Mar 17, 2018

Astro-Notes on the Firing of Andrew McCabe

March 17, 2018: by now you've heard of the Friday night firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe a mere 26 hours before his scheduled retirement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Attorney General Jeff Sessions did the deed no doubt at the direction of Donald Trump who desperately wants to shut down the Mueller investigation into Trump and Trump Organization finances, funding and, shall we say, other activities.

Andrew McCabe was born on March 18, 1968 and was fired 2 days prior to his 50th birthday when he had planned to retire from service. Naturally, astrologers see that Mr.McCabe is due for his Chiron Return which occurs for everyone around the age of 50, give or take a year. Mr. McCabe's Return is aptly significant, as we see, for he was born with Sun and Chiron conjoined in late Pisces (man on a mission). Being fired from his long-held law enforcement position of authority hours before retirement and negating the receipt of a subsequent pension can certainly be considered a Chirotic wounding to his sense of mission in life and to his ego (Sun-Chiron).

And if we check for additional planetary activation, we find that transit Uranus in Aries, planet of disruption, separation, shocks, explosive events, and anger, is in process of visiting McCabe's natal Mars (23Aries) suggesting a period when endeavors (and employment) are halted or discontinued, highly charged activities are in force, shocks are felt, missteps may be taken (on his or another's part), and regrettable situations exist. Even danger cannot be ruled out.

Related Posts include: Jupiter in Virgo and the Ethics of Robert Mueller and The Prenatal Eclipse of Robert Mueller.

Curiously, vibes of the Mars-Uranus pair of premature action, brutality, and radical reform were also active when former FBI Director James Comey testified on Capitol Hill in 2017 as you may see in the horoscope of Comey's Testimony June 8, 2017. The post displays both Trump's and Comey's ('noon') natal charts with June 8, 2017 planets and you can see that Mr. Comey's natal Uranus conjoined and activated Trump's natal Mars (aggression, conflict, motivation, energy, action) and Trump's Ascendant (his nibs himself) just as the transiting Dragon's Head North Node of destined encounters placed them all in a public forum televised from Capitol Hill for Mr. Comey's testimony was delivered in public as you remember.

March 18, 1968: Sun in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio the whole day through:

Now Andrew McCabe's natal Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio 'loves a mystery' and is a double-Water blend of complex emotions and subterfuge with both signs tending to become involved with secrecy and hidden activities--perfect for membership in a spy agency like the FBI. Acutely perceptive and intuitive, Mr. McCabe can 'read people' and their deeper motives and shows endurance during times of adversity. Plus, his personality combo has the ability to "come back fighting" as we see in Mr. McCabe's released statement describing some truths the Trump Organization and Jeff Sessions wish the public to ignore.

In closing, perhaps the creative work of two natives who share the Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio combination of conscious-unconscious energies may add to our understanding of Andrew McCabe:

"Longfellow's poem The Secret of the Sea" (the sea, Neptune's oceanic province along with veils, masks, leaks, lies and spies!) and "John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Yes, with Trump's Mars Rising, it does feel as if wrath is all around. Wonder what kingpin Trump is trying so hard to hide?

Today in Trump News: Trump Calls McCabe a "choirboy" and suggests corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. And here's the NYT article on McCabe's Firing.

Also of interest: This Day in History - FBI Founded July 26, 1908.

Above blurry photo of Andrew McCabe; official portrait, wiki public domain

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