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Showing posts with label Max Igan videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Max Igan videos. Show all posts

May 12, 2015

Max Igan & Jim Fetzer speak out about Jade Helm Deeper and Darker...

#MaxIgan #JimFetzer #TruthFrequencyRadio #JadeHelm15 #PoliceState #USSpecialForces #Awaken #TheBigEvent

Note that Jade Nelm is said to run until mid-September 2015 and is synchronous with the September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse. Tap or click here for a list with details of 2015 Solar Eclipses. The highly stressful September 13th eclipse is number 2 on the list. September 10th is mentioned above as the date to look out for and it is within 2 weeks of the September 13th eclipse with its background themes and Uranian disruption.

May 9, 2015

"Constructing The End Game" - a Max Igan broadcast

From Season 4 episode 8:

#EndGame #SurvivingtheMatrix #MaxIgan #TheCrowhouse #GlobalElite #HiddenHand of #Pluto #Plutocracy

Visit The Crowhouse for additional audio and video content.

May 3, 2015

Max Igan Sets the Record Straight on CHEMTRAILS vs CON trails

#contamination #chemtrails #contrails #MaxIgan

Related is a previous SO'W post-with-video noting that the term "chemtrails" was first used in an Air Force manual in 1990 (though the word must have been previously known if it turned up in a publication. And here at SO'W, when we think of 1990, we must think of the Poppy Bush presidency.

#Toxic #ChemicalSoup #Barium #Strontium #HeavyMetals #HBP ... reflecting poisonous #Neptune now drifting through its favored sign of #Pisces ...kind of like chemtrails dissolving across the skies over toxic garden soil and marine life swimming in our rivers and seas--or turning up dead on beaches. See chemtrails' possible health effects such as high blood pressure and gastro-intestinal conditions.

Image: 'Neptune Ascends', a pencil illustration by Jude Cowell; tap or click to view more drawings which may be freely shared and used with attribution!

Apr 7, 2015

"A Plea for Sanity" - a Max Igan presentation

From Max Igan: A Plea for Sanity:

#Globalism #Sanity #Politics #Warhawks #Neocons #War #Peace #SurvivingtheMatrix #MaxIgan


Who said, War is Politics by another means...? I'm not certain who said it but once upon a time General Smedley Butler toured the country delivering speeches and asserting that, "War is a racket." These days the world suffers somewhere between those truisms. And it's politicians who insist things have to be that way.

Mar 28, 2015

"Walking the Knife Edge" - Max Igan

#SurvivingtheMatrix #MaxIgan #worldhistory #Disinformation

This is a 15-minute excerpt from a recent Max Igan broadcast. Following up on the rest is recommended.

Update June 11, 2016 Note to Those Who Comment: it's very uncool for you to use my posts to underhandedly advertise your websites and/or services. I would never do such to your work, please don't do this to mine. Your efforts will be deleted if Google allows me to. jc

Mar 15, 2015

"Whose Reality Are You Living?" -- a Maxwell Igan broadcast

Please tap or click for more.

#Reality #FalseReality #Civilization #SurvivingTheMatrix #MaxIgan

Mar 9, 2015

Max Igan: "The World is Run by Psychopaths and Wrapped in Bull$%*t"

Can you think of a politician who seems psychotically divorced from reality? Yeah. Me, too. Here is a 15-minute excerpt from a recent Maxwell Igan broadcast:

#SurvivingTheMatrix #reality #MaxIgan

Feb 9, 2015

Max Igan--Press TV: NATO switching to Cold War Style Security Schemes

Remember the NATO Summit in September 2014 the 'power elite' held in Wales? In astrological terms I identified the secretive 'security' planning session as a Moon-Pluto Affair and now that NATO is associated with the specter of the 'Cold War' returning we note that its Saturn (cold)--Mars (war) vibes are being purposefully promoted by a complicit media and by politicians who know which side their bread must be buttered on in order to promote 'The Big Picture'.

Feb 6, 2015

"Right wing extremist " Tony Abbott - Max Igan video

Here's a brief discussion by Australia's Max Igan of right-wing extremist Tony Abbott who campaigned as a moderate, a typical political ploy:

Now whenever I hear a term like "right wing" it remind me of the Sabian Symbol for 24 Libra: "The Third Wing on the Right Side of a Butterfly." Viewing this video I am compelled to check '24 Libra' in Adriano Carelli's symbols and find that there is a word picture (not all Carelli degrees have word pictures but all have explanations) which is, "A satyr strikes a dragon with a stick." Carelli gives two examples of this picture: the Ascendant degree of Henry IV, king of France and Navarre, and "the bulk of the Moon's orb of King Louis XIII is in this degree."

Like all 'world leaders' staging the global government scam, Mr. Abbott seems mightily determined to show his draconian plutocratic side to the Australian people as he follows the globalist script but as for having a royal streak, perhaps his arrogance and sense of entitlement reveal an inherited tale.

Incidentally, you know that second US President John Adams and his kin are reputed to be descendants of the Dragon family bloodline, right? As were other of America's founders and the current crop of draconians.

For further reading concerning this 'royal' dynasty try: The Dragon Court (includes the Merovingians, 'new world order' information, and much more.)

