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Sep 17, 2006

Cheney and 9/11 revisited

Honorable Re-Post: VP Cheney's *Secondary Progressed Chart set for 9/11/01:

If you click to enlarge this chart, you'll see a bunch of my chicken scratch with some midpoint pictures translated--so I'll not repeat them in this text. If you're reading this through feed, please come here to SO'W and see the chart for yourself. That's why I'm re-posting this chart with a few additional comments--you really have to see it to believe it. Even if you don't speak much astrologese, you'll see what I mean.

The most obvious feature here is his Sec Pluto/Chiron midpoint sitting squarely upon MC (Aspiration Point) at the top of the chart--you can't miss it. This is the case when natal chart is progressed using natal birth location, and although I've certainly experimented through the years with re-locating progressed charts, this is the kind of result--as with others--that causes me most often to stick with the natal location for progressions. (The possible exception would be for Solar Arc Directions.)

Also at MC is Uranus/NN: sudden recognition of a joint goal or venture; desire to bring plans to fruition with others; teamwork paying off (this same midpoint pic is currently active in Bush's Sec Chart, btw.) Uranus/North Node is: association with reformers and progressive groups. Yuh.

On the chart you see written: "Outer: Transits Sept 18, 2006 6:24 am White House" for tomorrow's transits to this chart but I've neglected to list completely the planets for Monday--you see sec Mercury 14Pis50 which has been transited recently by Uranus = acuteness of thought; intensification of nervous system; speed; sudden travel plans.

And transit Pluto 24Sag08 on Monday morning is conjunct his Sec 3rd cusp on 9/11/01.
3rd house concerns communications, as you know--this post falls in the category, mere gnat though it is--so I think others will be continuing to look deeply into Cheney's association with the attacks of 9/11.

The transiting Saturn/Neptune oppostition is in the 4/10 axis of this chart--you see I've listed Saturn, but not Neptune (don't ask why--I don't know why!) Jupiter's current position 16Sco12 is in 1st house, thus Saturn/Neptune = Jupiter: egoism; very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight (doubtful with this determined cuss.)

Now the main reason I've used this time and date is because tr Sun 25Pis22 is conjunct tr SN (separation) and so they are both conjunct Cheney's Sec Neptune, as you see. In fact, when tr SN was conjunct this Sec NN (end of May, 2006) it was a Nodal Half-Return, a time when weak relationships are let go of along with many other associations--including something dissolving in his relationship with The Public.

(Personally I'm past ready to cut him loose altogether, but never mind me.)

Sun to Neptune = possible befuddlement; remoteness; impracticality; imagination (his natal Moon is in imaginative--and sometimes deceptive Pisces, sign of the Mystic.)

So...if you go to Cheney Sec Progr'd to 9.11.01 you may read my original post and comments on this chart. Check out that Sec Mars (war; violence; quarrels) weighing in at "30 Cap" and at the Foundation/How Point of the chart...

"30Cap": "A secret business conference"> OPPORTUNITY...

pos: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life;

neg/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.

The opposite degree--the Point of Illumination--"30Cancer": "A daughter of the American Revolution"> INHERITANCE...

pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit;

neg/shadow side: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.

Sounds like the "antinomian" view of elites being able to do whatever occurs to them because they 'can do no wrong' may Ultimately be an incorrect assumption. Aleister Crowley's nonsense was similar--The Will was said to be one's only guide...for the initiated. Egoism and irrational will indeed. (As we've seen, George Bush has a but*load of both.)

And if Cheney and Friends are at the bottom of the attacks of 9/11/01--or simply failed to act for their own cynical power-grabbing reasons when they could've stopped it--they will be answering for their crimes one will we all. In this case, they've betrayed the whole world and themselves in the process.

9.17.06 6:58 pm

*Secondary Progressed Chart = the physical plane

Using Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, and Dr. Noel Tyl's Solar Arc directory


Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object: Abraham Lincoln

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