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Jan 13, 2025

Pam Bondi November 17, 1965

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

From her Wikipedia page we see that Pam Bondi, Mr. T's choice for US Attorney General, entered the earthly flux on November 17, 1965 in Tampa, Florida under the influences of Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo, a blend of narrowed outlook and a strong sense of duty (The Harveys). Actually, Bondi and Republican Darrell Issa are likely to share political interests and attitudes since Mr. Issa was born with the very same personality blend.

So, here's a noon natal horoscope for Pam Bondi in case it becomes useful to you at some point:

Born during the mid-1960s, Pam Bondi can't help it - she's one of those anarchy-adjacent individuals and not adverse to violent destruction, thanks to her Uranus-Pluto Conjunction. Plus, a Sun-Neptune Conjunction (5-degree orb) identifies her as possibly scandal-prone and self-deluding. What more could the Project 2025 admistration want to figurehead America's tattered legal system? Impressionability is another feature of the Sun-Neptune pairing which spotlights a fantasy component as well.

Then we see Bondi's retrograde Jupiter at a critical 29th degree of Mercury-ruled Gemini, a sign often known for its propensity toward duplicity (ex: the $25,000 campaign donation via a check written by Mr. T - but she defended herself on this matter concerning her office's failure to investigate complaints about Tr*mp "University" and the fraud therein).

Of course, Gemini is also the sign of communications, rhetoric, commerce, trade, meetings, multiplicity, and/or tricksterism. Bondi shares a natal Gemini North Node with Mr. T, potentially denoting many contacts but also inviting superficial contacts of short duration (R. Ebertin). Then with her Capricorn Mars opposing Jupiter, we might expect religious and/or ideological conflicts to surface in public.

Such conflicts could surface this very week because confirmation hearings for Cabinet nominees begin tomorrow. Here's the schedule of hearings so far.

In closing, there's another interesting factoid about Pam Bondi's natal Jupiter - that her next Jupiter Return (aka, 12-year reward cycle) arrives on or about June 9, 2025 which may likely aid her with her bid to join Mr. T's administration as US Attorney General.

But one more thing: a Jupiter Return may provide a similar cosmic boost for health nut RFK Jr whose current Jupiter Return period arrived in August 2024, the first of a three-fer (which didn't help him with his "prez bid") yet there's Jupiterian energy ongoing for him since his third of three returns perfects on April 9, 2025.

A Note to SO'W readers: please share if you care - and my Thanks to those who do! jc

Jan 10, 2025

Got Horoscopes for Canada?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today a reader's request arrived for a view of Canada's founding horoscopes so this is a quick posting of the three horoscopes for Canada that are in my files; notably, there are other charts for significant Canadian events but presently these are the charts saved in my files.

First, dual charts display Canada 1608 when a settlement was founded by legendary explorer Samuel de Champlain (lower left; Campion #50) along with Canada 1867 (upper right Dominion: combined with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; Campion #51):

The second dual image shows the natal chart of Queen Elizabeth II (lower left) who signed legislation to repatriate Canada in April 1982; upper right is the Canada Independence (or Repatriation) Horoscope with data from Campion:

So, there we go. At the moment, I have no further comments regarding these horoscopes or events except to say that I've always been very fond of Canada and the Canadian people, and I heartily wish that the profane convicted felon would leave Canada alone - and while he's at it, would leave this country altogether. jc

Jan 8, 2025

Panama and the Panama Canal

unknown artist for New York Times, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Panama Horoscope plus The Canal

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Panama gained independence from Columbia on November 3, 1903 under the influence of a Total 14 North Solar Eclipse @27Virgo - as you see, conjunct Venus. This indicates that fairness and cooperation bring best results while the negative expression is materialism. Chart-ruler Venus in level-headed Virgo applies once - to a beneficial trine with Saturn so stability has been the case for Panama so far. It remains to be seen what mischief Mr. T. can stir up. Plus, we know that other planets and aspects will have input as well through transits and progressions.

Because by now you've heard that Mr. T. has threatened to "take back" the Panama Canal by force if necessary for what he says are economic and national security reasons (the same with "purchasing" Greenland).

The US gave up control of the Canal in 1999 as per The Carter-Torrijos Treaty signed September 7, 1977, so naturally Mr. T is determined to lie about it and undo any accomplishment of President Carter that he can. Much depends on who's pulling Mr. T.'s strings over Panama and they must have their own reasons for doing so. Simply making trouble for America is one typical, basic motive of our enemies, as it turns out.

And then there's this: M. T. Is Wrong: Jimmy Carter Didn't Lose Due to Panama Canal. What a tiresome four years it will be keeping up with everything Mr.T. is wrong about. However, we've all had four years' worth of experience, haven't we?

Jan 7, 2025

Of Ancient and Future Purges

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

With purges of non-believers awaiting threatened implementation in the US, and the involvement of the Catholic Church a given (exs: Opus Dei; anti-abortion laws no matter who suffers or dies: the persecution of women and families), this post is a limited consideration of certain historical horoscopes for a daring reader such as yourself.

