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Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts

May 22, 2017

Social Program Cuts? Republicans Can't Shoot Butter

Republicans to Slash Needed Domestic Programs to Fund More War and Conquest

by Jude Cowell

Since Mr. Trump and the Republicans have their knives out intending to gut social programs for the weak, ill, and aging among us while massive tax cuts are put in place for the wealthy class, a review of the History of Medicare and Medicaid seems timely. And as you know, in 1972 (under Nixon) an expansion of the social safety net was enacted to include coverage for the disabled, end-stage renal disease patients needing dialysis or a kidney transplant, and citizens age 65 and older.

But waging perpetual war for the sake of Empire is a very costly endeavor and it isn't as if the disabled, ill, and aging can or would enlist in the military, right? So did the GOP finally accept Trump as their 'outsider' president because they knew that an unprincipled man would agree to cut whatever programs they targeted? And that, after spouting campaign rhetoric that he would not cut the very programs now under the GOP knife! Not that I believed him, of course. Did you?

By Ricard Canals (1876--1931) {Sick Child, Octavi, the artist's son} circa 1903; Barcelona. Details of artist on Google Art Project [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Always the Tiresome Trade-Off: Guns vs Butter

Photo: Paul Ryan: "We've Been Dreaming of Slashing Medicaid Since My Kegger Days"...a drunken dream? Now he's drunk with power.

Yes, with dreamy Neptune rising in his natal chart, Speaker Paul Ryan is quite a big dreamer. But do the current GOP austerity measures against the American people put you in mind of Republican President Eisenhower's famous Chance for Peace speech of 1953? Here's an excerpt:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children." Theft. He said theft. To give the wealthy more tax cuts while harming little children.

Now Eisenhower's words contain way too vast a concept for a subjective man like Mr. Trump to grasp although certainly some Republican congress members have the mental and emotional capacity to understand that such theft from We the People will result in millions of Americans ill and starving on the streets and infecting everyone else. Plus, the US economy will suffer from the additional financial burden placed upon our families. (No, churches cannot do it all). But that's where lack of conscience and principles come in--when politicians plainly show that no, they are not their brother's keepers.

Now I don't mean that the US isn't worse off economically than we've been led to believe these last decades and my suspicion is that this is very much the case. 'White collar' theft abounds, as you know, and as noted, waging global war and acting as World Cop takes a whole lot of filthy lucre.

However, the austerity path of heartlessness the GOP demands for America is not the only path to take. Even if it's the global bankers' * 'big picture commands a certain course of action, little option to do otherwise' offer-they-can't-refuse situation that our compromised, bribed, and threatened 'representatives' on Capitol Hill are following because the 'otherwise' involves too much risk for their own hides to take. Apparently the extra added 'benefit' of population control (a la Ayn Rand) seems to suit the Republicans (and their enablers) just fine--as long as they and their loved ones remain unaffected. (They hope!)

Well, thanks for letting me vent. The current news on Medicaid and other financial cuts enrages me on behalf of the common good and for the sake of my native country (which I'm very partial to!) I must vehemently dissent against the Republican austerity agenda and sorry-a**ed war economy which are suggested by the cruelty and hardship potentials of year 2020.


Here's an audio excerpt (under 3 mins) of Eisenhower himself delivering his Chance for Peace speech on April 16, 1953. Now that soup lines across America will come into vogue again, it's obvious that someone didn't listen to Ike's counsel and preferred to sell out our nation to the highest bidder.

* the oh-so-rational 'new world order' planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, met three times in Great Conjunction all through 1993 at or near '18 Capricorn' so that a current midpoint picture has formed via transiting Pluto: the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise.' (Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs). And that's no matter who must pay the price--saboteur Pluto of the Underworld doesn't care.

Apr 9, 2017

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society

Pluto Generations - The Evolution Of Our Society

by Kevin Estes

In generational astrology, the sign Pluto is in represents the role that your age group will play in regards to the evolution of society, as Pluto is the transformer. It also indicates the core reality of your age group (Pluto in Cancer is family oriented and patriotic, Pluto in Leo is creative and individualistic, Pluto in Virgo is very health and service oriented, Pluto in Libra is very relationship and beauty oriented, Pluto in Scorpio has extreme depth and doesn't accept anything but the truth, Pluto in Sagittarius is very reckless and freedom oriented, etc.), so while Pluto's influence may not be as well known as that of the Sun, Moon, and inner planets, it has a very important role nonetheless.

Pluto in Cancer (1912-1939)

This generation's main role was to transform family life. It was this generation that's responsible for the current family structure of an average of two to three kids, also known as the nuclear family. And this generation is responsible for women becoming a large part of the workforce, as WWII forced housewives to enter the workforce and support their families with their husbands being away for war.

Pluto in Leo (1937-1958)

This generation's main role was to transform childhood, as children were to be seen and not heard until this generation came, and a lot of the artists of the 1960s, such as Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and The Who to name a few, were created for this generation. The Vietnam War protests that this group is known for led to the abolition of the draft by Jimmy Carter.

Pluto in Virgo (1956-1972)

This generation has had many accomplishments, most notably the expansion of technology throughout their adulthood. The computer began to replace the typewriter during their years as young adults in the early 90s, and after their Saturn returns is when the internet and cell phones became mainstream. This generation is also a driving force behind the green and vegan movements, most notably the left wing members of this generation. Virgo rules health and the environment.

Pluto in Libra (1971-1984)

This generation has all had their Saturn returns, and with Libra being the sign of fairness, it's no coincidence that this generation, most notably the left wing members of the generation, is a driving force behind issues like minority rights, gay rights, and equal pay, and gay marriage eventually being legalized two years ago. Libra is the sign of harmony, and thus a major portion of this generation is also anti war. It is no coincidence that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan dominated when this generation were the young adults.

Pluto in Scorpio (1983-1995)

This generation is currently the young adults, and the oldest are already going through their Saturn returns. Scorpio rules the occult, and Neptune, the dissolver, is currently in the sign of secrets, Pisces, and it's no coincidence that the secrets about the world's institutions (Pluto in Capricorn) are slowly coming out. As a card carrying member of this generation, my writings are mainly to expose how political ideology and generational characteristics are shown in your birth chart, as well as the reality of the system altogether (the Illuminati control everything mainstream, and people are "wage slaves" for the elite until they are physically unable to do it anymore).

Note: The Pluto in Libra generation and the vast majority of the Pluto in Scorpio generation have the asteroid Quaoar in Scorpio, which is said to fit the timeline of the Indigo children, whose role is to break down outdated systems that aren't in humanity's best interests, and I'm one of them.

The Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008) generation is still in the school system, with the oldest being in college, and the Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024) generation is still being born, with the oldest being third graders, so they have yet to make their mark, and thus they're not listed.

