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Showing posts with label George Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Washington. Show all posts

Jul 4, 2017

The Presidencies of Washington and Trump = Uranus!

Let's Get Mystical: Astro-Fun with the US Presidency (Uranian Topics Arise)

by Jude Cowell

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans!

Quite a while ago I posted on another blog the horoscope of America's very first Inauguration of George Washington, an event held on April 30, 1789 at 12:45 pm LMT on Wall Street, New York City. Around Stars Over Washington you'll find more than one copy of the horoscope of Inauguration 2017, a post displaying a synastry grid between the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope and Mr. Trump's natal planets as well as his natal chart.

Patriot George Washington Not the Only Quirky Rebel Around Here!

Now since the quirky rebel Uranian Mr. Trump, the gold-loving brander-in-chief, tends to make light of the US presidency in the view of many people (he dabbles), why not engage in a quirky consideration of the 1789 Inauguration horoscope blended with the chart of Inauguration 2017--just to see what the resulting Composite/Davison relationship chart tells us about George and Donald and the American people? Perhaps an interesting topic will arise! And so it does, as you see in the chart, below.

But if you, dear reader, are sensitive to such lighthearted shenanigans (such as utilizing Astrology as a tool for speculation--and on Independence Day no less!), you are hereby cautioned to stop reading here. Seriously. Stop.

For the rest of us celebrators, below is a view of the 1789 + 2017 Composite/Davison horoscope with way too many factors penned on (as usual) so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my notes. Penned around the chart are some US natal planets (green), some of Trump's natal planets (yellow orange), and a few current 2017 transits (also in green). Chart-ruler Jupiter is robed in blue (no application), rising Uranus, planet of Technology, radical reforms, upheaval, and shock, is lavender.

Mystical Neptune-and-Pluto are both turquoise, US natal Mars is between them in red, the trio's midpoint picture added which also involves Trump's natal Sun @22Gemini, and the Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo opposition is marked in yellow while the 'brave new world' opposition of Uranus and Neptune (one at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer) are lavender and turquoise, respectively, and reminds us of oh-so-rational global government and the chaos deemed necessary in order to force authoritarism into place:

As for the Mysticism pair, Neptune and Pluto, please note that George Washington and many other presidents were Freemasons and therefore of a mystical bent. My suspicion is that Mr. Trump is a Mason and/or Illuminati adherent as well, especially considering all those hand symbols he constantly throws out during speeches--such as his odd Inaugural Address promoting a dark dystopian view of America. (See George W. sporting his Masonic apron and symbols, sidebar->).

So one factor always interesting when two charts are blended (averaged) is the resulting mid-point date - here between April 30, 1789 + January 20, 2017 the date is May 13, 1903 so right away we both think of our 26th President Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858--January 6, 1919), in office from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909. In May 1903, On This Day lists him engaged in his anti-trust-busting campaign but can his campaign relate to our speculative topic here? Apparently so since nowadays multiple corporations are busy forming monopolies, regardless of the affect on our nation's economy and people. Any US presidency is a mere part of a process or a cycle, after all, and in 2017 We The People have reached where we are, here and now, with all that has gone before part of our national DNA. Not that 'government by consent of the governed' is followed anymore by current oligarchs but we retain the right to redress of our grievances, don't we?

Well, here are a few articles concerning monopolies, all from 2017 and in no particular order: Tech Sector Has Built a Monopoly; This Budding Movement Wants to Smash Monopolies; Want to Rescue Rural America? Bust Monopolies. The Atlantic asserts that America's Monopolies Are Holding Back the Economy while Bloomberg View says that Monopolies Are Worse Than We Thought. (Not worse than you or I thought but worse than someone in charge thought. Duh. Of course, money and power are always their primary goals.)

Okay, so techie futurist Uranus, quirky planet of new thoughts and methods, radical politics, startling reforms, shocks and chaos rises in the Comp/Dav chart of May 13, 1903 bringing the need for anti-trust-busting with it. What else? Well, any of Teddy R's Progressive Movement policies may be spotlighted here (and require protection in 2017) along with his vast Jupiterian personality and style of leadership fairly similar in some respects to Mr. Trump's.

Now remember that our study is only speculative yet another chart factor we may wish to consider is the Pisces Sun (POTUS; leadership) opposing the Virgo Moon (We The People) and what this implied in 1903, yes, but what it may also imply for societal conditions in 2017.

How do you read the Sun-Moon opposition? I read it as vague, secretive, mysterious leaders (Sun in Pisces) promoting, allowing, and/or using misconceptions, misunderstandings, distraction, confusion, and deceit to affect current conditions and to hide sneaky legislation that most of us will loathe when we find out about it. The people (Moon) are critical and nervous (Virgo) because leadership (Sun) hides (Pisces) its true motives while propagandizing, weaponizing, privatizing and monetizing everything they can get their greedy little claws on. Scandals, leaks, cover-ups, step-downs, pay-offs, and favors abound while leaders make impossible demands without caring how the consequences will affect We The People (ex: Trumpcare passage).

The negative conditions and chaos thus created can be overcome but it won't be easy.

For you know that a regressive Donald Trump Hearts President Andrew Jackson whose natal Sun-Moon blend is the very Pisces-Virgo polarity revealed in the 1913 horoscope! How crazy is that?

Solar goals hidden beneath Piscean shade, in Politics a corrupt picture that is astrologically supported in 2017 by the fact that transit Neptune (today @14Pisces), planet of fraud, loss, disappointment, and dissolution now surrounds in mystery and obfuscation US progressed Sun (POTUS) indicating a period when a public image can be deceitful, secretive, crime-ridden, scandal-prone, and/or eroded. Actually, we've discussed this Neptune transit to US SP Sun in a previous post if you care to take a look.

So! What else has our speculative chart investigation with Uranus rising revealed? Transit Saturn in Sagittarius is on course to visit this Uranus (25Sag29) denoting a period of limitation of freedom and resistance to unorthodox ideas which may be rejected as structure and tradition are called for. Initial delays are frustrating but better planning and organization may eventually carry the day--such as with Trump's 'travel ban' against Muslims being reworked and its provisions partially allowed by a SCOTUS decision recently.

We also see that instead of pro-society progressive reforms Mr. Trump and his Goldman-Sachs minions and regressive bigoted operatives and amateurs in the White House are mooning us with Uranian chaos, shock, and disruption. Journalist-author Naomi Klein calls this Mr. Trump's 'shock politics' and if you haven't, you may wish to check out Ms. Klein's best selling new book on the topic No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need. And here she is in a presentation originally posted by The Intercept where she is now a Senior Correspondent:

Follow this link in case the video is removed (it will be worth your time).

Related posts include:

July 4th! America's Solar Return 2017 (with authoritarian Saturn at Midheaven--or is the karmic taskmaster keeping Trump's shock politics at least partially in check?)

The POTUS 'unbirthday' of July 23, 2017 when the Sun opposes the Inaugural POTUS Sun (00Leo/00AQ) spotlighting presidential frustrations, and a reassessment of the year's goals which should occur and a new course set if needed.

The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017. Whimsical? Now that's one thing they never called reliable George Washington in his day. Any bets?

From July 4, 2012: The Natal Horoscope and Character of George Washington.

June 1, 2015: The Progressed Full Moon of George Washington (he's still with us on esoteric and idealistic levels!)

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism: From Past to Future.

Friday May 13, 2016: The History of Freemasonry and The Skull and Bones (video).

Sep 27, 2016

Anonymous: Message to the United States Government 2016 - video

The US government, aided and abetted by the global corporate syndicate, is working to undermine the US Constitution. Tyranny has been the result of this infiltration and the time for resistance is Now.

Update Dec 5, 2022: the video by Anonymous has been deleted from this post by unseen forces and, as it turns out, it's the Republican Party of Herr Tr*mp wanting to delete the US Constitution because the orange albatross thinks destroying it will shove him back into the Oval Office again so he can steal more national security documents and make mega-profits off the Office of the Presidency. Again. Oh, this would greatly please his foreign handlers. jc

Original post continues here with mild edits for clarity:

The main purpose of Stars Over Washington: "Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them..."; so types yours truly, A Child of the Revolution, whose ancestor, Francis P. Power of Maryland (1756--1818), joined John Glover's Marbelhead Mariners and risked his life participating in the ferrying of George Washington and 2,400 troops and artillery across the icy Delaware River, December 25/26, 1776, and who fought in the Battle of Trenton which changed the tenor of the Revolutionary War.

Therefore, writing SO'W is the least I can do for the sake of America! Jude

Related posts include: Christmas Day and a 'Double' Ancestor (the natal chart of my 4th-great grandfather (paternal and maternal!) David Barnett born that auspicious day, December 25, 1776 in Christiansburg, VA); The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777; and the natal Horoscope of the US Constitution set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and showing the document's Sun Virgo-Moon Sagittarius blend of 'moral certitude' -- which is one of the reasons that criminals are determined to be rid of it and We the People must be even more determined to defend it.

