Dec 28, 2022

Why Congress Can't Cut Defense Spending: Feat. Rep. Mark Pocan - clip

Here's a recent segment from a Thom Hartmann broadcast with guest Rep. Mark Pocan:

And here's a nostalgic view of the Pentagon's founding horoscope (April 29, 1942) with its war-waging, out-of-bounds Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer (touchy!) at apex of two difficult midpoints: ruthless Saturn-Pluto and fanatical Uranus-Pluto, creating both brutal and intense conditions.

Additionally, snugged around this particular view of the Pentagon 1942 chart is the DC Horoscope of the 12 North Solar Eclipse of January 15, 2010 (@25Cap01, in the highly sensitized area of governmental/legal Capricorn which includes US Pluto Return, a three-fer due to planetary retrogradation).

As for America's years of out-of-this-world amounts of defense spending, we might consider Capricorn eclipses for their negative implications of ruler Saturn: avarice and selfishness which impede karmic progress and identify the imperative to adhere to conservative Saturn's demands for self-control, conscientiousness, sober thinking, and self-discipline when it comes to financial investments (rather than clearing out the National Treasury - and all the while promoting austerity for the masses).

From a previous post, let's close with a quote clipped from President Eisenhower's famous 'Chance for Peace' speech of 1953, an era when the Republican Party wasn't sadistic, brutal, deceptive, and crass as it is now:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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