May 26, 2022

June 2022 Full Moon stirs loser's 2020 Solar Eclipse

DC Horoscopes: 4 South Solar Eclipse (inner) @23Sag08 which manifested on the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote (for Joe Biden, not loser Tr*mp) surrounded by the June 14, 2022 Full Moon @23Sag35, a culmination of sorts uncovering revelations or secrets in relation to the 2020 Electoral College Vote that spurred Trump's promotion and use of 'The Big Lie' tactic. This Full-Moon-to-New-Moon synchronicity suggests major potentials for information revealed or leaked, most likely during the House's series of public hearings concerning Trump's J6 coup attempt. As you know, the J6 public hearings are scheduled to open on June 9, 2022 with the 'Flag Day' Full Moon perfecting 5 days later.

Now perhaps you'll lament it, but lots of my study notes are squooshed upon the bi-wheel charts for the curious, plus, a few notes are added to the text below the image. You'll note that the shared emphasis on the rounded-up degree of the 2020 4 South Eclipse and the June 2022 Full Moon seems significant for current events on Capitol Hill as Trump's loss on December 14, 2020 is 'reflected' upon, discussed, and probed:

"24 Sagittarius" = "A Bluebird Standing At The Door of The House" ("Keyword: FORTUNE" - M. E. Jones):

As you see, a major transit is in progress by creepy, subversive, wealth-hoarder Pluto Rx @28Cap08 while committing America's first-ever Pluto Return/s all through year 2022. 2022 Pluto conjoins 2020 Jupiter denoting that greater power and influence in the realms of politics, finance, and religion are being sought - but total honesty is required for best results. Meanwhile, potentials exist for intolerance and fanaticism to increase especailly with the ongoing Neptune-opposing-US-Neptune transit of racial and other persecutions (now it's Women!) along with the generational clash of ideals we're experiencing across the Virgo-Pisces axis.

Then transit Pluto taps 2020 Saturn (and is already within orb of the tapping, actually) which marks a period when past actions are regretted and need correcting, and abuse of power issues must be confronted or they'll only worsen. This sounds like a job for the J6 hearings to me.

Now you may be wondering why no mention of June 14th as Herr T's birthday. Well, a Full Moon in a Solar Return chart can indicate fortunate endings and new starts for that particular year. However, Herr T's Solar Return 2022 actually perfects on June 13th at 7:26:15 pm edt with the SR Moon @15Sag34 in the Balsamic phase of Endings perhaps by tying up loose ends. "16 Sag" = "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" and this word picture seems quite appropriate to me when it comes to the lunar masses and the media watching the orange blighter's every move - which way will the ole tugboat list? However, this discrepancy is a cosmic quirk and may not dampen the Full Moon's influence overmuch, while emphasizing the squares from deceptive Neptune which possibly undermine his vitality, affect his health, yet seem to inspire him to promote self-dealing lies and fraudulent schemes.

Yet it's the aspects to his natal Sun that gain prominence in his Solar Return 2022 chart, and there are two: transit Neptune continues to square his Sun-Moon opposition (wavering alliances; leadership, integrity, and honesty questioned; a sense of unreality attached to his image; domestic troubles; health issues, as noted), and a helpful trine from authoritative Saturn supplying donations, legal and other counsel, and support to keep him at the head of the GOP (the 'Guns Over People' Party) while he raises large amounts of money by pretending he'll run again in 2024.

So as you know, America has everything riding on the outcomes of the J6 Select Committee's public hearings so my plan is to support them however I can while awaiting the legal involvement of the DOJ. How about you, dear reader?

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