Jude Cowell

Apr 30, 2016

The Horoscope and the Quest of Thomas Paine

Reconsidering the Natal Chart of Thomas Paine

by Jude Cowell

Recently I discovered an interesting site featuring an excerpt from Bertrand Russell's book of essays such as, Why I Am Not a Christian though I did not read far enough to find out his reason. But that's because the excerpt concerned Thomas Paine and his fate. The page contains a few typos one of which is Paine's birth year as '1739' rather than the '1737' we're accustomed to (see his natal horoscope, below).

Also mentioned is Paine's relationship with George Washington which soured once Thomas Paine was imprisoned in France for opposing the King's execution and Jacobin Robespierre's Reign of Terror. So in honor of Thomas Paine and his revolutionary pamphlets that inspired and uplifted our freedom fighters (as at Valley Forge, see eclipse link, below), I hereby pass along Paine's words describing his former friend and compatriot, George Washington, which were meant for the sculptor once Paine discovered that a statue was to be created in honor of Washington who died in 1799:

Take from the mine the coldest, hardest stone,

It needs no fashion; it is Washington.

But if you chisel it, let the stroke be rude,

And on his heart engrave--ingratitude.

As usual with Thomas Paine's writing, his opinion is clear and to the point--and based on the fact that our nation's upstanding cult figure Washington deserted Paine in his time of extreme need. Some fellow Mason George turned out to be.

For more info see: Why Did Thomas Paine Not Like George Washington?

The Horoscope of Thomas Paine with the Curious Transits of 2006

Details of Paine's unresolved birth data may be found at including his January 29, 1737 (OS) 11:30 am Thetford, England horoscope shown here though you may prefer his NS (New Style = Gregorian) chart dated February 9, 1737 (England was still on the Julian calendar in 1737). Around his natal chart are the intriguing transits of May 13, 2006 when the Sun conjoined his natal Chiron (22Taurus) and transit Chiron conjoined his natal Sun (9AQ), an acausal synchronicity suggesting a Chirotic bridge to multidimensional realms as Uranian principles are put into Saturnian form. Sun-Chiron identifies Paine as a unique seeker of The Quest who burned with purpose in his writings.

The reason the double transit manifested in 2006 so far eludes me but if something turns up I will let you know--like an edition of Common Sense released in early 2006 and available on Kindle because it's a must-read for Americans once again, perhaps?

Also note that his January 29th horoscope Ascendant @2Gemini reveals a very appropriate Sabian Symbol for Thomas Paine: The Garden of the Tuileries in Paris, an 'ambassadorial degree' says *DeVore:

Notable is Paine's generational Uranus-Neptune opposition which appears in horoscopes of his era including those of George Washington and John Adams. For as you know, these are the planets imprinted upon the Age of Reason, aka, the Enlightenment. The founding of America, the Utopian dream and 'New Atlantis' of Francis Bacon, Bartholomew Gosnold (Jamestown pioneer), Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati May 1, 1776), and others, was inspired by the ideas and ideals of the Enlightenment and later blossomed on a new continent under Paine and other founders who were born during the culmination-fulfillment stage of the Uranus-Neptune 171-year cycle.

Is America still plodding along that New Atlantis path of destiny? Some would say, yes, while others are not as certain. Yet we see that the New Order established in 1776 seems to be destined for replacement by a New World Order of Global Government and many infiltrators and subversives to that end have infested our nation (see this website's description under the title), its every branch and institution. And they seem to have World War III on their devilish minds and marked on their calendars. However, my suspicion is that collapse of the old order and establishment of a 'new world order' is part of a natural process--no earthly empire lasts forever--but certain puppet masters wish everything to be on their terms of complete control.

The Current Cycle of Uranus-Neptune Tells of Power Misused

In our era, Uranus and Neptune (reason + faith) met in Great Conjunction/s three times in 1993 at or about 18 Capricorn which implemented the degree's enlightening Sabian Symbol, "The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship...Keynote: the protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER" (Rudhyar). "Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of 'law and order'." Ah yes, pretexts are totally relied upon in Politics and I doubt politicians could manage without them for then truths would have to be told and their masks would slip.

Additionally, the symbol for '18Cap' highlights a warning "against using power for selfish advantage" and points toward the ruses and scams perpetrated by Britain (the City of London) and its never-really-severed alliance with the American government. For example, Uranus and Neptune in opposition identifies the era of freedom-lover Thomas Paine as a time of secret alliances, important information withheld from the people, apathy of the masses which allows leaders to undermine the people's natural freedoms, nationalism, unrest, strong economic and military developments, and countries hurled into a major world conflict a few years later (Pelletier).

This generational opposition also gave Thomas Paine and his contemporaries an intrinsic understanding of national and international politics for which he personally felt a responsibility to arouse the people whenever public opinion can reverse a threatening danger which may involve religious, social, and racial issues along with the political.

Such was the life and the mission of seeker Thomas Paine who died a pauper on June 8, 1809 and whose dedicated service to the Cause of Freedom I hereby honor with this post. jc.

*Nicholas DeVore's Encyclopedia of Astrology.

Astro-Note: the Uranus-Neptune pair also have occult associations which are not discussed in this particular post though perhaps they should be.

Related posts in no particular order:

What's New at Stars Over Washington which contains brief notes on George Washington and his Egyptian-styled, obelisk-shaped, phallic monument in DC which is reflected in the Heavens by starry Spica, The Spike. Certain other article links are included. Also recommended: The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777, Is Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says..., the Sun-Moon Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson, the natal chart of George Washington with transits from 2008, A Few Illuminating Quotes on Plutocracy in America, a YouTube audio of a fellow reading Thomas Paine on The Origins of Freemasonry, and for your consideration a video titled, The Secret Agenda of High-Level Freemasonry.

Aug 15, 2015

August 15, 2015: What's New at Stars Over Washington!

Yes, that's a new logo and image you see at the top of the page. You can hardly miss it, can you? The night sky is cloudy so the stars are hidden and so far, the image has yet to display on my phone so I'm reserving my opinion for now and may remove the image eventually. Plus, if I had the tech skills, I probably would have created an image with the three stars that are reflected by the Federal Triangle (as originally planned by Pierre L'Enfant): Spica for the Washington Monument as it points toward earth in the Reflecting Pool below--the Hermetic As above, So Below model that our Founding secret society members were completely aware of; royal Regulus for the Masonic temple we call the Capitol Building (and thus, the US Congress), and Arcturus representing the White House.

And perhaps it would be even more descriptive to include starry Porrima above our national phallic symbol, the Washington Monument, since Porrima is the 'star of prophecy' and the 'goddess' the ladies prayed to in olden days to assure fertility and safe childbirth. Curious how Freemason George, The Father of Our Country to whom the monumental obelisk is dedicated, never fathered natural children of his own (that we know of--there is some controversy there.)

As a curiosity, let us add here the Sabian Symbol for '19 Taurus', George Washington's natal Ascendant (the Self point, the physical body, etc): "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean" which speaks of the mind being emptied and light purifying the consciousness freed from its attachment and contaminations...a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, "the Virgin SPACE." (Rudhyar.) "Keynote: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis"...SPONTANEITY" which means "to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor." Well, the Founders and subsequent Masons did deify George Washington as a purified solar god which the Egyptian obelisk represents as a symbol of Ra. As you know, constellation VIRGO the Virgin (Isis-Mary-Columbia, etc) and its stars are found all over the Venusian city of Washington DC!

And what of Porrima? If the Washington Monument pointing toward this star-goddess was intended by the Founders to vouchsafe the birth and establishment of America, the Utopian, Baconian 'New Atlantis' on a new continent, the Founders and designers of the Federal City of Washington, District of Columbia have been successful these 239 years and counting though their far-sighted 'experiment' based on an ancient ideal of perfection (via Plato and before) seems in 2015 to be under more threat than ever by Utopian usurpers and fanatics (Uranus in Aries--Ebertin) who are determined to crash America as the 'old order' of 1776 and establish a 'new world order' that no population in the world could prefer nearly as much as a nation based on independence, freedom, and equality--imperfect as it has been and ever a work in progress.

Yet to my mind, that's what we get whenever and wherever mankind is involved...imperfection, and it's tragic how this natural fact runs completely counter to the Utopian 'Illuminati' scheme of a 'new world order' which upholds tenets of the Age of Reason--the Enlightenment--in which man allegedly needs no laws (chaos) and can evolve toward a perfect condition all by himself...with Science leading the way!

To which yours truly can only sputter, puh! to the misguided knaves and death-worshiping fools.


Related Reading includes but is not limited to:

Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791; A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington; "America Unearthed", three NYC Obelisks, and the Belt Stars of Orion; June 1, 2015: George Washington's Progressed Full Moon!; and The Venus Cycle and US Presidential Elections

For more posts with similar topics type a keyword or words into the sidebar Search field--examples: Regulus, fixed stars, Washington DC, etc.

May 25, 2015

Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson

In Astrology, natal Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) combinations provide details concerning a native's personality blend so it may be interesting to consider the Sun-Moon blends of four Founding Fathers: Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson in honor of Memorial Day 2015. After all, there might have been no American Revolution--our nation's First Cause for War--without their personal involvement in the founding of America.

Here they are in chronological order of birth; all natal data but Paine's have Rodden Ratings of AA. Paine's hour of birth has been rectified and both times are given; however, since the Moon remained in Gemini the entire day of Paine's birth, we may confidently use his natal Sun-Moon blend with the rest.