The main reason for this article is to show that while all the Pluto generations are different, all have a unique role to play in the evolution of society, and that all are connected. Pluto in Leo rebelled against Pluto in Cancer's rigid family values, Pluto in Virgo cleaned up Pluto in Leo's mess, Pluto in Libra's tactfulness came after Pluto in Virgo's criticism, Pluto in Scorpio are willing to go into the dark side that Pluto in Libra isn't, Pluto in Sagittarius is optimistic whereas Pluto in Scorpio is cynical, Pluto in Capricorn will bring order to Pluto in Sagittarius' recklessness, etc.

The more we understand our generational differences and that each one has a specific role to play, rather than trying to make each generation act like our generation, the better off society will be.

Links explaining Quaoar in Scorpio's influence:

Karmic Astrology

Astrology Weekly

About the characteristics of an Indigo, in case you may be one:

How to Tell If You Are Indigo

Dates of Pluto in the Signs.


Thanks, Kevin!

This article published here by author's permission. Visit Left Wing Astrology for more articles by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Mar 18, 2017

America, Pluto, Ceres, Chiron, and Two Eclipses

Pluto, Ceres, Chiron, America, and the 2017 Solar Eclipses in Pisces and Leo

by Jude Cowell

Since the early days of Stars Over Washington (2005) my attention has sometimes been drawn to a certain trio: power planet of domination, Pluto (27Cap Rx), security-minded nurturer Ceres, and wounder/wounded healer, mentor, and blind spot, Chiron (20Aries) in America's July 4, 1776 natal horoscope. As you know, the midpoint of the Pluto-Chiron duo in society can be associated with plutocrats, Plutocracy, and the consequences they engender such as exploitation, oppression, various -isms, and primal violence, among others.

Need any plutocrats? America's got plenty to share!

Now it seems to me that Election 2016 preceded by the 2016 Campaign of Insults brought us to the ill-attended Inauguration 2017 oath-taking and presidential theater, dahlink which heralded the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12, the degree of America's Pluto-Chiron midpoint and her natal Ceres so that they are activated or triggered to express. The natal midpoint and asteroid were simultaneously eclipsed.


Now I'm no numerologist so these triple digits hold no particular place in my thinking about such matters other than astrologically--8th house, 8th sign, 6th house (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 = 6), 6th sign so naturally health concerns are involved through Virgo and Scorpio. Note that the mid-degree of Scorpio is the Point of Regeneration (15Sco), aka, the Eagle Point. Therefore, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto influence the proceedings via their sign rulerships, and of course, Pluto, Mars, and sign Scorpio relate to such medical issues as surgeries, surgical tools, scientific research, medical personnel, and more. Mental planet Mercury represents the knowledge to treat, operate, and cure, and adds health insurance into the mix.

These health topics and issues shown by Pluto, Chiron, and Ceres make timely descriptors of the current 'debate' in the news concerning the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (aka, ACA or 'Obamacare' turned 'Trumpcare') with something wonderful!. Puh! Recklessly, the GOP's knife points toward Medicare as well which I consider to come under the oppressive primal violence tendencies of Pluto-Chiron while our caring Ceres in compassionate Pisces takes a break with the Republicans at the helm.

Another potential is that food and food contamination, false product information, 'Frankenstein' GM foods, adulteration, etc, come under the banner of Pluto-Ceres, and Pluto-Chiron, too. The EPA's poison control and other departments are in process of being severely restricted or closed down by the GOP to one degree or another. Ask me in about a year when Congress and the Trump administration will have done as much damage as their cold, perfidious hearts can manage. The congressional enablers in Congress follow a be-shadowed 'austerity agenda' for the 99% and produce legal-sounding documents and the papers for Trump to blindly sign with a flourish.

Trump Land is a blighted land and the EPA and the protection of clean water are now under threat (not that there aren't waste, fraud, and abuse issues in this and other government agencies).

Actually, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 at a critical-crisis 29th degree is a cosmic repeat performance of the Prenatal Eclipse of the Clean Air Act of 1963 so environmental topics and problems will continue to pop up everywhere and will not be denied under the Act's own revealing solar eclipse in the egocentric sign of leadership, royal Leo, part of the 1 North Saros Series which last manifested on August 11, 1999. The August 2017 Solar Eclipse across America will be personalized for Donald Trump since his natal Ascendant and Regulus rising (and by association if not degree, his aggressive, litigious Mars Rising) are 'hit' or somehow stimulated or activated by the eclipse.

And so this August, the great eclipse's cosmic blink winks at Don Don. He is, in the role of US president, quite unbelievable, isn't he? But not in a good way. "People come to him," said Kellyanne Conway recently and it sounded more than a little mafia 'donnish' as if "for favors" should have been the end of her sentence. Maybe Conway's remark sounded that way because this is a pay-to-play White House under Trump's extensive ballast and gold-hoarding hands.

However, this is also a non-mandated administration of a nude emperor, folks! Highly unpopular legislation awaits enforcement, let the blighting increase! But will the governed remind the compromised 'governors' of their true responsibilities to The People, whether said 'leaders' are acting from within a state of blackmail, bribery, and intimidation...or not?

On a happier if similar note, I'll hush and embed a link to an article I discovered just today written by Shirley Soffer. It's a revealing look at the deeper levels of Pluto and Ceres and I suspect you'll want to check it out if you haven't already!


Further Reading: Monday March 20, 2017 - Spring hits! even in our compromised, infiltrated, infested, toxic capital of Washington DC (horoscope shown) with its weather-damaged cherry blossoms this year...clearly a Thanks Trump situation.

Above photo of the Jefferson Memorial and (previous) Cherry Blossoms: By Staff Sgt. Christopher Reese, USMC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Mar 16, 2017

NATO and the Stationary Jupiter of Mr Trump

Trump Wants NATO Countries to Pay Up

by Jude Cowell

For a man who is known for not paying up, don't you marvel when you hear Mr. Trump admonish NATO countries to pay up?

Well, here's another question: is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, aka, NATO, too gray around the muzzle? Or is its multiple dissing by Mr. Trump meant to undermine the organization's popularity (what little is left - peacekeepers? really?) and is also intended to allow Washington to re-grasp the millions and trillions of dollars and promises the US government provides for NATO missions and upkeep .

And it really seems to be the case that America has shouldered the herculean share of the costs these decades so that now it's time that countries with the where-with-all should crack open their piggy banks and pay at least something for their own defense. It may even seem that a lesson-by-example is being shown here--that various populations in the US and abroad are not allowed to have their needs met by their own tax monies directed where needed because these monies are stolen and pilfered by the exploiter class (Pluto-Chiron = plutocracy) in thousands of, funds must go to war and weaponry and to propping up our faltering empire.

Anyway, if you wish to view the *August 24, 1949 11:42 am edt Washington DC natal horoscope of NATO (with Warsaw Summit July 2016 planets added) you may and you'll see that the current position of plodding Pluto is within orb of conjoining NATO's natal Jupiter (issues of money and raw materials allocation), plus, other contacts, of course.

