May 17, 2021

Israel w May 2021 Lunar Eclipse and a Nemesis Return!

May 2021: Conflict, Domination, Suffering, and Loss in the Middle East

by Jude Cowell

Monday May 17, 2021: After taking a weekend break, this week is slammed with astrological tasks and tasks in the real world. However, this morning I've managed to cobble together the following bi-wheel with the State of Israel's 1948 Horoscope, center, and the Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 @5Sag25, outer.

Obviously, the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square tells a tale of war, conflict, rigid authority figures, and upheaval, as noted on the chart, with the Saturn-Uranus duo signifying Israel and Palestine, and their square a very 'touchy' aspect and the duo suggesting 'violent people' (Ebertin).

What the Lunar Eclipse, a Full Moon across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of truth and ethics, will reveal or uncover I do not know and I should confess that in the last couple of years my eye left the hotbed area of the Middle East. Probably my last major notice was when Tr*mp was utilized to announce the removal of Israel's capital city from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as per the Scriptual 70-year Fig Tree Prophecy (1948 + 70 = 2018).

Now as you can see, there are Fists of God in the 1948 and the 2021 horoscope. The May 26th Lunar Eclipse's Ascendant @28Vir12 ("29 Virgo" = "A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge From an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading") is apex of a Fist with the Saturn-Uranus square at its base. As a midpoint picture (listed, lower right corner) potentials are for: 'rebellion; provocation; separation (Ebertin); sudden indifference to law' (Munkasey). Noel Tyl adds, 'the loner's position is established'.

Yes, that's President Biden's natal Moon @00Tau59 conjunct 1948 Descendant! See The Guardian's May 16th article Joe Biden feels political ground shift as Israel-Gaza conflict rages on due to his decades-long "resolute defense of Israel" which is quite unsurprising since, in the past, Mr. Biden has declared himself to be a Zionist.

(Note that yours truly always separates Israel's National Zionist hierarchy from the good people of Israel. They, and the Palestinian people, obviously deserve much better than they're getting from the power-craving leadership on both sides. 'Malicious scheming' is afoot via 2021 Neptune-ASC = Mercury which also suggests being 'guided by erroneous perceptions' - Ebertin; naturally, misjudgment follows). Add 1948 Uranus @24Gem21 to 2021 Neptune-ASC = 'being hindered, harmed, defamed by others; sudden troubles and/or illness through others'.

Israel's 1948 Fist/s of God are listed, left side (Pluto-NN = stretched to Saturn-NN, and highlighted in green with Jupiter Rx @27Sag38 at apex: 'attaining a position of power by force' ('28 Sag' = "An Old Bridge over a Beautiful Stream'). Well, the bridge could be beautiful if 'forgiving the unforgiveable' were accomplished (1948 Chiron in Scorpio). But as you know, this is an ancient conflict (2021 South Node conjunct 1948 Nemesis = divine retribution; the unbeatable foe - conjunct warring Antares). Plus, the Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 basically times a Nemesis Return for Israel while simultaneouly eclipsing the State's 1948 position of Nemesis!

So as you see above, there are several more chart factors worthy of note but the Nemesis Return of Israel and the current conflict, loss, and suffering between Palestine and Israel make it difficult, even risky, for my Pisces Moon to reveal more so I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to consider the rest if and as you wish.


  1. The Nemesis Return is sure already showing up for Israel- its looking terrible with the amount of damage its pulling. I'm shocked at the equivalent of damage considering what they went through with Hitler- there is no excuse for what they "pretending" to do,....

  2. Agreed, Martina. And the addition of the May 26th eclipse adds erratic Uranian energies to Israel's Nemesis Return. I pray for the peace of Israel. jc


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