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Oct 12, 2022

How Republicans Conspire with Churches for Political & Social Control - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday October 12, 2022

Here's a segment from Tuesday's Thom Hartmann broadcast that touches on the realms of politics, religion as theocracy, government, and societal conditions - all of which the Republican Party wants complete control over even though a majority of Americans disagree. 'Consent of the governed' has no place in their future plans for America. Instead, tyranny is their jam.

Translated astrologically, we might ascribe such societal topics to the realms of two karmic planets: Saturn (control; restriction; limitation; law; government; The State) and Neptune (spirit; divine source; the masses; churchiness; panacea; contagion; paranoia), while as a planetary pair, Saturn-Neptune relates to social safety net programs (which Republicans loathe), socialism (ditto), plus, the ill, weak, and poor among us - which they also loathe:

In fact, as the haughty GOP makes abundantly clear these days, the party much prefers to model our nation upon Mussolini's formula: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with beastly Nazism waiting its turn in the wings. So I'll say it again, my fellow Americans:

Vote Blue in 2022 to save democracy in America.

Otherwise, degradation, loss, suffering, and brutality will be the fate of the American people. Because, yes. It really can happen here.

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