Curiously enough, Mr. Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo tops NATO's chart at Midheaven (MC = The WHY? Point: Pluto = control, power, manipulation, propaganda, transformation) but the separative South Node of NATO conjoins Trump's natal Jupiter (@17Libra) which is strengthened by its Station Direct condition at birth and is posited in his 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Values--he might ask: is the financial support of NATO a good value for the money? Plus, Trump's Libran Jupiter tends to bellyache that something isn't fair! Yet between the US and NATO an imbalance exists and the ledger is heavily weighted on the US side while various European and Scandinavian countries can provide benefits for their populations in part because the ('world cop') US empire does the policing and protecting.

So horoscope-wise, just that little bit right there between the charts: Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter = NATO's natal SN--describes a financial condition involving loss and over-dependency, one side doing all the giving--plus, there's Mr. Trump's value-judging Jupiter in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, speaking ostensibly on behalf of the American people, or at least that's his pretext for serving up this particular rhetoric. And now Mr. Trump and his minions are busy cutting government agencies' budgets and restricting funding for various programs all over the place as you've heard in the news.

Yet on a nostalgic level, whenever dear old plutocrats with their tiresome exploitation of the masses are mentioned I can't help but think of corporatists taking all their marbles from the game and refusing to fund, pay up, or participate in society any longer, a general plot invention of Russian author Ayn Rand. Does it seem to you that the current crop of selfish corporatists and their enabling associates both Republican and otherwise are headed down the I-got-mine you-got-nothing road? Just wondering.

And do you think me-firster Ayn Rand would be proud of Speaker Paul Ryan and his nearly-passed 'health care' bill that intends to dismantle support for all but the well-supplied wealthy and hand huge tax breaks to the corporate class? Maybe she'll appear to Paul in a dream and remind him of his own dependence on Social Security years ago when he was in need, and of how Rand herself eventually grew old (surprise!) and applied for social program benefits just as anyone else would have done.

So I guess that's when a senior Ayn Rand discovered what it's like not being the fittest survivor any longer and perhaps she learned how it feels to have no option but to rely on the kindness of others.


A Very Much Related Video (16 mins): What Does It Mean When the GOP Says They're Undoing FDR's Legacy?.

In spite of his many de-funding threats, this month Mr. Trump nominated a new US ambassador to NATO. So we have that going for us.

*Astro-Note: some prefer April 4, 1949 for NATO's beginning.

Feb 17, 2017

Mar 4, 2017: Venus Stations Rx in Aries--leaves Shadow in May

By NASA or Ricardo Nunes [Copyrighted free use or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

March 4, 2017 at 4:08:51 am est (Washington DC) is when transit Venus stands still @13Ari08 and, from our vantage point on planet Earth, seems to begin backward motion. Stationary planets "contain *suspended power" so let's consider what this means for the planet of diplomacy (and war, as ruler of Libra), values and evaluation, perspectives, persuasion, gain, relationships, trans- and other gender issues, and the attraction principle. The Arts, Beauty, and Romance will not be part of our political considerations today but the Venusian desire for change will.

When Lady Venus retrogrades, a process of review begins until she reaches and surpasses her 'shadow degree' which is her Rx Station degree--here, 13Ari08. During this period, her objectives may or may not run counter to tradition and societal proprieties and although current superficial social values may be rejected (Rx) by this Venus (and/or her partners?), she is in a passive state of reconsideration for now. Again, social and political protests particularly by women, will reoccur although their motivations may not 'reach' or agree with the general populace and so may fail to receive approval from everyone (though it's difficult to see how womens' rights and issues could be unapproved by the Collective at this late date!) Protesters' tactics and predictable sabotage ploys by paternalistic forces play a part in this approval-disapproval process as Venus Rx re-evaluates tactics in March into May including financial conditions, plus, there may be a weakening of partnerships or alliances, political and otherwise.

Venus Out of Shadow

Venus reaches shadow degree on May 18, 2017 @12:55:40 pm edt in a Washington DC chart with 00Vir37 on the Ascendant; therefore, Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant (29Leo55), transit North Node (28Leo44 Rx; public contact), and royal star Regulus @00Virgo (success if revenge is avoided) also rise. Transit Venus @13Ari08 is opposed by transit Jupiter @13Lib55 Rx and moneybags Jupiter is again the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern of executive power and success. But are we also seeing Jupiter the General and/or Jupiter the Religious Leader rising? More on the opposition, below.

Now in socio-political realms, Venus represents Culture, the economy and Economics, wealth, diplomacy (as noted above), society and societal trends, values (as noted), biology, the plant kingdom (now being further plundered by corporate interests), metals, and peace (now said to be brought by war). The planet's detached state indicates less moderation from other planets (actors) so that her sign and other astrological conditions are emphasized, in this case, Aries archetypes such as warriors, pioneers, adventurers, rebels, activists, business leaders, technicians, surgeons (abortion issues, repeal of Roe v Wade?) athletes, zealots, ambitious people, arsonists and the fires they set, and generally, energy, motivation, and aggression. The US justice system including the Supreme Court are in the news with America's natal Saturn (14Lib48) (courts, lawmakers) ruled by Venus.

And you may remember that it was Venus in late Sagittarius that announced "an outsider" and "rival" of the administration (then, a Democrat in the White House) who was destined to win the White House in 2016? (My pre-election political speculations are unedited in the post.)

Now we know that a Mars-ruled Venus in Aries can demonstrate a determined desire for change. What changes come depend on many more factors than Venus and Mars in Aries, including transit Pluto, saboteur and artist of transformation, now hanging out on and around the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' degree of 18 Capricorn with its negative expression of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism'. And you know the midpoint picture now created by creepy planet of the criminal Underworld, Pluto:

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) which to me sounds like 'an offer that can't be refused' by our sold-out, intimidated, bribed, or ideological politicians who inexplicably act against society's best interests while representing corporate interests instead of the needs of the constituents they allegedly are in Washington to represent. That Mr. Trump has been read into this 'big picture' agenda and acts in favor of it are obvious for he wouldn't be placed in the White House if he weren't. His campaign promises otherwise ring hollow as any propaganda yours truly has ever heard or read about from our nation's manipulated past.

2017's Venus-Jupiter Opposition

Occurring across the Aries-Libra Self-Other axis, a Venus-Jupiter opposition is no time to mix business with pleasure though Mr. Trump seems to be incapable of understanding the difference and has no desire to avoid such political conflicts of interest or the ethics violations the mix suggests. So let us assume for the purposes of this post that the following factors apply to him in particular if to no one else (although of course they may).

Cultural potentials within the Collective include: pomposity, arrogance, pretentious social climbing, posturing, ostentatious behavior, self-serving justice, values are difficult to defend, perspectives on reality suffer, a sense of proportion goes lacking, and gaudiness fails to impress. Loudly promoted events fall short of the hype, joint ventures may suffer defeat, there's a lack of cooperation, unfulfilled promises cause difficulties, and excesses inconveniently revealed are best forgotten (the culprit hopes!)

Political potentials include: many new and perhaps ill-considered laws, the number of foreign capital investments increase, religious interference in our justice system expands, and foreign raids on the Treasury. Positively there may be expansion in economic forecasts though inflationary factors and/or fraud and corruption continue to lurk underneath which makes a stable basis for our economy uncertain.

