Nov 20, 2020

The Biden-Harris Partnership: Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo

On November 7, 2020, Joe Biden was announced as President-Elect and a post appeared here on SO'W discussing the announcement's Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo blend of Fixed energies which may be said to describe the Biden-Harris partnership - he, the Sun, she, the Moon. The happiness (Leo) of a majority of the public (Moon) is also indicated as the emotional trend or mood.

However, in my previous post I was rushed and did not add a view of the announcement horoscope so it's added here for readers who may not have seen it. And for those who have:

Karmic planet Saturn rules many realms as you know, and here Saturn rules the Ascendant (the announcement itself) and reveals several factors that feature and will feature in the Biden-Harris administration and its managing style and ability. Demanding Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) rules realism, control, limits, responsibility, accountability, seniors, maturity, and the law and we find these issues and concerns mentioned within the public discourse on a daily basis.

In Mundane Astrology, Saturn also represents The Establishment and The System and with this one horoscope we can see the ongoing stand-off between reactionary anarchic forces of Utopian zealotry vs the steady energies of now-returning professional actors in government and their particular world view. (See Uranus conjunct both the IC and the previous Halloween New Moon @8Taurus). How closely the adage 'new boss same as old boss' will apply remains to be seen, as quirky as that may be considering erratic Trump (whose WH tenure was no bug but a feature, I suspect).

Yes, Trump managed to place a lot of things and principles up for grabs, an authoritarian agenda which has created conditions for a major reform of the US government. This is what 'the powers that think they be' wanted all along for pawns like you and me.

In closing, also note that the current 'midpoint gorilla' in the environment is the transiting Saturn-Uranus = Neptune picture. So it's 'Old Order vs New Order' with the veil or mask of sneaky Neptune overlaid which to me suggests that disguised changes are being utilized with the objective of altering traditional roles or methods (although inspired solutions should not be ruled out!). This alteration will be supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn, a cosmic shift into a more Aquarian era and a signal for the beginning of a 'new order' politically, financially, and socially.

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