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Oct 6, 2006

Harvest Moon and the White House

Tonight's Harvest Moon--the first Full Moon after the Autumnal Equinox--is occurring as the Sun is in process of conjuncting US natal Saturn (Sibly.)

Sun to Saturn: issues of seniority, authority, and maturity are highlighted, and serious situations stifle the fun when Sun conjuncts Saturn. But hard work and loyalty may earn rewards or recognition, too. Guess this could describe Bush calling Hastert to buck him up to take the buck for the Foley Flap.

(Personal example: when my father passed away, Sun was conjunct my natal Saturn--to the minute.)

Note: US natal Saturn and 9/11: Mercury was conjunct US n Saturn on the morning of the 9/11 attacks restricting ideas, communications, and information. There is a seeking or using of information and skills in order to attain seniority and status. Organizaton and preparation become huge issues. (Boy, did they.)

So with tonight's Harvest Moon chart set for the White House 11:12:47 pm edt, the Rising degree (WHAT) is 6Can31 conjunct US natal Jupiter.

Now "6Can" is the "Game birds feathering their nests" degree and I'm stirring up a cauldron of tar on the hob as I type. Actually it's the same batch I've been stirring since 1999, but never mind...let's use "7Can" for the WHAT of this Harvest Moon, so named because farmers pre-electric lights could harvest their crops after sunset...and I have a distinct feeling that White House denizens are even busier than usual tonight.

This Full Moon will be extra good at draining the color from all its light touches, so the Bush term's dingy gray White House will be all the more obvious.

"7Can": "Two nature spirits dancing under the moonlight" (Rudhyar), and Edmund Jones gives: "Two fairies on a moonlit night": ASCENDANCY...

pos: a transforming sensitivity or a healing imagination;

neg/shadow side: a senseless retreat to make-believe.

In WASHINGTON? Guffaw...Capitol Hill Theater must be in rehearsal tonight and George will be wandering the halls talking to portraits again, Laura!

Rudhyar explains "7Can" as:

keynote: The play of invisible forces in all manifestations of life (sounds kind of like, we are not alone, doesn't it? or perhaps a secret ritual just after 11 pm in the W-H dungeon...will Geronimo ride again?)

Moon's degree "13Aries": "An unexploded bomb reveals an unsuccessful social protest" (could relate to the Foley Flap.) Rudhyar's keynote: An immature evaluation of the possibility of transforming suddenly the status quo.

So perhaps Hastert Will stay in the saddle. I did find Gingrich's remarks interesting as he attempted to frame the issues--the Democrat's staging this scandal as if that's worse than Foley's actions or more heinous than the ineffectual dealing with the situation by R leaders (as they attempted the bomb safely concealed...for 3 years.)

Now it's difficult to believe a Dem or three DIDN't have something to do with the TIMING of the email/IMs unveiling (yes, Neptune at the "A man unmasked" degree) which tells me that Dems put politics over page safety, too--they ALL did. But Foley IS a REPUBLICAN, not a Democrat, as some obfuscators pretended on my teevee.

Image for tonight's Harvest Moon's personality blend:

Sun Libra/Moon Aries: A little girl and a little boy barter while playing on a see-saw. She wants his toy gun; he wants her cream cake. They decide to share.

Sounds like things will be smoothed out at this culmination stage of the lunar phase gets a saboteur into high places...?

This Libra/Aries blend has a tendency to make rash judgments which is underscored by a lack of Earth element in the chart.

12:03 pm: GROUNDED AGAIN? NPR reporting that Condi Rice's plane has "mechanical problems" and she needs more time to fly to England because of them--maybe it's leftover from all the firing her airplane has undergone. She may be skeddaling home asap once again with her forked tail between her legs.

Well if you want more info on the Harvest Moon which will be 12% larger than most previous 2006 Full Moons because she's near her perigee, go to but if you want to read about moonlight's effects on vision read Strange Moonlight at NASA's site.

The White House's "vision" got us into this mess, and the Full Moon is a culmination of something begun at the New Moon--which was, as you know, a Solar Eclipse in the 8S Series: loss; separation; finishing something and being sad at its completion (as Foley should know.)

The Eclipse triggers in the Harvest Moon chart are midpoints: Mercury/Saturn (serious thinking, discussions, meetings; self-willedness; distrust; orgainizational ability; a conservative attitude; obstinacy; concentration) at 29Virgo19, and Pluto/Asc (will power; ambition; rule and control of one's environment; the utilization of psychic forces; dictatorship; striving for power; repulsive behavior) at 00Libra26.

Both these midpoints and the Solar Eclipse of Sept 22 occurred at 00Libra, a World Point so the world is paying attention to the Flap in Washington while it suffers losses of its own.

So chow for now--oh, and btw...moonlight becomes you!

10.6.06 1:02 pm


ps: Toxic Cloud> sorry if I've jumped about on this post--not a lot sleep after hearing the news of the Raleigh/Apex, NC chem waste plant 'explosions' and the chem cloud hanging over Apex (good name for a happening to happen--diverting news.)I have an asthmatic offspring in the area and this cloud is about 20 miles from his lungs.) In fact, a lot of people living in or near Raleigh seem to have asthma problems, don't they? Must be the pariculate matter a word, soot. More of Bush's Clear Skies, eh?

And must send a Shout-Out to Ed Bremson in Raleigh, purveyor of the excellent Tao of Politics blog--hope you and yours are ok, Ed!


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