The combined elements of the founding foursome show Franklin and Washington with practical Earth and Water blends (mud!), Jefferson with a high-flying, inspired Double Fire mix, and Paine possessing a Double Air (cerebral) blend. We may surmise that among these personalities, Franklin and Washington were on some practical level 'on the same page' while Paine and Jefferson had their uplifting writing talents in common. And naturally, an Air-Air type such as author Paine would have had a difficult if not impossible task turning his revolutionary ideas into reality without the pragmatism of men such as Franklin and Washington and the supportive creative force of Thomas Jefferson.

(Most of the following information is gleaned from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; their 'Images for Integration' may be useful for comparison along with a quote from each fellow and, in parentheses, a few examples of others who were born under the same Sun-Moon blends. All natal data from historical, baptismal, or Bible records.)

Benjamin Franklin January 17, 1706 10:30 am LMT Boston, Massachusetts: Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces (Earth-Water): scientist and poet; pragmatist and dreamer; humanitarian and organizer; tough and tender; dependable but private; dutiful but a softy; insightful and ambitious; promoter of moral precepts (if not a follower); fear of the unknown; willing to bend the truth to fit a thesis; can bring order out of chaos (perfect for the era and the founding of their Utopian new order).

Images for Integration: "A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...Bilbo in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Paul Cezanne's Bathers in a Landscape (Ben preferred nudity!)

(Paul Cezanne, J.R.R. Tolkien, J. Edgar Hoover, Elvis Presley.)

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of." - Benjamin Franklin.

George Washington February 22, 1732 10:00 am LMT Colonial Beach, Virginia: Sun Pisces-Moon Capricorn (Water-Earth): practical visionary; paternal; serious and self-reflective; deep sense of duty and of justice; humane and charitable; valued a sense of community and family; moralistic and judgmental; great organizer; did not suffer fools gladly; a reserved romantic (and quite busy in the romantic realm, I've heard--probably sterile from childhood illnesses); secretive and defensive.

Images for Integration: An old freighter chugs toward the port, bringing in the goods...A famous actress leaves her estate to the Actors' Pension Fund.

(Samuel Pepys, Percival Lowell, Anais Nin, Philip Roth.)

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." - George Washington

Thomas Paine February 9, 1737 11:30 am LMT, or rectified to 10:42:30 am (Starkman) Thetford, England: Sun Aquarius-Moon Gemini (Air-Air): a politically progressive 'New Age' thinker, idealist, and promoter determined to 'change the world'; possessed of a strong social conscience; a gift for lateral thinking; a wit and philosopher; a 'way with words'; a 'bright butterfly' flitting to the next new project or idea; friendly, charming, and sociable; a peacemaker, negotiator, natural communicator, and 'networker' who could strike up a conversation with anyone; unsentimental; tendency to squander talents and scatter energies; flexible yet stubborn; Achilles heel? close intimacy with others and the emotional realm.

Images for Integration: A white blackbird charms the garden with its song...A child in a balloon drifts over the city reporting back by portable phone on all below.

(Saul Alinsky, Proclus, Jack Benny, Joseph Wambaugh, Elihu Root.)

"The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately." - Thomas Paine

Thomas Jefferson April 13, 1743 1:53 am LMT Shadwell, Virginia: Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius (Fire-Fire): a 'BIG personality'; a visionary (a trait shared with the mystical Washington); a futurist; highly intuitive; a grandiose philosopher; focused on large ideas; wrapped up in ideologies; impatient and highly strung; prone to exaggeration; a daredevil explorer and adventurer; emphatic; talkative (yet a whisperer who stuttered--not much on public speaking); friendly and fun-loving; vital and independent; promoter of pet causes; intensely honorable; able to inspire others to action; in love with love and life; exuberant; emotionally ardent; practical duties tended to weigh down the spirit; contagious optimism; inventive but with a need for more practicality; impatient with the limitations of the material world (always in debt); childlike emotions.

One Image for Integration: A child shoots an arrow towards the enchanted castle in the distance as he follows the road less traveled.

(Samuel Beckett, Robert Fludd, Erich Fromm, Gus Grissom, Thomas Hobbes, Garry Kasparov, Ravi Shankar, Vincent Van Gogh.)

Let's close with a few words from Thomas Jefferson, words that a majority of New Millennium-Global Government politicians seem incapable of taking to heart--or, they consider other priorities to be much more important than those of the American people as they make a mockery of the government that was set up by the founders:

"When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property."


Here's some timely info concerning George Washington posted yesterday to mark his Secondary Progressed Full Moon on June 1, 2015.

May 24, 2015

June 1, 2015: George Washington's Progressed Full Moon!

Are Our American Hopes and Dreams Still 'Enshrined' in George Washington?

by Jude Cowell

May 25, 2015: Lately I've been messing around with Historical Horoscopes as I tend to do whenever the chance arises and couldn't fail to notice that first (official) President George Washington has a Secondary Progressed (SP) Full Moon upcoming--on June 1, 2015 @10Gem03! Opposite of course is his SP Sun @10Sag03 which conjoins SP Uranus (10Sag27), inventive planet of revolution, revolt, disruption, and genius. Sun conjunct Uranus denotes an original, unique, outstanding personality of genius and innovation--and a rebel or maverick, of course.

Would you like to see his current SP Full Moon horoscope? Here it is, set for Colonial Beach, Virginia, his place of birth. Relocating the SP chart only makes one degree of difference to the ASC-Desc axis and gives him a 12Cap56 ASC-->Sabian Symbol "13Cap" = "A Fire Worshiper" which may also be used for karmic information as the prior degree of the Full Moon Ascendant, his nibs himself:

Enlarge the image to read a few notes penned on (messily, as usual) and read on, if you wish. I consider Washington's current progressions to be the evolution of his society's opinion of him as president and as all that he has been to our nation or has been made to seem. I refer to Mason Locke Weems, aka, Parson Weems, who may be most responsible for George Washington's near-mythical status in American culture and the 'cult of personality' with which we garnish him and all subsequent presidents (as long as they don't become too tarnished by their own sorriness!) Read The Fable of George Washington and the Cherry Tree from Weems' The Life of Washington, written shortly after Washington's death in December 1799.

So how has Washington evolved from his birth in 1732 to June 1, 2015, and what is a Secondary Progressed Full Moon anyway?

The SP Full Moon is a culmination phase of fulfillment which issues from a natal horoscope and provides details on how an individual's birth potential has changed through the years to whatever date is specified. Although George is long passed away, his natal planets of February 22, 1732 continue to be contacted by transits and progressions; even planetary returns to natal degree can be significant.

Certainly the more prominent the figure and imposing the natal horoscope, the more significant may be changes to the related charts and a character's continued influence. Here, we see a significant, prominent man of his era who remains so in 2015 as the first archetype of The Leader of the United States of America and there are several reasons for his high status which I have discussed in previous posts and will not go into now. And if you seek Freemason references, check the Sabian Symbol of SP Pluto for '20 Libra' which hints at more occult information. Also, scroll to the sidebar Search field and type in his name for more articles on such topics.

Obviously, as America's Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, we continue to honor his vast contribution--the hardships he faced and the sacrifices made. And note that the Sabian Symbol for '1 Sag"..."A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" rests on his SP 11th cusp @00Sag30 in this SP Full Moon chart denoting a time of harvest and reward and by this I refer to those who now wear Washington's mantle of power--and those hiding behind it.

Now chart-ruler Saturn (ASC 13Cap28: George is still 'the boss' of our collective psyche!)--makes a few aspects to other SP planets in the chart as you see and is the Thales Planet of the Sun-Moon opposition, the Full Moon via a sextile to the Moon and a trine to the Sun (listed on the chart, lower left.) Curiously, Saturn (Rx--no longer with us?) is positioned at 10Ari10 so we have a 'saving grace' provided by Thales Saturn at '11Aries'..."The President of the Country." This may refer to President Obama and/or to several other possibilities but for the sake of brevity I'll leave them for you to consider, if you may (contact: judecowell at gmail dot com to discuss.)

Notably, it is the 5/11 axis of Self Will and Creative Pursuits in focus here including Washington's SP Nodal axis of Future Direction. And there is SP Mercury @17Sag16, planet of Thoughts, Communications, and Plans, joining the Groups and Associations duo of Sun-Uranus. Also in focus is the 3/9 axis of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands, and the Lower-Higher Mind with a power trio that relates to wealth in 9th house: Jupiter @00Sco37, Venus @25Lib30, and Pluto @19Lib47. This planetary trio may signify foreign donors and the powers controlling the US government from abroad (always the case--Washington was a central bank 'fan' with Hamilton) and one suspicion is The City of London, the UK's financial sector.

Opposite in 3rd house is 'Presidential' Saturn, authoritative planet of lawmakers, managers and father figures. SP Cupido, astrological signature of The Family, The Syndicate, and Corporatism, sits directly upon the IC, the Ending Point of all horoscopes which identifies The Drain. And obviously on a financial level, it would be worthwhile to ferret out the precise date and the transits thereof when SP Jupiter (which 'began' at a natal position of 8Lib37 Rx in natal 6th house) entered the Money and Big Business sign of Scorpio but that's beyond the scope of this post (though SP planets changing signs is significant.)

