, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Oct 25, 2006

Bark from the White House

As Bush barked from the White House this morning he again defined our generation with the challenge that "defeating extremists is the calling of this generaton."

Assuming that he's correct, let's get outselves out for the midterm elections and restore some balance in Washington--in Congress, if not in Senate.

He's not, of course, referring to the extremists who are infesting Washington these last several years--that would take a long look in the mirror (are we sure he has a reflection there to see?)

While Bush catapulted prop, then "answered" lovely setup questions lobbed at him from "reporters" in cahoots (or merely cowed by the hint of litigation?) transiting Mars, Venus, and the Sun were nestled around the "2 Scorpio" degree of the NWO's natal Sun. So he was speaking from "on high" all right--direct from the puppetmasters to you, m'peops.

Remember that yesterday was the NWO's (and the UN's) birthday(s)--see previous post.

And last weekend's meetings supposedly concerning the Stay the Course/Cut and Run mantras were about how the phrases might need retiring from use because they've became sound bite lightening rods--not for any true Change of Course policy considerations. As Halliburton says, things are $going well$ in Iraq.

It would be a huge surprise if Bush's reassessment of his war in Iraq has anything to do with anything but the midterms at this timely point--ya know it's true.

Here's a timely quote from a man who actually WAS a Republican once upon a time--before they became virtually extinct:

Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny: Barry Goldwater (thanks to )

Tyrannical barking, skewily defining an entire generation of people, oil barons seeking more control of the Middle East's oil reserves no matter how many pawns have to die--it's Bush in the catbird seat 2006 in process of dissolving America, and leaving the Sheeple to depend on---wait for it---the DEMOCRATS, enablers of the tyranny, who gaze longingly at the ideal of "Peace" and at color swatches for their new drapes.

May I suggest a lily-livered puce for the throw rug?

10.25 06 12:36 pm

ps: the ongoing Jupiter (Rs)/Saturn (Ds) square is exact today (final time, #3 from 12:54 pm --2:46 pm edt) signaling the end of a 5-year+ period of cost-cutting by US corporations. We've seen massive legislative stalemates with the two societal planets (Jupiter/Saturn) increasing tensions within our 2-party system.

It's been a time of major structural (Saturn) changes in the US economy and in the way we do business--with the Sheeple on the shaft end so far. Trade agreements are obviously a large part of this re-structuring as are corporate outsourcing and downsizing which have caused so many losses and misery in the US job situation.

So SO'W wishes to send out a sarcastic 'thanx' to corporate America with its sorry, oppressive, greedy, and plutocratic Pluto/Chiron ways. You set yourselves above your country a long time ago and now your plans are nearing ultimate fruition, NWO in tow. You imagine yourselves above the common man, but that's where you're wrong. Any sheeple in any nation is far superior to you...morally, spiritually, and Utimately.


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