Sep 14, 2022

2022 Uranus in Tauru$ to NYSE 1869 Pluto

Taurus the Bull of Wall Street Hosts Disruptive Uranus: Speculation; Unusual Sources of Money; Risking It All

by Jude Cowell

Whenever Uranus and Pluto are in contact, it's a volatile combination of energies. Since June 2022, transit Uranus in Taurus has reached the New York Stock Exchange's Pluto in its reorganization horoscope. The timing of the NYSE 1869 horoscope I tend to use is based on the New Moon that perfected on that day - May 11, 1869 NYC at 11:11:27 am LMT NYC.

The NYSE 1869 Horoscope is shown below, surrounded by a transit chart for the moment on November 16, 2022 that Uranus meets 1869 Pluto @16Tau36 (the degree of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse conjunct extremist Uranus). Is the link apparent? Flush corporatists and mega-monied Wall Street gentry funding US elections and candidates so that the results go their way? Am I over-explaining?

Now November 16th is the second of three such meetings with the first having occurred on June 6, 2022 and the final conjunction coming on March 28, 2023.

As you see, the 'reorganizational' New Moon of May 11, 1869 @20Tau57 awaits the catalyst of transit Uranus as well (rebellion; shared conflicts; upsets) and obviously technology is in the picture, along with new methods and a potential for disruption. Additionally, in 1869 Mars @25Leo31 squares the New Moon (New Moons can behave like Solar Eclipses - and there was an Eclipse @20Taurus in May 2013, a 15 South: 'sense of collective loss or grief' - B. Brady). Plus, warrior Mars hopes to add a measure of fanaticism to the picture on or about September 14 and 15, 2022 - today and tomorrow.

And so I'm posting a few notes concerning the Uranus-to-Pluto transit, their sextile, and a mention of 1869 Saturn (in 4th house of Real Estate - housing crash coming? Some economists say so; or, a crisis involving Mining, metals, etc - for 1869 Saturn Rx is apex planet of a YOD pattern with the Uranus-Pluto sextile at its base, plus, Saturn is handle of a Bucket shape in 1869). As you know, YODs are karmic in nature and signal turning points or crossroads - and/or bring karmic opportunities, and with apex Saturn, karma is boosted to a higher, or deeper, level and what's been sown will be reaped.

Meanwhile, planet Saturn as Handle (which turns a Bowl shape of planets into a Bucket) reveals the Timekeeper planet as having a special capacity and interest in a particular direction (M. E. Jones). Here, and considering current anxieties over recession and/or a collapse of home prices, it appears that the above noted Real Estate and Mining matters (4th house) may be simmering on the economic hob in relation to the NYSE - or, are being put there by the NYSE, aka, the Wall Street Casino which has no care or concern for Main Street where the rest of us live:

Multiple notes are penned upon the bi-wheel which may be of interest to the curious reader so please enlarge or print the chart for easier reading.

Uranus sextile Pluto is quite a rare aspect between the two outer planets. When it formed in the 1940s it activated a war between democracies and dictatorships and light vs dark (aka, good vs evil) - exactly what we're again fighting, along with atomic bomb concerns ('nuclear' now), and goose-stepping Nazis (now it's "neo-Nazis" and "neo-Fascists"). Secret knowledge is also involved with this sextile, an aspect of opportunity, (ex: purloined classified documents), plus, it activates opposition to conformity, control of information issues, and resistence to the suppression of independent thought (A. Epstein) - ex: Republican book banning and burning.

As for the Uranus-to-Pluto transit itself, abrupt changes to social conditions are potentials and can cause serious psychological adjustments in society in relation to our familiar ways and traditions. And if the 4th house Saturn in the 1869 chart counts for anything, domestic conditions may become more difficult once Wall Street harvests our treasures once again and uses the money for its own selfish purposes which for some will include their continued financial support for sedition and sabotage so that America loses democracy and falls beneath a paternalistic authoritarian boot.

So, my friends, whatever you do: Vote Blue in 2022 - and in 2024. Don't let the 'economic royalists' win!

Previously on SO'W: Jupiter-Neptune and Volatile Markets 2022.

And for comparison with the 1869 Horoscope, here's the NYSE 1792 Buttonwood Horoscope with its frothy Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction.

Plus, a brief, related video, Why Home Prices Haven't Crashed Yet may be informative.

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