How interesting that a man gone since 1799 has SP Mars in 1st house! Now evolved into Aquarius--an independent, reformist sign for activist Mars, the warrior--natal Mars began in brooding, sexy, occult-loving Scorpio (23:13) in George's 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies. And at birth in 1732, a powerful midpoint conjoined his natal Mars--Pluto-NN, the 'tiger by the tail' pair. A midpoint picture thus formed indicating potentials for violence, brutality, making others amenable to one's wishes, and/or the misfortune to be placed in someone else's hand and power (Ebertin). Nowadays, SP Mars is not apex of any midpoint that I can find but there are others in the SP Full Moon chart to consider which may affect our society's current circumstances:

Uranus-NN (political reformers; shared upsets) = Sun: becoming upset; inclination to violence even at the slightest cause (!)

Sun-Mars (activities; vigor; soldiers; surgeons; intellectual fighters) = ASC: cooperative teamwork; total devotion to a cause.

Mars-Uranus (fighters for freedom; effort; interventions) = ASC: acts of violence (tragically we have plenty of those--jc); upsetting events; accidents; arrests (ditto to all.)

Mars-NN (collaboration; disputes) = ASC: energetic cooperation; family ties; good fellowship.

Mars-Pluto (superhuman power; force; brutality; objectives obtained by ruthlessness; people disabled by war) = Mercury: a desire to realize fanatical plans; presence of mind; excessive nervous irritation.

In America, the continued popularity of Founder George Washington as a national figure and important historical personage may be seen in part by Venus-MC (love; affection; attachment; vanity; conceit) = Jupiter.

The last SP factor I intend to discuss with you on the occasion of this major turning point for President George Washington--unaware of it though he be and possibly marking a limit to his or our global reach upon the world stage--is the chart's planetary pattern called a Locomotive with its lead planet (engine), Pluto.

As you know, Locomotive patterns indicate genius and a determined drive toward success of the sort found in executive positions--and its power tends to overshadow a person's flaws until 'absolute perfection' seems to be the case. And though it's true that this is a progressed Locomotive, I suspect that it's our current crop of Washington politicians who benefit from this pattern which actually shows up in Washington's natal horoscope as a Bucket pattern, a Bowl with a 'handle' planet. In George's natal chart, the handle planet that carries the rest of the planets is his mystical Neptune @14Gem40 Rx in the 1st house of Self. This resonates with Washington's natal Sun in mystical Pisces and his early joining of secret societies such as the Freemasons, an organization he adhered to all his life. He swore his presidential oath upon a Masonic Bible, in fact, then leaned down and kissed it (a Masonic ritual). You've seen images of him dressed in his fancy Masonic apron, right?

That his worldly endeavors and aims were aided by his 'brethren' seems to me a given for he was actually chosen to lead them into creating this nation. But nowadays, there's that SP Locomotive with powerful, plutocratic Pluto as the engine chugging along in the 9th house of Foreigners and Philosophy (the Utopian 'New Atlantis'.) Perhaps a consideration of each planet's sign is helpful here since in our memories we have not experienced Neptune in Gemini and it's been a while since Pluto crept through Libra:

In Gemini, natal Neptune echoes his tendencies toward mysticism and occult studies, visions, fantasies, illusions, not being what he seems (he was ambitious for power), and the placement gave him a love of nature and a talent for inspired communications (his use of spying comes under such guise!) Now in Libra, SP Pluto provides extraordinary powers of assertion within the environment, the family, and the public (assertions aimed at us), plus, manifestations of genius and celebrities who benefit or harm humanity.

Now just a bit about the SP Full Moon blend of conscious-unconscious energies as detailed by Charles and Suzi Harvey (Sun Sign-Moon Sign). This is a Fire-Air 'live wire' combo, full of ideas but with a potential for bombast, bluster, and rhetoric which may be eloquent but lasts too long. Sun Sag-Moon Gemini denotes clarity of thought, cold logic, and a wise sage with a love of learning. This blend tends toward over-analysis and rationalization in an attempt to avoid emotions--of self and of others. (Can you imagine the 'discomfort' of certain survival-of-the-fittest politicians having their way--totally cutting granny's food stamps and those of her grandchildren and then having to hear their anguished weeping and watch them starving on the streets of America?)

The Sun Sag-Moon Gem blend is shared natally by some interesting characters such as New-Ager Benjamine Creme, Green Party founder Petra Kelly, Anna Freud, Francisco Franco, Persia's Akbar the Great, and Noel Coward who informs us that, "I've over-educated myself in all the things I shouldn't have known at all." And you may find the blend's Image for Integration somewhat curious considering the conservative anti-brother's-keeper agenda knocking at our societal door:

"Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master." The 'robbing from the rich to give to the poor' fellow!

Well, that's all I care to say for now about George Washington's SP Full Moon of June 1, 2015 which times the limit of his and perhaps Washington DC's reach in the outer world. Perhaps when June 1st arrives-- a date which also times the potential sunseting of section 215 of the so-called US Patriot Act, unconstitutional as it is-- you'll give a small thought, fond or otherwise, to our first president and his SP Pluto, conjunct Spica (the Washington Monument) and Arcturus (the White House) as it chugs our nation forward toward whatever ultimate goal our Founding Father and his colleagues had in mind for this, our 'New Rome'.

Related posts include: George Washington Feb 22, 1732 which displays his natal horoscope and details his Solar Return of 2008; The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777, Laid by the Stars: the District of Columbia Boundary Stones (hint: George presided.)

May 3, 2015

"Royal Baby Princess Astrology" - Barbara Goldsmith video

For those who may be interested in the newbie member of the Germanic royal family of Britain, here is a 7-minute+ presentation by Barbara Goldsmith concerning the natal horoscope of the "first princess to be born in 25 years!":

'Baby Windsor' born May 2, 2015 8:34 am London, UK: "very Venusian...charming...and also fiesty." Note Mom's outfit spotlighting 5-petaled flowers of Venus which resonates with occult star symbolism, the pentagram, and .

Be sure to visit Barbara at Your Astrology Signs.

#RoyalBaby #WillandKate #WindsorFamily #RoyalFamily #Britain #monarchy #royals #Venus #NatalAstrology


On the topic of star symbolism you may wish to check out an intriguing post concerning George Washington as a 'star family' member and the alleged relationship between his family coat of arms and a major American symbol, the Stars and Stripes.

And here is a Biblical view of such topics as the occult symbols of Washington DC (ex: Pentagon = pentagram, our national 'Death Star'), George Washington (33rd-degree Freemason), and America's ultimate destiny as the "New Atlantis" established for the purpose of assuming the "global leadership of the drive to the New World Order" -- if you're curious about such things, that is.

#GeorgeWashington #StarFamilies #EnochianPriests #Freemasonry #America #ManifestDestiny #TheGreatPlan #PentagonPentagram #WashingtonDC #NWO #GlobalGovernment #WorldCop

Related: the Pentagon natal chart (April 29, 1942 10:30 am EDT Washington DC; ASC 15Can37; MC 27Pis09). You will note a revealing midpoint picture in the chart between mystical, visionary Neptune and Midheaven (MC--The Goal) with warring Mars which Michael Munkasey gives as: a need to activate plans derived from mystical images...or metaphysical sources," Mmm. The potentials Reinhold Ebertin adds to the Neptune-MC = Mars picture: desire to bring the wrong ideas into realization; study of metaphysical subjects; desire to harm other people; tendency to act without clear understanding or purpose. Sounds about right especially in tandem with other midpoint pictures in the natal chart and the planetary placements and aspects therein.

Mar 15, 2015

Mar 16, 2015 12 am: US hits debt ceiling with Sun Pisc-Moon Cap vibes

Yes, at midnight tonight it's debt ceiling time again and the US Congress has been privileged to set such a limit since 1939. The limitation doesn't mean more budget-busting spending, it means satisfying obligations the US government has already taken on and neglecting these burdens is what led to America's credit downgrade in 2011, finagled mainly by anti-Obama Republicans in Congress.

Therefore, unless Congress changes its tune, the US treasury can't satisfy creditors as of March 16, 2015--the very date of the final (of 7 total) exact Cardinal Squares between revolutionary Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. In the Eastern Time Zone, the Uranus-Pluto squares perfects at 10:54 pm.

And with dissolving, fraudulent Neptune now strong in its own sign of Pisces, the undermining of the US system of government insinuates on under the speculator-spendthrift pair of Jupiter-Neptune ruling and co-ruling murky, often deceptive Pisces.

The conscious-unconscious vibes of the debt ceiling situation of the moment are Sun Pisces-Moon Capricorn, a practical Water-Earth combo of energies that is shared natally by Freemason George Washington who advised us to, "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

Hopefully, the current blend's practicality concerning the March 2015 debt ceiling issue will be victorious over the zealous anarchists in Congress who apparently care little or nothing for America's reputation or credit-worthiness. Now if only such anti-government 'bad company' could be removed from Capitol Hill and take their billionaire social tinkerers and National Zionists with them!

