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Nov 6, 2006

Oil Blackmail and George Bush

Today in some of his stumpy speechifying--a little on the slurred side, mind you--Bush admitted a connection between his Iraq "policy"--specifically his Iraq War misadventure--and OIL.

Is this, as an NPR commentator just intoned, an admission that his administration's energy policy is bankrupt? Bush said that if the US leaves Iraq, the terroists get the oil.

Now I would point out along with others that terroists and Mid-Eastern governments already have the oil. And I've always said that breaking up the blackmarket in oil between Saddam (and perhaps others) and certain European nations (and perhaps others) was part of the Bush-Cheney dice-rolling in their rush to invade Iraq.

If Bush is on the ropes and stuck in the mud as he's been acting recently, his admission may be the first step in his recovery toward reality (just kidding.)

Or he could be careening off the wagon...the truth of the bottle slurring out.

Either way, he's shown himself to be the big f*ck-up that 50% of the American people said he was back in 1999 and 2000.

And with only one nag in the race--named America--it's no cause for S'OW to celebrate as Bush stumbles and falls. As he goes so goes the nation.

So thanks, Andrew Sullivan and the rest of you who are johnny-come-latelys to the Bush-is-a-f*ck-up party. Sullivan says he began to doubt Bush "3 weeks in" to the Iraq War at his Mission Accomplished hubristic display. Funny, but I'm a con-prog myself--a progressive with traditional Christian values--and Bush didn't fool me at any time.

After all, the Corporatism train has been on track for years, and Chiron/Pluto will have their way, even if it kills several thousand underlings.

The divide-and-conquer "Rs vs Ds" is and has been illusory and harmful to this nation. And it's erudite, influential people like Mr.Sullivan who have enabled Bush and Co to have their way with the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the military industrial complex, the finances...and with the truth.

"..putting Bossy at the helm was not so smart", said Lim over at Lim's Limericks so even a limerick-writing cat coulda told ya.

But hey--join the party now that it's painfully obvious to all but the grossly gullible!

America's only hope for restoring the checks and balances that have served her so well is with tomorrow's election, and I PRAY she--or 51% of her--won't be fooled again by these self-serving, short-sighted fools...Trickster Rove's treachery notwithstanding.

11.6.06 8:20 pm est


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