Summary: on March 4th, Venus retrogrades in unaspected condition but will receive an aspect from Jupiter as she leaves her shadow on May 18, 2017, and thus gains a better or clearer perspective. That the perspective is from an executive powerhouse Jupiter (the broadcaster and promoter) in Venus-ruled Libra (with all that their opposition implies) presents more of a negative condition than is good for the common good or for the US economy. But maybe circumstances are just dandy fine for the power elite and their financial enablers.


*stationary planets "contain suspended power": Retrograde Planets, Erin Sullivan; '18Cap': The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Venus and Mars in Aries: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Venus in Politics: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Nov 5, 2016

Jan 6, 2017: 115th Congress Counts Election 2016's Electoral Votes as a New Session Begins

Big Picture in Focus: a New President, the 115th Congress, and Jupiter Leading the Throng

by Jude Cowell

Nov 5, 2017: If like me you've been clinging to hope that Election Day 2016 will soon end without causing major mayhem to our nation, perhaps you've had a moment to notice that Wikipedia has the low down on the 115th Congress which extends from January 3, 2017 to January 3, 2019. Electoral votes from Presidential Election 2016 are scheduled to be counted in Joint Session on January 6, 2017 which will hopefully settle the matter. VP Joe Biden acts as Senate President at least until January 20, 2017 at 12:00 pm est when a new White House occupant takes the Oath of Office.

Now since we're about to end 2016 and enter 'Happy New Year!' 2017 with a spiffy new Congress, perhaps you remember the 114th Congress and its cosmically auspicious beginning when an ongoing transit of Pluto opposed America's natal Sun (the president and the leadership of the country), a time of challenges, power struggles, contests of wills, and no-compromise attitudes. All this while Pluto and the January 2015 Sun in Capricorn hooked up and created potentials for displays of aggression, domination, self-interest, and ego-based demands.

And even though it's doubtful that President Obama's Republican opponents needed the synchronicity of a double Sun-Pluto condition (power cravers all!) to continue their sabotage of his presidency (and America with it), that's definitely the theme under which they labored while We the People marveled at how brazenly in-breach of the public contract so many of them were.

And of course, 14 Cancer is the position of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, the Dog Star, aka, The Scorcher. Maybe you agree that Pluto's presence in mid-Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) has deepened and intensified events of 2015 and 2016 (ex: the insulting Campaign of 2016) so perhaps we should see if anything stellar is occurring over Capitol Hill on January 6, 2017 which will imprint upon political and societal matters during the upcoming congressional sessions and the first two years of a new president's term in office.

January 6, 2017: Well, obviously the Sun is in Capricorn so Pluto's manipulative influence continues but not as intensely (at 9:00 am est, Sun 16Cap26 and Pluto 17Cap08--both in the 12th house of Politics and Karma--chart set for the Capitol Building). The 'new world order' (global government) pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune, are near by Sun and Pluto by degree and in spirit since their 1993 conjunction/s occurred on or about 18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones) which sounds more Trumpian than Clintonian, doesn't it? Unless you think Hillary is a manly woman, that is! ("You're a puppet, no you're a puppet!" - Stephen Colbert on Hillary's and Donald's debate).

Additionally, the overstayed-its-welcome Uranus-Pluto square is involved in something of a Thor's Hammer pattern if you don't mind counting the North Node (public contact; future direction) so we may as well consider the midpoint picture the trio forms: Uranus-Pluto = NN: accomplishing immense tasks through teamwork; sharing upsets or excitement with others (Ebertin). Along with this there's Sun and Pluto at apex of a T-Square between the Jupiter-Uranus opposition (which can become despotic) so we have a powerful amount of far-sightedness and a strong awareness of objectives involved as 2017 gets underway. Jupiter and Uranus also make up the rim of a BOWL shape with Jupiter leading all the other planets--probably alternating his roles as politician, banker, fund-raiser, professor, The General, the priest, the CEO, the actor, the promoter, and other societal roles he likes to play when it suits.

As for We the People, we'll be more than a little riled up with Moon in Mars-ruled Aries separating from rebellious Uranus, 5S42) in the 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and the National Treasury. Radical reformer Uranus opposes the 8th (corporate) house where Jupiter leads the merry cosmic throng in the cause-advocating BOWL pattern.

Now as you suspect, there are more chart factors of interest but I'm only listing the ones that pop out at me on first glance. We see from this chart and the events it times, that America is not out of her destructive Sun-Pluto phase of forced conquest, and the world remains in the grip of illuminating Uranus-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto with wealth-hoarding saboteur Pluto at apex of 1993's prominent conjunction degree which imprints 2017 and beyond as the 'Big Picture' demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise era (Tyl). Add to that the fact that when the revolutionary energies of Uranus and Pluto clash, we have: collapse of the old order, construction of the new (Ebertin) which for me echoes the far-sightedness and strong awareness of objectives mentioned, above, of a long-range plan for order out of (purposefully created) chaos.

The 2017 Eclipses begin in February and we'll cover those background influences later on. Meanwhile, we remain under the rays of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse until February 2017 but paradoxically there is transit Neptune (10 Pisces) opposing the eclipse's realism and tackling the truth themes via confusion, illusion, fraud, lies, and deception which muddles things up for some, while others see things more clearly than ever before as Neptune's mirror reflects the degree area of 9 to 10 Virgo. And of course, astrological Neptune also represents the masses, mass delusion, and mass media, the largest propaganda spreader of all.

So with the Electoral Vote Count and a new Congress approaching, we may wonder about the day's Sun Cap-Moon Aries blend of energies, an Earth-Fire combo of 'scorched earth' tendencies that mimic Sirius 'The Scorcher'. This relates to more wildfires, drought, and to more political tactics in Washington by politicians and their backers who'd rather burn the place down than lose a jot of their earthly power and prestige. Actually, Sun Cap-Moon Aries is known for its tendencies toward overvaluing career success, insensitivity to the needs of others, and for an emphasis on crass materialism. Sounds like most pocket-lining politicians to me!

Update Nov 6, 2016: see PoliticusUSA's article that mentions the continuation of Republicans' 'scorched earth' policy toward a Clinton presidency.

And so, as New Year's Day 2017 approaches, yours truly is pre-wishing Joy and Good Fortune to everyone around the world--for the shrivel-hearted rich elites can take care of themselves and are completely insensible to how very very poor they really are.


Recommended books: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Sun Sign-Moon Sun, Charles and Suzi Harvey; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger; The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard.

Oct 24, 2016

A Major T-Square Marks Winter Solstice 2016

Winter Solstice 2016: Jupiter Opposes Uranus While Both Square Karmic Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Having previously viewed the Winter Solstice 2016 horoscope, you've noticed that expansive Jupiter in airy Libra will line up in opposition to radical Uranus in fiery Aries and, with apex Pluto in Capricorn, form a Cardinal T-Square of dynamic energies. Below again is the December 21, 2016 chart set for Washington DC and here is what I wrote about it way back in September before I knew what I didn't know then:

As you see, Jupiter rules the chart and the winter season on into 2017 but the first planet to rise is legalistic Saturn in Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, suggesting delay, hindrance, or some other kind of limitation or suppression. Wealthy Pluto is in the 2nd house, which in American mundane charts points toward the coffers of the National Treasury and those who control or feed from it so naturally the role of 'the Fed' is indicated.

