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Showing posts with label Max Igan videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Max Igan videos. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2014

Max Igan interview: Ancient Cultures and Geopolitics

Here is my second Max Igan embed of the day to Stars Over Washington. Max begins by discussing how the ancient history we've been taught is a massive cover-up--that there was and is a global conspiracy to veil the truth from our awareness. The interview runs over an hour but may be well worth your time. And since I love little better than studying History through the ancient lens of Astrology, such information fascinates me. Perhaps because my natal Sun's Sabian Symbol is: '14 Capricorn': "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite Remains a Witness to a Long-Forgotten Culture"..."Keynote: The will to unearth, in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of non-essentials." This Symbol speaks of "insight based on a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE" and it "applies to the past of an individual's life as well as to the history of a nation or group." (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.) #MaxIgan #SurvivingtheMatrix #CapricornRadio

Aug 13, 2014

Capricorn Radio: Max Igan on "The Situation in Gaza" Aug 13, 2014

Capricorn Radio presents: Max Igan - "The Situation in Gaza" August 13, 2014:

If the above 29-minute+ video does not embed or play for you on SO'W please visit YouTube's The Crowhouse channel or search for the video's title on YouTube. Typically, Western media spins the situation in Gaza and the horoscope of September 22, 2014's Autumn Equinox (Libra Ingress) set for the White House denotes much propaganda concerning dire circumstances abroad (which includes US military action in Iraq and elsewhere, of course.) As along as the *Interweb works, we must ferret out the truth when and where we can.

*I believe Craig Ferguson coined the term, Interweb/s. Mucho descriptive.

Jul 12, 2014

"The Power of Possibility"--a Maxwell Igan video broadcast

Though it breaks my Child-of-the-Revolution heart to admit it but as we all know, the US government (military arm of the Corporate Global Government syndicate) falls squarely under the truism that 'absolute power corrupts':

Here from his excellent Surviving the Matrix series of broadcasts is Australia's Max Igan:

Jun 21, 2014

"Reality Is a Double Edged Sword" a Max Igan video (plus, Saturn-Neptune-Pluto)

From Maxwell Igan's Surviving the Matrix broadcasts:

Now Here's a Little Astrology

False (Neptune) reality (Saturn) is having its current midpoint (*Saturn-Neptune) transformed and deepened by transit Pluto which gives many activities in society certain vibes of 'denial of guilt from responsible parties.' Even the current "we broke Iraq but we can't fix it--the ISIS take over is not our fault" denials from the neocon warmongers of 2003 and from the Obama administration in 2014 fall very obviously under the influence of the Saturn-Neptune = Pluto picture--As Above, So Below.

And I'm quite convinced that you, dear reader, can easily think of several other situations and circumstances in the news and perhaps in your life where the above midpoint picture clearly applies.

*The midpoint picture shows that America's secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) is also being deeply affected by arch manipulator Pluto of Hidden Wealth fame and invisible helmet operations as Pluto (the saboteur and assassin) continues to oppose US natal planets in Cancer, most notably at this particular time, US natal Sun (leadership; the president) thus creating titanic contests of wills and 'power games with important consequences'. Additionally, the combination of austere Saturn (control) and insidious Neptune (contagion) also figures in with health care insurance meant to grab and control everyone's DNA (genetic manipulation), plus, Saturn-Neptune is known in Astrology as the 'illness axis' with Pluto also signifying surgery, toxins, and regeneration.

Jun 6, 2014

"A World Gone Mad" -- a Max Igan video

If you're anything like me you're finding the global crime syndicate with all its oppressive excesses and slimy tentacles mightily tiresome about now and worth all the ridicule we can heap upon its instigators and their political allies. Or, you may wish to approach things from a perspective where a higher yet practical view is offered.

From Max Igan's 'Surviving the Matrix' series: Season 2, Episode 5:

The Crowhouse

The American Voice

May 24, 2014

"The Power is in the hands of the People" -- Max Igan (video)

Good News! "The Power is in the Hands of the People"!

For some reason today I'm relating Max Igan's new presentation to the deception and formation of 'the Fed'--probably because that is good news--and the American people would like one of those helpings of Pluto's power please! The tyranny of the Federal Reserve System--a surreptitiously planned and established central bank of the US--has grown grey around the whiskers and toothy of grin, don't you think?