Related: Types of Zionism, one of the many Pluto-Chiron -isms of oppression, exploitation, and primal violence. You'll note that transiting Pluto and Chiron, the Plutocracy pair, last met in Great Conjunction in November 1999 as one of civilization's cosmic 'ushers' into the New Millennium. Their conjunction in Sagittarius hit America's natal Ascendant in the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm 'Sibly' horoscope and soon the trumped up 'war on terror' began.

Also on topic is a previous post concerning the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse and Washington DC's neglected burdens.

Feb 1, 2015

The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777

Solar Eclipses of 1777 Descriptive of General Washington at Valley Forge

by Jude Cowell

You know the tale of the Winter of 1777 and our defeated army of rebels encamped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania--the bloody trail of bootless soldiers' footprints in the snow, Washington's 'vision' (accounts of which never appeared during his lifetime), the hunger and illness until supplies and new troops reached their position, and Prussian officer Baron von Steuben's excellent 'art of war' training of Washington's rag tag army into a disciplined, fighting force.

Perhaps the "insurgent" army's strengthening and uplifted spirits by the time the troops left Valley Forge on June 18, 1778 may be noted within the themes of the two Solar Eclipses that I believe well describe the tenor of those difficult days. Descriptive of Washington's previous losses in battles and his retreat to Valley Forge is the eclipse of July 4, 1777 in the 14 North Saros Series (14N), the Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) of the Winter at Valley Forge which manifested @13Can10. As you see, this is an eclipse of US natal Sun (July 4, 1776) which may have negative or positive effects on America's leadership (Sun) of the day and identifies 1777 as a pivotal year for our nation.

*14N themes include possibilities for: peculiar turns of events, financial difficulties (Congress was cheap where it should be generous then as now), confusion, despair, illness, and delusion which interferes with clear judgement. General Washington is known to have been in despair along with his dispirited and ill soldiers.

(Note: 14N is the PE of Sequester 2011 and the so-called 'Super' Congress that finagled sequestration cuts---being cheap and austere in the wrong places...again).

In the 14N horoscope powerful Pluto acts as handle of a Bucket pattern--carrying the rest of the planets (actors) toward goals, uniting the hemispheres of the chart, and denoting that allegiances are adapted to where they do the most good (Jones). So can handle Pluto represent distant backers of the American cause such as anti-Britain France and possibly Baron von Steuben at Valley Forge? Well, the title Baron is often an inherited honor for mercenary soldiers, and distant archetype Pluto (which can signify the Pope and/or heads of state) possesses great wealth with which tides of events may be manipulated. And as you know, ships sent from France and Baron Steuben's training of the Continental Army combined to make all the difference in the outcome of the American Revolution.

And if we look for deeper esoteric causes of master Freemason George Washington's despair and determination toward military success, we find that he may have felt a weighty imperative to earn his 'Knight's spurs' as a member of a Star Family of Enochian priests (linked to the ideal of Atlantis, the vision of Utopia, and The Enlightenment) and thus by conquest show himself worthy of the Washington family's coat-of-arms with its 5-pointed star symbols of Venus--if we credit such ancient knightly things which my research implies have affected a hidden destiny for America as directed through the centuries by a hereditary lineage of power elites.

Note that The Enlightenment planets are Uranus (science) and Neptune (faith) which oppose one another in Washington's natal horoscope (February 22, 1732), a generational influence denoting social unrest, fanaticism, political-social-religious controversies, psychic abilities, and a sense of destined choices which must be made between partisan causes.

Additional info may be found in the sign of an eclipse---here, it's Moon-ruled Cancer, a shrewd sign denoting Washington's retreat (into a crab shell!) to reflect on security matters and strategy. Plus, Cancer eclipses contain a psychic flavor which may account on one level for Washington's alleged visionary experiences that winter. A focus on karmic family ties is indicated as well which spotlights his ancestral family imperative as noted.

In the Valley Forge horoscope of the July 4, 1777 Solar Eclipse appears a descriptive planetary pattern, a Thor's Hammer (aka, a Fist of God---quite a karmic imperative!) between a Cardinal Saturn-Pluto square (26 Libra to 29 Capricorn) aiming at rebellious Uranus @13Gem00 indicating sudden acts of violence and/or being unafraid of danger (Ebertin).

Yet as the cold hard days and morning-to-night military drills passed at Valley Forge and the sentiments of the populace waxed and waned toward independence vs loyalty to the British crown, the themes of another Saros Series replaced those of 14N for soon after Washington's arrival at Valley Forge on December 17, 1777, a Solar Eclipse manifested @8Cap39 on December 29, 1777 in the 14 South Series with potential for: success after a long period of hard work; a long awaited breakthrough. 14S also contains Mercury-Pluto content due to its initial eclipse in the series which manifested on August 29, 984 (OS) @10Vir59...Mercury ideas + Pluto obsession = an obsessive idea (or ideal) is finally accepted and Jupiterian success follows.

Plus, in the 14S eclipse horoscope, revolutionary rebel Uranus @12Gem61 Rx--America's 'totem planet' of revolution and independence--has become lead planet in a Locomotive pattern indicating executive ability and a drive toward success!

As for a Solar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, conscientiousness is rewarded when negative karmic energies are dealt with maturely and responsibly--and by karmic, I refer to reaping what was sown and depending on methods that no longer work. George Washington's famous reticence, restraint, and serious personality turned out to be perfect for cautiously guiding the Continental Army after much careful consideration during those dangerous days and his natal PE @6Cap54 in the 4 North Saros Series shows such personal traits which seemed to his jealous critics to be merely signs of indecision and weakness.

Participation in political groups and authority concerns are also denoted by an eclipse in Capricorn which often includes the question, who should be in charge? Yes, General Charles Lee and others in the Continental Congress undermined General Washington's command but to no avail, as we know, for fortune began to smile upon the American cause once Washington and the troops left Valley Forge and battled on.

Okay, this is my view of General Washington and the difficult Winter at Valley Forge through the lens of the Solar Eclipses of 1777. Hopefully you've derived some benefit from my effort if not agreement with my conclusions! jc


*Eclipse themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

For further reading see Eye Witness to History: Winter at Valley Forge.

Sep 11, 2014

Leuren Moret: "Roots of the New World Order and Its Permanent War Economy"

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied with this fact than I am." -- First President and the 'Father of Our Country', George Washington, Freemason.

The above quote is cited in an article by Leuren Moret which covers several topics the results of which we see more clearly now. As last evening's presidential address detailed, more years of war in the Middle East will now be waged in a not-so-veiled fashion. That a consequence for the American people will involve the old 'guns'n'butter' issues seems to me a given.

Neocons Say, Bombs Away!

So I ask you, dear reader: do you support the military efforts partially discussed by President Obama last night? Approval polls are said to indicate that the US public is now swayed by the recent brutal beheadings of two American journalists by ISIS-ISIL-IS militants. Will you support providing more US funds for waging costly wars if it means that more American children go to bed hungry at night? Well, you know how austerely Republicans behave when it comes to marching off to fight the enemy out there vs feeding the hungry, extending unemployment benefits, and repairing our infrastructure at home. We the People pay and languish while they and their cronies fatten stock portfolios and simper around on cushy salaries and pensions.

So if you wish to read or re-read Leuren Moret's article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target I do recommend it considering that the certainty of Permanent War can no longer be denied nor can our 'war economy'. Professor Moret includes such topics as: Samuel Russell and the China Opium War (which fattened the fortunes of several top American families and funded wars and revolutions), the Illuminati (a Uranus-Neptune Age of Reason pair full of so-called Enlightenment, a code word for Luciferianism--jc), Weather Modification, and more concerning many of their tactics to attain World Domination (NWO.) Just look at what they're doing and are about to do again to the Middle East!

Plus, you'll find a handy dandy definition of the NWO's political philosophy: Zionism + Fascism = neo-conservatism That's our tiresomely psychopathic 'neo-cons' such as Dick Cheney and the gang of robbers. Shh-h! Don't look now but I think President Obama is in on the Great Plan, whether willingly or not for it may have involved 'an offer he couldn't refuse'...for 'the Big Picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise'.

May 12, 2014

Monday May 12 2014: Washington Monument re-opens

Since the East Coast earthquake/s around 3 years ago the Washington Monument was been closed for repairs of fissures and cracks until today when it re-opened to the public.

That George! Always with his hm hm hm on display!

Now here's a brief consideration in an April post about the stars overhead some of DC's Federal Triangle monuments--it's A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC.

Sep 27, 2013

Sept 27, 2013: George Washington Library opens w Neptune to natal Sun

September 27, 2013 Mt. Vernon, New York 11:00 am edt

Today's opening ceremony of the long-awaited George Washington Library at Mt. Vernon has as its keynote speaker noted historian and author David McCullough and a host of VIPs in attendance.

Looking at the horoscope set for that hour and place, we find General Washington's natal Mars @23Sco13 rising, an apt cosmic picture of the man and his country. For more synchronicity we may consider the Sabian Symbol of today's position of rebellious Uranus @10Ari46 Rx...'11Aries' = "The President of the Country" and of course, George Washington remains America's archetypal image of that societal role.

America's natal 12th cusp also rises at 11:00 am with its areas of Politics, Back Room Deals, Large Institutions, Karma, Secret Enemies, and Self-Undoing in the mix.