And with the pairing of Jupiter and Uranus in opposition, we may expect events to involve such matters and people as fortune hunters, adventurers or explorers, inventors, and perhaps those who organize large endeavors or projects. However, this planetary pair may also express via freedom and independence issues, philosophical arguments which may include zealotry and its one-sided viewpoints, obstinate adherence to principles that do not stem from real convictions, farsightedness, missing one's best chance, successful speculation, a blissful realization, and/or a fortunate turn in life.

A sudden release of tension may accompany any of these potentials and as always, an opposition (180 degrees) suggests a sort of culmination, fulfillment, or a situation in which complete awareness is forthcoming. See below, for dates when the 'Full Moon' of the Winter Solstice 2016 Jupiter-Uranus opposition had planted its seeds during their three-fer conjunction/s.

Jupiter-Pluto; Uranus-Pluto

Then there's apex Pluto, the isolationist, who can act as a dictator when plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Here His Creepiness continues a karmic role in the turbulent yet weakened Cardinal Uranus-Pluto Square while also squaring Jupiter, a marker for what may be overly high expectations that need dialing down if real progress is the aim. And while it may inspire some folk to take themselves very seriously, the Jupiter-Pluto square denotes a time when there are frustrations and obstacles in Politics, diplomacy, finances, publishing, religion, group organizing, and other cultural matters. In addition, energy consumption and supply (gas prices?) will continue to be in the news, and new forms of energy are part of the picture as well.

Although large projects are not necessarily doomed to failure under a Jupiter-Pluto square, higher authorities may interfere or refuse to authorize the project's needed funds; or, powermongers may challenge the influence or authority of others, particularly those who have boastfully exaggerated their own importance or their extraordinary strength. Abuse or misuse of power is a caution under the sway of this square, and curiously, Alan Oken has labeled the Jupiter-Pluto square as an aspect of "the false prophet."


By the second half of December 2016 the Jupiter-Pluto square will be past its orb of influence so now let's consider the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. As you know, their cycle began with three conjunctions, the first on June 8, 2010 (conjunct the Aries Point of Global Manifestation), the second on September 19, 2010 @28Pis43, and the third on January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. And since their cycle is about 14 years in duration, 2016 is imprinted with their opposition.

(Note: the next Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus won't occur until April 21, 2024 @21Tau50, a one-fer encounter).

Restlessness, a sense of adventure, and a deep thirst for knowledge and education usually accompany a Jupiter-Uranus contact along with scientific or other breakthroughs, and free or reduced college costs and loans in the US may be what is described here as well especially with powerful manipulator Pluto in a money house and squaring banking Jupiter and rebel Uranus.

All in all, Winter Solstice 2016 basically times Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto vibes to usher out 2016 and the trio sets us up for the start of 2017 so if you wish to read more information about the Jupiter-Uranus duo, I recommend Anne Whitaker's research study in book form Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing.

Oct 4, 2016

The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump

Distant, quirky, maverick, lawless, and more--these descriptions of out-of-bounds planets (OOBs) and unaspected planets in the natal horoscopes of 2016 candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may be worth our consideration and now that Marc Penfield has revealed an accurate birth time for Hillary, let's make note of such planets and their conditions.

Here for the first time, I'm posting the 2:18 am chart for Mrs. Clinton (upper right) next to Mr. Trump's natal chart, lower left with a few notes penned on but not my usual overload of scribbles; hopefully, enlarging the image will make both horoscopes easy to read:

First let's discuss potentials of an unaspected planet:

The term unaspected planet can be misleading since minor aspects actually may be the case (see Trump's planets, below) though no major ones are formed, angular contacts may be apparent, midpoint pictures can involve such a planet, and/or an aspect may be exist yet be outside the allowed orb from the planet under consideration. (Midpoint pictures will be included in this assessment, below; Hillary's assessment comes later this week).

With an unaspected planet, a one-pointedness is evident and an intensity revealed by the planets sign which expresses in its house, and by house rulership. Its energy in unmodulated by other planets and the unaspected planet expresses its energy in a purer form dictated by its sign (and in some cases, its degree, and whether or not it conjoins or opposes a fixed star, etc). The 'where' is of course, shown by house placement, and to some degree, by house rulership.

(1) Unaspected planets are not silent in a person's character but intense, and may act with an 'on-off' spurt-like quality, or, in an 'all or nothing' manner, with no 'halfway measures allowed' (Dean). Transits and progressions are unnecessary for its influence is strong (though perhaps unconscious) without such triggering, and an outstanding, original quality may be given to the personality as a whole. Plus, a noticeable Uranian vibe may be evident, unfiltered through or by other facets of the personality as described by the rest of the planets (actors) in the chart. Unstable? Probably but an element of genius may also be part of the picture (again, similar to how quirky Uranus the Maverick can operate). Just as the unaspected planet doesn't 'join in' with the rest of the natal map, the person born under a planet in such a condition may be something of an ivory-tower type when it suits.

(2) An OOBs planet denotes a condition where the planet is orbiting outside the earthly plane and though it may be in aspect with other planets, there is something distant, untouchable, or otherworldly about it. With its energy acting upon the Unconscious, we might say it is hidden from the native's conscious mind and acts in an uncontrolled way. A measure of secrecy and lawlessness may be involved in the planet's activities and this secrecy may 'rub off' on the planet/s it touches by aspect, if it is aspected.

Now, since Mr. Trump is the older of the two candidates, let's consider first his unaspected (1) and OOBs planet/s (2) and the midpoint pictures they are involved in, if any; as noted, Mrs. Clinton's planets will be considered later this week as my schedule permits.

Trump June 14, 1946:

(1) Out-of-Bounds Mercury @8Cancer51 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations; (1) unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of Politics and Karma. An OOBs Mercury denotes one whose mental development is unique and though curiosity is strong, the considerable amount of information that is gathered seldom includes what would lead to self-knowledge or understanding. The mind is intelligent and capable yet reasoning ability is 'out there' when it comes to analysis of the other facets of the character as described and informed by other planets. A single area of life stands out for Mr. Trump and that's Cancerian concerns such as business activities like real estate, and family matters. And of course, Cancer is ruled by the Moon so ladies are a focus along with Cancer's tribal tendencies toward nationalism, patriotism--and self-protection. (Mr. Trump's Mercury is zodiacally in the midst of America's natal Venus-Jupiter-Sun in Cancer). During Campaign 2016, we've certainly noticed his off-the-cuff Mercurial ability to avoid blame and project 'the beam in his own eye' onto others as he slides sideways like a crab!