Let's have a peek at the Dec 1, 1910 New Moon @9Sag during the secret meeting/s of the NY and foreign bankers who met on Jekyll Island GA after their undercover train ride from Hoboken on the night of Nov 22, 1910, shall we? Let's look at the horoscope's YOD pattern, a 'crisis-turning point-crossroads-special-task' configuration consisting in this case in a sextile of Neptune Rx in Cancer and North Node ('NN' = meetings; encounters; future direction) @19Tau14 pointing to the out-of-bounds Mercury @19Sag28 (in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Transformation, the Occult, etc) with Mercury signifying on one level the reporters who were given 'the slip' at the Hoboken train station that night.

As participant Senator Nelson Aldrich's 'Plan' called for, and it was revealed later that, "The public must not glean a hint of what was to be done." And they didn't--even when the Federal Reserve Act of Dec 23, 1913 passed through the US Congress after most members had left Capitol Hill for the holidays, the beaky snastards. Did only Senator Aldrich know about the scheme? I doubt it. And the whole enterprise was strangely inappropriate since Congress basically handed its constitutional duties--and power--in the finance department over to unelected plutocrats (to print and own our money privately.) And this turn of affairs occurred after President Andrew Jackson had quite successfully fought off the claws of such monetary vultures in the 1800s on our behalves.

Well, greedy vultures and vampires seldom if ever give up, do they?

So in the Dec 1, 1910 horoscope we see the New Moon's YOD/s forming two midpoint pictures which you may be curious about if you wonder what these agents of foreign banks perpetrated upon the American people at that time. And of course you know of the booms, bubbles, and busts they've engineered since then--fraud and theft with no if any accountability.

YOD #1: (fraudulent) Neptune sextile NN inconjunct Mercury in 8th house: 'needs for explanation of your reclusiveness or isolation' (secret deliberations!); 'avoiding communications' (they were allegedly on a 'duck hunting trip' and staying at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club--under assumed names.)

YOD #2: Neptune sextile ASC (@19Tau14--NN is rising exactly) points also toward Mercury, planet of plans, news, and reporters: deluding others about the current state of the economy (did they pretend it was worse than it was after their Banking Panic of 1907??); scandals in the news. (M. Munkasey, Unleashing the Power of the Midpoints.)

Neptune/NN tends toward 'a lack of community spirit and the use of deception'; Neptune/ASC = 'crooks, liars, cheats, insincere people'--well, peep eye, Fed! (Tyl; Ebertin.)

In addition, Pluto @27Gem16 Rx--in 2nd house of the National Treasury!--is at a degree of BANKRUPTCY (the word picture or Sabian Symbol for '28Gemini'--the void-of-course Moon's position on the morning of 9/11/01) and we find that the plutocrats of the day who were in place to make big things happen within the US economy are denoted by powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto traversing the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini which handily accuses them all of such tendencies as: 'mass suggestion; organizers; adventurers; ruthless behavior regarding society or the social order and with regard to the generally accepted view.' (R. Ebertin, The Constellation of Stellar Influences.)

Okay, I'll hush for now but there are many more interesting planetary factors and history to consider on the topic of America's misbegotten 'Fed' and their secret meeting in 1910 that resulted in the insinuation of the organization (or, syndicate) into our financial affairs but I must leave it to you, if you haven't before, to check out the horoscope for all the old-news-still-mucking-things-up that you might ever wish to use.

May 20, 2014

"A Path to Remedy or a Road to Oblivion" -- Max Igan video

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Somewhat curious that Astrology ascribes both remedy (regeneration) and oblivion (death, the abyss) to powerful, stealthy, wealthy Pluto, isn't it? Motive is everything-- and unconscious motives determine all.

Apr 15, 2014

"The Power of You" Max Igan video, plus Mercury-Pluto again

Here is Max Igan's latest Surviving the Matrix presentation:

As you know, astrological Pluto wears multiple masks and is known as the planet of power, plutocracy, transformation, invisibility, and wealth hidden in secret places. Pluto is currently traversing the sign of control, structure, reality, austerity, and status quo as we watch governments morph according to the West's plan for global control though a few speed bumps have been encountered along the way. One such may be the leaks of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

Here's an interesting tidbit made possible by Edward Snowden's leak of NSA spying and law-breaking against citizens--NSA, our Mercury-Pluto opposition (on the Cancer-Capricorn security axis, 1776) brigands demanding total control of our thoughts, communications, and actions--concerning Sen. Feinstein asks DOJ to investigate leak of torture report to McClatchy News Service.

McClatchy News DC

Mar 2, 2014

"Slipping Into Fiction"-- Max Igan video

In a Hollywood mode of illusion and creativity,here's a previous drawing of mine, Roxy's Red Room:

Now for tonight's premiere presentation by Max Igan:

Why do we allow ourselves to be "ruled"? I love it when Max says, "The powers that believe they be":

A "guiding hand"? A hidden hand? In Astrology, that would be Pluto.