Feb 3, 2015

Jan 11, 2015

"Chaos is Manageable" - Max Igan (video)

Here's an excerpt from the latest Max Igan transmission on the topic of managing (Saturn) chaos (Uranus):

#SurvivingTheMatrix #thecrowhouse

Jan 4, 2015

"Creating the New Tribe" -- Max Igan (video)

Here is a 15-minute excerpt from a new broadcast by Max Igan:

#SurvivingtheMatrix #TheCrowhouse

Dec 27, 2014

"Rebalancing the Matrix" -- Max Igan (plus, right--left eye symbology)

(If only you could watch it), here is (not!) the first part of a Max Igan broadcast which, among other topics, mentions the power elite's subtle switch of our collective thinking from *right brain to left rather than using a balance between our brain hemispheres necessary for best results and decision making ability. This, I believe, is one reason a majority of us have trouble figuring out solutions for societal problems in the US and this confusion suits total control-global government purposes for our minds to be muddled like kittens-in-string.

And isn't it curious (and undermining) how, for decades, we've been propagandized with the notion that 'we only use 10% of our brains'?

Update December 2022: No Max Igan video which was initially embedded here for it has been deleted due to Max's YouTube account being removed. However, Max's website and content are accessible at The Crowhouse.


With a considerable amount of ruffling and editing for clarity (Dec 2022), my original post continues here:

Eye = Mandala = the Center of Order in the Unconscious (Carl Jung)

*On the topic of right brain to left, it's curious to note that the eye over the pyramid symbol on the reverse of America's Great Seal (as per Barton's design 1782) was depicted as a right eye which in ancient Egyptian symbology represented the sun, the creative aspect of the Deity. So the all-seeing eye in the triangle was a symbol for divine providence overlooking the activities of the Founders of this nation. Did Barton and colleagues intentionally use the sun in this way? Most likely, since many of them were Freemasons and knowledgeable about esoteric symbolism.

Now as you know, in traditional esoterism, the sun symbol signifies intuitive power, inner light, and illumination ("If therefore, thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22) and these links, when perverted into Luciferianism, tally with the hidden beliefs of certain of America's Founders and their colleagues who were more than Freemasons--the eye over the pyramid or in a triangle as a Masonic symbol--for some of the key figures were members of the Illuminati Society which is said to have supplied the design for America's Great Seal.

As for the subtle yet significant switch from right eye to left eye in American symbology, we have an interesting occurrence in 1856 (put in place in time for the delusions and misplaced motivations of the 'Civil War', a delusional Mercury-Neptune affair), for though the 1782 seal depicted the usual right eye, an article appeared in Harper's New Monthly Magazine which included artist Benjamin Lossing's design of the seal (The Lossing Realization) in which right eye was replaced by left eye. Subtle enough for you? For me it is, though when I posted about it previously here on SO'W, someone left a comment disagreeing with me. Fair enough!

Yet as you may know, the left eye signifies the lunar hemisphere of the brain, which indicates our functions of measuring ability, words, and analysis. Yes, there is more to life and the understanding of its issues than using the brain's mental functions. There is also the feeling-intuitive-imaging functions represented by the right eye (left side of the brain). And so to me, it seems that the symbolic switch could have caused an imbalance of mental functions in the American people, or a confusion, so that conscious rebalancing is the option.

Then in the realm of US Politics, cold calculations are valued most by the budget slashing Republican Party, an entity whose natal Sun (March 1854) conjoins US natal Sun in the protective sign of Cancer--and Sirius, the Isis goddess. Republicans are more like a paternalistic 'Father' whose conditional love may often be expressed heartlessly toward those they consider to be burdens, or beneath them and unworthy.

Since the days of Thomas Jefferson, the Democratic Party's natal Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius conjoins US natal Moon (July 4, 1776) which symbolically identifies the party as 'Mother' of the American people which has set up the much-derided 'nanny state' of 'socialism' - and with 1776 Ceres, asteroid of democracy in the compassionate sign of Pisces.

Through a critical consideration of water, food, domestic products, and chem trail contamination, we gain a further hint concerning mankind's current kittens-in-string condition in how our bodies have been inundated with fluoride and other chemicals which calcify and clog the 'third eye', the pineal gland, where intuition and deep knowing are intended by our Creator to inhabit. And as you know, much of the astrological symbolism here is represented by Neptune, planet of veils, clouds, toxins, poisons, undermining, dissolution, disguises, deception, fraud, gas lighting (lies)...and the Divine Source's spiritual and intuitive insights which are freely ours if only we honestly seek them.

In closing, a related video: Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill.

Nov 15, 2014

"Our Governments Are War Criminals Lets Arrest Them" Max Igan video

Our Governments Are War Criminals Lets Arrest Them
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 04

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader" - Plato
©2014 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

"The whole state of the world is ridiculous." - Max Igan

Nov 1, 2014

Max Igan video: "ISIS, The Muslim Menace & The Greater Israel Project"

Tired of being lied to? Then check out this all-gloves-off broadcast from Max Igan:
ISIS, The Muslim Menace & The Greater Israel Project
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 02

Universal Law trumps all others.

1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I am a party to, not giving full disclosure to me, whether signed by me or not, are void at my discretion.

2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.

3. There shall be no exceptions to Law 1 and 2.

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader" - Plato
©2014 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Oct 18, 2014

Surviving the Matrix: "We Live in a World of Deception" -- Max Igan

Surviving the Matrix Oct 10, 2014: Season 3 Episode 1:
We Live in a World of Deception
Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 1 - We Live in a World of Deception
©2014 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066