Re: 1478-1834-1929-2001-2019-2025

For hundreds of years, the Spanish Inquisition, requested by Catholic monarchs King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I, persecuted and tortured people in order to strengthen their hold on power. Begun under the auspices of an obsessive 3 North Solar Eclipse, the brutal activities of 1478 were intended to purge those who preferred their own religions rather than bowing down to the Pope in Rome once Pope Sixtus IV issued a papal bull giving authority to inquisitors who would commit the atrocities. (Actually, the first Spanish Inquisition tribunal became active in Seville in 1480, so follow the above link to read more on the topic, if you wish.)

Meanwhile, this post displays a dual image of the November 1, 1478 Horoscope (lower left) along with the official ending Horoscope of the Spanish Inquisition July 15, 1834 (upper right) for your consideration; the following charts are set for 12:00 pm Rome, Italy:

Below, a second image, a bi-wheel, displays the July 29, 1478 chart of the 3 North Solar Eclipse (@14Leo31; inner) surrounded by the Vatican City State Horoscope of June 7, 1929 (Campion #384; outer). As we see, there are planetary contacts between the events - what I tend to label "cosmic time links":

Significantly, the Vatican City State of 1929 was established under the influence of a May 9th 3 North Eclipse - @18Tau07. Eclipses in Taurus tend to emphasize bullheadedness and inflexibility along with the more negative traits of greed and intolerance (R. Lineman).

Planetary Contacts: 1929 to 1478

First up: 1929 Mars conjunct the 3 North Eclipse of 1478 (violent tendencies; headstrong impulses; rushing into activities without considering ultimate consequences or the karmic implications). We could even count 1929 Jupiter opposing 1478 Neptune for it identifies the brutal purging campaign of 1478 and beyond as a fantastic scheme of fanaticism and distortion of confidential information with a bizarre religious component. Sounds like maga politics circa now, doesn't it?

3 North: 1478-1929-2001 (and July 2019 @11Cancer)

Further information is found within 3 North's themes: obsessive energy; news that transforms a situation; young people may be involved; large plans are wanted but don't get carried away (paraphrasing B. Brady). Perhaps you recognize 3 North as 9/11/01's Eclipse Series when the Bush-Cheney regime got carried away and deceitfully led our country to invasion, war, and torture (ex: the notorious Abu Ghraib prison) - and theirs were misdirected energies that missed the mark! (a tendency of the US 1776 Mars-Neptune square: fog of war).

So with aggressive Mars in ego-prone Leo, the primary link between the events of 1478 and 2001 is torture which met with little more success in 2001 than in 1478. Yet a degradation of society, a lifting up of lies and deception, and an increase of fear and paranoia in society here and abroad were certainly outcomes to my way of thinking. In the US going into 2025, similar conditions will follow with the degradation of American society - and of the US Presidency and Government - their obvious goals - plus, the promised purging of non-believers via their authoritarian Project 2025 agenda. As you know, cult membership is demanded.

Another planetary contact is that Vatican City State's 1929 Jupiter @28Tau49 is basically a Jupiter Return to 1478 Jupiter, a time when rewards are expected as a new 12-year cycle begins - here Jupiter is in Taurus (the bull - like Ferdinand!), a sign of financial interests, greed, and grubbing for gains. The love of money is the root of all evil - and the 1478 Inquisition's Jupiter Return occurred on June 4, 1929 with two aspects to 1929 Jupiter: a Jupiter-Saturn inconjunct (rigid, legalistic, fearful of competition - A. Epstein), and a Moon-Jupiter trine (attaining higher knowledge; contentment; a ray of hope - A.E.)

In closing, we should also note the Vatican City State's Neptune @28Leo48 nearing 1478 Mercury Rx @00Vir32. This transit signifies potentials for deception, an inability to grasp reality, living in fantasy worlds, confusion, and strange or mysterious conditions.

Well, there's a look at ancient and future purges as We the People face threats of persecution, loss, and hardship, as the wealthy Mr. Musk describes it. So if you made it to the end of this dreary post, my Thanks! Yet our circumstances wouldn't seem nearly as dreary if a mobbed-up criminal weren't about to re-enter and re-soil the White House. You may not agree with this, but there it is. jc

Jan 5, 2025

Senate Majority Leader John Thune

As the 119th Congress opened on January 3, 2025, Republican John Thune assumed the office of Senate Majority Leader, the Mitch McConnell era having ended, as will the Biden era at noon on January 20, 2025.

Nostalgically, see Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell.

Now the US Congress will be a Thune-Tr*mp affair full of seditionists and malcontents - you know the ones. Clunkers into the works of Congress are already being lobbed by the Orange Uranian who is said to be hugely miffed that flags will be at half-mast on Inauguration Day due to the recent death of President Jimmy Carter at age 100. Plus, he's extremely sour over his January 10th sentencing by Judge Merchan.