Additionally, one word associated with an OOBs Mercury is hyperactive and as we know, Mr. Trump is awake at all hours of the night (we know because he tweets!) and is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue before communicating. Logical, objective evaluation is not a talent with an OOBs Mercury, planet of mind and ideas, though brilliant insights are evident in the realms relating to Cancer. His staccato way of speaking in incomplete sentences is also denoted. His Mercury doesn't connect or inform his other natal planets which would benefit from the input but what we hear are unusual thoughts vividly expressed.

(1) Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters (exs: all-hours tweeting about former Miss America, Alicia Machado and her weight gain, and other crass behaviors and remarks that set him back in the polls).

Unaspected Pluto is the essence of overwhelming compulsions and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto (the plundering plutocrat and manipulator) needs aspects to other planets in order to modulate its extreme tendencies. But with Mr. Trump, Pluto doesn't receive them, and nor do his other planets which could use the regeneration principle that Pluto could supply via aspect. And we have to say that Pluto's association with nuclear weapons is difficult to accept if under the thumb of Mr. Trump, the plutonian.

Pluto Gone Wild, Trump Off the Leash!

Now we must put a double emphasis on the condition of Mr. Trump's natal Pluto in egotistical Leo since Pluto is out-of-bounds as well as unaspected. When OOBs, Pluto embodies the lawless, mold-breaking, zaniness of an OOBs planet along with an outside-the-box style of thinking and speaking that breaks boundaries and cannot be under anyone's control. Pluto grabs power (and publicity) and we don't need Astrology to tell us that this describes Mr. Trump to a T.

However, disturbingly for our country, an OOBs Pluto, archetypal god of the Underworld, may also indicate one who is a sociopath and/or a criminal, particularly in the Leonine realm of gold and finances. So perhaps there is more to the infrequent whispers of mafia ties than have so far been revealed. Certainly his oppressive business dealings are in the news via contractors and others who have worked for him but not not been paid, plus, the tax avoidance made possible by laws that favor the wealthy--legal, yes, but anti-societal and hypocritical of him. And the primal violence of Pluto has been part of his campaign--even to the point of hinting at Second Amendment gun violence as an antidote to certain problems via Pluto, the assassin, aided by aggressor Mars.

Midpoint Pictures

Now for Mr. Trump, the natal midpoint pictures that involve his OOBs Mercury and his unaspected and OOBs Pluto are: 1. the difficult Mars-Saturn = Pluto which shows potentials for corruption, forcing an issue, a need to take control, fury, brutality, and/or strong anger. And there can be ruthlessness when pursuing sources of rumors, leaks, and other information (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn in Cancer). Yes, as a Sun Gemini he is quick-witted, a deal-maker and a talker, and he likes to tackle serious issues and has a talent for reading the motives and intentions of others (Sun-Saturn = Mercury).

So let's close with a quick word about a minor aspect between Mr. Trump's Pluto and Sun which is an irritating semi-square (45 degrees) with health connotations. In his case, both Sun, Pluto, and the sign of Sun-ruled Leo hint at heart and vitality issues. Yes, Sun-Pluto is the power-craving duo but please pardon me for mentioning this, for what seems to be a chronic lack of sleep adds to such health concerns and does his heart no good, but the minor semi-square aspect isn't strong enough to moderate the above traits of his unaspected, out-of-bounds Pluto. However, if the minor aspect affects the situation at all, the square influence could add an amount of intolerable pressure, frustration, a lack of moderation, and an inability to listen to advice to the planetary mix the maverick that is Donald Trump.

For balance, you may wish to check out the unaspected and out-of-bounds planets of Hillary Clinton.

Note: the usual midpoint sources are recommended: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, and Tyl's Solar Arcs.

Sep 2, 2016

What Did President Truman Think About Republicans?? video (w Eclipses)

Although it makes me feel sad for our country and for our system of government, here is Thom Hartmann reading President Harry Truman's description of the Republican Party which sounds eerily similar to a modern day assessment:

And here is a related post from 2015 entitled Harry Truman's NSA and Pluto's Covert Actions which includes brief details on President Truman's natal chart, Freemason as he was.

Speaking of Freemasons and politicians, have you had a chance to check out the History of Freemasons and the Skull and Bones video? Recently I read somewhere (I'd tell you where if memory served!) that Yale's Skull and Bones Society is purely an Illuminati endeavor and as you know, the Bushs, John Kerry, and many other 'politicians' are members of this secretive group (though few if any will admit it).

Also related is a post on the 16 North Illuminati Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Scorpio, so called because 16 North's initial eclipse in the series brought events via the trine between Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune (the last conjunction/s of which occurred three times in 1993 during the first term of President Bill Clinton--@18Cap = strong-armed paternalism). If curious, see Historical Events of 2013 and you may discover something of a light-dark nature.

Actually, it's amusing to remember that during the 16 North eclipse's 1995 manifestation (00Scorpio), I began drawing on black paper which I had not done since high school art classes! So I wonder: in 1995 were you doing anything that brought light to dark? Yes, chiaroscuro art has always been a favorite of mine and a pretty good example is one of my top-viewed drawings Spooky Fairy Night which was perpetrated by manipulating white pencil on black-as-night paper!

Of course, that may be what we call the night of Election Day 2016 once our a-shambles political system with its rigged voting machines gets through with us.

16 North manifested or will manifest in the years: 1905 (Einstein!), 1923, 1941, 1959, 1977 (Chiron discovered!), 1995, 2013, 2031, 2049 (Brady).

Aug 14, 2016

Cowardly Republicans Have Allowed "Hate" to Become Their Brand - clip (plus, Pluto)

The Ring of Fire's Mike Papantonio really gives the Republicans what's what in this brief clip which reminds me a lot of the *realism and tackling the truth themes of the acting early September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse followed on September 16th by a Lunar Eclipse in Mystical Pisces, sign of illusions and deceptions. And Spirituality. And fish. Plenty of sea creatures and fish.

You know how stealthy, powerful Pluto in Venus-ruled Taurus triggers intolerance and excessive greed for gaining possessions and wealth? Astrologically speaking, Pluto was plodding through zodiacal Taurus (the bull of Wall Street; golden calf worship) when the Republican Party formed on the coattails of the Lincoln election. Or at least that's what my pappy always told me.

And now a few choice words from Mike Papantonio concerning the current activities of the GOP:

Jul 19, 2016

What's Happening At The Republican Convention? (w/ Guest: Nomi Kontz) - clip

Here's an eye witness account from Nomi Kontz speaking to Thom Hartmann and describing her experience at tonight's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio:

Long-Distance Observing RNC 2016 from Way Down in Georgia

Blaming Hillary for the American deaths during the 2012 Benghazi attack had a devastating affect on the convention attendees and I wonder how much coverage the news media will give a grieving mother's tearful presentation as the convention goes on this week. This could be an early example of plutonian vibes with the Underworld energies of fatality, fear, violence, and propaganda peaking tomorrow evening on some level as the Full Moon perfects while simultaneously spotlighting US natal Pluto in Capricorn, ruled by conservative Saturn, planet of accountability.

