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Sep 24, 2006

Sen Coburn hearts Howie Rich

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) is listed as "Chairman Emeritus" on the board of directors of "Americans For Limited Government" (ALG) which is one of NY real estate investor Howard "Howie" Rich's intricate network of shell organizations which fund GOP intitiatives and line certain pockets..."game birds feathering their nests"--the natal degree of the US Jupiter ("6Can")!!

And so America's upper class has always done since the start. This current crop is no different in that respect, other than the ends supposedly justifying the means--which morally they do not.

Howie in Colorado:

CO is the state which suffered under Rich's Tabor gimmick until the voters kiboshed it, but are these Voter Intiatives such as using eminent domain concerns (sign three times--they didn't send us any 'carbon paper'!!! Is carbon paper still manufactured?!?) coming to your state? They've already been there! Did you sign once, twice, three times? Then they punk'd ya, lady!

Following the Rovian tactic of naming things the opposite of what they do (Clear Skies? Operation Iraqi Freedom? Mission Accomplished?), Rich and pals have set up* to cloud porky issues for ya, while is making a valiant effort to bring CLARITY to muddy political ploys which may keep power-mad neocons in office, but are secretly busy disenfranchising what was meant to be our Of-By-For The People government.

Wealthy Libertarian Party activists including Howie Rich have ties to Ed Crane, founder and president of the Cato Institute--and ALG has connections to Grover Norquist's Americans For Tax Reform (helps you only if you're Rich, it seems.)

UPDATE 10.8.06: SO'W has received better information concerning Rich and Crane party ties--see Melinda Pillsbury-Foster's comment at the end of this post. Thanks, Melinda! And visit How the Neocons Stole Freedom because as Melinda says, we ought to know that neocons are "Gaslighting America." (As I've posted before--it's not enough that the US is threatened from without--she has neocon fascists "reforming" every institution and every branch of government is being undermined from the inside simultaneously. Why, you'd think they WANT her to fail or something!

How can you fight enemies without when your foundations have been placed on shifting sand? #

Back to my original post:

The rest of us are left to sign bogus petitions and faux-vote on virus-riddled ballot machines--part of the joke on the American Sheeple.

There are many other squirrelly connections between these "organizations" so click on the HowieRichExposed link above to read the list, if you haven't already. The StopThePork site is apparently discontinued for good, oink oink. Smart move, GOP.

Our Collective Trance:

As John Danforth said on my teevee this morning--the "Religious Right" IS the base of the Republican Party...and look how things are going in the world, says I.

Makes me wonder who has the bigger death wish--radicals in the East or radicals in the West. Yet before I point an accusing finger at Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Rice, Ahmadinejad, Maliki, bin Laden, Putin, Chavez, or at any other crime syndicate boss or minion throttling the world's gullet at the moment, I must first level that finger at myself--for how else to recognize specks if not for your own beams?

As I've said here before (unpopularly): if suicide bombers are not the so-obvious manifestation of the Scripture's warning of satan opposing himself--and taking as many down with him as he goes because he knows Life has already trumped Death--I don't know what is.

So if I have any clarity of thought or intention--or any moral standard to 'stand' upon left to me, it would be to denounce them all as well as myself for being culpable in this murderous charade--this mirage of religious fervor which intends the entire world the cruelest and most ultimate harm.

9.24.06 4:08 pm

4:59 pm: Mr.A.Cat, who has served our nation so well, has been at the political verses again. Read "Spinach" at Lim's Limericks a collection of get-out-the-limerick nonsense posted specifically for your groaning consideration. And today 9.25: added a verse on Howie Rich and the propaganda pig which must be read to be groaned at.

*Monday 12:12 pm: just checked the link to again--it's mysteriously Not Working Today. Must be hog-swillin' time.


Sunday 8:55 pm: MORE Cat Fighting? Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, has said in a BBC interview that the pope's words against Islam "proved he was not infallible." My sentiments precisely. Rraoww-r-wr-wrrrr!

It's still a mystery to me how Benedict could say such things in his backdoor fashion--it wasn't me, it was the Byzantine--and not know he was lobbing a bomb into the tender box. I repeat--he did know. He just didn't want it attributed to him, Mr. Infallible. Hope he and his puppet Bush and their globalist friends are satisfied.

NOW THIS from the SO'W Duh Department: April's NIE Report is just NOW being outed? Bush's misdirected Iraq War inflaming terroism, it says? That's a rather big DUH they've got goin' there.

Now Senator Arlen Specter is acting concerned over the loss of habeas corpus? This Capitol Hill Theater of late has been hammily stinky and rife with poor performances. Glad I only paid for a matinee. These hams must be the nasty odor the astronauts smelled on Atlantis the other day.

9:02 pm


Melinda Pillsbury-Foster said...

Howie and Ed walked out of the LP with their panties in a wad in 1983. They registered Republican and went about persuading others to follow their lead.

Actually, Howie stayed for dinner to see what went forward. Then he left for keeps. It is fair to say they were very early members. Crane attended the first convention in 72. But they are not registered or active in the LP.

Jude Cowell said...

Melinda--thanks so much for the background info.

Hope you won't mind if I link to If so, just let me know.

Writing on your experiences with Abramoff, Rove, Fund, etc, is most enligthening.

And if you're not allergic to groanworthy limericks, you may enjoy--or revile--'Howie Rich and the propaganda pig' on Lim's Limericks...or you'll find a link on SO'W's List!

Thanks again for your interesting insight and I'll be checking out your other blogs, too!


Melinda Pillsbury-Foster said...

I am very glad my small insights have been useful. I am always delighted to link; it is interesting to follow them through the etherworld to intriguing new places and views.
Howie and his Friends seem to be taking some time to regroup, probably because they are not used to the real lack of respect they are experiencing. Or perhaps they are making plans to share in the impending October Surprise with their NeoCon affiliates. I did not realize how close they were to such until I saw the seating chart for the Cato Dinner in 2003. John Fund sat on Ed Crane's lap and was allowed to eat his dessert. Eating other people's food is a habit John has never been able to break. Dessert was amazing though. I took a picture,sorry I can't share that here.
The interesting question now is how will Howie and the Gang respond to all of the free publicity and interest their activities have evoked. They will think of something eventually. I imagine they are caucusing about what to do even Fund and Drudge and making the rounds of conferences they have not bothered with for 20 years or more. But Libertarians should remember that someone who only remembers your name when they are on the way down is probably not a good prospect for friendship. See the article by Justin Raimondo about John Fund on or mine written in response to it. They really are not nice people.