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Jul 31, 2022

Mars-Pluto and The PACT Act of 2022

Mars-Pluto: "People Disabled in War" (R. Ebertin)

July 31, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Can there be a more appropriate expression of the destructive Mars-Pluto duo than burn (Mars) pits (Pluto)?

Below is a DC Horoscope of the PACT Act vote taken in Congress on June 16, 2022 at 11:34 am edt intended to address the funding of war veterans' healthcare due to the effects of breathing fumes from burn pits. Mercury-ruled Virgo rises with Thuban ('to protect or make a treasure') and voting planet Mercury in changeable Gemini (conjunct Midheaven 'MC', the Goal) is chart and vote ruler. Mercury makes one applying aspect (see lower left corner of the chart) and that's a sextile with Jupiter suggesting potentials for clear thinking or thinkers, news about politics, religion, education, and/or relatives (especially fathers-in-law - wonder who?). Additional issues may concern international finances, plus, business opportunities may arise in any of these areas. Of course, wherever there's mutable Gemini there can be duplicity, and changed minds - or votes:

Senate Republicans Have Voted against The PACT Act.

As you see in the horoscope, financier-corporatist-politician-pastor and The General Jupiter (highlighted in green, as usual, and ruling 4th and 7th houses with the Mars-Pluto midpoint conjunct Descendant and the suggestion of zealots and fanatics) forms an inconjunct with the Ascendant (and with Thuban) which identifies the excuse of an adjustment to the bill that Republicans are attempting to use to muck things up for Democrats (inconjunct = adjustment - which didn't happen!), plus, the aspect suggests sanctimonious, self-righteous, and/or pompous people with a burning need to impress others with their importance. Meanwhile, they tend to misjudge people and/or circumstances, and under the influence of self-deception, can sabotage their own positions.

Many other planetary factors are nestled within the horoscope but it's Sunday evening here, thunder storms are in the area, so I'll leave them for those who are curious enough to enlarge and read the chart, or set up one of her own.

My emphasis is on the pairings of Moon-Pluto (zealots, fanatics leading a BOWL shape = advocates for a cause) and Mars-Pluto (people disabled in war; weaponry), a nod to 2022 Mercury conjunct 1775 Uranus (news or talks about carnage; battle noises; destruction), plus, radical reformer Uranus @17Taurus (highlighted in lavender, as usual), and of course, America's Mars-Pluto Cycle which began on December 24, 1775 @25Cap35, within the sensitized zone of governmental Capricorn - and conjunct US Inaugural Midheavens, past and present, and US 1776 Pluto, now in process of returning to his position.

This forceful, karmic planetary duo has been discussed previously on SO'W, and our nation's Revolutionary era Mars-Pluto Horoscope of 1775, the origin and cosmic basis of all our nation's forceful, courageous, and warlike actions and motivations, can be viewed here. jc

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