Nov 1, 2016

Karmic Transits Hit Comey's Mars, Saturn, and the FBI's natal Horoscope

The FBI, Director James Comey, the DOJ Building's Arcane Symbolism, and Karma

Recently, a major transit has taken place for FBI Director *James Comey and that is powerful Pluto in mid-Capricorn opposing Comey's natal Mars (14Cancer--now conjunct the Dog Star, Sirius, The Scorcher and the 'goddess star' of Egypt (aka, Isis). This is a marker for power struggles and for taking revenge. His natal Jupiter @10Capricorn has already been transformed by transit Pluto the Underworld planet approaches his natal Saturn @17Cap36 and 'hits' the planet of authority, seniority, and accountability precisely on January 20, 2017--Inauguration Day. Mr. Comey may want to expect a change of lifestyle under the vibes of Pluto to Saturn along with feelings of regret over past actions which may include any abuse or misuse of power he may have perpetrated himself or may have allowed to occur. In fact, an attitude adjustment could be in order although I suspect he may have already been subjected to pressure on that score.

Now here is a view of the F.B.I.'s natal horoscope which is set for Washington DC on July 26, 1908 but unfortunately we have no hour so the chart is set for noon. Here's a brief history concerning the founding of the organization of a "force of special agents" showing the Order signed by Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte who served under President Theodore Roosevelt and held multiple posts.

Founded under a generational aspect between Uranus and Neptune, transit Pluto has most recently activated the FBI's natal Uranus-Neptune opposition which falls across the axis of 15 degrees Cancer/Capricorn. This suggests at least some of the 'inner turmoil' over Hillary Clinton's emails that is said to be occurring within the Department of Justice. This planetary trio suggests potentials for: suddenly available illegal drugs; subversive methods of acquiring information; the power and authority of a nation's leadership and/or police system is diminished; ideas that can change the world; disagreements or rebelliousness cause extreme destruction, and support of such methods (paraphrasing M. Munkasey). Also note that the FBI's natal Mercury (decisions, information, etc) @13 Cancer conjoins the US natal Sun (leadership; the president) and Dog Star Sirius and is involved in the planetary picture with transit Pluto opposing little Mercury, a time when manipulation and obsession are prominent.

1934 vs 2016

With the Election 2016 turmoil underway there is actually a cosmic 'update' occurring now with transit Pluto activating off and on the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree of 1993, 18 Capricorn, so that 1934's planetary trio (Uranus-Neptune-Pluto) is reactivated in a sense and with similar vibrations. This we have discussed here before as being one of the imperatives that our in-breach-of-public-trust politicians are yoked to by vows or oaths to their transnational bosses behind the scenes: Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl).

You know--like President Obama and his promotion of the corporate-heavy TPP "trade" deal which is more about handing over American sovereignty and corporate rule than it is about "trade." In the same category is Bill Clinton's NAFTA sell-out of the American worker. The oddness of these men going for something like these "trade deals" can be understood on one level by the planetary trio's transnational imperative, as noted. Bribery, intimidation, or worse can keep many a reluctant operative in place and on message.

But let's get back to the Department of Justice building which was dedicated by Masonic President Franklin D. Roosevelt at 3:00 pm on October 25, 1934 (a date and hour purposefully selected, no doubt) which places Washington DC's favorite sign Virgo on the Descendant with Mars and Neptune snugged around. These two planets at best hint at inspired actions though America's natal Mars-Neptune square reveals a different story that includes misguided actions, an inability to face reality, and the 'fog of war'. Arcane symbolism decorates the DOJ building inside and out and is described in David Ovason's book The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital.

Basically, the building's lapidary panels show Masonic themes of light vs dark, redemption, the serpent of humanity's lower nature (which must be vanquished), and, on its aluminum doors, Virgo the Virgin with her sheaves of wheat and corn. How unfortunate for our nation and the American people that "redemption" seldom resounds from the ashes of all the lives marred and ruined through the decades by a Justice Department and Legal System that admit to no flaws or mistakes when convicting, sentencing, or shooting what too often turns out to be an innocent citizen.


*James Comey born December 14, 1960 Yonkers, NY; again, no birth hour is known apparently so noon is used at which time his Moon is strong and subjective in its own sign of (tribal) Cancer and conjoins Neptune. If true, a Moon-Neptune conjunction suggests tendencies toward a career in public service, a creative if daydreaming nature, mixing emotions with spiritual values, hidden, confused, or misguided feelings, deceptive (Neptune) publicity (Moon), surveillance (Neptune) of the masses (Moon), and/or...scandals.

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