The establishment of a presidential library to house and preserve Washington's papers is overdue and is set up as a major resource for scholars and students of American history with its contents available online. George Washington dreamed of this, and now, thanks to private donations, his dream becomes a reality today.

Many myths have been fed the American public through the centuries concerning George Washington so will access to his papers (which includes the first Acts of Congress, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights--serve to clear up the illusions we have about him? Or will the solar cult of personality remain intact?

Silver-Screened Neptune Reflects His Image

Perhaps the current position of transiting Neptune Rx will lead to a better understanding of our Founding Father and his goals, but uh-oh! Today's Neptune @3Pis09 sits upon--some would say, masks--Washington natal Sun @3Pis19 in his 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. His 'dream' (Neptune) is being spotlighted (Sun) today but will his holier-than-thou legend survive?

When watery Neptune floats across one's natal Sun, backs up and hits it again, it's a period when the individual's ego and 'Hero's Journey' is only hazily in focus. However, the motivation behind the founding of the library does emphasize Washington's life and goals but, as with us all, may be based on misguided or unrealistic notions--or, Neptune-to-natal-Sun describes the General's motivation many of which were inspired by Freemasonry values which makes his natal Sun in mystical, secretive Pisces, a sign sub-ruled by Neptune, quite difficult if not impossible to pin down.

Perhaps a continuation of the Washington Myth is the point.

(You've seen the image of George Washington wearing his Masonic apron, right? He owned two which are on display in a Masonic museum. Plus, cornerstones of Washington DC buildings were laid as part of Masonic ceremonies so is that the case with today's dedication of the George Washington Library?)

For me it will be interesting to see the results of various attempts by scholars and students to ferret out dependable information concerning our mystical Founding Father George Washington, who wasn't actually the country's first president--John Hanson was--a fact that fits perfectly within Washington's fishy if compassionate Piscean image that the American people have been taught to revere so highly.

George Washington born Friday February 22, 1732 10:00 am LMT Colonial Beach, Virginia, Rodden Rating: AA; view his chart and details here or, check out a previous post The Natal Horoscope and Character of George Washington.

Additionally, America's first Inauguration horoscope (April 30, 1789 12:45 pm LMT NYC) with details may be viewed here, if you wish. And you may also wish to review the horoscope--the hour elected by General Washington, the Sacred Geometry Freemason who recognized a fortunate Moon-Jupiter occultation when he saw one--of Cornwallis' Surrender on October 19, 1781, Yorktown.

This is Jude Cowell signing off for the weekend in spite of the current fishy goings-on in Washington DC as anarchists play around with the 'full faith and credit' of the idealistic nation George Washington helped to found. Someone please stop them if they can't or won't stop themselves.

Sep 26, 2013

Oct 18, 2013: Health Care, Finances, and an Aries Lunar Eclipse

October 18, 2013 Lunar Eclipse Reveals Jupiter at Pluto's North Node

by Jude Cowell

The US is said to be reaching our debt ceiling limit on October 17, 2013 and the October 18th Lunar Eclipse, a Full Moon of culmination, is close enough to be used as a timer for this critical condition especially if the limit isn't raised and a default by the US government occurs. However, a continuing resolution may intervene and 'kick the can down the road', as they say in Washington, so I've chosen to primarily focus this article on the Obamacare situation with a brief nod toward the US economy.

As you see in this image, the Lunar Eclipse of October 18, 2013 perfects at 7:37:39 pm edt in Washington DC during a Solar Hour and across the 6/12 victim-savior axis.

Rising is 23Tau05, the degree of the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn on May 28, 2000 and since their cycle relates on one level to finances, it may be important to note that, given current budgetary and fiscal battles in Washington, their recent trine to one another is a positive influence that has lost its strength. Meanwhile, Jupiter remains exalted in Cancer, a sign closely associated with America (our natal Venus-Jupiter-Sun, then Mercury Rx in Cancer)

, and a sign of business, home, and security interests. Cold Saturn continues its trod through business-oriented Scorpio where Mr. Austerity can be obstinate, tenacious, secretive, and probing as he attempts to hold onto the past and the status quo.

Chart-ruler Venus (via money sign Taurus) makes no major applying aspects in the chart, a condition that makes her sign and house position prominent considerations. At 12Sag12, Venus conjoins US natal Ascendant (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) and denotes issues of valuations and evaluations (US dollar on the wane as the global currency?), smaller amounts of money, diplomacy, blind justice, and relationships, alliances and partnerships. The latter is emphasized by Venus' 7th house position of Legal Partnerships and Open Enemies, and her attraction principle while in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius may indicate foreign attention garnered, cooperation enhanced, and a general condition of good fortune (off-shored or outsourced jobs returning to the US?)

However, transit Venus has recently opposed US natal Uranus (8Gem55) which signifies a period of being out-of-sync with others when trying to be different or unusual for its own sake which can backfire ("Green Eggs and-" a Big "-Ham", Ted Cruz?), and scapegoating is in the mix. Thankfully, that particular period is ending until Venus comes round again in a year or so. But she will soon oppose US natal Mars (22Gem) when the 'battle of the sexes' will again in the news (Republicans' 'war on women'?), plus, this transit has supported America's now-separated Venus-Mars opposition in our national progressed chart (SP Venus @23Ari29 now in SP 8th house/SP Mars @18Lib23 Rx in 2nd house of the National Treasury: '19Libra' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding," a degree spotlighted since 2006 when US Mars turned retrograde by progression at this degree--and you know their names.)

In progress, SP Venus also conjoins our SP Part of Fortune yet SP Chiron, The Wound, is also posited in SP 8th house @17Ari23. I think most people agree that America has been wounded in the financial arena in recent decades in order to bolster the wealth of a select few who are corrupt enough to make the 'Big Picture' happen. If only plutocratic politicians and their weasely corporate backers would get out of the way of Chiron's healing function!

Now while it's true that chart-ruler Venus makes no major (Ptolemaic) aspect to another planet in this horoscope, there is a sesqui-square (135 degrees) between the Moon (the people; the public) and Venus. This aspect may be considered a minor irritant but also denotes a complex square-within-a-square condition which on one level may signify the confusing elements of signing up for health insurance under the provisions of 'Obamacare' (as of October 1st--see link below.)

Some regions are already reporting delays due to computer glitches or other problems, though of course any new law that establishes such a massive program will obviously have its problems and with the October 18th Lunar Eclipse Moon posited in the 12th house of Large Institutions such as Hospitals, the Sun is in the 6th house of Health, Service, and Work--along with 'signing-up' Mercury in regenerating Scorpio and associated in the Greek era with the Rod of Aesclapius, or Aesculapia--so we may expect a few revelations to be spotlighted concerning the 6/12 departments of life which will include Politics and Back Room Deals (12th house) as well as health concerns.

Of interest is the position of asteroid Aesculapia at the moment of the Lunar Eclipse: 6Gem07 Rx, rising and near US natal Uranus which possibly denotes the coming of a new phase in health care once the two conjoin, and a contact soon with Midas, the gold-hoarder, which you see here penned into the 1st house @9Gem51, Rx, and parallel planet Jupiter. A parallel is similar to a conjunction and is handy as a timing device.

Another health-related asteroid and myth, Hygeia--a goddess actually--has risen already @10Tau08 Rx so is not very noticeable in 12th house of Hospitals between the South Node and the current Solar Eclipse degree of 19Tau31, the 15 South Saros cycle of which this Lunar Eclipse is a part. And as you know, Venus-ruled Taurus is the sign of the physical body and of preservation and growth.

Now because we're discussing the 6/12 axis and Full Moons (as Lunar Eclipses are) are always about relationships and awareness, perhaps a question could be: can the Sun (leaders) be saviors of a victimized public (Moon)? In Politics? Possibly yet there's an automatic problem since so much of how we're being victimized by Capitol Hill politicians is hidden within their self-serving theatrics. And crazy-train GOPers seem totally unwilling to accept or to act upon a realistic level. *See below for a quote from a famous writer who shares natally the Sun Libra-Moon Aries blend of energies of this Lunar Eclipse.

The horoscope of the next Solar Eclipse in early November may be viewed here.

Besides all that, the good news is that the Lunar Eclipse chart contains what may be the basis of a solution especially since the current Solar Eclipse theme is a release of tension: the T-Square created by the Sun-Moon opposition with its energies released through the 3rd house Jupiter in protective Cancer and which indicates 'success in joint ventures'. That Jupiter conjoins the North Node, a Jupiterian point of encounters, of Pluto (19/20 Cancer) shows mass destiny of large groups of people and gigantic projects that make lots of money.

Naturally 3rd house Communications and Short Distance Travel are highlighted and will increase under benevolent Jupiter's rays which are aided by the Lunar Eclipse--either to reveal Jupiterian obstacles, both financial and ideological (which some prefer to keep hidden), or, by the T-Square forming an active system of inspiration concerning the vision of how good things could be. I believe we're already hearing President Obama and others doing just this as they promote the benefits of Obamacare which, if the program turns out to be successful, the president says will not be called 'Obamacare' for very long.

And I'm certain you know why for you've seen the Contrarian Party in action ad nauseum, right?

