, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Oct 23, 2006

Happy Birthday New World Order!

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. Frederick Douglass

An "organized conspiracy to oppress, rob, and degrade"? The NWO will be 13 years old Tuesday, Oct 24. The United Nations and the NWO share a birthday--what a happy surprise! Which means that the UN (Oct 24, 1945) and the NWO (Oct 24, 1993 is the chart I use--Uranus conj Neptune #3) have the same Sun degree of "2 Sco":

"A delicate bottle of perfume lies broken releasing, its fragrance."

Keynote: The accidental nature of opportunities that impel one to break away from a past, the remembrance of which is still poignant and cherished. Older feelings are poignantly remembered even as one moves into a new and wider sphere of experience.

Keyword: the past one has SURRENDERED. Appropriate for New World Order (Odor?) plans, si?

And since there are those who believe we're being set up to accept the UN as an arm of the NWO, it may not be so accidental that they share Sun (purpose) degrees.

Add to this the fact that the NWO has another Return ongoing, its Mercury (communications; thinking) Return. This Return is emphasized by a couple of things--Mercury and expansive, codifying Jupiter have been traveling in tandem--conjunct--and the Mercury Return is a triple one due to Mercury's soon retrogradation at the end of October.

NWO's Mercury, which natally is conjunct Mars (energetic opinionation; thought = action) has and will return to its natal degree 22Sco25 on these dates:

Oct 21; Nov 3; and Dec 2, 2006.

(UN's Mercury Return was in mid-October.)

Look for some highlighting of this degree during this time period, and of course, a triple Mercury Return will entail some review, reassessment (Bush this weekend supposedly reassessing the Iraq War? Or as I had thought, reviewing The Agenda, including the midterm elections In Light Of the Iraq War Propaganda?), and re-doing. Plus, HARPING on one's point is a definite possibility with a triple Return.

Many people have mentioned this administration's concern with how things sound rather than how they actually can put me in that category...Saturn's reality vs Neptune's illusion continues to affect the entire world and has been most useful for their propaganda purposes.

NWO's Mercury degree> "23Sco": "A rabbit metamorphoses into a nature spirit"...

Keynote: The raising of animal drives to a higher level. Keyword: TRANSUBSTANTIATION (has a religious ring, doesn't it? Kind of Vaticanesque.)

The rabbit is traditionally a symbol of overabundance of progeny, thus of a great stress on procreative and sexual processes (abortion and gay marriage ban? pedophile priests and politicians?-jc)

"Nature spirits" on the other hand, represent the higher aspect of life energies, and they are said to guide those normally invisible forces controlling the growth of all living organisms.--*DR

Sounds like they're up to their old tricks of "control" and if perhaps you should hear a mention of "rabbits" in the next few weeks, remember the Mercury of the NWO may be speaking out! Or is it...synchronicity?

10.23.06 11:40 am


--*Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala

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