An Eclipse Thread Through History
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
As previously discussed here on Stars Over Washington, Events of 1360, a year containing multiple overthrows and shifts in governments, can be instructive in that "history rhymes" kind of way if we wish to investigate potential occurrences when an 11 South Solar Eclipse repeats next time on August 2, 2027 @9Leo55 (chart shown below) - conjunct Mr. Trump's 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture of fury, destruction, and death (R. Ebertin). For as you know, the Mars-Saturn midpoint is the "death axis" in any horoscope.
As Above, So Below Still Operational
Besides, as the Universe has it, even if the orange-hued fellow is no longer a player by August 2027, he did for a time act the role of POTUS, therefore, difficult implications are suggested for our country on both cosmic and societal levels due in part to 11 South themes of system failure, new methods and ideas are needed, and "any blocks could be violently or tragically removed" (B. Brady) - and the fact that the Total August 2027 Eclipse @9Leo55 (conjunct South Node) lands upon Mr. Trump's 12th house Pluto, planet of power, wealth, stealth, Underworld Crime, destruction, transformation, and primal viol*nce.
So here are two views of August 2, 2027's 11 South Eclipse, both charts set for Washington DC: first with astro-notes penned on, then an unmarked version just for you:
Yet bracingly, it behooves us to remember that humanity has made it through repetitions of 11 South Eclipses over the centuries ever since its initial manifestation @00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point, on June 14, 1360. Here's the 1360 Eclipse Horoscope:
Meanwhile, this eclipse thread must include the last 11 South which occurred on July 21, 2009 @29Can26 ("30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which ropes in the current "Maga" movement of insurrectionists, seditionists, and Klansmen demanding a "second American Revolution."
Meanwhile, their "Maga" take-over energies were preceded by the anti-governmental "Tea Party" movement, which turned corporate as a political reaction to the Presidency and policies of Barack Obama - "socialism," as they called his policies, and their opposition goes back to FDR's New Deal programs, as you know. To me, elite corporate types - Plutocrats, and their enabling politicians - apparently consider the tax monies We the People pay for years into the system as theirs for the plundering! Their Plutonian thieving mentality is impossible to hide.
So as you can see, the combination of rac*sm and Aryan*sm (basically the same thing) is the common denominator between these corporate-backed political movements and events - and this spotlights the gaslighting, propaganda, and hatred now being used against the American people in order to get us fighting one another, and so far it's working. Societal collapse of the US is their Utopian dream for this would vanquish democracy from the globe and open the door to worldwide authoritarianism.
Then revealingly, we might also consider that the 11 South Eclipse of 2009 is a companion event to the 2009 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction/s of speculative, bubbly, grand scheme energies and tricky legalisms (Munkasey). This planetary pairing is found in the natal 2nd hou$e of that tiresomely orange-hued huckster of the Ary*n persuasion, plus, his Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction is cosmically anchored by wounded centaur Chiron in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice - and this is right where the October 2, 2024 8 South Eclipse landed with its loss and separation themes.
And what real-world event should we link this Eclipse "hit" to? Why, yesterday's Unsealed J6 filing by prosecutor Jack Smith, of course!
For additional details, you may wish to see The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022 with horoscopes and eclipse notes included.