And since I'm typing out loud, I've often wondered if the job description of the US presidency includes Willingness to Commit Mass Murder. You know, like when an imperial power invades, occupies, and bombs another country and destroys the families who live there? Perhaps they tuck that inconvenient question under the category of Foreign Policy experience.

Apr 4, 2016

How to hide a billion dollars | The Panama Papers - video

Like many astrologers, when I think of massive amounts of wealth and treasure hidden in secret places I think of power-grasping Pluto, the Dragon (ex: Smaug the Dragon in the Lord of the Rings films). But you don't have to think of the Lord of the Underworld concerning this topic but can refer to criminal elements in the following presentation: How to hide a billion dollars:

Actually, today The Guardian reports on this and Britain's political links to the story thanks to leaked information.

Many thanks to the excellent Alexandra Bruce of Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending a heads-up on this video! jc

Feb 8, 2016

How Billionaires Built The Radical Right! - Thom Hartmann w Jane Mayer (Pluto!)

Here Thom Hartmann interviews author Jane Mayer whose book Dark Money: How Billionaires Built the Radical Right is a direct uncovering of a group of wealthy anti-governance types who felt threatened in 2009 by the presidency of Barak Obama and set up a "permanent campaign" to "nullify and obstruct" anything he proposed to do as a victorious politician who had run on 'Hope' and Change' (Jupiter and Uranus).

Mayer identifies The Koch Network, men who are neither Republican nor Democrat but are determined to use their outrageous personal and corporate wealth to subvert the democratic process and impose their will upon the US populace. This is one main reasons why most Americans have felt in recent years that their needs and interests no longer matter in Washington--to these high handed, amoral Plutos-behind-the-curtain--they don't:


And here's an astro-note from the Inauguration 2017 horoscope as transit Pluto in Capricorn continues creeping toward the Midheaven Point (Aspirations; Career; Public Stage; Reputation) of recent January 20 noon charts (26 Capricorn+ but progressing every four years toward US natal Pluto @27Cap33): at noon on January 20, 2017 Capitol Hill, a midpoint picture is formed which involves and is activated by draconian gold-hoarder Pluto, the saboteur and manipulator (17Cap36/9th house) and contains the following potentials:

Moon-Mars = Pluto: fanaticism; one-sided outlook; a woman who stands alone (Hillary?) (-Ebertin.)

And here I shall quote Michael Munkasey in his Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets on the Thesis and Antithesis of the Moon-Mars combination of energies which on a more personal level tend toward anger and upset and in Politics, a public mood of protest and rage at Democracy morphed into Plutocracy:

"Thesis: Leaders who show concern about the welfare of others but who don't necessarily follow through with relief; using or developing metal or mineral resources; energy usage for agricultural or land development.

Antithesis: Farming activities which do not receive sufficient support from the leadership; a military hierarchy which fluctuates in its effectiveness; commercial uses of land resources for military or business activities."

Munkasey then adds the Pluto potentials to Moon-Mars: "Eliminating the anger or irritation which accompanies complaints; intensified defiance during periods of uncertainty; troubles which arise when your imagination is over stimulated; wasting common sources of energy." (Any, all, or none are possibilities as are those of the 1993 (Clinton era) Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s @17/18 Capricorn (Global Government/NWO = strong-armed paternalism) which is now in orb of activation by Pluto into: extreme destruction, great losses, and calamities, all of which would be the outcome if a Republican grasps the White House and they and The Koch Network (and its foreign overlords) finally get their wish to dismantle social safety programs such as Social Security--and Veterans Healthcare is also on their privatization to-do list. Faithless plutocrats!)

So it's the resulting Synthesis of these plutocratic potentials we must be concerned about and the too-similar corporate neoliberalism of the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party which, as Benjamin Studebaker so ably asserts, began in earnest with the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Now in 2016 we find that the Democratic Socialism (a la FDR and LBJ) of candidate Bernie Sanders is the only antidote to Plutocracy we have left to us as long as Bernie's 'Political Revolution' comes to pass via a landslide voter turnout in November--otherwise, America's debilitating Income Inequality will be our generation's legacy to future generations.


Nov 8, 2015

Indonesia is Burning and Nobody Knows (or Cares?) - David Pakman reports


Astro-Note: when we think of fire, blazes, or arson we think of fiery Mars which is now in late Virgo and approaching its 1949 position in the natal horoscope of Indonesia @00Lib28 in the country's 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland after passing natal Saturn @19Vir26 (natal IC 11Vir23.) Mars-Saturn is known as the death axis and as David Pakman reports, there have been deaths in Indonesia along with other hardships due to these conflagrations.

For those who may wish to take a look, here is the natal data for Indonesia as given in The World Book of Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion:

Indonesia: December 27, 1949 when "the Dutch gave independence to the United States of Indonesia--"; the horoscope is set for 9:22 am GMT Djakarta, Indonesia (then the new capital) with 11Gem49 rising, MC 11Pis23, and 10Cap11 = 8th cusp where transiting Pluto, planet of wealth, stealth, transformation, and death, has recently entered. Natal Mars @00Lib28 (a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation) opposes natal Moon (the people) in 10th house @6Ari36 (Aries ruled by Mars); the country's 7th house Sun (leadership) @5Cap18 has obviously been transited and transformed by Pluto, a time when the use, misuse, and abuse of power and control are spotlighted.

Oct 24, 2015

What the H*ll is Wrong with the Republican Party? - video (plus, Pluto in Taurus)

Do you remember that the Republican Party had a Secondary Progressed (SP) *Full Moon a few years back?

Since then the 'light' of the party has been waning in more ways than one for an SP Full Moon phase times when an entity (or person) has reached their limit and extended into the world as far as it/he/she can go. To ignore this natural indicator, this 'life passage', is asking for trouble and we constantly see Republicans in Congress and elsewhere stepping over boundary after boundary--of common sense, of tradition, of sanity, of decency, and more. Not that Democrats don't do this but they're not the topic here; mainly Tea Partisans or 'Freedom Caucus' members (shills for the Koch Brothers) are because they're the trouble making ideological zealots forcing their austerity agenda on reasonable people.

Anyway, I recommend that you check out Thom's remarks concerning the Republican Party as and if you wish:


On October 3, 2013 the party's progressions contained an interesting midpoint picture involving their Mercury, planet of thinking and thought processes, communication, planning, dealing, etc. Curiously, considering how events have gone for the Republican Party this October (2015) we find transit Saturn, planet of conservatism, joining the very midpoint picture at 1Sag13 and this changes things and may shed some light on the current Speaker of the House debacle if nothing else...Pluto-ASC = tr Saturn: suffering from brutal suppression; being subjected to coercive measures; emotional sickness caused by others (Ebertin.) This Saturnian influence was strongest during Oct 1--11, two years after the Mercurial influence blended with ruthless Pluto and their SP Ascendant (the party.)

Well, I freely admit that the 'conservative' antic of forcing government shutdown makes me feel sick.

Since progressions issue from the natal chart I should add that the natal chart I used for the Republican Party is set for July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI. Since then I've experimented with a different date for the party's inception: February 28, 1854. Both dates show powerful Pluto in Taurus which keeps the Republican Party's very noticeable streak of intolerance and prejudice intact.