Now wouldn't it be helpful to the American people if the sore-loser Republican Party decided to actually govern and join in efforts to improve any glitches in what is already settled law? After all, if the Tea Party-led GOP is correct about how disastrous the insurance reforms of this law are, it will at some point soon be obvious. And if they are wrong, Obamacare will go the way of Social Security and Medicare and become a popular addition to American society and all the GOP belly-aching will be shown as the bad-faith campaign it really is.

Info available at


"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man."

e.e. cummings (Sun Lib-Moon Aries.)

Blog Note: if you've watched the new TV series, Sleepy Hollow, you may also wish to check out my post on it and view the natal horoscope of the story's original author, Washington Irving, America's very first international literary celebrity. And yes, Irving was indeed named after George Washington.

Aug 9, 2013

Horoscope: George Washington sworn in as President

Horoscope: The American Presidency; and, President Obama Has a Presser

by Jude Cowell

Since Congress is on break now, my blogging schedule is lighter than usual. However, at 3:00 pm est today, President Obama holds a press conference (his first in about 3 months) with '2Sag' rising which places Jupiterian issues of finance and investment on the front burner along with military concerns. The Sabian Symbol for '2Sag' = "The Ocean Covered with Whitecaps" which naturally reminds us both of the White House, Capitol Hill, etc, and may result in questions about foreign policy and the tense US-Russian relationship. The keyword for '2Sag' = IRREPRESSIBILITY and its positive expression is: "an indomitable resourcefulness and a naive delight in the problems of everyday living; negative: pointless irritability and nervous self-exhaustion." (Jones.)

Well, POTUS and family are about to leave for Martha's Vineyard to relax for a week, then he comes back to DC for the Obama v Republicans fiscal stalemates of Autumn 2013. Oh joy, it's another round of Political Theater for the American people who deserve much better than these sorry jokers, many of whom probably cheated their way to office in the first place.

So! On that grumpy note, the following is a reprint with a few edits from my WordPress blog Jude's Threshold:

Horoscope: American Presidency, George Washington Sworn In

Image (click to enlarge): April 30, 1789, 12:45 pm LMT, NYC, George Washington took the first Oath of Office as President of the United States (historical record.)

There is a crisis pattern formed, a YOD (Finger of God) which indicates a special purpose or task, a crisis, crossroads, and/or a spirtual opportunity which gives this picture: Saturn/Mc = Neptune: one’s position is vague; a lack of clarity; feeling fears; peculiar circumstances; disappointment (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Now you wouldn’t think so, would you? Of course, Neptune was yet to be discovered. Outer planets are brought into our collective consciousness upon their discoveries when we are ready to ingest their concepts and manifestations for as with the Scriptures, we must be ready for light before it is given.

Well, I won’t wax upon idealistic Neptune’s divine nature here, or its links to creative realms, for you may certainly Google your way easily into the Neptunian territories of American life if you so desire. Plus, Neptune's association with The Masses, The Media, and propaganda is well known.

And you see that America’s natal Neptune of 1776 is conjunct this chart’s 2nd cusp of Values, Earning Ability, and the National Treasury. Americans do love to make money through creative pursuits including Neptunian film, theater, and music-–and spend money on entertainment, too.

One of the more interesting features I found in studying this chart which stands for the US Presidency itself because it is the first Oath (even the time here is verified through historical record though technically there were other 'presidents' before George) is the placement of Chiron @18Gem17 in 10th house of Public Status in the world.

As you know, the asteroid/planetoid/comet Chiron (the Wounded Healer) was discovered by astronomer Charles Kowal on Nov 1, 1977 @3Tau08 Rx; Chiron returns to Discovery degree in the years 2027-28–-it’s a three-fer due to retrogradation.

So what’s the deal with a visible-to-the-world Chiron in 10th house?

Using Barbara Hand Clow’s book on Chiron, we find that the crisis with a 10th house Chiron is over manifesting one’s true purpose on Earth.

You are aware, of course, of the ongoing debate over America’s ‘Manifest Destiny’ which is her providential mission set in motion by her Founders and certain others, and which has reached the crisis stage in the New Millennium as our opinions on the ‘how and why’ are split in two.

Because of George Washington’s well-documented membership in the Freemason brotherhood and perhaps in other secret societies as well, the Great Seal’s mysterious rider who magically showed up at Thomas Jefferson’s house with the Seal’s design, and a few other indications that our Founders were in on the ruse of masking (yet passing on) the mission, it may be assumed that a secret destiny is afoot even as I type, for Chiron in 10th house is very quixotic.

(“–as I type” is an example of Chiron’s be-here-NOW influence!)

And with 10th house’s association with authority (natural house of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn), a 10th house Chiron relates to a ‘mantle of power’ which looms large as a daunting undertaking for one man…a mere president.

From studying Washington’s natal chart, I believe he was as unconsciously arrogant as the next president, yet it is said that he refused to be king and settled for the title of president with a built in time limit. Good idea–-use ‘em, then retire ‘em, is always the best course.

Now with Gemini being the sign of communication, oration, writing, and the Eternal Youth archetype (America’s obsession with youth is quite tedious–Chiron is the “blindspot”), we know that mass consciousness is part of the presidential package–and Chiron in Gemini is highly attuned to it. The Geminian crisis here is to find new ways of integration and perception; the keyword is: awareness–-awareness that thinking creates reality. This Chiron is meant to learn how We-the-People think in order to change our mental realities, a concept that Science is just now catching up with.

Scripturally speaking it reminds me of, “As a man thinks, so he becomes.”

Moon is in Cancer, sign of Home and Domestic Scene. Most Americans seem to forget that there’s anywhere else in the world-–a love of home is typical, but we revel in things which are as American as apple pie. This brings in appetite and the nurturing qualities of Cancer along with comfort foods such as apple pie!

This Saturnian Hour, which was chosen for the American Presidency to be born, is perfect for exercising authority, management, and control; and with a Leo Ascendant, sign of the natural ruler–but also the sign of monarchy–the philosophical 9th house Sun in Taurus is the chart-ruler. Taurus relates to Freemasonry as the sign of the architect and builder. “I preserve,” says Taurus.

However, responsible, authoritative Saturn is Watery in mystical Pisces, a placement given by Ebertin as: self-sacrificing, modest, and struggling with opponents. This is an interesting sign for Saturn who is actually a master of disguise (was Washington really the leader of the country? Or was Britain and its banking system actually in charge as it is now?), and as Liz Greene says in her book, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil, “No event or mundane circumstance can occur without having first been set in motion by an idea, charged with emotion, and then manifested as action.”

It is my contention that as the “Father of Our Country,” this Piscean Saturn perfectly describes George Washington, the mystical Freemason and archetypal significator of the Presidency of the United Sates of America, a nation based on the Utopian ideal of Atlantis, charged with much revolutionary feeling, and manifesting in action toward her destiny...whatever it may ultimately turn out to be.

Your thoughts on this horoscope and the history it represents are invited!

Jul 4, 2012

The Natal Horoscope and Character of George Washington

Towering Figures in Early US History w the Natal Chart of George Washington

by Jude Cowell

Chuck Baldwin's Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist gives more detail of the usual crew than if our Founding Fathers could sign up with LinkedIn but not so much that reading them interferes with your July 4th celebration!

George Washington's Natal Horoscope

Here you see the natal horoscope of The Father of Our Country, George Washington, born February 22, 1732 NS (OS = Feb 11) Colonial Beach, Virginia at a recorded time of 10:00 am LMT (probably rounded off but who can say? Its Rodden Rating is AA so I'm going with 10:00 am.)

Hour of responsible, authoritarian Saturn; chart-ruler is Venus 29Pis24 which applies to only one major aspect: a conjunction with staid Saturn 2Ari41 showing that he took himself seriously. As you see, both planets snug around 12th cusp of Politics, Karma, and The Unconscious. Washington is known for having visions and for prizing loyalty and commitment, both traits which may be found in his Venus-Saturn-12th-cusp picture.

Plus, the archetypal "Father of Our Country" label along with the usual serious expression he affected in portraits (and in life, I've read, usually ascribed to his lifelong dental problems) may be seen in the Sabian Symbol for natal Venus @'30Pis' = "The Great Stone Face" with face relating to Venus and stone an obvious Saturn reference. Plus, as you know, Washington's visage is captured on stony Mount Rushmore.

George Washington is well-known for mystical tendencies (he was a Grand Poo-Bah of Freemasonry and may be viewed in portraits wearing his Masonic apron--he owned two apparently--here are good photos of an apron on display in the Lodge at Philadelphia--and these are in large part indicated by Sun in Pisces (as has Mitt Romney along with natal Mercury and Mars) and by Neptune in 1st house of Self. Neptune is in Gemini (the youth who served the gods) which is ruled by Mercury (the messenger of the gods) which creates a Mercury-Neptune vibe in his psyche relating to...mysticism and visions which are further encouraged by a Neptune-Pluto trine, and NN in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker on a Quest, in the 8th H of The Occult.

In addition, warring Mars in occult-studying Scorpio, sign of the Eagle, lends more mysticism to his personality bwo Scorpio along with a strong Mars-Pluto streak. Interestingly (and perhaps you can read a notation of it if you enlarge the chart) Mars is focal planet of the Pluto/NN midpoint which gave him potential for an exhibition of personal power and/or tyranny. (Tyl.) Perhaps this brutality is best seen in General Washington's quick execution of deserters though fighting and leading in war is proof enough for me.