"Slipping into fiction"? Sounds like Neptune's influence and the murky one's 'silver screen' of illusion and appropriate to post this video on the evening of the Academy Awards in Hollywood, California.

Max also addresses the public's fear of speaking out against the system--a province of astrological Saturn--the austere, paternal planet that strongly evinced its influence upon the Collective today turning Rx in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio, another significator of the hidden hand.

Feb 25, 2014

"Cultivating the Social Pathogen" --Max Igan (video)

This broadcast from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series opens with a quote from Marianne Williamson, author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher.

Has the economic pathogen affected your mind? Are you alive on planet earth" Then, yes. It has.

The title of this presentation is quite apt for the current transit of Saturn (business, government, status quo, systems, etc) in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Corporatism, Mysteries, and more.

Once austere Saturn leaves Scorpio (at Christmas 2014 for several months, then the Old Man moves back into Scorpio around mid-June 2015 until mid-September 2015), Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius becomes its focus until Saturn enters its own sign of Capricorn in December 2017, initially passing one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation and Prominence (00Cap00:00.)

Saturn in Sagittarius denotes a focus upon legalities and justice, religion, philosophical research, prudence, doubts, and emigration.

In Capricorn, Saturn's focus is on issues that concern industry, economies, diplomacy, self will, ego, endurance, concentrated work, one-sidedness, and partiality (Ebertin.)

Year 2020

One of the watershed moments of Saturn's journey through the Zodiac over the next few years will be its next Great Conjunction with powerful, wealthy Pluto @22Cap46 which occurs once on January 12, 2020. Plus, banker Jupiter joins conjoins Pluto and turns everything into a big deal on: April 5, 2020, June 30, 2020, and November 12, 2020--from 22 to 25 degrees Capricorn (near US natal Pluto and opposite US natal Mercury in Cancer.) Yes, as many astrologers are noting, 2020 is one of the upcoming years to be on guard however we can as America's first-ever Pluto Return nears.

In current news, both abroad and at home, we're in the Saturn-Pluto cycle (about 33 years long) which began with their conjunction @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 (on Reagan's watch.) The March 2, 2014 Mars Rx Station will hit that degree indicating more violence and brutality, assaults, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence.

Feb 8, 2014

"You Are the Solution" - Max Igan video

Max Igan continues his empowering Surviving the Matrix broadcasts with, You Are the Solution:

Note: The first known use of the term sui generis was in 1754. However, the concept was debuted in Biblical scripture depending on how you, a totally unique individual, looks at it!

Feb 1, 2014

"How You Are Enslaved and Why You Don't Know It"-- Max Igan (video)

There's really only one law: Do no harm. Presenting, "How You Are Enslaved and Why you Don't Know It," by Max Igan:

And here's some unsurprising news as leaked by Edward Snowden which concerns more revelations of NSA spying on Americans if you're up for it.

Plutocracy and Pluto are part of the elusive matrix that gains power via our belief in it and as you know, transit Pluto has been traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (government, law, and business) for a few years now and we've seen government heads topple, and many institutions (Capricorn) dissolve, break down, or transform (Pluto.)

And one of the watershed moments in the modern history of the so-called 'new world order' that now threatens nation-state sovereignty across the globe is the Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, planets of the Enlightenment (or, the Age of Reason.) What midpoint picture forms when transit Pluto enters the degree-range of their Great Conjunction/s which occurred 3x through 1993 and which give us an exact hour and date with which to set up a modern-day birth horoscope for the 'new world order'?

The degree-range is 18Cap33 (October 24, 1993, the natal chart I tend to use and the third conjunction of three), and 19Cap34 (February 2, 1993, the first of their conjunctions in the last 171 years.) Of course, it's typical to use a 5-degree orb, either side, for slower moving outer planets like Pluto of the Underworld--here, approximately 13 to 24 degrees of Cap.

Transit Pluto enters this range of influence upon the Uranus-Neptune pair with full intent on or about January 19, 2017 until February 27, 2018 using a one-degree orb though its insidiousness will be felt a year or two earlier by those sensitive to Pluto's underground frequencies and its desperate need for manipulation and control. When blended together, Uranus-Neptune denotes a variety of things such as: an awakened spiritual world, 'reason and faith shake hands', peculiar inclinations, new methods of subversion including drugs, underhandedness, and groups that exploit oil and chemical resources--just think of how many groups (corporations) are actively destroying water tables, oceans, and rivers already.