Now here's Thom asking, Is Boehner Using the Freedom Cause to Destroy the GOP?

Aug 5, 2015

"Americans are hungry.." for Government that Works for Every Citizen

"Americans are hungry, indeed starving, for candidates who will take action to ensure that government works for every citizen, not just those who are able to write big checks to candidates, parties, and political action groups." — Miles Rapoport, Common Cause

The above excerpt is from Facing $5 Billion Campaign, Hunger for a '21st Century Democracy Agenda'.

Pathethic, isn't it? That the democracy, the republic, and the Enlightenment principles our ancestors fought and died for have been under attack from usurpers whose goals include a dismantling and collapse of all civilized institutions, a "drowning" of the US government, and the anti-constitutional establishment of a draconian global government where freedom, independence, liberty, human rights, and personal conscience dissolve as an anti-sovereign regime grasps power in its hot little claws.

Many people feel it these days especially with *Pluto in process of returning (in 2022) to its July 4, 1776 degree in late Capricorn: that powerful transnational entities have grown tired of the Novus Ordo Seclorum--the new order--of 1776 and presume to have the right to replace it with a crabbed plutonian model of their own design!

If you are an American by birth or by inclination, do you beg to differ?


*One of the roles of Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin.)

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

Jul 31, 2015

In the News: Madagascar June 26, 1960

Between a famous lion meeting a tragic fate to mysterious washed up airplane wings, Madagascar is being mentioned multiple times in the news of late so I'm posting details for anyone who wishes to set up a natal horoscope for Madagascar which gained independence from France on June 26, 1960 as the Malagasy Republic. Celebrations were held during that morning but as Nicholas Campion mentions in The Book of World Horoscopes, a time of 00:00 hours would be the normal French practice and this gives an Ascendant of 6Ari11.

If you set up the chart, you'll see Madagascar's Midheaven (MC, the most visible point in any horoscope) @5Cap59 and natal Saturn @15Cap57 Rx in the public 10th house, and ruler of Capricorn. I note this because astrological Pluto is one of the major indicators of death and power (both power's use and abuse) and transit Pluto has recently crossed the MC of Madagascar, and has and will again conjoin natal Saturn. From these astrological conditions it is no surprise that such tragic issues are in the news and are affecting Madagascar's public reputation and status (MC). And as you know, both Saturn and Pluto are considered karmic planets that can bring weighty events stemming from the past and into the present. Actually, the two are in friendly, cooperative mutual reception since transit Saturn retrograded back into Scorpio.

Of course there are several other chart factors of note such as chart-ruler Mars in Taurus (2nd house) opposing Neptune Rx in Scorpio in the 8th house of Big Business, Transformation, and Death so perhaps you'll wish to calculate the horoscope of beautiful Madagascar and see what you can see concerning this double Water Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer locale well known for its amazing waterfalls.

Jul 24, 2015

The 2016 Republican Social Security Time Bomb - Thom Hartmann video

Since social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid were created there has been a political faction in America determined to destroy them. The following analysis by progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann alerts the American people to the hidden time bomb engineered at the start of the current congressional session so that just before Election Day 2016 the traditional method of adjusting between the two Social Security funds (regular and disability) will be prevented from occurring in the usual way.

And with Ayn Rand's survival of the fittest mode of ridding the world of "useless eaters" and those deemed unfit to live as one of their prime objectives, it seems that the SS funding meant to aid the disabled, blind, and the neediest children is destined for extinction if the Republicans in Congress finally have their way. Plus, as Thom points out here, the brigands will sell the budgetary disaster as something that 'just happened' even though they purposefully put the time bomb in place themselves and set the fuse to blow just prior to Election Day 2016.

And so, without benefit of edits, here is the article and horoscope previously published concerning such topics as the Cancer-Capricorn axis of security showing greedy Pluto, planet of hidden time bombs and sabotage, conjoining the Capricorn Sun in the January 4, 2015 Full Moon horoscope set for the Capitol Building and which imprinted its complex energies upon the 114th Congress and reveals their sabotage and bad faith efforts to manipulate society to their plutonian liking.

But of course Thom says it best:

#ThomHartmann #SocialSecurity #RepublicanParty #Sabotage of #Pluto #114thCongress #ElectionDay2016

Jul 15, 2015

Tweet from Geoff Brumfiel (@gbrumfiel) Photo of Pluto!

Geoff Brumfiel (@gbrumfiel) tweeted at 3:21pm - 15 Jul 15: Pluto... REALLY up close. The mountains are 11,000ft high! ( Get the official Twitter app at

Jul 14, 2015

July 14, 2015 Pluto opposes Mars and SIRIUS for its historic New Horizons Flyby

Today's Pluto Flyby to Give a Closer Look at the Outermost Planet

July 14, 2015: During the dark of the Moon, the shady days leading up to the July 15th *New Moon @23Cancer--which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx--at 7:49 am ET today, NASA's New Horizons reached Pluto for its closest flyby and some sharper images sporting higher resolution than ever before seen will result of Astrology's planet of power, subterfuge, and death--Pluto. Speaking of death, Pluto discoverer (1930), Clyde Tombaugh, requested that his ashes be inside any spacecraft bound for Pluto...and so they are.

Astrologically, 'sharp analysis' is a potential within the midpoint picture now formed with Pluto opposing the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Cancer. At 13Can18, Mars is also out of bounds (of the earthly plane = outstanding activities) and conjoins SIRIUS, a star intimately linked to the founding of America. Mars and SIRIUS now conjunct US natal Sun (leadership; the president) by a mere one-minute orb.

In addition, from Earth's perspective, Pluto arose today with fixed star Toliman, aka Bungala (Alpha Centauri); key theme: learning and education that expand the worldview of others (paraphrasing B. Brady). Curiously, Mars arose today with a star that is also in the Centauri constellation: Agena (Beta Centauri); key theme: to have a mission. Both themes of these stars seem applicable to NASA's New Horizons project which culminated near Pluto today.

Considering that there is a 'clamoring for power' vibe to Mars-Pluto contacts, I hope such adventurous thrusts into the Solar System won't relate to or promote further breakthroughs (Jupiter still within orb of its 'scientific breakthrough' trine to technological Uranus) in the realm of Space Warfare intended to enable transnational globalists' long term mission of full implementation of total global control. You can tell I have trouble trusting the organization invented by nazi war criminals, the German scientists exported to the US after the war, can't you?

#NASA #NewHorizons #Pluto

*Note that the military exercises known as 'Jade Helm 15' are timed by the July 15, 2015 New Moon conjunct US natal Mercury Rx which also activates our nation's surveillance-oriented Mercury-Pluto opposition which is visually represented in once instance by the all-seeing eye at top of the pyramid of power on US currency, America's Great Seal, and elsewhere. See the video What Is Jade Helm 15?, a previous post which includes the horoscope of the Solar Eclipse that will herald the ending in mid-September of the controversial Pentagon program of militarism.