And so with the Thune era now begun, I have two horoscopes for you. Both belong to John Thune: the first chart has my study notes squooshed on and includes the aspect grid, and the second is free of scribbles. Both charts are set for noon in lieu of a known birth hour for Baby John.

Obviously, it's too soon to know if the Saturnian Senator Thune has adjusted his conservative attitude and preference for logic enough to get along with his quirky Uranian overlord, so we'll have to see as their relationshp "blossoms". Optimistically, John Thune says he'll help Trump understand what's "realistic in the Senate"! As if the woolly-headed Mr. T's Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and delusion has any interest in reality!

Yet despite their differences, they do share a mission for gaining as much wealth as possible:

John Thune: Uranus Opposes Chiron

In closing here's a post from way back in 2005 describing Chiron-Uranus Types in Government that you may find useful. Written during the neocon Bush-Cheney era of bad decisions, I believe that its potentials apply now more than ever. After all, it took many years of bad decisions in Washington to bring America to this hazardous point and, as we now see, the overthrow of a government is a decades-long endeavor, is it not?

And as we look ahead, there's a glimmer of hope for our wounded country via the November 3, 2026 Midterms (DC Horoscope/s shown for the daring and the curious!) Because a determined focus on the Midterm Elections of 2026 provides us with a chance to make it through the haze of kleptocratic oligarchy and put a crimp in their fasc*st anti-American style of non-governance.

Dec 30, 2024

Feb 2025: Meeting with Gassy Neptune

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On February 7, 2025, a transiting conjunction of societal significance occurs between nebulous, gaslighting Neptune of the masses and the media - still floating within its own sign of watery Pisces - and the serpentine North Node of the Moon which relates to public contacts, publicity, and future direction. As you see, they meet @28Pis09 in 4th house when the horoscope is set for the White House, Washington DC. And yes, that's royal Regulus (the kingmaker star that brings success yet cautions against taking revenge) conjunct the aspirational Midheaven of Public Status:

As a pair, Neptune-North-Node (Neptune-NN) represents a variety of potential expressions such as:

"A lack of community or team spirit; peculiar or strange conduct in communal life; unreliability; inclination to exploit, deceive, and cheat other people; anti-social behavior; anti-social elements in society" (R. Ebertin).

Round up the conjunction's degree to the critical "29 Pisces" and its Sabian Symbol is instructive: "A Prism"; Keyword: VALIDATION; positive expression: exceptional accomplishment through judgment of unusual accuracy; negative (shadow side/unconscious - jc) expression: fatuous pride of intellect (Marc Edmund Jones). On one level, this may be a reference to the confirmation process to staff the new "administration" of kleptocrats. They're a doozy of a bunch.

Then additionally, there's a complicating factor involved: Neptune-NN conjuncts transit Uranus-Pluto, the revolutionary pair wanting to collapse the old order and establish a new one (RE). This anti-societal goal has been made abundantly clear. Yet some citizens seem to think that the way these fascists plan to go about it via Project 2025's purging agenda of loss and hardship - is a "good" thing! Then Neptune's subversive machinations have been effective over millions of the population.

Well, I already know my opinion of which groups of political operatives, their current enablers, and social meddlers and funders are represented by the descriptions via Neptune-NN combined with zealous Uranus-Pluto, so I'll leave it for You, dear reader, to decide for yourself!

Meanwhile, it may interest a reader of two that on February 7, 2025, the day's breezy double air Sun Aquarius-Moon Gemini blend of conscious and unconscious energies repeats the personality blend of patriot and Founding Father Thomas Paine so let's close this post for now with one of Paine's more famous quotes that to me echoes the current state of life in America as a New Year begins:

"The sublime and the ridculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately."

Emphasis on the ridiculous.

Dec 26, 2024

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2025

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the commmon good

Recently we took a look at an overview of Year 2024 via the year's four Equinox and Solstice Horoscopes set for Washington DC. Actually, the Winter Solstice 2024 Horoscope is operative until the Sun reaches Aries Point on March 20, 2025 as you see, below - plus, all Spring Equinox charts are "good for" the entire year, as is always the case.

Now, with 2024 slipping through the cosmic hour glass, it's time to consider the Spring Equinox 2025 Horoscope as a stand-alone chart, then as a Transit chart to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope which times the Oath of Office that will usher in to the White House the chaos crew of Mr. T - along with all the theft, embezzling, money laundering, slight-of-hand, and bankruptcy our National Treasury (2nd hou$e) can withstand - assuming that it can:

And here's a bi-wheel with Inauguration 2025 (center) surrounded by the Spring Equinox 2025 Horoscope outer:

NOTE: This may be my last SO'W post until certain changes are made in my office area. Thanks to a generous Santa, the installation of a new piece of equipment will interrupt internet service for a day or three but hopefully the outage won't last very long - and then yours truly will be happy as a puppy with two tails!

In closing, I wish to Thank You So Much for all the viewing of charts and reading of my SO'W posts this year! This is lonely work and readers' comments and observations in the Stars Over Washington Reports FB group have been insightful and very encouraging! jc