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto

If a majority of the global population choose to retain our unfortunate state of unawareness and are apathetic about preferring good over evil, the positive and negative potentials which can manifest and relate to the topic of the "paper-based matrix" and the perversion of natural law as mentioned in the video embedded above include: a 'big picture which demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl); 'inspirational ideas that can change the world; disagreement or rebellion causes extreme destruction' (Munkasey); 'those who are easily impressed by others; to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without trying to make a firm stand; abandoning resistance; the necessity to give in; great losses; calamities; catastrophes' (Ebertin.)

Now I only post this because I want you to know in case you hadn't gotten around to checking out the heavy-handed Uranus-Neptune = Pluto midpoint picture yet and naturally other transits and chart factors will apply. However, transit Pluto is and has been at 13Cap already so time's a-wastin' and if the 13 to 24 degree-range of Capricorn affects one or more of your natal planets or Angles, you may wish to pass on as many of Max Igan's enlightening presentations as you wish because 2014 is definitely Wake Up Time.

Jan 18, 2014

"Taking Back the World"-- Max Igan (video)

In 2014 the World Is Up for Grabs

There are 40,000 new laws coming into force in 2014 via Obamacare, and President Obama has called for 2014 to be a year of action. Maxwell Igan, in the video presentation embedded here--Taking Back the World--offers better solutions on behalf of The People and says similar things about 2014, beginning with a relevant quote from historian, author, and social activist Howard Zinn.

For you see, government's old 'divide and conquer' tactic has worked well for their purposes up until now and enticing diversions abound within the False Reality in which so many of us are ensnared with our eyes mesmerized by fancy tech devices--stumbling about in our Collective Coma, as Max calls it. However, things are out of balance all over the world between government and The People and so we must wake up to the fact that 2014 is The Year to Unite...and Take Back Our Power!

Yes, it's time to 'avoid the rabbit holes' because in 2014 the world is up for grabs. So. Are you in?

Please visit the Full Circle Now website. Particularly for those who love Mother Earth, Gaia, it's a gorgeous experience!

Jan 12, 2014

"Have You Been Programmed?" Max Igan (video)

Are We the Awakened Facing Our National Monsters in Order to Vanquish Them?

Many negative things may be said against the US government's arrogance and global police state behavior and in the following Surviving the Matrix presentation, Max Igan says some of them:

More and more Americans must admit it's true--the US "thrives on wars" and how often has someone admitted that the US government goes looking for enemies to challenge even where none exist?

Mars the Warrior Archetype

Our national Mars in Gemini has a chip on its shoulder, it seems, for the placement gives our government the traits of quarrelsomeness, restlessness, mobility (Gemini ruled by traveling Mercury), and a ready-for-action mindset that apparently doesn't know when to stop meddling in the business of other nations. Oh! And we like to plunder their natural resources, too, even though it's corporate internationalists who gain by far the most wealth from using the US military as its enforcement arm.

So thanks, Mr. Igan, for continuing to say things that need to be said if We the People are ever to wake up to what's really the matter with America.

Jan 9, 2014

"The Power of an Idea"-- Max Igan video

"Rulers Are Just People": Maxwell Igan on The Power of an Idea:

As Astrology describes it, an idea (Uranus) needs a physical container (Saturn) in order to manifest upon the earthly plane. People born when the two planets are not in major (or at least, minor) aspect to one another have a difficult time bringing their ideas and plans into reality, the realm of Saturn. This is what I always think of when such a topic is discussed, as it is here, by Max Igan who provides us with good advice as always.

And in Political (Mundane) Astrology? The Saturn-Uranus midpoint relates to legislative and executive bodies, control of dissidents, sudden indifference to traditional *mores or laws, counterrevolutionary rule, and/or the balancing of conservatives (Saturn) and progressives (Uranus), among other things.

Obviously, that last relates to the ongoing stalemate in Washington DC between The Establishment that prefers the status quo and Uranian Utopians and other political radicals who don't necessarily have any respect for tradition, or for senior actors who may hold more mature attitudes.

In such a sense, we can probably consider America's Founding Fathers as previously denoted in horoscopes by rebellious Uranus (freedom and independence), but these days are represented in most realms by older, wiser Saturn!

Another way to say it is that their then-future has in the present become our past. How would you say it?


*I know I don't need to add this note for you, dear reader, but I've noticed a lamentable lack of correct pronunciation by our younger political pundits, newscasters, and interviewees on TV: in the context of morals and ethics, the word 'more' is pronounced mor ray', not 'more'! :) And while I'm at it, the word is spelled 'definitely', not 'definately'. Okay, I'll hush for now, jc

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; also available in Kindle format.