And yet without his ambitious Capricorn Moon, the General might never have had the reigning need to become a political leader such as a President, a rise in status which is supported by the natal chart's hemispheric emphasis on the Public sector (7/3) including n Moon in 9th H. And of course, his military career is seen in the 6th H of Military Service with the very powerful yet wide conjunction of Jupiter (The General) and Pluto (the Poo-Bah of Control) in Libra, a sign of war. This also shows the Revolution's financial support from foreign sources.

And of course you see Washington's IC (Foundation of the Matter; the HOW? Point) @'30 Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution"!

(M.E. Jones.)

Another aid to him in war and politics was his 10th H Mercury 6AQ33 at focal point of the Saturn-Uranus midpoint which supplied him with the ability to hit back hard under provocation along with a natural talent for organization. Mercury rules 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values so Washington was no slacker in the moneymaking department of life. Inheritance is shown by SN in 2nd H and NN in 8th H.

Considering that Washington's refusal to be crowned 'king' of America is much-touted along with his walking away from the power of the presidency, it's curious to me that (if his birth time is correct or nearly so), Pluto and Ascendant are inconjunct (150 degr) denoting that he volunteered his services, was recognized as having a strong character, smoldered inside if anyone revealed his weaknesses, and had secret hopes that opportunities would present themselves to show what he could accomplish if given the authority to do so.

As we know, quite a few opportunities did...


Pluto/ASC inconjunct details from Robert Pelletier's Planets in Aspect.

May 14, 2012

Financial Astrology reveals risk-taker Jamie Dimon

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do," confided old J. P. Morgan

by Jude Cowell

Well, apparently some financial titans don't use Astrology (or even pay someone who does)--or, they collapse financial conditions according to a schedule due to an over-arching 'Great Plan' long set in motion so that chaos will result and a Global Economic Order of Orwellian proportions can be set up, they think. Yes, thanks to The Great Cosmic Clock that is our Solar System, Astrology helps anti-social miscreants time their actions (bubbles, busts, take-overs, etc) in positive or negative fashion. Motives count!

In a Wall Street Weather article linked below, you'll find among other things, mention of the London trader ('The London Whale') who set JPMC's massive loss in motion by trading murky derivatives of sorry merit and the result is causing many to call for the return of Glass-Steagall provisions. But why in London?

Well, in previous posts on this blog, perhaps you've read of the City of London (a financial area which, like the Vatican, is a legal territory unto itself) acting as director of the government of the United States of America. An astro-indicator I have long used for this crazy notion is America's out-of-bounds Pluto 27Cap33 Rx (in our natal 2nd House of Money and Values) showing wealthy plutonians of power existing abroad in the old country--Capricorn--and pulling secretive strings in the US to which our politicians and Fed bankers have danced, and continue to dance. (Ex: trillions of our bailout monies circa 2008/09 were sent by the US Fed to entities and banks abroad--yet now the EU is all 'broke' and everything--except for Germany, it seems. Wonder where the trillions went? Did European monarchs scarf it up? Not satisfied, the power elite now austerely suck up the pension funds and more from the people of Europe as a global heist proceeds.)

Pluto v US Mercury Rx and Cornwallis the Surrendered

US natal Pluto (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) opposes US natal Mercury Rx '25 Cancer' with its telling Sabian Symbol: "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" (wording from my SolarFire software) which resonates with Pluto and his sneaky Helmet of Invisibility--and in the real world of 1776, to whoever was haunting about Philadelphia and influencing the set-up of America (Adam Weishaupt is my best guess along with his old-world backers of the 'Great Plan' both contemporary and long-passed.)The Cornwallis Surrender horoscope is linked just below for your consideration--and the time is accurate, thanks to General Washington!

And of course, you know of our national Mercury/Pluto opposition and its tendencies toward surveilllance, spying, keeping secrets, spreading propaganda, and information gathering and data collection to which we are now subject as major technological advances spur on Government Spies (NSA) to keep tabs on our every move and all personal banking activities of The Masses.

Cornwallis Surrendered--or, They Just Stopped Fighting the Revolution

In a minor form, these issues were in the back of my mind as I wrote on General George Washington, Freemason and astrologer, electing the precise time and date for Cornwallis' Surrender (see chart link just below); I hope to return to the study of that very interesting horoscope at some point especially since it is perfectly timed by a top Freemason of his day, George Washington, who soon went on to become our first US president.

Wall Street Weather: stormy

So far the most insightful article online concerning last week's revelation and mea culpa from JP Morgan Chase's CEO Jamie Dimon (of "tempest in a teapot" fame) is found on the excellent Wall Street Weather site and I hope you'll check it out if you haven't, for one doesn't have to speak 'astrologese' to appreciate WSW's info-packed article.

I Knew It Was You, Reagan!

It's impossible for me to discuss US financial issues gone wrong without mentioning Mr. Reagan and his 1%-loving influence whilst playing president so if you wish, view a horoscope with brief notes concerning the July 30, 1981 Reganomics Eclipse @ 7Leo51 which conjoins George W. Bush's natal Ascendant (degree = "A Bolshevik Propagandist.") Also see: Reagan Signs Garn-St. Germain Act October 15, 1982, a real 'October Surprise' for the American people's financial prospects, as we now know, if we didn't before.

So the 1981 Solar Eclipse got the Decade of Greed (1980s) off to a rousing start and falls within the same Saros Series as The Mother of All Eclipses (1 North) as predicted by Nostradamus (aka, the 'King of Alarm' or 'Terror' eclipse--hello, 9/11) which last manifested on August 11, 1999 and thereby got the 21st Century off to a rousing start as well. Soon came the attacks on the World Trade Center with 9/11/01's Venus @ '19Leo' triggering the 1N eclipse of August 1999--the negative potential for '19Leo' is:

"thoughtless self-indulgence and contempt for the general welfare."

Hmmm...sounds to this common-gooder like some Wall Street CEOs, banksters, traders, monarchists, zealots, and politicians we can all name!

Nov 3, 2011

As Food Stamp needs rise, GOP demands cuts to program

Cuts to the US Food Stamp program are dear to the GOP's (what passes for a) heart these days and they act proud and brazen that the poorer folk of America are in Republican cross hairs for simply existing--how dare they!

15% of U.S. Uses Food Stamps: Food Stamps And The End Of The American Empire

By Gregor MacDonald

Today, national figures for the SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program)were released and, once again, hit a new record. #

And if the Republican Party and its handmaidens in the Democratic Party have their overbearing way, the US Food Stamp program will be drastically cut with de-population the result. Aka, death from starvation in America, as Charles 'survival of the fittest' Darwin dances in his tomb.

So will you vote GOP in 2012?

You may not think now that you or a loved one needs Food Stamps but don't be too certain of the future with more Republican policies of austerity and 'trickle-down' economics creating increased numbers of poorer Americans with each passing day.

And it seems that the GOP has no problem sending more and more American children to bed hungry. Ever tried it? It's difficult if not impossible to go to sleep when you're hungry, not to mention what such lack of nutrients does to childhood brain development.

Astrology reveals heavy-handed control of our food supply

Governmental control of Food Stamps--and the power that it gives them--can be described by the midpoint/asteroid picture we discussed a few days ago concerning the natal horoscope of America, July 4, 1776:

At 8Pis50, US natal Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy, oligarchy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, racism, communism, capitalism, fascism, Jacobism, and other -isms of control) conjoins US natal Ceres @ 8Pis41 Rx, an asteroid whose archetype includes grains, harvests, milk, nurturing, food security and supplies. Ceres links to the worship of Venus who turns up on our public buildings in various guises, most obviously as the Statue of Liberty, made of copper, the metal of Venus.

An Abundance of Heartlessness?

In Greek mythology, Ceres corresponds to Demeter, both fertile goddesses of The Harvest but in America circa 2011, some believe that The Harvest is meant only for the 1%--let the 99% scrounge for themselves for shareholders must have the largest dividends possible.

As Adlai E. Stevenson famously said, "A hungry man is not a free man."

Sounds loftily humanitarian until you take it as an instruction for how to enslave the masses as is being done now.

More on Ceres:

Neptune Cafe's Michael O'Reilly has written a paragraph on Ceres in Pisces, Ceres in the other signs, and much more. (My natal Ceres is in Leo, btw! Where's yours?)


Do you remain doubtful that secret operatives are at work destroying America?

In 1785, President George Washington wrote a letter to the Rev. G.W. Snyder: “Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati—the principles of Jacobinism—had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am.”

Therefore, before he died, President Washington was very aware that Adam Weishaupt's radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had begun its poisoning the institutions of America. And that was in the 1780s!

Washington's quote is included in a previous post which may be of interest to you: A few illuminating quotes on Plutocracy in America.

And speaking of Jacobism, did you know that as the 1964 RNC approached, the media termed Barry Goldwater supporters "Cactus Jacobins" due to the GOP's demand for 'ideological purity'--what the GOP still demands even as it says it doesn't!

Also see Feeding America's Hunger Study America 2010