Feb 15, 2022

Does the GOP Have Any Future? - Thom Hartmann (plus, Uranus-Neptune)

February 15, 2022

Here in a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann program is a timely question from Thom that you and I may want to consider:


True Identity Uncertain: Neptune's Urge to Merge

1854 (party founded) + 164 years (Neptune's orbit) = 2018

Naturally as a novice astrologer, Thom's question causes me to think back to recent times when the Republican Party experienced its first-ever Neptune Return, an extended period due to planet Neptune's retrogradation habit with exact return dates dependent upon which founding horoscope for the party one uses. Was the dissolution function of Neptune, planet of deception, lies, and fraud, a cosmic signpost on the road to the GOP's current merging into whatever the Hades it's become, nazi or otherwise, under figure-head mobster Tr*mp, his thugs, and wealthy puppet masters, both foreign and domestic?

Meanwhile, as the Cosmos would have it, April 2021 timed the Republican Party's Uranus Return with radical Uranus, planet of rebellion, change, reform, upheaval, anarchy, technology, and - futurism - in rigid Taurus, often a sign of intolerance and greed. Check out astrologer Zeebling Monroe as he shares his views on the topic.

Well, I have to say that major changes of and by the outer planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune is no superficial matter. Together, Reinhold Ebertin gives the duo quite a curious list of Correspondences as potentials, and I quote:

Principle Elimination of the Waking Consciousness


+ The development and growth of subconscious powers or forces, inner vision, inner illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, an interest in spiritual subjects, religious problems, mysticism, art.

- Lack of control of the waking consciousness leads to want of clarity. Instability, lack of emotional balance, nervous sensitivity, wrong ideas, one-sidedness.

C (onjunction)

Extraordinary and unusual inclinations.


Mystics, people engaged in psychic research, mediums.

Probable Manifestations

+ Peculiar psychic states, inspiration, spiritual cognition and understanding. Long journeys. (Contacts with foreign countries.)

- Lack of stamina and vitality, confused psychic states, peculiar inclinations, losses.

Additionally, Ebertin also gives the planetary pair Biological Correspondences which include heart failure, paralysis of rhythmic processes, and/or apoplexy of the brain. (Perhaps an uncaring cold-heartedness belongs on the list.)

Then we should also note that Uranus and Neptune are the 'Enlightenment Planets' of the 1700s ('The Age of Reason'; Science vs Faith), and in our era are associated with the 'new world order', aka, 'One World Government', a long-term plan of craven social meddlers. As you know, the two planets met in Great Conjunction three times all through 1993 @18Capricorn (18 to 20 degrees, actually), the degree area of the Zodiac which transit Pluto transformed in 2017 (arriving with Herr Tr*mp and his handlers) because a major midpoint picture was formed by the trio, one that has been mentioned multiple times in previous SO'W posts when societal conditions were not as stark and down-to-the-wire as they now are shown to be:

Uranus-Neptune = transit Pluto: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl). Could that be a 'new world order' one supposes? A turn from democracy to authoritarianism? Here's my version of the 1993 NWO Horoscope set for October 24th Washington DC. Of interest is that the October 24th Sun in this chart will be eclipsed on October 25, 2022 with 6 South eclipse themes of 'being forceful, taking power' and 'exerting huge effort in group activity' (B. Brady). 6 South energy is known to be manic, so please be aware.

Well, an additional clue did appear when a new social order began when societal planets Jupiter and Saturn conjoined @00AQ29 on December 21, 2020 - conjunct US Inaugural Sun! Of course, a desperate Tr*mp was still playing at the role of POTUS then and Ebertin says the planetary trio's midpoint picture = change of residence and moodiness due to liver disturbance. But as you know, that's not all that disturbed the wide-girthed sore loser after the November 2020 presidential election and the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden on December 14th, the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 manifesting near Tr*mp's separative Moon-SN conjunction of unpopularity when negatively expressed (childhood estrangement from Mama can do difficult things to a person).

So now in closing, I must add that there's no solace in the Sabian Symbol for 18 Capricorn although its negative expression does precisely describe the authoritarian mindset of the plutonian 'Republican' Party and their enablers of various persuasions: "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Sound bossy enough for you?

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones. #ad

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