, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Oct 29, 2006

Call For Change

Call For Change

With November midterm elections almost upon us, we have an opportunity to re-define our world rather than continue accepting the war-mongering model Washington politicians have foisted upon us. Is their mindset our mindset? Is the beltway reality yours and mine, or only theirs? has some info you may want to check out before you cast your vote.

And you can verify that your name hasn't been lost or mysteriously "purged" from your local voting rolls by visiting Avoid nasty surprises on Voting Day, because with paper-and-document-influencing *Mercury now retrograde until November 18, it may be a l-o-n-g month in the ballot-counting and winner-declaring departments, my peops.

Hold on to your Diebolds, it's going to be a stumpy ride.

10.29.06 2:27 pm

*Read my Oct 15 post on midterm elections 2006 for chart details for Nov 7, Washington DC, 11:00 pm, which symbolically represents the end of the balloting, and thus, the election results themselves. We hope.


And then there's this: does a software company owned by Hugo Chavez really own Smartmatic, who'll be counting US votes? Think about it--AFTER you've taken your blood pressure the smell of sulphur new meaning.

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