Jul 4, 2015

Summer 2015: a Starry Summer Triangle, Pluto's historic flyby - Cosmic Pursuits (plus, astro-notes)

Cosmic Pursuits, Brian Ventrudo's excellent astronomy website and newsletter, gives us a heads-up on the brilliant Summer Triangle of stars Vega, Altair, and Deneb (Adige) with double star Albireo twinkling colorfully in the triangle's center.

Of course, depending on your vantage point, the trio may be called the Winter Triangle!

Now let's consider a little astrology concerning Vega (Alpha Lyrae, the Lyre of Orpheus in the Lyra constellation), Altair (Alpha Aquilae, constellation Aquila, the Eagle), and Deneb in constellation Cygnus the Swan, with Deneb (Alpha Cygnus) as its tail.

Among others, these stars have appeared here on Stars Over Washington in previous posts, some of which are linked below or are searchable via the sidebar Search field by name, or try 'fixed stars' if you dare.

Keywords and themes for Vega (or, Wega) include magic, mysticism, other-worldliness, and charisma. As with all stars that are prominent in a horoscope, Vega's expression depends upon the planet/s or chart angles it is linked to by conjunction, opposition, or by paran (rising, culminating, setting with, etc.) Artistry is indicated either positively as in the Arts, or negatively as in criminal activities; plus, its connection to the Lyre of Orpheus provides a magical divine spells implication along with musical talent. Leadership ability and social awareness may also be noted with Vega but a caution is to avoid pretentiousness.

Keywords and themes for Altair include boldness, dogged determination, and achievement through risk-taking. Altair is a masculine star of strength and action that is taken--not just for the self, but for others when its energy is positively directed. Yet its swift and bold action traits may also express themselves with rashness and excessive aggression as we see by the eagle symbols of the Roman Empire and the American Empire acting under a foolhardy urge to conquer, vanquish, devour, and/or control. Still, a planetary or angular link with Altair promises high honors and preferment though they may be temporary (as with everything other earthly thing, This too shall pass).

With starry Deneb we find keywords and themes of the willingness to become aware, mystical or transcendental qualities or interests, spirituality and the inner journey, and the shamanistic legend of the World Egg. Deneb prominent in a horoscope bestows intelligence, artistic talent, and scientific ability. In addition, there is a duality surrounding Deneb for it can express both the strength and the aggression of a swan, one of the more vicious guardians of the animal kingdom--the "strong fighting bird and the swan-god"!

Popular Pluto To Have Professional Photos Taken!

Then for discerning Pluto fans, this summer marks the planet's (okay, dwarf planet's) historic flyby 'rendezvous' with NASA's New Horizons spacecraft set for July 14th which puts everyone in mind of another historic flyby of distant Neptune and its moon Triton by Voyager 2 in 1989 (see video recreation, below). On July 14, 2015 Pluto Rx will fall upon its current zodiacal degree of 14 Capricorn and some minutes--still within orb of US natal Sun (13Can19) which conjoins Egyptian goddess star, Sirius (The Scorcher) and Canopus (the navigator or pathfinder).

#Neptune #Triton #Voyager2 #NASA #Pluto #NewHorizons

Astrology of 1989 vs 2015: Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto

Voyager 2's closest encounter with Neptune and Triton occurred on August 25, 1989 (yes, Taylor Swift's birth year and album title) when Neptune was at 9Cap48 in the Tropical Zodiac. Perhaps you recognize 1989 as the year of the last Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune, a pair that has much to say in societal and political realms. Meeting three times through the year (March 3, June 24, November 13) in the degree range of 10 to 12 Capricorn, we note that transiting Pluto has very recently stomped on and around this degree of Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, and remains within orb.

So if we use a 5-degree orb on either side of slow-moving Pluto we see that 4Cap to 14Cap is our focus though its powerful influence has been stronger while applying to the 9/10Cap area where gaseous Neptune floated on August 25, 1989. We have noted Pluto conjoining the Saturn-Neptune conjunction/s of 1989 in previous posts since its implications suit politicians and the corporatists who fund and direct them perfectly within the midpoint picture formed by this significant trio which includes these potentials:

Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: denial of responsibility by the guilty; fear of loss. (Tyl)

Naturally these potentials apply to both political parties in the US yet I think first of the GOP since 1989 implicates a Republican White House! Plus, America's ongoing socialism-communism-capitalism "debate" is found within the Saturn-Neptune duo as is secret or invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn), a description nearer the truth imho.

So when ancient Pluto has its close-up on July 14, 2015 and clocks in from our earthly vantage point at 14Cap, it qualifies as a Pluto-to-Neptune transit for society--ongoing since late November 2010. It marks a period of moral and religious issues such as abortion, mercy killing, executions and methods used, genetic engineering, GMO food contamination, chemically eroded health, racial and minority prejudices acted out, social welfare programs, workers' and Civil Rights as power and control slowly erode via unseen forces--or are seen to be only illusions and delusions.

Several other social concerns of the 1989 era still need to be addressed such as environmental degradation (Earth Day was revived in 1990), climate change, oil spills (now add coal ash leaks, bad water quality, and fracking), droughts and floods, 'mysterious' fish and bird kills, whale beachings, shark attacks, election irregularities, uranium and plutonium leaks, revolutions, conflicts, and topplings of government leaders across the globe along with the Fall of the Berlin Wall (and of Communism) which at the time seemed to justify America claiming victory in the 'Cold War' (which some say has returned). You can think of more examples, I'm certain.

Yet many if not all of these events were and are staged by those who profit from the wars and revolutions they take none of the blame for (denial of guilt) so let us note that on a deeper level the Pluto-to-Neptune transit indicates political, economic, and physical power struggles that actually have as their foundation uplifting spiritual ideals that identify the Collective's deep thirst for honesty, compassion, and clear-eyed solutions instead of the charlatanism, fraud, corruption, and propaganda we and Mother Earth continue to endure and accept at our peril.

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