point for President George Washington--unaware of it though he be and possibly marking a limit to his or our global reach upon the world stage--is the chart's planetary pattern called a Locomotive with its lead planet (engine), Pluto.

As you know, Locomotive patterns indicate genius and a determined drive toward success of the sort found in executive positions--and its power tends to overshadow a person's flaws until 'absolute perfection' seems to be the case. And though it's true that this is a progressed Locomotive, I suspect that it's our current crop of Washington politicians who benefit from this pattern which actually shows up in Washington's natal horoscope as a Bucket pattern, a Bowl with a 'handle' planet. In George's natal chart, the handle planet that carries the rest of the planets is his mystical Neptune @14Gem40 Rx in the 1st house of Self. This resonates with Washington's natal Sun in mystical Pisces and his early joining of secret societies such as the Freemasons, an organization he adhered to all his life. He swore his presidential oath upon a Masonic Bible, in fact, then leaned down and kissed it (a Masonic ritual). You've seen images of him dressed in his fancy Masonic apron, right?

That his worldly endeavors and aims were aided by his 'brethren' seems to me a given for he was actually chosen to lead them into creating this nation. But nowadays, there's that SP Locomotive with powerful, plutocratic Pluto as the engine chugging along in the 9th house of Foreigners and Philosophy (the Utopian 'New Atlantis'.) Perhaps a consideration of each planet's sign is helpful here since in our memories we have not experienced Neptune in Gemini and it's been a while since Pluto crept through Libra:

In Gemini, natal Neptune echoes his tendencies toward mysticism and occult studies, visions, fantasies, illusions, not being what he seems (he was ambitious for power), and the placement gave him a love of nature and a talent for inspired communications (his use of spying comes under such guise!) Now in Libra, SP Pluto provides extraordinary powers of assertion within the environment, the family, and the public (assertions aimed at us), plus, manifestations of genius and celebrities who benefit or harm humanity.

Now just a bit about the SP Full Moon blend of conscious-unconscious energies as detailed by Charles and Suzi Harvey (Sun Sign-Moon Sign). This is a Fire-Air 'live wire' combo, full of ideas but with a potential for bombast, bluster, and rhetoric which may be eloquent but lasts too long. Sun Sag-Moon Gemini denotes clarity of thought, cold logic, and a wise sage with a love of learning. This blend tends toward over-analysis and rationalization in an attempt to avoid emotions--of self and of others. (Can you imagine the 'discomfort' of certain survival-of-the-fittest politicians having their way--totally cutting granny's food stamps and those of her grandchildren and then having to hear their anguished weeping and watch them starving on the streets of America?)

The Sun Sag-Moon Gem blend is shared natally by some interesting characters such as New-Ager Benjamine Creme, Green Party founder Petra Kelly, Anna Freud, Francisco Franco, Persia's Akbar the Great, and Noel Coward who informs us that, "I've over-educated myself in all the things I shouldn't have known at all." And you may find the blend's Image for Integration somewhat curious considering the conservative anti-brother's-keeper agenda knocking at our societal door:

"Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master." The 'robbing from the rich to give to the poor' fellow!

Well, that's all I care to say for now about George Washington's SP Full Moon of June 1, 2015 which times the limit of his and perhaps Washington DC's reach in the outer world. Perhaps when June 1st arrives-- a date which also times the potential sunseting of section 215 of the so-called US Patriot Act, unconstitutional as it is-- you'll give a small thought, fond or otherwise, to our first president and his SP Pluto, conjunct Spica (the Washington Monument) and Arcturus (the White House) as it chugs our nation forward toward whatever ultimate goal our Founding Father and his colleagues had in mind for this, our 'New Rome'.

Related posts include: George Washington Feb 22, 1732 which displays his natal horoscope and details his Solar Return of 2008; The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777, Laid by the Stars: the District of Columbia Boundary Stones (hint: George presided.)

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