Dec 25, 2013

"Signs of the Times" (Max Igan video)

Christmas Day 2013: please pass on "Signs of the Times"--it's a recent Max Igan video (actually a gift!) for those who are awake or awakening and have moved beyond the false reality that's been spun to ensnare us into perpetual debt and slavery:

And, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!


Update 12/29/13: as you see, the video above seems to be having trouble loading and displaying. I'm leaving it here for now in hopes that mysterious tech things will be sorted out soon. jc

Original post proceeds here:

ps: in addition, here's a 3-minute ditty explaining who runs the world via three city states with corporate executives who act as laws unto themselves--the Vatican (spiritually), the City of London (financially), and the District of Columbia (militarily). You'll note that 'The Crown' mentioned in the Max Igan presentation, above, is spotlighted as well and, of course, you've seen US presidents traipsing to Rome to kiss the the Pope's golden Ring plenty of times.

Apparently, President Obama has not lip-locked a smooch upon the Fisherman's Ring of Pope Francis as of yet:

It may seem weird but the Vatican has All of us bowing and scraping in one way or another, even if it's unconsciously done. For examples, I think of Protestants revering today--Christ's Mass--and of the Seventh Day's solemnity allegedly switched to Sunday, the day of the Sun (ego) and the first day of the week as opposed to Sabbath, the Day of Saturn, and the Seventh Day (as found in the Fourth Commandment). You may disagree on these points, of course. But there it is.

Dec 20, 2013

"Overcoming the Human Dilemma" by Max Igan (video)

With the holidays upon us, I doubt that much blogging will occur until January 2014, so what better to leave you with than a very informative presentation by Max Igan?

Think globally, speak spiritually, act locally, y'all!

Check this blog for previous posts which cover the December 2013 time frame, if and as you wish! This includes tomorrow's Winter Solstice 2013 (horoscope shown is set for Washington DC, as usual.)

Dec 12, 2013

"The Energetic Universe" (Max Igan video); plus, Uranus-Neptune vibes

Max Igan presents, The Energetic Universe:

Well, Blogger has devoured the text I was about to publish and its saved draft is empty so I'll simply say that much of what Mr. Igan mentions above relates to the planets of Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, whose combined influences we are now experiencing. They give mankind an opportunity to dissolve the Matrix of false reality that's been engineered for us and touted constantly by the media and by ensnared, corrupt politicians who can barely function because of it for their right brain/intuitive functions are affected along with ours.

Scorpio Eclipses Uncover Secrets and Offer Karmic Progress to Mankind

The current Solar Eclipse in the 16 North Saros Series manifested on November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 but the initial eclipse of 16N occurred in 1599 sporting a shiny Uranus-Neptune trine. Much karmic progress can be made under a trine (120 degr) of these two transpersonal planets. The realm of Uranus, the sky god, includes electricity, genius, bright ideas, but also revolution, disruptions, and shocks, while Neptune's province, as you know, is the sea, murkiness or deception, and fraud. Yet the gaseous giant on a higher plane also represents the urge to merge--and faith in the Divine Source, our Creator. I believe this to be Neptune's most positive function even through the darkness of our earthly veil.

Naturally, the masses, mass consciousness, the Collective Unconscious, inspiration, community, and spirituality are also denoted by astrological Neptune, with innovation and Science falling into areas where Uranus cavorts. When the energies of the two act together, an Awakening is allowed to actualize for those who desire it. And as you've noticed, peaceful protests continue to occur across the globe. Hope springs! But are a majority of the American People awake or still sleeping? Are we so controlled by fear of loss and diminished security that we don't dare squeak out, even to rescue our own freedom and independence?

No, violence is not the answer to our woes this time. The keys to our karmic progress are forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and a deep desire to leave all negative baggage behind for revenge only begets an endless round of revenge (ex: the Middle East and the West's meddling in their centuries-old vengeful conflicts.)

And so, as American politicians are very fond of asking, Are you in? Will you be the change you wish to see?

For more info on the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse with its Uranus-Neptune frequency (horoscope shown is set for Washington DC, as usual), click or tap away, my friend!

Dec 1, 2013

"What's the Problem?" (Max Igan video)

Stepping into Our Power

Maxwell Igan has made changes and will be traveling around the world to bring us interviews with various people on topics of interest. Here he is (on camera for a change!) introducing the changes followed by a Surviving the Matrix presentation.

Q: is money really more important than life itself?

Do you see problems as opportunities? We must face and identify problems, even global ones, so that they can be vanquished. "Contrived debt" is one of those problems...